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passed. Their names are Frank Dodge, a member of No. 92 and an operator on the Gazette, and Burt Brooks, a member of the plumbers' union.

It was lunch time in one of the large job offices. The subject of "farms" was being discussed. One of the printers who saw a farm at one time during his life had just finished telling all he knew of the farming business. "Well," said one of the listeners, "it is a good thing you know something about farming, for you certainly do not know anything about the printing business!" "I will admit," came the reply, "that I am not as good a blacksmith as some people employed in this shop." Just then the whistle blew.

It is

Bob Draper, who is well known in and around Atlanta, Ga., and in fact all the large southern cities, as one of the best printers and operators in the business, is now a "floor walker." The youngster arrived the early part of the month. hoped that the new arrival will live to see many prosperous and happy years. Bob is one of the best known prints in Little Rock, having been located here for several years past.


H. A. Holt, who is an oldtimer, and whose headquarters were formerly at St. Paul and Minneapolis, besides having worked in Chicago and Milwaukee quite recently, is now operating a chine on the night shift on the Democrat. He is accompanied by his wife, who comes to the southern clime for the benefit of her health. They will remain in Little Rock for some time.

The following ad appeared in a recent issue of the Gazette: "Wanted-A good, honest, sober and reliable printer; must not use tobacco or liquor in any form; must be a member of the Baptist church, and married. Salary, $9 per week." It is said he got his man-but not from Little Rock.

A thing not seen every day is two left-handed men sitting opposite to each other at the same desk. The foreman and assistant foreman of the Democrat jobrooms are both left-handed men.

W. W. Williams, president of No. 92, and until recently foreman of the Democrat jobrooms, has

been promoted to superintendent.

There are fourteen candidates for the position of chief clerk of the state senate, and among them is a member of No. 92.

Many new faces from all parts of the country have been seen in our city during the past two


The south is a favorite resort for the printers in winter.

Judging from the large attendance at the meetings recently, the printers think "a dollar saved is

a dollar earned."

There is some talk of a socialist state paper being started in Little Rock in the near future. predicted by the writer some time ago,

As was

the membership will soon reach the 100 mark. Every week there are new faces seen in the differ

ent printing offices.

scribed, and he will then place an order for a complete printing plant, including two linotypes, and will do all the printing necessary for this great Christian organization.

The Landmark Baptists, at the recent convention in Little Rock, endorsed a plan to start a large publishing house in this city, and the Rev. Ben M. Bogard, the originator of the plan, and who is now editor of the Landmark Baptist, is soliciting subscriptions for the project. He says that nothing will be done until $40,000 has been sub

No. 92 has six lady members and every one of them is holding a good position.

The new constitution and by-laws of No. 92 is certainly a work of art-in fact, the finest book of its kind the writer ever saw. It was set up and printed by the Kellogg Newspaper Company, and the finest grade of paper is used. A rule border, printed in an orange color, encircles the pages, while a three-page brown cover-folding and looking very much like a wallet-gives the book a very artistic appearance. On the outside cover the words, "Little Rock Typographical Union," appear, while on the inside page are the figures, "92"; on the opposite cover are the words, "Revised August, 1904." The last page of the cover bears the union label. All the printing on the covers is gold bronzed, while running the extreme length of the three cover pages is a very heavy and a light rule border bronzed in silver. The work is something that the members of No. 92 may well feel proud of.

I have seen men contending for a union principle upon the floor of our hall, and smoking what I have known to be non-union cigars. Pull the tag off, boys, before you light them.



'Way back in the eighties, before the advent of the machine, there was a printer on the southern circuit who, having had two or three partners killed on freight trains, determined to go it alone thereafter, having a sort of superstition that in the next smash-up he might be the other one, instead of coming off scot free as before. He adhered to this resolution. But in one trip through Texas, a tourist froze on to him, and no hint could persuade him to cut loose. After an enforced companionship for several jumps, the pair struck Waco. Each got in a week, and after the usual celebration of such an event, they prepared to get out. The recluse, however, had hit upon a plan which guaranteed at least a temporary separation from his comrade. He went before a magistrate and swore out a warrant charging the "hangon" with stealing his trunk! The paper was duly served by a bailiff, and before the unfortunate could prove, as he did by every printer in Waco, that his accuser had never had a trunk since he left the military academy at West Point, the latter had made his way over several divisions, and was out of reach.

