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OIL OF BITTER ALMONDS.-See Acid, Hydrocyanic. OPIUM AND PREPARATIONS-Laudanum, Morphine, Codeine; also Heroin and Dionin, Lactucarium and Cannabis.-L. D., 0.5 gm. opium; 65 mg. morphine; 2 to 3 drops of laudanum in case of infants. F. P. five to twelve hours.

Give at once the chemical antidote as solution of potassium permanganate or tannic acid; then evacuate the stomach with emetics or stomach-pump. Wash out the stomach with hot coffee, leaving in it as much as a pint or more of coffee. Keep the body warm. Use hypodermic of atropine, 0.5 mg. every fifteen minutes for three doses. Keep patient awake by shaking or walking between attendants. Give inhalations of amyl nitrite. Maintain respiration. Use artificial respiration. OXALIC ACID.-See Acid, Oxalic.

PHENOL, CREOSOTE, RESORCIN.-M. L. D., 4 gm. or mils. F. P. three minutes to sixty hours, average three hours. Administer alcohol or soluble sulphates to be followed by emetics. Vomit the patient with warm water containing sodium bicarbonate or zinc sulphate, or use stomach-pump. Soothe the mucous membranes by use of milk and albumen. Avoid glycerin and oils. Stimulate the patient with digitalis, strychnine, or atropine. Keep the body warm. Opium to relieve pain. Chemical antidote, hydrogen peroxide.

PHOSPHORUS AND PREPARATIONS-Rat Poison, Matches.-L. D., 6 to 65 mg., 2 match heads have caused death of child., F. P. one to five days (lingering poison). Evacuate stomach, copper sulphate 200 mg. every five minutes until sufficient. Give charcoal and lime-water. Wash out stomach with 2 to 3 gallons of 1 per cent. solution of potassium permanganate. Use 15 gm. magnesium sulphate in a glass of water as a cathartic. Opium to relieve pain. White of egg as a demulcent. Never use oils or fats, as these dissolve the poison and hasten its absorption.

POTASSIUM CYANIDE.-L. D., 0.2 to 0.5 gm. See Acid, Hydrocyanic.

RAT POISON.-See Arsenic and Phosphorus.
RED PRECIPITATE.-See Mercury Salts.
ROACH PASTE.-See Arsenic and Phosphorus.

SAVINE AND PREPARATIONS.-Irritant poison. Secure

evacuation of the stomach; if necessary use mustard, zinc sulphate, ipecac, or stomach-pump. Secure bowel movement, if necessary use 30 gm. of castor oil or of magnesium sulphate. Allay pain with morphine and demulcents.

STRYCHNINE.-See Nux Vomica.

TURPENTINE.-M. L. D., 120 mils. F. P. twelve hours. Evacuate the stomach with mustard or zinc sulphate or stomachpump. Administer milk, mucilage of acacia, demulcents, and plenty of water to eliminate it through the kidneys. If there is no purging, give enema. Allay pain with opium.

ZINC SULPHATE.-L. D., 30 to 45 gm. Danger usually due to mistaking it for magnesium sulphate. F. P. four to thirteen hours. In case emesis is not free, evacuate the stomach with the pump or tube. For mode of treatment see Lead Compounds.

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