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two children, and then blew out his own brains. Harry grabbed his hat and over


"Why, son," said Judge Woodruff, "you must not think of going out in this awful storm."

"Yes, I must, father," said Harry. “I'm a newspaper man, you know, and we can't regard weather."

Despite entreaties of father and mother, he hurried through the blinding storm to the scene of the tragedy, where he obtained all the harrowing particulars from the shivering policemen, his teeth chattering as his benumbed fingers wrote his notes. Then off he flew to the telegraph office to have the account sent as fast as he could write it.

"At last," he said, "I've got a chance to show that I'm a newspaper man. And if only that Press correspondent fails to come out I'll have a scoop, and to me that means Geraldine."

"Every wire is down and not a train is moving, young man," said the telegraph operator. "We're as completely shut off from the rest of the world as if we were in the middle of the Pacific ocean."

Poor Harry staggered. He was almost exhausted from his struggle with the storm, and the dashing of his hopes was a terrible blow. Crushed in spirit, he started home, the wind, now at his back, hurrying him along.

"It is blowing straight down the river and the ice is like glass," he cried to himself. "I'll get my news there anyway."

Arriving at home, he rushed into the house.

“Quick, father, my skates!" he exclaimed. "Why, Harry—"

"The wires are down and the Herald must have the news! I'll see that the Herald does have the news!"

In a closet in his old room he found the skates, almost as bright as when he last used them, and all the fastenings in good order.

"Now, father, I'm off! The wind blows down the river and the ice is one smooth glare. I can skate to Illindo in an hour.” "My boy, you've got the true Woodruff blood! I fear terribly for you, but will not

stop you. I'll go down to the river and see you off," catching up an umbrella as they started.

At the river's edge Harry fastened on his skates, tightly buttoned his coat, and prepared to make his start. An idea struck him.

"Father, give me that umbrella! You can get home without it, can't you?”

"Certainly; but what can you do with it skating?"

"I'll show you," said Harry, and with a push from shore, with the open umbrella held in front of him as a sail, he sped down the glassy river. Watching him as long as he was in sight in the fearful night, the father thrust his way home in the storm, proud of his boy, but with misgivings.

It was 11 o'clock when Harry started with his improvised sail, and the raging wind hurled him along at express-train speed. No need to watch for airholes, for the river was frozen as tight as a drum, and if there had been any his speed would have carried him over them safely.

He reached the Herald office-out of breath, of course-about midnight.

"Why, Woodruff, what's the matter? I thought you were at Kyova."

"I was," said Harry, "but I picked up an item and skated down to get it in," and he sat down at his desk and began to write out his notes.

"Couldn't you telegraph it?"

"No-wires down!" hurling his sheets to the city man as fast as he wrote them. "Umph! Big murder. Scare head! Got a scoop?"

"Yes, unless the Press man is as good a skater as I am," said Harry as he wrote.

It was surely a scoop, for the Press did not have a line of it.

“You are a newspaper man, Harry,” said Mr. Braden the next morning, the particulars having been related to him. "Berry," to the city editor, "give Mr. Woodruff a show after this. He has true newspaper stuff in him." Then quietly to Harry: "Perhaps you had better go to the house and see Gerry."

As soon as communication was opened a telegram flashed to Kyova:

DEAR FATHER-All right. Made a scoop and won HARRY.

a wife.

THE PHILADELPHIA SITUATION. At a meeting of the executive council of the International Typographical Union on Tuesday, December 27, the circular to the membership issued by Philadelphia Typographical Union No. 2 was considered, and the following conclusions reached. The council further requested that the decision be printed in THE JOURNAL, in order that the membership might be fully apprised of its position in the premises:

The attention of the executive council has been called to a circular-although it has not been accorded the courtesy of a copy-issued by Philadelphia Typographical Union, asking endorsements from subordinate unions for a proposition to instruct the executive council to pay to Philadelphia Typographical Union $200 per week. No law is referred to by the petitioning union on which to base authority for its appeal to the referendum. There never has been such an appeal taken, and no such authority is embraced in International law. Such an appeal is illegal.

Section 3 of article ii, constitution, provides that "The constitution shall only be amended by referendum vote in the manner hereinafter set forth."

The "manner hereinafter set forth" is set out in article xvii of the constitution, and it is provided that amendments to the constitution shall be submitted to the convention of the International Union, and such amendments as are favorably acted upon by said convention shall be referred to subordinate unions and by the subordinate unions to the membership at large.

It is further set forth in section 2 of this article that all laws involving an increased taxation shall be submitted to a referendum vote.

Section 3 provides for the initiative on the part of subordinate unions, and we assume that it is on this section Philadelphia Typographical Union relies for its authority to go to the referendum on a proposition to appropriate money. It is provided that "Whenever fifty subordinate unions shall petition the executive council for the submission of any proposition or amendment, such proposition or amendment shall be submitted to the membership within three months of the receipt of the required number of petitions, and the vote taken and canvassed in the same manner as amendments and propositions referred to the membership by the convention of the International Typographical Union." But this section only provides for the amendment of law or the submission of proposed law or propositions that are subject to referendum action. The convention does not submit to the referendum propositions for the appropriation of money, nor was it intended that such propositions should be so submitted. The law provides for the control of the funds by the executive council.