Col. C. E. Loomis, who is known of all the oldsters in Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, etc., is at present an inmate of the Confederate Soldiers' Home here. He came out on furlough and worked all summer; but rheumatism has a hold on him, and he has gone back for the winter. He says he will hibernate till spring and then come out again.

"Bob" Corcoran was here for a week or two this month, but I think he has moved on, as he has disappeared. E. G.


Once in a while the secretary receives letters from printers at a distance looking for information anent the condition of the trade in this city, what the prospects are, and the outlook and inlook of things generally. For the benefit of the craft at large I will state that Jacksonville at present is a good town to print in-an $18 flat scale prevailing, machine matter set at 10 and 11 cents, respectively, with no one walking, and plenty of work. By this I do not infer that such a scarcity of help is apparent that it will give rise to the impression that all who come here will secure employment, but several of the offices are in need of good men. Very few tourists coming along.

No. 162 is one of the strongest unions in the south, and its members point with pride to the fact that not a non-union man is working in its jurisdiction. The meetings are well attended, especially so when no rebate system is in vogue. At the last meeting of the union occurred the annual election of officers. The different offices were contested for in a spirited though friendly


An assessment of one and one-half per cent has been levied, to be used as a defense fund to aid us in securing the long-sought-for eight-hour day.

Jacksonville has three daily papers now, the Sun being the latest acquisition. It is a daisy, and with that enterprising newspaper man, Claude L'Engle, at the helm, nothing is predicted for it but success. It is gotten out much on the Hearst style, and from its incipiency has come out strong. ly for the "common people."

Very few of the printers at present residing in Jacksonville have not, at one time or another, seen service in different sections of the country. Those who positively refuse to again hit only the elevated points on the landscape, and who appear quite content to spend their remaining years in the Land of Flowers, endeavoring to forget the days when printers were pirates, when the italic bags were sold to the cub from the country, and the towns along the Big Muddy were the only ones to print in in the country, are: Charley and Frank Leidy, the former the proofreader and the latter the efficient foreman on the Times-Union; "Happy" (B. M.) Heckard, Jeff Davis and Kid Pate, all three having embarked on the sea of connubial bliss and happiness; Charley Allen is the first adman on the Times-Union; S. J. Triplett is reading proof on the day side of the same paper; Charley Bausman, well known in Pittsburg and Baltimore, is head stereotyper, and Elgin Tate, of Nashville, is the night machinist. Hugh T. Fisher, who has hosts of friends around Chicago and New York, has just left, after a residence here of a year and a half, during which time he was foreman of the Times-Union; Lee Terry is holding down a machine on the Metropolis, and Cliff Thompson, formerly of Charleston, but later of St. Louis, is manipulating one of the new machines on the Sun; George L. Mitchell, at one time foreman of Drew's, is operating an up-to-now cafe; F. W. Dennis, who will be remembered by oldtimers, has again engaged in the job business; so has Sam Hollingsworth, at one time president of this local;

Charley Weston, No. 163's delegate to St. Louis, is the adman on the Metropolis; Joe Sherouse has quit the business and gone to preaching; H. C. Lincoln is on the job end of it in the Sun, with B. I. Sharpe as foreman; Bob Harper is operating a machine on the night side of the Sun. Among the very late arrivals are J. T. Pugh and F. A. Hapholdt, of Augusta; "Red" Connor, favorably known around Washington; L. M. Hamilton, who is now sojourning in Atlanta; Manley Jordan is again the assistant foreman on the Times-Union; Glover Tully is holding a machine on the night shift; S. C. Judevine is working in the adroom.

We are rapidly gaining in membership, an increase of 33 1-3 per cent having been accomplished during the past year.

As a token of the esteem in which he was held, Hugh T. Fisher, who resigned the foremanship of the Times-Union, was presented with a handsome gold watch, bearing the inscription: "Presented to H. T. Fisher from the Times-Union Force."

S. J. Triplett was one of the printer delegates from the state of Florida to the American Federation of Labor session in 'Frisco.

The race for delegate to Toronto is already on, with popular Charley Allen in the lead.

The Metropolis has put in operation a new mill, one of the latest double-deckers, the first in the city.

There is no end of talk about the big "smoker" to be given in the near future, and committees will be appointed at the next meeting to look after the arrangements.

That THE JOURNAL is much sought after is evidenced by the kicks registered over its non-appearance or late arrival. It grows better with each issue.

We are watching with interest the fight made on the rat Times by our sister city across the continent, and hope ere long to receive the glad tidings that Old Man Otis has at last come across. Jacksonville is on the list for the convention in JACK TRACY.



