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heart disease. He was employed on the Post for seventeen years. "Billy" was a whole-souled, upright gentleman, and his host of friends will long remember his many good qualities. He was thirtysix years old, and left a wife and daughter.

The employes of the Boston American will celebrate the first anniversary of the establishment of that paper with a banquet at the Quincy House, Sunday, March 19. It is stated that it will be a "swell" affair.

The friends of direct legislation have introduced a bill in the Massachusetts legislature, largely modeled upon the public opinion law of Illinois, which provides that upon petition it shall be the duty of the proper eléction officers to submit any question of public policy so petitioned for to the voters. This bill is not so comprehensive as that of last year, which was defeated by special interests, but it is an entering wedge.

Phil F. McAnany, formerly of Kansas City, one of No. 13's delegates to St. Louis last year, was married, February 1, at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, to Miss Katherine Cutler of this city. Mr. and Mrs. McAnany are at home to their friends at 35 Humboldt avenue, Roxbury.

Secretary Sterling engaged in a joint debate before the Cambridge central labor union, February 10, with Representative W. Rodman Peabody, on "Direct Legislation," a question with which our secretary is thoroughly familiar. On March 8 he will address the Attleboro Universalist Club on the labor question.

"Man is spiritual, not material," says George Anderson, of Detroit, in commenting on "The Machine Operator and His Nerves." I rise to remark that it has been my experience that printers are very material beings, although some of them may have strong hankerings after the spiritual; but not necessarily in the sense which Brother Anderson intends.

P. L. O'Leary, of the American, who has made quite a name for himself as a dramatic critic, has been appointed press agent of one of our leading theaters.

Robert T. Allen, secretary-treasurer of the Mailers' Trades District Union, is doing some good work as president of the Boston allied printing trades council.

The very essence of direct legislation is the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Here is a great truth which should appeal alike to church and trade union.

The growth of the woman's auxiliaries and the expansion of the "Woman's Department" of THE JOURNAL indicate that the ladies, "God bless them," are getting busy. They make interesting correspondents, as well as willing workers. And we need their help.

Committees are at work preparing for the book and job branch annual May party. The branch promises an enjoyable evening to all who attend. The souvenir will be produced under the auspices of the branch this year.

Our book and job members must be alive to their interests if we are to get the eight-hour day without a fight next January. Wake up! Ask your

neighbor if he belongs to the union; and if not, why not. Our watchword must be "thorough r ganization."

Never lay down the law to your wife-you may not be able to pick it up again.

John M. Pease, one of our delegates to the cen tral labor union, and Miss Etta Glynn were mar ried at the home of the bride, February 1.

Candidates for delegate to Toronto are beginning to be heard from, but things political do not warm up hereabouts much before the middle of April.

John A. Martin, of the city plant, died January 26. He went home from work as usual that evening, and died during the night.

John A. King, an old member of the union, well known at both branches of the trade, died Febru ary 2, of general debility, aged seventy-three.

I fully appreciate the kind words of my brother correspondents anent my recent article "Nerves."

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Even Brother Dirks can not dispute the fact that our South terminal is ahead of the St. Louis union station in that it has direct connection with a great elevated system and a modern subway and tunnel. In fact, both of our stations have these connections. Speaking of elevated roads and subways, Boston is the only city in the country where, in certain sections, you can go upstairs to take a train for the subway, and down underground to take a train for the elevated.


Do not jump at conclusions. Because a sneezes it does not necessarily follow that he has swallowed an explosive.

Chairman N. E. McPhail, of the International committee on text books, tells me that the outlook for the placing of the union label on school books is growing brighter, not only in Boston, but all over the country. Mr. McPhail has worked hard on this committee for more than two years, and his labors are beginning to bear fruit.

Nobody realizes more than the printer that it is hard to please a man who doesn't really know what he wants.

I am some on the "bump" myself, Brother Nesbit.

See you at Toronto, Kreiter.
Business flat.



J. R. Ransone was restored to active membership at our February meeting, after having been on the honorary roll for several years. Mr. Ransone is a loyal and true friend to organized labor, and No. 303 is glad to have his wisdom and conservatism again in its councils.

Once in a while a "roadster" drops in here, the latest being Mr. Weatherly, familiarly known as "English Jim." Tourists usually tarry but a few days, as Cleburne offers but little encouragement to itinerant typos.

Cleburne now has two linotype machines, one on the Evening Enterprise, the other on the Morning Review.

I read with a sorrowful heart of the death of W. W. Harris in the January number of THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL. He was the friend of my boy

hood days, and while I had not met him for forty years, I had not forgotten the pleasures enjoyed with him in the early period of our lives, and loved him as a brother.

