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tale in his defense. He is such an adept at this that he would severely resent any intrusion upon his preserves.

Business in this city at the present is very good. There is not an overabundance of work, but everybody seems to be busy.

Since Brother Cushman's departure it has been very trying to get news. He was well versed on constitutional and other forms of law, and knew just when and where to make use of that knowledge.

Perhaps it is needless for me to say that Hugh O'Halloran, of Boston, at the banquet of No. 33, in Providence, made a very interesting and instructive address. Brother Samuel R. Macready, speaking for the "Oldest Printer," furnished much food for reflection when he stated that he had never drank intoxicating liquors. His speech was an eyeopener to his listeners.

The writer has had occasion more than once to call the attention of the craft to the fact that all do not drink intoxicating liquors. At our smokers and gatherings provision is always made for those who do not. Please remember this, brothers, in the future. JUVENTUS.


The annual holiday rush is on, and the ad work is good, but job work could be much better. No idle men, however.

Alvin H. Day left this month for Washington, D. C., where he will be employed in the govern ment printing office. Here's hoping the members of No. 101 will find Mr. Day as congenial as did those of No. 246.

Darwin Leininger and Miss Sadie Jones were married last month. The groom is the foreman of the Weekly Leader. The members of our local join in extending to the happy couple their hearty congratulations.

The Republican and Herald has installed a new Campbell pony, perforator and round cornering machine, and the Joseph Leicht Press has recently added a new and up-to-date paper cutter to its job department, all of which speaks of prosperity.

The regular meetings seem to lack the enthusi asm necessary to bring out good attendance. The January meeting is for the purpose of electing a new set of officers, and it is fair to presume that it will also mark the beginning of a year filled with uncertainties, at the expiration of which the eighthour law becomes effective, and much hard and aggressive campaigning must be done to accomplish the enforcement of this law. A start may be made by exchanging ideas. The proper place for this to be done is at the place of meeting, and in order to get the full value of the ideas it is essentially necessary to have a full attendance at the meetings-not barely enough present to make the meeting constitutional. President Hentges has made known that he is not a candidate for re-election, and the new head of the body should be reminded that much depends upon him to guide us successfully through 1905. But he can not, and is not expected to, do all the work alone. He must have the co-operation of every member, and committees appointed by him must faithfully perform

the duties assigned them. Boys, there is work to be done, and let it not be said of any one member of No. 246 that he is a shirker. There are no "favored few," so do not think that your presence will be obnoxious, and that you can do no good.

The label committee ought to be up and doing soon, as the annual meetings of the board of education, city council, and other bodies who use a great deal of printing, will occur soon, and they should be prevailed upon to adopt the label. It might do some good to try. Nothing venture, nothing have.

Let's make 1905 a record breaker.



No. 190 at its last meeting passed the following resolution:

That the secretary be instructed to forward holiday greetings to the International officers, congratulating them on the prosperous year just closing, and especially to commend the policy of THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL during the last year.

The allied printing trades council gave another of its popular smokers December 15. Good speakers were in attendance, and all present left the hall better union men for having attended.

The woman's auxiliary to the local union gave a successful dancing party December 12, the proceeds from which will go to make happy the inmates of the Home at Christmas time.

Another worthy object is the preparation being made by a committee of the local union to give a minstrel show soon for the benefit of the Cummings memorial fund. The writer hopes that the affair will be more successful financially than previous similar occasions.

Charles Seaman, late of the Washington Star, now a government immigrant inspector, visited in Omaha while en route to the northwest on business connected with his office.

Recently the chairmen of the various chapels got together and organized themselves into an association, the object of which is uniformity in collecting dues and getting together on other things beneficial to themselves and printers in general. It looks like a good thing.

The executive committee of No. 190 is laying plans for a campaign to bring into the fold the half dozen or so printers scattered throughout this district who do not belong to an organization. President Fisher is determined that it will not be his fault if any are overlooked.

"Economy must be the watchword of the local union from now on," said an official. "No. 199 has always been too liberal with its finances. Of course, we have a good defense fund, but it will be the aim of the executive committee to cut down needless expenses in the future." This is a timely and wise decision.

"In the past it has been the habit of job printers to let the newspaper men bear the brunt of fights made in behalf of the former," said a leading job printer. "In the case of the eight-hour campaign the story will be different. The job printers will be found on the firing line from start to finish. We see no reason why we should work more hours than the newspaper men, and we are not going to

depend entirely on the newspaper men to win this fight, for we are determined that it will be won largely by our own efforts. We started the agitation for an eight-hour day with the intention of winning, and it will not be the job printers' fault if we do not. But we will win, for it is a just cause." I. J. COPENHARVE.


