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Amateur Baseball Year Book. It is published by Spaulding & Brothers. Mr. Luitich's efforts are so thorough that the Washington Post bought the entire edition and distributed them to the youth of the District. John is a thirty-third degree fan.

Fruition of life is the greater when the wageearner has the longer time to devote thereto. Hence the wisdom in the contention for a day's labor of fewer hours. We are on the right track. Reason is on our side. And so will be the employers, President Ellis' efforts to the contrary notwithstanding.

And in the meantime, and regularly as well, demand the label. It is well worth the asking, and, better still, the demanding of it. No time is lost in this wise.

The baseball enthusiasts in the big printery have formed a league, and the playing is very good for amateurs.

The evil that man doeth unto himself is oft found in the cup which he drains.

Work on Munsey's new Times building is progressing rapidly, and ere the passing of many months there will be a newspaper row in Wash; ington. Although it may be short in distance it will be swell.

The Washington Post company will surely, it is said, build an addition to its terribly crowded composing room. This is an old story, but since the Times is coming near by, the Post will get chesty.

Remember the eight-hour day and make it a certainty. President Ellis wishes to retain the nine-hour day. Be steadfast, ever.

Development of the mind does not follow incessant work. A brighter faculty is gained by having your mind off your work for a longer time each day.

Let us all forget the election liar, and go our way rejoicing in the conviction that the eight-hour day will be a glorious achievement.

It can be argued that the union which returns certain men as delegates every few years is short of material, or that the winners are long on a compact, greater in strength, it seems, than were ever the alleged Wahnetas. Maybe these fellows call it by another name.

Relentless fate will keep President Ellis, of the United Typothetæ, on the hop for some time to


The reduction of one hour per day means work for a greater number of men, and a longer time of rest. The employer will share in equal period with the wage-earner, and each will naturally stand the grind the better.

Secretary Frank Morrison is opposed to the proposition that will make the International Typographical Union delegation to the American Federation of Labor composed of members who are not office holders in that body. Mr. Morrison is eligible to election as secretary without being a delegate.

The man who nowadays permits his business to wane because of his refusal to treat with his union employes can be likened unto the "Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater," of poem fame.

The Railway Age brought some French Canadi

ans to Washington to do stunts on the Mergenthaler during the Railway Congress. Was fortunate to get cards from three of them as follows: Anatole Perreault, A. L. Chapdelaine and Hermenegilde Desjardins. The latter's first name was printed in small caps. They were all good fellows, just the same.

Toronto has wet Sundays only when there is rainfall.

No doubt the delegate-elect is now figuring on his card. Wonder what Esterling will bring along to the Canadian metropolis.

"Sign Your Name." Well said, Editor Bramwood! We will now know men by their names, as well as by their words.

That prince of good fellows, John F. Busche, of New York, spent an evening in Washington during May, and the chances are that he had a good time. He was a brief guest of Lorenzo C. Hover, of the Post chapel. Modesty forbids say. ing how he enjoyed himself later on. Mr. Busche, although in business, maintains his membership in "Big Six."

A man devoted to his books never complains of confinement, but the fellows who help to make the books want only eight hours per day. That's enough.

The mills of a twelve-point shop, from which is issued a six-point newspaper, grind continuously, but their ceaseless grind is exceedingly helpful.

Albert Meehan, known generally in the bigger cities, spent part of May in Washington, subbing on the Post. He is looking well and guarantees his friends that he is feeling that way.

The bowlers are gradually leaving the alleys. Too warm.

The disciples of Walton are after the finny tribe hereabouts, and large catches are reported by the printer fisherman. Rather than to seek the proof the stories told are generally believed.

An election echo: The imprudent defeated candidate is he who threatens to get even next year. Bad business.

W. C. Watson, of Chicago, formerly of this city, was home after an absence of three years. He is the same hale, hardy "Bugs" as of old, and sings praises loud of the healthfulness of the Windy City. His looks do not belie his contention.