Our January meeting fell upon the fifty-fourth anniversary of my commencement in the printer's trade. During all that time I have been actively engaged in the business-if I may include four years in the army-in one department or another of the trade.

Trade has been quite satisfactory here for several months, but is slack at present, with plenty of home help for the demand. W. L. ADAMS.


The annual reception and ball of Albany Typographical Union No. 4 was a most enjoyable event. It took place at Union hall, Wednesday evening, February 15, and bright winter weather lent every aid necessary for a large attendance. Brown's orchestra provided very satisfactory music. The management consisted of a committee of twentyseven members, with John A. Boyle as chairman, Charles A. Bruder secretary, and Frank P. Fitzgerald treasurer. At this writing the financial results are unknown, but a generous balance on the right side is anticipated. The floor managers were President John F. Quirk, chief; Joseph A. Daly and William F. Buchanan, assistant chiefs, and a corps of fifteen aids.

Two more of No. 4's old members died during the past month. Jacob Van Ness Winne, a son of our first president, died February 17, aged nearly seventy-nine years. The next day (February 18) Robert J. Brightman, aged sixty-five, also died. Mr. Brightman had been a great sufferer for the past year.

Albany members wish all possible success to Philip S. Steele, of Columbia Union, in his canvass as delegate to the Toronto convention this year. Mr. Steele is an old Albanian and an exmember of No. 4, one who took a prominent part in our union affairs a quarter of a century ago, and represented No. 4 at the St. Louis convention in 1874, having for a colleague George W. Walker, who is still holding down cases in the Hamilton street branch of the J. B. Lyon Company. Here is hoping you win, Brother Steele.

The Albany Trades Union Label League section held a very interesting anniversary entertainment at Union hall on Friday evening, February 24, at which were present a large number of the ladies, the object being to interest the gentler sex in an auxiliary section for the better advancement of the label.

A movement is on foot to interest ex-delegates of No. 4 in a proposed trip to Toronto at the time of the convention this year in that city. There are twenty-nine ex-delegates of No. 4 who are yet members in this city, and by a little planning and preparation a good proportion should be able to accompany our representatives on this occasion and enjoy the hospitality always to be found in these


Speaking of our International conventions reminds us that here it is not very much over two

months before election and yet there is scarcely a whisper about possible candidates for either the International Typographical Union convention or union officers, President Quirk will be the natural candidate for one representative, and Vice-President Huberty has intimated to close friends that if No. 4 should send two he would also enter the race. Further than that no other aspirants for this place have appeared as yet.

The members of the Hamilton street chapel of the J. B. Lyon Company were more than usually affected in their sympathetic instincts during the past month when their chairman, Francis J. Bailey, was called upon to part very suddenly with two of his children, one a little boy of three and a half years and the other a girl of nearly seven. Both were buried within four days of each other. The deaths came very suddenly and were caused by meningitis. A fitting expression of sympathy was extended to the afflicted family by unanimous action of the chapel, bearing with it more substantial tokens of the sincerity of their sympathy than mere words of condolence. C. H. W.


The eight-hour day! That is the most important question just now!

Charles Hill and William Parrott are candidates from No. 190 for admission to the Home.

There has been plenty of work in Omaha during the greater part of February-shoveling snow and trying to keep warm. The thermometer registered all the way from zero to 30 degrees below, the coldest for a number of years.

The International president of the woman's auxiliary is editor of a department in a local paper which is devoted to the doings of that organization. The department is conducted in an interesting manner and is being read by printers as well as their wives.

The local association composed of chairmen of chapels seems to be getting along well and meeting regularly. The association has recommended to No. 190 the adoption of several amendments to the constitution relating to the collection of dues and which are intended to make that task easier and more effective.

The interest of the membership of the International Typographical Union lies in the successful termination of the eight-hour campaign. This must be understood by those who are placing cbstacles in the way, intentional or otherwise, by diverting the attention of the membership from the main issue to issues of minor importance, which can be regulated later.

The minstrel show given by No. 190, for the benefit of the Cummings memorial fund, was a financial success, something that rarely attends entertainments given by the local union, although successful otherwise. The committee which is entitled to the credit is composed of President Fisher, Secretary Kinney, Pat Boyle and Ed Foster. While the committee is not prepared to report at this writing, a goodly sum will be turned over to the fund as a result of the show.