Brockton's new newspaper scale of $19 flat for everybody is giving good satisfaction, and we are receiving calls for copies of it every few weeks from various unions in New England.

The book and job scale committee has just completed a canvass for signatures to the new scale, which goes into effect January 1, 1905, and it has secured all but one. As Organizer Scott is expected to assist this committee, we have no fear but that by January 1 all the offices will be in line and paying the new scale. It calls for an increase of $1.50 per week, making the scale $16.50 per week, nine hours per day; abolishes piece work and state board arbitration, and substitutes local arbitration, underwritten by President Lynch. In addition to the union offices, some of the larger non-union offices employing part union members have notified the committee that January 1 will find them in line paying the scale, and that they will allow us to establish chapels in their offices.

Owing to some of the rank label-hating shoe manufacturers in this city threatening to withdraw their trade if these firms used the printers' label, they did not care to have it.

Election is over, and the printers of this city followed their annual custom of ascertaining the sentiment of the candidates for offices in the city government toward the label on city printing, and published the names in favor, regardless of politics.

With Governor Douglas in the state house the union men of this state have demonstrated for once the power of the ballot. Mr. Douglas started the first union newspaper in this city, and for years the members of his composing room, with exception of two or three others, comprised the entire membership of No. 224, which now numbers some seventy members. While Mr. Douglas still owns this paper, it is leased to N. R. Bu chanan for a long term of years, but for the coming year he will act as Governor Douglas' private secretary at the state house in Boston. I have heard it stated that this paper was started to place Mr. Douglas just where he will be after the first of the year-in the governorship.

A committee waited on George E. Keith, the manufacturer of the Walkover shoe, stamp 290 of the Boot and Shoe Workers' Union, who also has a large printing office in connection with his plant, employing some twenty-five persons all told. Mr. Keith made the remarkable statement that he only took the Boot and Shoe Workers' Union stamp to avoid trouble, and that it amounts to nothing. Didn't want the printers' label or care for it. When asked if he realized that many cases of shoes couldn't be sold unless they bore the label, he immediately changed the subject, and even dared the printers to force him to take it. I hope

the printers will take notice of this man's remarks about their label when asked to purchase Walkover shoes.

The allied trades recently got out some stickers calling attention to the fact that all printing which did not bear the label was unfair.

The following ad was inserted in a local paper by a distracted tenement hunter with a "Teddy Roosevelt family." Those having large families can sympathize with this poor "shoemaker": "I want a tenement of 6 or 7 rooms, a little way out; got some young ones; can kill a few of them for the sake of a tenement. Address A 97, care Enterprise." S. B. A.


Jul. Th. Engler, who has been the Home librarian for about eight years, handles daily an average newspaper and magazine mail of some 150 packages, distributes and classifies them on their respective hooks, superintends book shelves containing about 2,500 volumes, checks and issues books and magazines to the residents, keeps them (the books, not the residents) in repair, and performs other necessary work with faithfulness and activity. Although seventy-seven years old, he seldom "puts on a sub" because of sickness or disability. Mr. Engler was admitted from Omaha GermanAmerican Union in October, 1895.

Our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners were thoroughly enjoyed by every resident whose digestive apparatus was in working order. They both consisted of roast turkey, with the usual side dishes and dessert, all artistically prepared by the Home chef. Mr. and Mrs. Deacon know what the "old boys" and invalids like, and always "fill the bill," especially on festive holidays.

The new duplex force-pump recently installed in our engine room withstood a successful test a few weeks ago, throwing a copious stream of water more than twenty-five feet above the towers of the main building. The fire chiefs of Colorado Springs and Denver were present to inspect the operation of our apparatus, and found everything working satisfactorily. Our engineer, A. O. Taylor, manipulated the nozzle. A regular fire brigade will be formed from residents and employes.

Charles Hamline, admitted from Jacques-Cartier Union No. 145, August 15, 1902, vacated November 19, 1904, and returned to Montreal, Canada. His disease (tuberculosis), though perhaps checked, was not cured by the Colorado climate, although he received the best nursing and medical care, and he left in a very feeble condition. The residents presented Mr. Hamline with a very neat cash contribution just before his departure.

Robert H. McDaniels, admitted from New York No. 6, February 29, 1904, died of tuberculosis in the hospital annex December 17, aged thirty-eight years. He leaves a wife and family in New York city.