President Calvert, of Philadelphia Union, spent a day in Washington, early in May. He became interested in a conversation with Frank Morrison and was so delayed in getting his dressing case that he missed his train. Mr. Calvert visited the government printing office, and evidently was highly pleased with what occurred during the time spent in the big printery, as his face was wreathed in smiles when he reached the sidewalk.

The faultfinder is as prominent as day and night.

Has your summer suit got the label on it? If not, you are recreant to the worth of the priceless emblem of trade unionism.

W. C. ("Spike") Leonard, known in Chicago as well as in Washington, and equally well in other cities, has taken unto himself a wife. After an extended honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard

returned to this city and will make it their home Best wishes to the happy couple.

It will be rather awkward for the nom de plume writer to sign his own name. If he has a bank account and pays his bills with checks it won't be quite so hard.

Secretary Taylor, of Tacoma, has my profound sympathy. Abbreviate.

Mr. Newton, of Salt Lake City, ought to know, since he works on a piece basis, that the swift operator in a piece shop is more conspicuous than the slow man. This may seem "ridicule" in that section, but it is a fact nevertheless.

All's well that ends well. And this will be ab solutely true of the eight-hour-day proposition, What is the progress with you?

"I have another life I long to meet," says the fellow who is now working nine, ten and more hours each day. And it is not much wonder that he wants a change. He ought to have it and will have it, if we dwell in a spirit of determination on the shorter workday proposition.

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The esteemed Bloomer writes on the death of Editor Patton of the Washington Trades Unionist. I can say no more, and his words are mine, so to speak.

Titus Ellis, who works for Uncle Sam as a proofreader, has embarked in business. He now owns and operates the news stand of the Mount Vernon railway, in this city. The venture has proven a good investment, and Mr. Ellis has the best wishes of a legion of friends.

Would it not be a good idea to have a reunion. of ex-delegates at Toronto? The chances are that there will be a large number present at the next convention, and if it were previously understood that a genuine "backcapping" session will be held by the exes a respectable gathering will be had. Herbert Cooke, of Boston, says he will be there, which is a partial guarantee that such an affair will have caste and force. There are other ex-delegates in Boston who are, I am reliably informed, equally as strong on these lines as Cooke. Then there is the veteran Buckley, of Bradford; the aggressive McGowan, of Chicago; the istute Shepard, of Grand Rapids; the progressive Farmer Hays, of Minneapolis-our vicepresident; the suave Calhoun, of this city; the vigorous writer and ex-president, Prescott; the erudite Browne, of Syracuse; perhaps the orator Hayes, of Cleveland; the big-hearted Costello, of St. Louis; the eminent Morrison of the American Federation; the lowly but genial Bates, of Rochester; the promoted layman Nichols, of Baltimore; Editor Bramwood and President Lynch and many others-all loyal, excellent, resolute fellows. It will be a big assemblage, and will add prestige

to the younger element who are the delegates. And who will not think that such a reunion will not recall the days of the Brotherhood or Wahnetas, which was destroyed by Shelby Smith, Frank Morrison et al., at the Colorado Springs convention?

It is a gratifying realization that Woman's Auxiliary No. 13, of Washington, is so harmonious as to elect a delegate unanimously. Mrs. Albert Bowen was chosen and indications are prominent that she will ably represent her constituents. At this meeting Mrs. Jessie Spencer Hover again proved her worth as chairman of the music committee. She had an excellent program and it was splendidly rendered by the younger people. JAMES MONROE KREITER.


At this time we can not boast of as thorough organization as in the past, owing to trouble being precipitated upon us by an establishment that, although it had complied with all regulations in the past governing a union office, saw fit to depart from promises made and locked out the members of our union from the establishment simply because the employes preferred their cards to their situations. Their places were filled with imported non-union men from Philadelphia. This little incident has not cooled the ardor of unionism in Meriden, but has instilled into the members greater activity and determination to battle for the principles enunciated in our obligation as union men.