No. 9's smoker was a great success socially, but the financial end did not pan out as well as the committee expected. However, the advertising got cut of it will more than make up for the disappointment in that quarter. The program consisted of Willie Foley, newsboy soprano; the Munroe Trio, acrobats; Percy Fullerton, feats of magic; Charles Lederer, jr., baritone singer; Louis Steinagle, champion strong man of the world; E. M. Bonnell, black-face sketch; Golden and Haymen, Hebrew comedians; Manhattan Quartet; Joe Leonard and Billy Kimmitt, wrestlers. Exhibition of boxing: Jack Forbes vs. Mouse Leonard; Joe McMahon vs. Fred Friedel; Eddie Kelly vs. Billy Woods. Prof. J. W. Bolton's orchestra furnished the music. Every number on the program was a winner. The athletic end of the entertainment was the best ever given in Buffalo in years. Eddie McBride acted as announcer and also refereed the boxing contests. Printers from Medina, Niagara Falis and nearby towns were present. The press of this section gave glowing reports of the doings, and if No. 9 ever gives another smoker they will turn people away.

Social clubs galore have sprung up this winter, and although trade has been dull the membership appears to be enjoying itself. The Bachelor club and Arkansas club appear to lead in popularity. While we are not very well acquainted with the Bachelor club's doings, we hear some weird ru mors about the Arkansas club's initiations. They meet the second and third Sundays in the month, and the candidates are treated to a strenuous time. The ceremonies last about ten hours, and only one candidate goes through at a time. A ten-hour initiation must be pretty trying, but all who have taken degrees appear to be satisfied-and lay for the next victim. "Jap" Jenkins is chief Mississippian and general organizer, assisted by "Herr" Miller. The final degree is a bird, and the candidate is put through the aeronautic end of the show. The balloon goes up so high that sometimes it takes three days to get the passengers back to their moorings.

A suggestion has been offered that printers in our large cities write personal letters to friends in the trade in nearby towns and villages, urging them to join our ranks. As many of the trade are graduates from surrounding towns that are now holding situations in book offices and daily papers, it seems that much good work could be done in this direction to help the International Typographical Union to strengthen our membership. Candidates for delegates are commencing to crop up. May the best man win.

Warren C. Browne has allied himself with the chamber of commerce. We saw him depositing money the other day, and should judge that dealing in frenzied finance is a successful move on Warren's part.

President Kinskey's appointment as an organizer in this district meets with the approval of all.

The annual sleigh ride of the Courier chapel occurred on the 15th. A good time was reported by those participating in the event. Considerable difficulty was experienced in getting to the head

quarters, and a sentiment seems to prevail that hereafter the sleighing parties will be held in the summer time.

William Redfield has accepted a position with a Chicago firm. Mr. Redfield has many friends here, and they all wish him success in his new ven


Buffalo seems to be a popular place for printing supply houses to pick their agents from. Another of our prominent members has received a tempting offer to go on the road for a type foundry of St. Louis.

Steve Galvin was elected trustee of the trades and labor council by a handsome majority.

Charley McDermott is to enter the vaudeville line ere long. He has hooked up a late partner of Terry McGovern, and they will do a singing, boxing and dancing turn. If Charley's partner is as good an entertainer as Charley, there is no question that they will make a hit.

Our local headquarters is assuming quite a busy air since the installing of the allied printing trades desk there. The allied trades will hold their meetings there in the future. A telephone has been put in, and affairs are gradually getting in ship shape.

While no Toronto clubs have been organized up to date, the number who are declaring their intention of being present during convention time is assuming mammoth proportions.

Among the best patronizers of printers' ink in union circles are the cigarmakers. In this city the union men in all lines of trade are not giving the tobacco labels the trade they should. Printers in particular should insist upon the label upon all X.



The Washington State Federation of Labor, recently in session in Everett, endorsed a plan promulgated by delegates representing typographical and pressmen's unions to have a bill introduced in the Washington legislature, now in session at Olympia, requiring the label of the allied printing trades council on state printing. Concerted effort, with a proper amount of energy, may produce some results.

I receive frequent inquiries about work here, and have worn out several good pens replying. Work is good for operators of average speed of about 4,000 or 4,500 per hour, but admen and job are in oversupply. This is a dull season ordinarily, but legislative work has absorbed part of the surplus of printers.

A committee has been appointed to endeavor to secure the union label on city and county printing. and with the help of the trades council a strong effort may be made in this direction before the city spring campaign.

