venge, and the murder of thy friend! With what ecstacy will thy soul cling to this world, and with what horror will it quake at the approach of eternity! alone, naked, drenched in guilt, thou wilt ascend, to God. From him what reception wilt thou meet ?— From his voice what language wilt thou hear?—“ Dehart thou cursed into everlasting fire." And lo! the melancholy world of sin and suffering unfolds to receive thee. Mark, in the entrance, the man whom thou hast plundered of life and happiness, and heaven already waiting to pour on thy devoted head, for the infinite wrongs which thou hast done to him, the wrath and vengeance of eternity. At the close of this awful survey, cast thine eyes once more around thee, and see thyself, and thy brother duellists, the examples, the patrons, and the sole causes of all succeeding duelling. Were the existing advocates of this practice to cease from upholding it; were these to join their efforts to the common efforts of man, and hunt it out of the world; it would never return. On thee, therefore, and thy 'companions, the innumerable and immense evils of future duelling are justly charged. To you, a band of enemies to the peace and safety of man, a host of Jeroboams, who not only sin, but make Israel to sin through a thousand generations, will succeeding ages impute their guilt, and their sufferings. Your efficacious and baleful examples, will make thousands of childless parents, distracted widows, and desolate orphans, after you are laid in the grave. You invite posterity to wrest the right of deciding private controversies out of the hands of public justice; and to make force and skill the only umpires between man and man :you entail perpetual contempt on the laws of man, and on the laws of God; kindle the flames of civil discord; and summon from his native abyss anarchy, the worst of fiends, to lay waste all the happiness, and all the hopes of mankind. At the great and final day, your country will rise up in judgment against you to accuse you as the destroyers of her peace, and the murderers of her children. Against you will rise up in judgment all the victims of your revenge, and all the wretched families, whom you have plunged in hopeless misery. The prowling Arab and the remorseless savage, will there draw nigh, and whiten their crimes by a comparison with yours. They indeed were murderers, but they were never dignified with the name, nor blessed with the privileges of Christians. They were born in blood, and educated to slaughter. They were taught from their infancy, that to fight, and to kill, was lawful, honorable, and virtuous. You were born in the mansion of knowledge, humanity, and religion. At the moment of your birth, you were offered up to God, and baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. You were dandled on the knee, and educated in the school of piety. From the house of God, you have gone to the field of blood ; and from the foot of the cross, to the murder of your friends. You have cut off life in the blossom, and shortened, to the wretched objects of your wrath, the day of repentance and salvation. The beams of the Sun of righteousness, shining with life-giving influence on them, you have intercepted; the smile of mercy, the gleam of hope, the dawn of immortality, you have overcast forever. You have glutted the grave with untimely slaughter, and helped to people the world of perdition. Crimsoned with guilt, and drunk with blood, Nineveh will ascend from the tomb, triumph over your ruin, and smile to see her own eternal destiny more tolerable than yours. SELECTIONS IN POETRY. THE POLAR REGIONS. the Muse Thence sweeps the howling margin of the main, Wide rend the deep, and shake the solid pole. The binding fury; but, in all its rage Miserable they! Vho, here entangled in the gathering ice, Vhile, full of death, and fierce with tenfold frost, The long, long night, incumbent o'er their heads, "alls horrible. PERISHING TRAVELLER, is thus the snows arise; and foul and fierce, Of horrid prospect, shag the trackless plain : Beneath the formless wild; but wanders on Rush on his nerves, and call their vigor forth A dire descent! beyond the power of frost, Smooth'd' up with snow; and, what is land, unknown, In the loose marsh or solitary lake, Where the fresh fountain from the bottom boils, Ah! happy they! the happiest of their kind! Ineffable, and sympathy of soul; Thought meeting thought, and will preventing will Its pomp, While those whom love cements in holy faith, |