April 14, as the employes, members of the union, reported for work, they were confronted with the proposition of remaining with the concern (the Curtis-Way Company) and surrendering their rights as union men, or standing firm to the union and losing their situations, and, with all honor to these members, they decided to remain true to their union, with one exception-F. Ad. Gehring, a man who has a reputation for unfairness following him from the cities of Glens Falls, Holyoke, etc. He preferred to clothe himself with the garb of a "scab" rather than to stand out for the prin ciples of justice and right.

Up to the present time but little progress may seem to have been made, yet those who have the matter in charge are confident that great inroads have been made towards a successful culmination of the conflict, and by the next issue of THE JOURNAL we hope to report victory.


ORGANIZED labor is necessary to man; it is accessary to peace and the prosperity of the country. Labor is a commodity. It is merchandise that will not keep. In its individual capacity it is helpless and must take what it can get. It can not go to another market, for when it leaves home the wife and the children are in need. Individually, labor is subject to the laws of supply and demand because it can't wait. In its united capacity it is strong. Not strong in wrong, because labor has no desire to do wrong to capital or to conditions. It has too much brains.-Governor Frazier, of Ten



In my April letter I quoted somewhat extensively from interviews between union officials and Messrs. Barnes and Donnelly, of the typothetæ. Mr. Donnelly is quoted as saying he has authority from the pressmen to put non-union men at work if he feels so disposed. That assertion was based on the agreement between the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union and the typothetæ. I have been asked several times if Mr. Donnelly really made that statement, and if it was a fact that the agreement between the pressmen and typothetæ was an open agreement. Such is the fact. The paragraph covering that point is here quoted:

The International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union shall not engage in any strike, sympathetic or otherwise, or boycott, unless the employer fails to live up to this contract, it being understood that the employer fulfills all the terms of this contract by paying the scale of wages and living up to the shop practices as settled by the committee REGARDLESS OF HIS EMPLOYES' UNION AFFILIATIONS; no employer shall engage in any lockout unless the union or members thereof fail to live up to this contract; the conference or arbitration committee to be the final judge of what constitutes a failure to live up to this contract.

The clause "regardless of his employes' union affiliations" is the loophole that constitutes the open shop agreement. The agreement was submitted to a referendum vote, and by the returns to the International officers was declared adopted. The referendum vote was taken at the union meetings, and it appears absent members were voted for or against the proposition, as the majority at the meeting carried for or against. The vote was close, showing the agreement had much opposition. The Philadelphia vote, by clerical error it is claimed, was recorded wrong-reversed-so the measure carried. It is further claimed that a large part of the membership did not grasp the full meaning and intent of the line "regardless of his employes' union affiliations," and that if the purpose had been stated in specific language instead of being shrouded with ambiguity, the result would have been an overwhelming defeat. There was an attempt made at the 1904 convention in St. Louis to reopen the matter, resulting in a long and acrimonious debate, a full account of which is given in the September issue of the American Pressman, pages 27 to 32, and also pages 100 to 102, but the recommendation of the committee on the report of the International president to adopt was carried. A proposition to "investigate the vote cast by subordinate unions on the question of the agree ment, and if found to be against it to notify the typothetæ that the same is null and void," was referred to the committee on laws, which reported unfavorably, and the report was adopted. The report of the president as adopted was as follows:

The agreement should stand. The International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union is responsible for the acts of its subordinate unions either for good or for evil; the evil of a mistake, if made, is not the fault of the International officers. They acted in honor and faith of the agreement's adoption on the returns as herein presented. This faith and honor was accepted by the officers of the United Typothetæ of America, signed by both the organizations signatory thereto, fully conscious of its merits or demerits as a document

of business value on the questions of its intent for the period of its dated use.

All of which goes to show that contracts and agreements should be specifically written in good old plain Anglo-Saxon, so that he who runs may read.