Regret is expressed here because of the friction existing between No. 2 and headquarters. At this distance it is perhaps hardly fair to judge absolutely of the merits of the question, but the work of regenerating that town should not, regardless of the merits of the controversy now on, be held up or delayed in any way. Philadelphia needs fixing up as bad or worse than Los Angeles, and if

the latter city needs $600 a month, surely $200 a week is not too much for Philadelphia. I do not pretend to understand the legal aspects of the trouble between No. 2 and the council, but I do say emphatically that the union printers of this country have surely got to fix up every town-Los Angeles, Philadelphia or whatever place it may be -if they expect to make our far-famed eight-hour movement more than a dream. And what is more, it will cut precious little figure what bearing local politics or rivalry between our leaders may have on present actions. The point is this: We must reorganize non-union towns, big or little. Side-issue scraps can-and ought to-be relegated to the rear. SECRETARY.


At a meeting of Baltimore (Md.) Union No. 12 the following resolutions were unanimously adopted by a rising vote, and ordered to be forwarded for publication in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL:

Whereas, We learn with pleasure of the appointment by the executive council of the International Typographical Union of George P. Nichols as agent of the Union Printers' Home for the unexpired term of William Kennedy, deceased; and,

Whereas, Knowing, as we do, the sterling quali ties of George P. Nichols as an active member and officer of this union for more than twenty years; therefore, be it

Resolved, That Baltimore Typographical Union No. 12 appreciates this recognition, and commends Mr. Nichols to the trustees and inmates of the Union Printers' Home; be it further

Resolved, That these resolutions be forwarded for publication in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL.


The Morning Observer of January 30 was that paper's second annual financial and business review, and consisted of eighteen pages. The composition on the page, half-page and other ads throughout the edition was excellent.

Harry Bartlett, an old wheel-horse of the Observer Company, now on the Merg. in the job department of said company, has been laid up with the grip for some weeks. He and Frank Gaul, foreman of the job department, are the oldest men in Congressman E. F. Acheson's employ, and have done much toward this well-known six-term congressman's success financially. In Congressman Acheson the printer has a friend.

An effort is being made to sell some of Mrs. Langdon's books here. The work of this Colorado lady printer deserves attention. Her typewritten letter has been hung up where all members can read it.

The scale committee has been appointed, and it consists of the most conservative and to-the-point business members of "Little George Wash.'s" union.

It is thought that the new quarters of No. 456 will have "brissells carpets," Morris chairs and an air shaft-all of which will suit "Billy" Saxon and our 205-pound president, "Robbie" Foster, both of whom are advocates of hygiene.

Our secretary, J. M. Lydic, is certainly the right man in the right place. The work that that man

can do (running a big job printing shop and attending to his official duties) beats any combined harvester I ever saw on a 63,000-acre ranch in the Sacramento valley, California.

The night force on the Observer was recently treated to lunch and cigars by this city's Merchants' Association, after their (the association's) smoker. It was duly appreciated.

William ("Billy") Mercer, an oldtime roommate of mine at "Queen Ann's," College street, Cincinnati, was a visitor to our town recently. On account of business I missed "Bill."

I am informed that a Mergenthaler linotype machine has been installed at Canonsburg, seven miles from here, on the Notes. Strenuous efforts will be put forth to bring this town into No. 456's


Brother Rank, just as good a job printer as ever came out of the Monongahela Valley country, now employed in the Observer job plant, has announced himself as a candidate for delegate to Toronto." This makes three out for representative.

Robert McCracken, of the Journal, announced himself to me as a candidate for the presidency of No. 456. "Bob's" honest, and full of parliamentarism as well as "dignity."



Since our last letter Butte has an additional resident member in the person of Will Baten, who finished his trade in the Inter Mountain job rooms. Frank Allen, formerly of the Lone Star state, has tasted the glories of a Montana winter.

The irrepressible Dave Gloss dropped in on us about the first of the month.

Bob Nesbitt spent a short time with us, leaving for Salt Lake City.

On January 25 Ida M., wife of S. P. Spooner, Inter Mountain machinist, departed this life, leaving a little daughter, Ethel, to mourn with the bereaved husband. The newspaper writers, the Miner and Inter Mountain chapels and the ladies' auxiliary presented beautiful set pieces of choice flowers. Little Ethel was sent to her grandmother in Davenport, Iowa.

The Merg. situation in the Miner job room made vacant by the departure of Robert Shields was assigned to E. S. Striplin.

By its action at the last regular meeting Butte Union says it is not ready to own a plot in each of the cemeteries, although the committee stated that the proprietors expressed their desire to inter all the printers.

The appeal of the Rochester garment workers in behalf of their label was placed in the hands of a special committee, and the firms handling scab clothing will be interviewed, to some purpose, too.