One of the most active and interesting battles for supremacy was that witnessed recently in the election of officers of No. 63 for the ensuing year. Two tickets were placed in nomination. The administration for a number of years has wielded influence sufficient to easily land its ticket, but this year the tables were turned, and when the votes were counted the antis disclosed strength enough to have captured all the important offices. Strategic lines were closely drawn during the entire campaign, and many unique methods were employed to gain a point over the other fellow. At the outset each faction swore allegiance to the entire ticket, but the fight finally narrowed down to the candidates for president and business agent. George Durell and Ernest Stewart were the respective candidates for the presidency, while Charley Brown and James ("Shorty") Egan were sparring for the business agency. Stewart defeated Durell, while Egan was victorious over Brown by a very decisive majority. Differences of opinion relative to the merits of the candidates were (mildly and

otherwise) indulged in during voting time, but nothing more serious than spirited "sessions" were engaged in. Bert McCullagh, administration candidate for member of the board of directors, was elected by a very generous vote. "Barney" Brown, recording secretary, and Henry Schmitt, financial secretary, succeeded themselves. There is a sprinkling of both factions in the new regime which may, however, tend to create the harmony so long sought but so slow in approaching.

The printers' bowling league is affording much amusement this winter. Keen interest is taken by the captains and members of each team to rival their opponents in the race for the pennant, and the enthusiasm that pervades the bowling hall during a contest is only equaled at a professional ball park. Each member of the league is required to deposit a stipend each week until the end of the season, when the proceeds will go toward a banquet and general good time. It is said Detroit printer-bowlers will be invited to join in the festivities, occurrences which frequently take place between Toledo and Detroit since bowling has become the popular winter sport. "Fatty" Clemons has developed into a "bowler" of no small propor tions, and 200-scores are becoming ordinary with him. Jim Moorhead is the recognized "spare" bowler in the printers' league.

Mrs. Dave McAleese entertained the woman's auxiliary and its friends last week. The affair was the inauguration of a series of such pleasurable events that will occur frequently during the win

[blocks in formation]

There are nine printshops in the jurisdiction of No. 150, all working under agreements with the union and using the allied label. Not one nonunion compositor or pressman at work in the city. How is that for a solid front?

With the New Year comes the shorter workday -eight and one-half hours five days in the week and eight hours on Saturday.

The by-laws committee, after nearly a year of existence, submitted its final report at the January meeting, and, according to an alleged joker, "is now was."

Majority for, 14,085. The sixth proposition "appears to be carried."

Is it possible that those who voted the other way really didn't want a shorter workday?

President Schultz and Brother McCarthy have

announced their candidacy for delegate to the International Typographical Union convention of this year. There are others who will be "prominently mentioned" later on, perhaps. And thus early is heard the cry, "On To-ronto!" BLAKE.


At the recent election R. H. Jury, editor and proprietor of the San Mateo Leader, and a member of No. 624, the local branch of the International Typographical Union, was chosen to represent this district in the lower branch of the legis


lature by a majority of 1,085 votes, the largest ever given a candidate for a political office since the organization of the county. In addition to his business as editor and publisher, he has held the office of city clerk ever since the city was incorporated, some twelve years ago. Although a young man, he has by industry and frugality already acquired a competency, and deserves credit for the success he has achieved. By no means has his path been strewn with roses, as he had a hard, up-hill fight before things began to come his way. As a boy, in 1882, he began his printorial career as "devil" in the office of the Eureka (Nev.) Sentinel, and lived at the home of the proprietor. Soon after the printers went on a strike, and although a raise in wages and other alluring promises were made to induce him to remain in the office, he refused, and went out with the strikers, and not only lost his job, but his home as well. In 1886 he was employed on the San Jose (Cal.) Mercury, and while in this position presided at a meeting of printers which resulted in the formation of a union, of which he was a charter member, serving as its secretarytreasurer for three terms. In 1889 he established the San Mateo Leader, San Mateo county, California, and succeeded from the start. Although an employer, he retained his membership in the San Jose Union, which he so ably helped to organize, until No. 521, at Palo Alto, came into existence, when he withdrew his card and deposited it in the new union. He is now both an honorary and active member of No. 624, of San Mateo, Cal. Mr. Jury during his printorial career has been loyal to the cause of unionism, and the label is carried at the head of the editorial columns of his paper. His record as a member of the California legislature will be, as it has been in the past, clean, upright and manly. He has hosts of friends, who predict that his popularity and usefulness will not end when the session is over, but if he chooses he may cut some ice in the general state election two years hence. EDW. E. CORDY.



