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We invite the attention of the Medical Profession to a careful consideration of the merits of SAL HEPATICA in the uric acid diathesis, in constipation, and to its highly important property of cleansing the entire alimentary tract, thereby preventing the development of conditions arising from indiscretion in eating and drinking, and the absorption of irritating toxins.

Composition.-Sal Hepatica contains all of the Tonic, Alterative and Laxative Salts of the celebrated "Bitter Waters" of Europe, especially those of Bohemia, as determined by actual chemical analysis of these waters, and fortified by the addition of Lithium and Sodium Phosphates. The admixture of these phosphatic salts with the salines of the "Bitter Waters" is exactly in accord with the practice that now obtains among the most eminent European physicians, who prescribe these salts in copious draughts of mineral waters-Carlsbad, Pullna, Seidlitz, Marienbad, Hunyadi, Freidrichshall, etc.

General Properties.-Sal Hepatica possesses marked Alterative, Antacid, Anti-Lithic, AntiRheumatic, Cholagogue, Deobstruent, Diuretic, Secernent, Tonic, Laxative and Cathartic properties.

and the various troubles arising from gastric, hepatic and renal disorders.

Ideal Laxative.-Sal Hepatica is the ideal Laxative for all ages and conditions. It is not in the least depressing, but, on the contrary, is a Physiological Tonic; its use DOES NOT establish toleration leading to increased dosage; and its withdrawal, unlike other agents, does not leave the bowels more constipated than at the beginning. There are times in every physician's practice when recourse is made to saline laxatives and purgative mineral waters. Especially are these saline laxatives used when it is desired to dilute and purify the blood, thus furthering the processes of secretion and excretion and flushing the "great sewer" of the economy and its adjuncts and tributaries, thereby eliminating the irritating toxins formed from the waste products of imperfectly digested food.

Uric Acid Solvent.-Sal Hepatica is the most powerful solvent of Uric Acid known, and for this reason it is the most efficient remedy for the treatment of Gout and Rheumatism, diseases characterized by an excess of Uric Acid in the blood and deposits in or about the joints.

Diabetes is treated with decided advantage by means of Sal Hepatica. Aside from the beneficial effects of this remedy as a cholagogue in this malady, it also possesses the property of arresting the secretion of sugar in the liver. Samples of Sal Hepatica sent upon request. BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY,

Sal Hepatica is especially indicated in the Uric Acid diathesis, such as Rheumatism, Gout and True Lithæmia. In these affections it is the iremedy par excellence, without peer or rival. It. 277-279 Greene Ave., Borough of Brooklyn, is also indicated in several forms of constipation

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The Family Laxative


HE ideal safe family laxative, known as-Syrup of Figsis a product of the California Fig Syrup Co., and derives its laxative principles from senna, made pleasant to the taste and more acceptable to the stomach, by being combined with pleasant aromatic syrups and the juice of figs. It is recommended by many of the most eminent physicians, and used by millions of families with entire satisfaction. It has gained its great reputation with the medical profesion by reason of the acknowledged skill and care exercised by the California Fig Syrup Co. in securing the laxative principles of the senna by an original method of its own, and presenting them in the best and most convenient form. The California Fig Syrup Co. has special facilities for commanding the choicest qualities of Alexandria senna, and its chemists devote their entire attention to the manufacture of the one product. The name-Syrup of Figsmeans to the medical profession "the family laxative, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co.," and the name of the Company is a guarantee of the excellence of its product. Informed of the above facts, the careful physician will know how to prevent the dispensing of worthless imitations when he recommends or prescribes the original and genuine-Syrup of Figs. It is well known to physicians that-Syrup of Figs-is a simple, safe and reliable laxative, which does not irritate or debilitate the organs on which it acts, and, being pleasant to the taste, it is especially adapted to ladies and children, although generally applicable in all cases. Special investigation of the profession invited.

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A Scientific Blending of True Santal and Saw Palmetto in a Pleasant Aromatic Vehicle.

A Vitalizing Tonic to the Reproductive System.

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Is now appreciated by all progressive physicians and surgeons. Its use is becoming more general every day.

The up-to-date practitioner will have his electric current as readily at hand as his quinine, his opium or his digitalis. It can be cheaply installed at small cost and with little inconvenience, and its quantity and voltage easily controlled. The same current may be utilized for lighting and heating purposes, or to drive an electric fan. If interested, communicate with




The Brooklyn Medical Journal

Free Sanitarium Directory

Physicians can obtain full information regarding any sanitarium in the Eastern part of the United States at this office. Your special attention is called to those sanitariums whose advertisements appear in these columns.


WELL EQUIPPED SANATORIUM for the care and treatment of nervous diseases.

A voluntary cases and no objectionable case of any kind received, insane or otherwise.


Fair Oaks is located at Summit, N. J. Summit is widely and favorably known as e health resort. Its altitude is 580 feet and it is the highest point in any direction within 30 miles of New York City. It is on the Morris and Essex Division of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, with 40 trains daily to and from New York City.

The principles governing treatment are rational and scientific, comprising the latest thought in the matter of baths, massage, electricity, mechano-therapy and other therapeutic adjuncts. The nervous invalid will find Fair Oaks an ideal place for recuperation, and its natural beauty will appeal to people of taste and refinement. Number of patients limited to 12.

Fair Oaks is in the immediate charge of Dr. Eliot Gorton, who has had fourteen years experience in this line of work as First Assistant Physician to The New Jersey State Hospital at Morris Plains. An illustrated booklet and further particulars by addressing Dr. T. P. PROUT. Dr. ELIOT GORTON, Summit, N. J. Telephone, 143 Summit New York Office, 204 West 55th Street. Telephone, 1032r Columbus. 10 to 11 A. M. daily


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New York.


On Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Ry. The attention of physicians is called to this Institution, which offers exceptional advantages and attractions. Staff of Regularly Educated and Experienced Physicians. Elegant Fireproof Building-brick and iron. All Modern Conveniences.

Special attention to the scientific administration of Water, Electricity, Massage, Swedish Movement, Rest Cure and Dietaries to meet the needs of chronic invalids.



Send for illustrated literature, addressing


The Bethesda Sanitarium.

952-954 St. Mark's Ave.,

Is devoted to Chronic and Nervous Diseases, also Epi-
lepsy. Private rooms and wards. Terms moderate.
Apply to SUPERINTENDENT, Telephone No. 893b Bedford.
Founded in 1884, by D. MILLER BARR, M.D.
No. 3332 for nervous and chronic diseases and se-
nility, using Brown-Sequard's "ELIXIR OF ANIMAL

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