The number of residents of the Home is approaching the 140 mark, and still they come. If our large membership does not soon contribute that 50 cents per capita, many of our unfortunate brothers will "be left out in the cold" for want of

room. Hurry up the Cummings memorial wing, boys, so that this congestion may be relieved and those knocking for admission can be accommodated.

Peabody is politically dead and d-emoralized. Adams, peace and prosperity once more reign in Colorado, and the miners will have the eight-hour day.

The second of the series of social entertainments planned for the amusement of the residents occurred on the evening of November 30. As at the previous exhibition, the performers were all residents and employes of the Home, Harry McManus being master of ceremonies. The program was delightful.

New York No. 6, at the present writing, is represented at our institution by thirty-four residents.

Cornelius N. Grady, admitted from Pueblo Union No. 175, September 25, died of tuberculosis in the hospital annex November 27. His brother James, of Hartford, Conn., the former home of the deceased, was here two weeks before the end, and accompanied the remains to that city.

The sad news of the sudden death of William Kennedy, of Chicago, came in a dispatch to Superintendent Deacon on November 25. Our flag was ordered at half mast until the following Sunday, the day of the funeral.

At its regular December meeting No. 82 unanimously endorsed John F. Jones, an old practical printer of Colorado Springs, for state commissioner of printing. Resolutions were passed urging Governor-elect Adams to consider the qualifications of Mr. Jones for the position. If his appointment was left to the decision of the Home residents he would have "a sure thing," as John is very popular here as well as with the craft throughout Colorado. John R. O'Brien, of Buffalo, N. Y., president of the International Clerks' Association; C. J. Lynch, of New York city, president of the International Metal Workers' Union, and James A. Lavery, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., a member of the printers' trade council, visited the Home on December 7. These gentlemen were on their way home from the convention of the American Federation of Labor at San Francisco. They expressed themselves as highly pleased with our beneficent institution, and promised a favorable report thereof to the federa tion. They were entertained by Superintendent Deacon during their short visit.

Carpenters, steam fitters, pipe layers, kalsominers and plasterers have been busy about the buildings and grounds for several weeks. The result will be complete repairing, renovation and needed improvements of grounds and buildings. Colorado Springs, Colo.



No. 146 is pretty busy at this time. The scale for 1905-6 did not meet with the approval of sev eral of the proprietors, and we held a special meeting on Sunday, November 27, at which time we made several modifications, hoping thereby to secure the desired signatures; but at this writing only two shops have signed, and they are only small ones. It is hoped that they will all sign,

though, before the first of the year, as work is particularly good here-better than for several years past. Nearly every office in town is rushed to its utmost capacity, and many of them are working nights and Sundays.

A former member of No. 146, but now of Huntington (W. Va.) Union, was elected a member of the lower house of the legislature, and his old friends here are congratulating him. I refer to L. F. Chapman, formerly of the Magnet Printing Company here. Lew is a stanch union man, and the friends of union labor can congratulate themselves upon having such a man in our legislative bodies. J. R. Foster, of the Capitol, holding the position of assistant state commissioner of labor, is confined to his home by illness. D. C. LOVETT, JR.


Business has been quite brisk this winter, and the label is appearing more and more in public. Our non-union offices are kicking for want of work. Let them acquire the label and receive their share.

At our last meeting the executive committee reported in favor of a revised scale for the newspaper machine and admen. It is hoped we shall be able to organize the Post and Telegram before this takes effect. Our committee on by-laws reported, and presented a very compact set of laws for consideration by the union.

Once more we are at home in Magna Charta hall to welcome our brother craftsmen. "Come one, come all."

With the prospect of an eight-hour day in the near future, let us put our shoulder to the wheel that we may reap our reward. C. W. W.


The only news appearing from this burg is when "M. N. R." appears on the scene, which is none too frequent to suit the boys. It was with sorrow that the many Syracuse friends of "Bob" Scott learned of his death a few days since.

The Post-Standard is to add a new machine to its battery of ten the first of the year. It is rumored that the Herald has also ordered a new one.

Our regular monthly meeting was a hummer, not in attendance, but in the importance of the business transacted. The most noteworthy was the decisive defeat of an amendment to our constitution debarring the tourist from voting for local officers unless he has been a member of No. 55 for at least six months. Another matter of importance was the decision to appeal the Corregan case, which was decided against us the week previous. This is a very important case to the craft in general, as it is a question whether or not a union can discipline its members. It will be remembered that Corregan, in a public speech, vilified our International and local officers, and was fined $50 by the local, but refused to pay, and did not appeal to the International Typographical Union, and his card was taken away from him. He took his case into court, and on the first trial we defeated him, but on the second we were defeated, hence our

appeal to the higher court, in which we are con fident of winning. This case has already cost No. 55 several hundred dollars, but we are ready to spend several hundred more to win out.