The executive officers of this union have compiled and published an eight-page folder entitled "A Few Reasons Why You Should Join Chicago Typographical Union No. 16." It is intended for distribution among the non-union printers in the neighborhood of Chicago. On the second page, under the heading "Our Object," appears the preamble to the constitution and by-laws, which is a model of comprehensive English composition. "Be a Union Man" heads page 3, which is an appeal to that instinctive fellowship so inherent in mankind for higher benevolent, intellectual and material accomplishments. The page devoted to "Benefits" states the present scale and the nine-hour day as the result of years of agitation and endeavor, and gives the amount of relief in the past seven years as amounting to $9,000. The mortuary page explains the death benefits, with a statement that nearly $24,000 has been paid to the relatives of deceased members in the past seven years. A page of Union Printers' Home statistics follows, with an illustration. Page 7 explains the local pension system as a means of immediate relief to some of the oldtime, honored and respected members whom age or disability has incapacitated for active work. Page 8 says "We have the men, the money, the ability to advance your interests. Call and get acquainted." The circular is neat and attractive, printed in two colors, and with a judicious method of distribution should do much to influence the outside man to get into the band wagon for the eight-hour day.

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The attempt to amend the election laws so that the delegates to the International conventions would be selected from the two newspaper men receiving the highest number of votes and the two highest jobbers, while intended to avoid a species of class legislation, would in fact have been the rankest kind. A strict interpretation would have resulted in either an adman or an operator on a newspaper coming under the eligible list, but a like interpretation respecting the jobber would have debarred every one except the Simon pure job printer. The proofreader, God bless him, would never have a look-in; the employe in auxiliary offices could applaud the election of his first cousin, the newspaper man, but for himself-never; the machinist might as well be in Lapland; and the large number of operators working in job offices would be simply onlookers; the monotype members, while working in job offices, do not in any sense come under the head of jobbers, and political aspirations in that branch would be of no use. Two-thirds of the members, it is said, are job men. If they would get together they could elect all four delegates.

The work of organization in Chicago and vicinity has assumed a progressive aspect, and is being

pushed with a vim that portends a clean sweep of that dangerous factor-the non-union man. The three committees-executive, eight-hour and organization have joined forces and laid out a plan of work that must, from its executive ability, knowledge of affairs and creditable personnel, be a pow erful adjunct in the eight-hour movement. The work of dividing the city into districts and appor tioning the individual efforts to live members is sure to bring satisfactory returns. The sextuple agreement covering the middle west met with unqualified unanimous endorsement at the April meeting by a rising vote. This expression of confidence and implicit faith in the executive council of the International Typographical Union by that action is not only proof of loyalty, but should be the means of strengthening that body in the stupendous task before it. Other unions will do well to emulate the example. Out with the knockers, whose every act serves to create weakness, and devote the energies, latent and active, to the cementing of united action for eight hours.

The brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who when they were come thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, examining the scriptures daily, whether these things were so.-Acts 17:10-11.

A short time ago less than a handful of printers, about five, I believe, met by appointment at the Y. M. C. A., took counsel together, adopted the above quotation as a declaration of principles, and launched "The Berean Order," a society of Christian printers, the object in view being to influence men for Christ, to urge union with the church of their choice, and to promote Christian service. The project has evidently met with approval, for they number about forty at this writing, with a promise of further increase in membership. At a meeting in the Athenæum building, Sunday, May 7, the order was addressed by S. S. Rogers, business manager of the Daily News, in a sympathetic and approbative talk. The meetings are held on the first and third Sunday of the month. W. A. Aldrich is president; T. J. Owen, vice-president; R. Y. Dantuma, treasurer; H. P. Moody and C. G. Rubly, secretaries. Stepping aside from trade union topics for the moment, one can bare his head in respect for the movement, and in contemplative frame of mind recall some conversions to Christianity of old acquaintances who could never have been brought to a realization of their spiritual, mental and social condition by any other influence.