A goodly number of printers came out to the December meeting of No. 15, half a dozen or so applications were received, several candidates were initiated, and the session was a harmonious, progressive and profitable one, and may we have many more of such in the future. In nominating officers for 1905 many declinations were received, but finally a ticket was made up, although there was only one contest, that of financial secretary. At this writing the chances favor the election of Thomas F. Moore, who has held the position for a long term, as against his opponent, Robert N. Chapman. The gavel of 1905 will be wielded by Bert H. Bates, delegate to St. Louis. It is believed that he will do his utmost to further the interests of No. 15; yet to accomplish this fully he must have the united support of the members. The progress which we make during the next 365 days will be watched with the closest interest. The making of new contracts, the enforcement of a new scale of prices, and the successful issue of the shorter workday movement, are matters which will come up for disposal, and will require more than ordinary attention. It is the opinion of the writer that as a union we can so conduct our affairs as to make the accomplishment of these aims a stern reality. We must deal fairly and squarely with those whom we enter into contracts with, and likewise demand no less of them. We are purely and simply a business organization, and under the present system must do business on business principles. Capable officials compose the remainder of the ticket.

The ex-delegates' association extends thanks to those who contributed to the success of the drawing for a diamond ring, held on Thanksgiving eve, for the purpose of raising funds to entertain delegates en route to the Toronto convention. W. H. Carr, a member of No. 15, held the lucky ticket.

There was keen disappointment here and throughout the country on the failure of the presi dent to appoint William S. Waudby, of this city, to the position of United States labor commissioner. Mr. Waudby was the candidate of organized labor, and it was hoped that his immense endorsement would surely induce President Roosevelt to appoint him. It is stated on good authority that the president promised to give a committee from "Big Six" another hearing in the matter, and that he also intended to appoint a union man, both of which, as we learn, he did not do. Charles P. Neill has been appointed commissioner, and results worth something to labor are what we shall expect and demand from this department of the government.

On Tuesday afternoon, December 6, Miss Sarah Pierpont Barnard and William Herbert Miller, both of this city, were united in marriage at Brick Presbyterian church, Rev. W. R. Taylor performing the ceremony. About 500 guests were present. The bride was formerly a directress of kindergarten work in the schools of Rochester, and is well and favorably known in educational circles. The groom is a prominent member of No. 15, and is superintendent of the linotype department of the Evening Times. Congratulations and

best wishes were extended by a large number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Miller enjoyed a bridal trip to Washington, Philadelphia, New York and Albany. They are now at home to their friends on Tuesdays at 64 Park avenue.

Sidney H. Cluxton, who for the past year has been the machinist in the office of the Democrat and Chronicle, has received a position as linotype machinist in the government office at Washington, and left for that city on December 10. Mr. Cluxton took the recent civil service examination and his rating was 96.6. His appointment followed immediately on the announcement of his rating. Since coming to Rochester Mr. Cluxton has, by his kindly manner, made a host of friends, and while regretting his departure, one and all congratulate him on his promotion to a larger field of usefulness. He is succeeded by P. J. Donohue, of the Syracuse Post-Standard.

The Cummings memorial library project is a most laudable one, and should receive the financial assistance of every union printer in the land. M. A. WHITMORE.


On Wednesday, November 2, occurred the formal opening and dedication of the Detroit Printers' Club, which was attended by visitors and members to the number of between 800 and 1,000, the hours of the reception being from 1:30 to 11:30 P. M. A delightful program had been prepared by the entertainment committee, which consisted of a large number of vocal and instrumental selections by local talent and an orchestra of eight pieces. A number of vaudeville sketches were also rendered by local artists.

The exercises in the afternoon were opened by a speech from President Garrels, who welcomed the visitors and acted as master of ceremonies, introducing Mayor Maybury, who addressed the club members and visitors in the reception room, and in the course of his remarks highly complimented the printers on this innovation, and stated that if this club was a product of unionism, this opening and reception should be enough to convince any one that such an organization was a great benefit to the members individually and a credit to any city, and that he was proud to have been elected an honorary member and be permitted to address so superior a class of craftsmen.

Rev. Mr. Collins was then introduced and in his inimitable style paid a handsome tribute to the progressive printer and his social attributes, and dedicated the club to educational, social and amusement purposes. Then followed the musical program of the afternoon,

During the rendition of musical numbers in the reception room, a mammoth bowl of Roman punch was placed on a prepared table, which was handsomely decorated with large floral pieces and plates of cake. The ladies were served with punch and cake.