"Uncle" Joe Barton and "Chippie" Neighbors are still with us, as is also Jim (“G. P. O.") Fox. "Big" Mike Hayes came in from Newark, N. J., and is subbing on the Post-Standard.

Percy Monroe is expected here in a short time. The Post-Standard sick society has declared a dividend of $23.

The letter in the December JOURNAL by J. P. O'Connor, of Boston, in regard to the first proposition, just voted upon by the referendum, is very good, and furnishes food for thought for the membership in general. There has been considerable talk among the members of No. 55 in regard to this matter, and many are of the opinion that a strict priority law is a necessity, although there are some drawbacks with this.



At the December meeting of No. 233 the ques tion of celebrating our twelfth anniversary was settled by President Cook appointing a committee to take the matter up, and it was given full power to arrange for any kind of entertainment it saw fit.

What are you doing for the annual memorial day?

The board of supervisors of the county of Niagara will have no printing without the union label; neither will the board of education of this city.

Jacob J. Fink has announced his candidacy as delegate to the Toronto convention. It is expected half the union will be in the field for the plum. The exes that will be in attendance from No. 233 will be McCarthy, Hallett, Meyers and Lock. Doc Hyde, of Rochester, formerly of No. 233, ex-Detroit, will probably be in line.

Printorially speaking, Niagara Falls is 100 per cent union.

Nos. 9 and 67 should throw their harpoons Tonawandaward. Get in line and make the News pay living wages.

Louis Baum is the new chairman of the CarterCrume chapel. He ought to make a good one. Boost for the union label. Don't let the label committee do all the work!

One of the best jokes ever perpetrated occurred on December 7. McCoomb, foreman of the Gazette, was out of plate miscellany for an eightpage paper, so he meandered down to the Cataract to make a borrow of a few columns. Ever-obliging Foreman Hallett, of the Cataract, showed him a pile of unused plate and told him to take his pick. Selecting three columns of the newest, McCoomb hurried back to the Gazette and slid it in in a hurry, as the paper was late. Imagine the surprise of the Gazette readers on seeing in that strong republican paper a fiery article denouncing Roosevelt's policy in the Philippines, his fostering of trusts, and calling upon all to vote for Parker, the people's choice, on November 8. Quite

a scene occurred in the front office the next day, but everything was easily explained. Hallett says

it was unintentional, but the laugh, etc., is still on McCoomb.

Erie, Pa.? Where is that?

It's your turn to call for the union label, the union button, and the union card. UNO.


At the last election the chosen board of freeholders, the main supporters of our enemy, the Sunday Chronicle, was voted out of office by the people, and as soon as its term expires (which is not far off) the Chronicle will have an entirely new set of officials to corrupt (if it can). This came about through a referendum proposition that carried with it a command to the legislature to frame and enact a law reducing the number from twenty-three to seven freeholders, and enlarging the districts from which they are to be elected accordingly. An investigation now in progress by a commissioner of the court here into the extravagance and misdeeds of these freeholders brought to light the remarkable fact that prison supplies last winter consisted of hothouse strawberries, fine old bourbon, ice cream, etc., that a prisoner was paid something like $150 for looking after the prison lawn, and that our friend (?), the Chronicle, got $700 for sending to New York about ninety old books to be rebound, and he admitted on the stand that he had the work done by others for about $400 or $500. Since the investigation began, one freeholder has committed suicide. The fight against the Chronicle is still being carried on and getting warmer.

No idle men, and no vacant situations lying round loose. Tourists and others, take notice. The panhandlers can also do the same, as the jail will have no strawberries on its bill of fare this winter. Officialdom is doing business right since the investigation of the freeholders began.

Next meeting will see us working eight and onehalf hours per day, and we elect a new set of officers. President Herbert Kelt has broken the record here since he took the helm of No. 195 last January, and we are sorry he has decided to retire for a while. But "Herb," as he is familiarly called, can get anything he wants in the local, and will not stay in the rear long. The boys and girls (we have some thirty of the latter) won't let him. When Mr. Kelt became president we worked nine hours per day and got $15 per week. He has signed contracts that on July 1, 1905, we get eight hours per day and $16.50 per week. The raise in money has been in effect since August, 1904. The reduction in hours is the item to materialize July 1, 1905. The price named is the lowest; other situations pay more.

The News got the state printing, or the best part of it, this year.