It may seem that I have a decided antipathy for the typothetæ, judging from the repeated knocks I have been in the habit of indulging, but it is only the acrobatic tendencies that can be found fault with, not the organization itself. If it would come to the front with the unanimity in receiving propositions it exercises in proposing them, there might be some hope of satisfactory adjustment in pending negotiations. When a committee from the union called upon some of its representatives lately, they could or would give nothing but evasive answers looking to any propositions for even a basis upon which to begin arguments. As usual, they dis

claimed all possibility of controlling the membership on points where that body would assume to give any advantage, but on points where they could accept advantages they represented the typothetæ as a body and individually without question. There was not a single plank in the new scale upon which they could meet the committee as on common ground. But, on the other hand, the secre tary of the Chicago organization forwarded to the union a proposition that embodied the following: A fifty-four-hour week, with a scale of $19.50; a reduction on piece work on Lanston and Mergenthaler machines of 2 cents per thousand in both day and night; raising the "dead line" 500 ems; some other changes that were of more or less importance to operators, in extra-price matter. The compiler of the scale also doubled up on himself, for he makes a day and night rate on Mergenthalers of forty-eight hours at $24 and $26, and immediately underneath repeats each line of day and night rate at the same amount, but specifies fiftyfour hours as a week's work instead of forty-eight. Under the head of "Arbitration," after the phraseology usual in such documents, the paragraph ends with this declaration:

This agreement shall give the employer the right to employ union or non-union workmen, this question not being subject to arbitration.

Evidently fearful of a misunderstanding in the intent and purpose of the above, under the head of "Rules" the document rubs it in a little deeper as follows:

It shall be the right of the employer to employ whom he wishes, regardless of affiliations, provid ing he pays the scale and adheres to the shop practices as covered by this agreement, shop prac tices not to pertain to union or non-union affiliations of employes.

The clause covering strikes can be construed any way to fit any case; it means everything or nothing. It would be necessary to arbitrate its meaning before a board could intelligently arbitrate a dispute.

It is needless to say no time will be spent in considering this document. It hardly seems credible that the typothetæ expects it. What the object is in standing out for open offices can be explained only by two theories, which stand out with equal prominence. Either they expect to take advantage of the clause when opportunity arrives and inaug. urate open conditions in all the ramifications the word implies, or else they are willing to expend large sums of money in defense of a mythical principle they openly declare will be of no benefit to them, inasmuch as they contend hours and wages will apply to union and non-union men alike. No one with horse sense believes the latter theory.

As to the eight-hour day. The printers have handed the measure to the typothetæ in a conciliatory spirit. They have iterated and reiterated their desire for extensive and expansive conferences. They have put the matter up to the typothetæ in original packages and in small sugar-coated doses done up in fancy wrappings and embellished with embossed art, to all of which the typothetæ has turned a cotton-packed ear and steadfastly replied No! no!! no!!! It reminds me of the story I once

heard of a meeting between the publishers' association of this city and the scale committee some years ago. Harry Cole was representing the union and the meetings had been unproductive of results. Mr. Cole is reported to have delivered himself in this manner: "Well, gentlemen, it looks as though we can not agree to anything, so there is nothing left but to fight. But let me tell you, if it does come to a fight we may get burnt up, but you can depend on it you will get most damnably scorched." And it may be this strained situation will confront the typothetæ and the International Typographical Union. The typothetæ can do no better than continue friendly relations with typographical unions while they show a sacred regard for contracts. The Chicago bookbinders, Franklin pressfeeders and the electrotypers have had difficulties, and to all appeals for sympathetic aid the printers have replied by insisting strictly on International provisions governing such cases. That they sympathize with affiliated trades is evident from the moral and financial support granted when request was made; but when the question of breaking contracts was suggested, the typographical union stood by the strict interpretation of the agreement without quibble or evasion. Affiliated trades have warned the union "your turn next," but even that danger signal was unheeded. If the typothetæ can not see beyond their noses far enough to recognize the advantages of continuing these safe and desirable relations between the two bodies, they certainly lack the acumen necessary for peace with the printers. The printers are a power among other trades, and the typothetæ should take advantage of that fact, cultivate closer relations, and join them in a campaign for conservative, businesslike unionism. Will they do it, or will they invite further disaster and industrial chaos by sundering the thread of accord it has taken so many years to cultivate? The eight-hour day has been the desideratum for years, and with it secured there would be no questions of momentous importance between owners and workers in printing business for years to come.

