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ordinary observer. Possibly, if the selfish conventionalities of ears polite had been ignored, the heart of woman would long ago have responded to the cry of the submerged sisterhood. Possibly, if definitions had been less delicately drawn, the subjects defined would not have been so totally obscured, nor the social evil confused in many worthy persons' minds with the increasing scarcity of servants, or the introduction of rational dress.

The danger, however, is too imminent for further trifling. The time of our awakening is at hand, be it rude or otherwise. The average woman, lulled into a false security, thinks all is well with the world. She dreams that every form of slavery is abolished, while, in the darkness, the chains of her sister clang on her doorstep. And when will the dreamer awake?

I appeal to her, as one woman to another, to rise and trim her lamp.





The origin of the race—
-Man still in the making-The teaching
of science-The evolution of sex-'
-The differentiation of the
sexes-Nature's care of the female organism—Woman's
higher development-The pelvis-Nutrition determines sex
-Professor Schenk's theory-Monstrosities-Eight ribs-
Weight of jaws-Woman's powers of endurance and resist-
ance-Women's brains-Relative size-Precocity of the
female brain-Intelligence of primitive women-Idiocy—
Less insanity among women-Woman's recuperative powers
-Longevity of women Sense of sight - Colour tests—
Psychic phenomena—Hearing, deafness-The sense of touch
-Woman's deft hand-Various employments-Fortitude
under pain-Taste-Woman's frugality-The sugar test—
The science of food-The decline of the lower animal senses
-The further development of spiritual faculties-Hypno-
tism- The Mystic - Witches -The sense of smell — Its
decline among women-The increasing beauty of women-
Improved physique-Decreasing height of men-The sur-
vival of the fittest-The reign of force-The triumphs of
intellect―The preponderance of women - Resistance to
disease—Christianity as a factor-The story of the Crea-
tion-The law of love-The moral goal-The four stages of




The influence of woman in primitive culture-The folk-lore and
mythologies of the Ancients-The germs of industrial art –
Woman, the discoverer of fire-The inventor of language-
The conservator of history, traditions, and sages-The pro-
moter of agriculture-The first ceramic artisan-The clothier
of humanity-The basket-maker and weaver-The medicine-
woman-The first furrier and skin-dresser--The tamer of
wild animals-The burden-bearer-The ethical teacher-
Position of women among savage peoples-The handmaid of
humanity-Woman's limitations-Man's intellectual superi-
ority-Woman in the Middle Ages—" My Lady's Chamber"
-The dawn of a higher civilisation - The elevation of
woman's social status-The gradual abrogation of woman's

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