The evening program was a repetition of the afternoon, with the exception that the All Stars of Detroit and the best team of the club's bowlers tried issues in a match bowling game-the printers losing all three games, due mostly to the fact that

there were a large number of ladies present, and that in striking graceful attitudes in poising and delivering the balls they entirely lost sight of the pins.


Thus was the opening and dedication of one of the finest suites of club rooms in the country. And now for a short résumé of its inception, organization and realization: Three years ago a few printers from the respective newspapers organized themselves into a bowling league and met twice a week-one day for practice and one for regular scheduled games. Each succeeding season added interest to this popular indoor sport, and last season it became so evident that the printers' league was a permanent institution and that it was paying over $50 a week for alley rental, that a few of the progressive members got together and unanimously decided that they would have their own bowling alleys. A petition was circulated calling for members who desired to form a club, and asking them to pledge $10 each as a membership fee. In less than one week sufficient applications had been made to guarantee the success of the undertaking, and a meeting was called to formally organize. At that meeting officers were elected.

A new building, at 6-8 Barclay Place, occupied on the first floor by a restaurant, and on the second by the musicians' club rooms, with the third and fourth floors unfinished, was selected by the building committee as ideally located for a club home, and a lease for five years was entered into. Thus two floors of this handsome building were secured. Committees on furnishing the rooms lost no time in acting. On the third floor the stairway enters a large, handsomely furnished reception room, with piano, library tables, books, daily papers, magazines and leather rockers. On the walls are many beautiful pictures, some donated by friends of the club, some by its members and some purchased. The billiard and pool room adjoins the reception room and is connected by a large double portiered arch and screen. The billiard room is furnished with a fine pair of tables and all accessories to a complete equipment. In the rear of this popular room is the buffet, the most attractive and complete of its kind in the country. The room is 30x30 feet, furnished in mahogany, with 20-foot bar, large refrigerator, tables, chairs, gas range and a shuffleboard. Here, at all times, the weary typo may find rest, recreation and refreshment, between the hours of 1 P. M. and 5:30 A. M. On the fourth floor are the bowling alleys, four in number, conceded by all to be the finest in the city.

The management of this handsome club house is in the hands of permanent committees, and the employes a steward, assistant steward, five pin setters and a janitor-are under the immediate supervision of the president and treasurer, William Bessler, who has an office in the reception room, and to whose interest and indefatigable strenuosity in any enterprise he undertakes is attributed our success. May his tribe increase!

At present there are 200 active members in the club, which also accepts stereotypers and pressmen connected with the newspapers. Membership fee, $25; dues, $4 per year, payable quarterly. The

[blocks in formation]

Every now and then there is talk of starting another daily paper in this city. There is a good field for one. The city has a population of 40,000, while the neighboring city of Central Falls has 10,ooo or more, to say nothing of the adjacent towns. With the advent of another daily paper not only would our business improve, but the attendance of members at the meetings of the union would be more satisfactory. An attempt was made a short time ago to obtain subscribers for stock to start a new daily, but its promoters were troubled with cold feet, and it failed to materialize. This should not be construed as a reflection upon the present daily. It is a very fair paper, but with a competitor it would naturally improve. Under the guid ance of a practical journalist no reason could be assigned for a bright and breezy daily not paying. At the last meeting of our union nominations of officers for the ensuing year took place. The question of a change in the delegates to the allied printing trades council was suggested, but when the chair called for nominations he was informed by the secretary of that body that they were permanent and not subject to change. He must have resided in Russia at some time.

It is proposed to have a smoker in the near fu ture. The last one held by the union was a gratifying success, both numerically and financially. It is not good taste, to say the least, for a printer who has been as low, according to his own statement, as one could go, to proclaim the same even in a gospel mission for the edification of his hearers. A man may have been worse than a fool, and it pains him at times to think of it, but he naturally shrinks from advertising the fact. Altogether it is a poor way to convert sinners.

The Union Linotype Setting Company, of this city, is now running day and night shifts. Its promoters will be on Wall street before long. Walter E. Dennis, a book and job office proprietor and a member of our union, has been granted the label. This makes five label offices in our jurisdiction.

Joseph Choquet, a linotype operator, is devoting his spare hours to the study of law. His father is judge of the district court of Central Falls. Should Joe ever succeed his father, may the Lord have mercy on the poor unfortunate who should be brought before him and endeavor to tell a fairy

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