Nowhere is there less friction between employer and employe than in Butte. Not so with the workers themselves, however. The fight is on between the A. L. U. and W. F. M. on the one side and the A. F. of L. on the other. President Moyer has said, through his lieutenants, that he would put the central labor council out of business. That body says, in a statement published in the daily

press and signed by the delegates of the twentyone unions therein represented, that "before they are done with the job they will find they have been up against the real thing." And they will.

About the middle of January Daniel J. Walsh, of the newspaper writers' union, committed suicide. Dan was a genial companion, a clever writer and an earnest supporter of international organization, but disease settled upon him, and he wearied of the struggle, preferring to end his life.

If "N. R. B.," Olympia, Wash., will send me, care Miner, the names of those jarvies to whom he refers in the last issue of the JOURNAL, I will try and "keep cases" on 'em if they light here. A man has a perfect right to whatever he can panhandle, but when it comes to premeditated fraud the man who indulges therein has no business with a union card of any description.



Topeka-on-the-Kaw has been represented at different times in the columns of the JOURNAL, but not as regularly as it should. At the January meeting of No. 121 I was selected to do the heavy corresponding from this point. The reason I was selected is not generally known, but I suspect that it was because of my itching for fame. This much in explanation of the following lines.

No. 121 is engaged in pushing the label by the advertising route. An attractive blotter bearing the names of all label shops is printed each month. These are distributed to the users of printing. The good that is being done can not be estimated in dollars and cents, but it is creating a feeling of friendliness that will last for years.

The president and executive board have had little to do in the past few months. They are resting for the great struggle of 1906, which promises to be nothing short of a battle royal.

Tourists are very scarce at this time of the season. Just one lonesome one is now holding forth at the Capital on the ad side and one on the "mill" end of the job. A few years since such a scarcity would have sent some of the regulars to an early grave.

The job printing business in Topeka is looking up some. The state printer has all he can do with a large force of men.

The state of Kansas is to have a printshop of its very own, to cost in the neighborhood of $60,000, and No. 121 is hopin' it will be located here. Who said anything about it being socialistic? The very idea! We Republicans are doing this. It is not the socialists at all, at all. But it looks like socialism. And further down the line in the daily newspapers we read of a state oil refinery. There are a few who say the state can not run the thing.

The italic climate so widely advertised and so seldom seen in Kansas has been off on a vacation for some weeks, and the mercury in the tube has been playing hide-and-seek with the little bulb at the bottom. Thus is the absence of the tourist in a measure explained.

To give a list of personals in this column would be putting myself in a bad fix. If I should overlook any of the members of 121, they would say I

was playing favorites. That would never do. I shall make mention of no particular individual, so that my days may be pleasant and my nights ditto.

This being the official column of this particular union, in my next I shall give full and complete returns of all the doings of an official nature at the meeting the first Sunday in March.



Considerable speculation has been indulged in as to your correspondent's identity since THE JOUR NAL appeared, but it does not make any difference so long as the members of this union get together and show some active interest in the affairs that need attention. Appoint a scale committee and let us get an agreement signed at once with the proprietors which will include the eight-hour workday on January 1, 1906; also let every member resolve to attend the next meeting and get the money out of the reserve fund and donate the amount of 50 cents per member to the Cummings memorial fund, which your delegate pledged his best efforts to secure at the last convention at St. Louis.

The cigarmakers have a fight on at present with Fisk & Co., who refused to sign the scale of prices. They have now been out for about three weeks, and at the last meeting of our union a committee from the cigarmakers' union appeared before No. 81 and asked that their cigars be boycotted and that we withdraw one of our members from the factory who is engaged in printing labels, etc., for cigar boxes. The matter was referred to the executive committee with power to act, and they found that Mr. Wilbur, the member indicated, while engaged as alleged by the cigarmakers, owned his own plant and did work for the Fisk concern in the same way that he would for any other customer, and that he did a general job office business. Under the circumstances they did not feel justified in interfering with him, but se cured his promise not to use our union label on any of Fisk's work so long as he was under the ban of the cigarmakers.

Work is rather scarce on the newspapers at pres ent, but the job rooms are enjoying a steady business. It is said that both the Times and Tribune will add another linotype in the spring.



Though it is some time since the annual banquet of our union was held, the memory of it, and the aroma of the oysters, still remain with us. About thirty-five encircled the festive board.

George Van Blaricom, formerly of the Ottawa Journal, is now editor of the Review, of this town. Under his supervision the paper has been much improved, and is now a newsy sheet.

The Examiner is installing a Cox Duplex press, which will probably be in operation before this appcars in print.

One of our members, Alderman T. J. Begley, recently severed his seventeen years' connection with the Examiner. On his departure he was made

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