E. B. Haines, of the News, gave a banquet complimentary to the boys in the composing rooms of this up-to-date paper, who were responsible for turning out the largest amount of work in a given. time that has ever been accomplished in the state of New Jersey. Without interfering with the news

paper plant or tying up any section of the job room, law cases, appeals, briefs and the like were hustled out in short order by the knights of the case and linotype. The News "boys" are strong on work and eat it up in short order. It was equally true of the banquet. The good things disappeared like magic. Not many years ago the News plant was a dwarf. The midget has grown to a lusty giant, and added to the push of the genial "boss," the boys have done much to build up this monument of newspaperdom. Long may the News wave in the ranks of the "fair," as it is P. H. CURTIS.



In writing this article the question which confronts me is: "Why are the members of the most intelligent of trade unions working longer hours and for lower wages than their less learned, but more fortunate, fellow trade unionists?"

Surely a trade from which have sprung many successful authors, editors, lawyers, statesmen and members of the different branches of our government can not be classed as otherwise than intelligent. Of course, all can not enter the professions mentioned above, but there are many shining examples now in the trade whose light would not be dimmed intellectually if put side by side with many occupying a higher and more lucrative position. Under such circumstances does it not seem strange that members of the strongest trade unions, and composed of talent that stands out as compared with other trades, should still be working fifty-four hours per eek for the trifling sum of from $15 to $20, when their less powerful, less intelligent, but more successful union neighbors are working forty-eight hours per week at from $21 to $30, and have been doing so for a good many years?

What is the cause of this? Surely it is not because you can learn the trade more easily than that of the carpenter, bricklayer, plasterer, plumber, mason, stone-cutter, or any of the other trades. It certainly is not because of labor-saving devices, for all trades have benefited more or less from that source of revenue to the employers. A good printer is not turned out in one, three, or even five years, and it is safe to say that he will still be learning if he remains at the trade thirty years.

Now it is not so with other trades; at least not to the same extent. Then how is it that we are so backward? Is it because our leaders are so timid they are afraid to venture beyond their depths? Or is it but what's the use.

There must be some reason, and a dim light ought to be shed over the subject, so that we in the dark may be able to learn a little of the ins and outs, and the many difficulties which our leaders have, for so many years, had to encounter.

Various instances could be given of trade unions which have risen from a scale of $2.50 per day of ten hours to one of $4 to $5.50 per day of eight hours in less than five years. Not so with the "art preservative." We seem to stick in the same old rut, and the eight-hour day is still far distant, although a ray of hope was shed from the last con

vention of the International Typographical Union, when the date was fixed for January 1, 1906. Hope the next convention will clinch the matter thor. oughly and decisively.

It does not take much common sense to know that when the labor market is overcrowded, labor is cheap; that when all surplus labor is employed, wages are high. Other trade unions seem to have grasped the idea and pressed it till they won out; hence the reason their wages are higher and working hours less than ours.

An eight-hour day will take most of the surplus labor off the market; then the question of higher wages is made more easy.

There was a time when typographical unions set an example for other unions to follow. Not so now. Other unions lead; we follow, and follow mighty slow.

Master printers are not fools. They see the drift. They know that the shorter workday is near at hand; but they are experts at bluffing, and it seems that a majority of our locals are too timid to call their bluffs.

After calmly considering the various conditions which have inspired this article, the question still remains, "Does higher intelligence pay?" G. G. New York, N. Y.


A matter of great importance to quite a number of our fellow craftsmen will soon be brought to the attention of every subordinate union under the jurisdiction of the International Typographical Union, and that is the erection of the new Cummings memorial library addition to the Home. That it is a matter of very great importance to the inmates of the Home all will agree, if they will give the subject a moment's thought.

Our brothers in the Home are men who, from some disability, have fallen from the ranks, and are thrown into enforced isolation and idleness. Their lives have been spent in repeating the thoughts of others, but now they must perforce, in great measure, find solace in the communings of their own thoughts. While man's mind is a prolific field, it is not inexhaustible, and under such circumstances times and seasons will come to the best stored mind among us when, with Macbeth, though for less guilty cause,

"We 'gin to be weary of this world!" With the proposed library addition completed, and the Amos J. Cummings library installed therein, a new light will dawn upon our brothers. When they seat themselves in the library, they have obtained Prince Houssain's carpet; they are transported to the antipodes and the uttermost parts of the earth; not to other climes only, but to other times also. The scenes of the world's infancy pass before them. They commune with the mankind of former ages; politicians, statesmen, heroes, who, having power to reform the world, have been content to subdue it; and if they be so minded, they may search the records of modern times and of our much vaunted superior civilization, in the hope of finding a type of him who, when he lost his election as one of the 300, went

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