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the groin, a peculiar happy delirium, red ferrety eyes and high temperature led to an examination of the blood which was found to contain some motile bacilli. Prompt and thorough action was taken to prevent contagion and no other cases are reported. There was great excitement on account of the appearance of this disease, but the prompt action of an efficient health board soo restored confidence, thus showing how important is a health board to the welfare of a community. our new legislators take note.


THE DISSEMINATION OF MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE.-Dr. George M. Gould writes us asking for an expression from the profession through the JOURNAL as to the relation of the lay publishing firms of medical Journals and the profession. The request is suggested by the refusal of a firm of publishers, who publish two of the most important journals in the country, to permit the editors of the American Year-Book of Medicine and Surgery to use abstracts of papers which have appeared in their journals, or to reproduce illustrations. He criticises their action on the

following grounds:

1. It prevents the dissemination of medical knowledge. The Year-Book condenses, systematizes, and criticises the year's medical work in a shorter space and more permanent manner than the journals, and has thousands of readers no single journal can claim, or hope to reach. Every physician writes and publishes articles in order that every member of the profession may, if possible, learn of his work, and that science and progress may thus be furthered and humanity benefited. To interfere with such dissemination of our literature in reputable publications is, I think, discourteous and unjust to the profession and an injury to medical science.

2. This injustice and injury to medicine become all the more striking when physicians do not receive a cent of pay for contributions, from the publication of which the lay-publisher is supposed to make considerable financial profit.

3. No other publishers in the world, not even those who pay authors for their contributions, have in the least objected to our reproduction of quotations, abstracts, and illustrations from their journals.

Do you wish to limit the dissemination of your contributions to medical science by such an exclusion of them on the part of publishers from reputable publications? Is this literature the property of yourself and of the profession or not? Does your gift of it to a journal make it the private property of the publishers of that journal? Is it not rather a loan for temporary use only? Will you not he eafter demand that there be printed with your article a statement that the right of abstracting the text or reproducing illustrations is guaranteed?

Reading Motices.

The most frequent forms of diseases of the eye are those located in the mucous membrane of the eyelids, (conjunctiva). When left alone they are not only a fruitful source of annoyance and suffering, but they often endanger the existence and usefulness of the eye as an organ of sight. The frequency of these external affections of the eye has made their treatment one of the richest mines for quacks from the oldest times. All practitioners of medicine being called upon to treat these diseases, especially those in the country recognize from the formula of Palpebrine a product of no untried remedies but entirely reliable in the treatment of External Eye Diseases. The Dios Chemical Co., of St. Louis, Mo., will mail free sample and literature on application.

AN ALTERATIVE OF UNSURPASSED POTENCY.—It is not unlikely that all our readers are well and favorably acquainted with Elixir Iodo Bromide of Calcium Comp. (Tilden). A preparation which has stood the test for over thirty years. But it is natural to be influenced somewhat by the extravagant promises made for other preparations, claiming to be "the same thing" or "just as good," and offered to the profession by supposedly reputable houses.

It is, therefore, apropos to remind the profession that "Elixir Iodo" has no equal in its special field and that the attempts of dishonorable competitors to foist upon the doctors worthless imitations is doing incalculable damage to the reputation of the physician and the well-being of his patient.

SOUTHERN PINES, N, C., is the Best Health Resort inthe

South. Write to J. T. PATRICK for Information.

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Robert D. Jewett, M.D., Editor.

[Entered at the Post-Office at Wilmington, N. C., as Second-class mail matter.]


Useful in all ailments arising from
faulty digestion of starch.

The profession have tried, says the THERAPEUTIC GA-
ZETTE, to aid the digestion of starch for many years by
the use of various preparations of malt, which have been
largely given with little direct good as a result, for the
diastatic properties of most of these preparations are so
slight as to render them practically of no value as diges-
tants, whatever may be their usefulness when acting as nutritives. Within the past few months
a Japanese investigator has obtained such a valuable diastatic product that his researches de-
serve careful study and his results thorough trial. If, as he has apparently proved, we possess
in Taka-Diastase a starch-digestant equal to or exceeding in power pepsin or pancreatin for pro-
teids, we have made an extraordinary gain in therapeutics, for we are now able to relieve a large
number of persons suffering from faulty digestion of starch, and can aid our patients during
convalescence, so that they speedily regain their weight and strength by the ingestion of large
quantities of the heretofore indigestible, but nevertheless very necessary, starchy foods.

Take-Diastase has now been under trial at the hands of the profession for
nearly eighteen months, and it seems to have been proven ocuclusively that it is the
remedy in amylaceous dyspepsia. Immediate improvement in digestion follows its
administration. From 1 to 5 grains should be taken with the food or immediately
thereafter; if in capsule form, at the beginning of the meal.


Parke, Davis & Co.,

Detroit, New York,
Kansas City, Balti-
more, New Orleans,
U.S.A. London, Eng
and Walkerville, Ont.


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By E. P. HURD, M.D., Newburyport, Mass., Professor of
Pathology, College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Boston, Mass.



AS called to see a child yesterday (December 16, 18,6), who was suffering from convulsions which never ceased until the death of the child, ten hours later.

Previous condition-Good; had been in good health till taken with the fit Tuesday morning.

Hereditary Antecedents.-The mother had had convulsions in childhood, and since her marriage has had several fits, probably of a hysterical nature.

When I saw the little girl at 11 o'clock a. m., she had a good pulse, and seemed a well-developed child, with thin delicate skin and blond appearance-rather large head. She was then in general convulsions; the eyes were rolling in the sockets, with widely dilated pupils; the muscles of the mouth were twitching; there was violent jerking of the arms and legs; there was complete unconsciousness. The child had bitten her tongue in the fit, and there was some frothing at the mouth. The cries and moans of the infant were most distressing; I could hear them before I reached the house. There was a wild stare about the

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