The largest number of votes ever cast at an annual election was polled by members of Typographical Union No. 16 in choosing officers for the ensuing year. Out of a total membership of about 3,500 there were 2,425 votes cast.

A pro

President Edwin R. Wright, Secretary-Treasurer William McEvoy and Recording Secretary and Organizer John C. Harding were re-elected without opposition. F. M. Cruikshank was the unanimous choice for sergeant-at-arms. posed amendment to the by-laws requiring active members to pay dues amounting to 1 per cent of their gross earnings in addition to the per capita tax of the International Union and also requiring members not actively engaged in the business to pay $1 a month was defeated by a small margin.

The officers and delegates elected, together with the number of votes received by each, are as follows: President, Edwin R. Wright, 2,226; vicepresident, Thomas P. McCooey, 1,067; secretarytreasurer, William McEvoy, 2,078; recording secretary and organizer, John C. Harding, 2,112;

sergeant-at-arms, F. M. Cruikshank, 2,083; board of trustees, Gus Bilger, chairman, 2,089; C. F. Sheldon, 2,102; C. M. Whitman, 2,077; auditors, J. F. Mercer, 2,140; A. L. Auth, 2,136; H. C. Nelson, 2,143; delegates to convention, Joseph C. Larson, 1,376; William M. Nelis, 1,582; Emmett Whealan, 1,594; Richard C. Plambeck, 1,139; executive committee, Edward Wilcox, 1,949; R. L. C. Brown, 1,399; John F. Hayes, 1,279; A. G. Stoetzel, 1,161; Charles S. Thomson, 1,196; amendment to by-laws-for, 1,034; against, 1,056.


Harry Chirpe, of the eight-hour committee, attended the Oshkosh meeting, and reports there is "something going" in Wisconsin. The report of the meeting will no doubt appear in detail in THE JOURNAL, but Harry came back with three things impressed on his mind: 1. Deprecating the stand taken by the typothetæ on the eight-hour day. 2. That the typothetæ be urged to reconsider their action, and the International Typographical Union officers endeavor further for peaceable settlement. 3. Judicious efforts to bring all printers into the union and present a solid front in case they refuse conference for a settlement.

John M. McGowan has been visiting his old home, Stratford, Ont. Mc is simply bubbling over with gratitude for the royal entertainment put up for him by the Printers' Club at Detroit, and also at Toledo.

Sears, Roebuck & Co. have placed the printing department of their establishment on a forty-ninehour per week basis at $20. GEORGE J. KNOTT.


Fresno Typographical Union No. 144 held its annual election on May 2, and the following were installed: President, E. L. Hamilton; vice-president, Ray W. Baker; secretary-treasurer, A. D. Marshall; executive committee, J. B. Price, C. H. Boughton, Harry Blumenthal.

Ray W. Baker, late aspirant for member of the school board on the union labor ticket, was elected as delegate to the International convention.

The newspaper fraternity picnic held on the 23d of April was a grand and glorious success. A special train was chartered to take the merry ones to Polasky, where the day was spent. Games of all kinds were indulged in and prizes awarded to the lucky ones. The "mulligan" stew was the main attraction, and it was necessary to appoint a guard to keep the linotypers and stereotypers from throw. ing metal in the stew.

Things are in a constant turmoil in the Democrat composing room, owing to the numerous Charlies and Harrys at work there. Seven CharliesBoughton, Bye, Lewis, Hilton, Foster, Schuster and Marshall-and five Harrys-Huff, Green, Danner, Conner and Blumenthal. It's only necessary to call Charlie or Harry and you get good results -in fact, more than you can use.

No. 144 is in line for the Cummings memorial fund, and has levied an assessment of 50 cents per member, to be collected by the chairmen of the different chapels during the month of May.


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