Section 6 of article vi of the constitution provides that "There shall be an executive council

which body shall have general supervision of the business of the International Union and of subordinate unions."

Section 5, article ix, constitution, provides: "The special defense fund shall be used for the purpose of advancing and defending the principles of unionism, as applied to our own trade, whenever and however the executive council may decide."

Section 6 of article ix, constitution, provides that "The defense fund shall be placed to the credit of the executive council, to be used in assisting unions in case of lockout, strike, or other trouble of like nature."

Sections 4, 7, and 8, article ix, constitution, specify the disposition of the general fund, the burial fund, and the Home fund.

Section 4, article v, by-laws, provides that "The executive council * shall administer the defense fund, and have such further powers and perform such other duties as may be set forth in the laws of this union."

Section 4, article vi, of the by-laws, provides that "The moneys in the defense fund shall be drawn on only for the following purposes: For the sustaining of legal strikes or lockouts of subordinate or affiliated unions; for the payment of expenses of officers or organizers of this union when engaged in the settlement of disputes or the forma tion of new unions, and for such other purposes, relating strictly to the business of this International Union, as the executive council may deem wise or necessary."

It is further provided in section 5, the same article, that "Whenever a union which has complied with all laws shall have within its jurisdiction a lockout, strike or other trouble of like nature, it shall be entitled to such assistance as the execu tive council shall deem necessary, or as shall be directed by the International Union by law to meet such cases." Certain laws of the International Union direct the expenditure of money under certain conditions.

It is provided in section 18 of the general laws that "An appeal for financial aid from a local union to subordinate unions shall first be approved by the executive council."

From the decision of the executive council in declining to grant a request for financial assistance, an appeal may be taken to the International Typographical Union in regular session, as provided in section 2 of article xi, constitution.

It is plain that the laws vest the executive council with certain powers and duties, and that these powers and duties include the disposition of the moneys in the defense funds, and that these are not questions that can, under the law, be decided by the referendum.

During the seven months preceding the St. Louis convention the International Typographical Union expended $2,500 in Philadelphia. At the St. Louis convention the following agreement was entered into between the executive council and the representatives of Philadelphia Typographical Union No. 2:

"ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 12, 1904. "Agreement Between Executive Council, International Typographical Union, and Organization Committee of Philadelphia Union No. 2:

"The executive council agrees to pay $2,500 as soon as possible after return to Indianapolis, and place at disposal of Philadelphia $200 per week for a period of ten weeks, if in possession of the money, and such further assistance at the end of that period as the funds at the disposal of the executive council will warrant, and may be deemed necessary by the executive council.


"The undersigned representatives of Philadelphia Typographical Union accept the above. "ERNST KREFT,

For Org. Com., Typographical Union No. 2.



"Philadelphia Delegates to International

Typographical Union Convention."

It will be noted that the executive council was to pay-and it did pay-$2,500 to Philadelphia, and place at the disposal of No. 2 $200 per week for a period of ten weeks. "And such further assistance at the end of that period as the funds at the disposal of the executive council will warrant,


COUNCIL." It is seen that then, if not now, representatives of No. 2 recognized that the control of the funds was vested in the executive council. At the expiration of the ten weeks the council continued the assistance at the rate of $200 per week for an additional two weeks, carrying No. 2 beyond the date of the general elections, as an impression seemed to prevail that a settlement with the Inquirer might be possible prior to election day.

No. 2 then appealed for further assistance, and the council took the action set forth in the following letter:

"INDIANAPOLIS, IND., November 9, 1904. "W. C. Macpherson, Chairman Organizing Committee No. 2, Philadelphia, Pa.:

"DEAR MR. MACPHERSON-The executive council has instructed me to forward you the following supplemental decision on the request of your committee for financial assistance for organizing work in Philadelphia:

The executive council has fulfilled every agreement that it made with Philadelphia Typograph ical Union No. 2. It has placed at the disposal, to date, of the Philadelphia reorganization committee, the sum of $7.400.00-$400 more than was required under its obligation. On several occasions the council has been assured that the appropriation then under consideration would, if granted, in the opinion of the petitioners, result in a victory in the Inquirer boycott and the virtual and successful ending of the Philadelphia work. This was notably true of the session between the representatives of No. 2 and the executive council at the St. Louis convention. Despite all this and the appropriations thus far made, as far as the ex

ecutive council can determine from the reports submitted, we are no nearer a conclusion of the Inquirer contest than we were at its initiation. Still, firm in the belief that every effort should be made that promises success to unionize Philadelphia, the council is willing to continue financial assistance from the International Typographical Union on the following basis:

First-The supervision of the Philadelphia reorganization work and the Inquirer boycott by an International organizer or representative should be discontinued, and the management delegated by the committee to one of its members, or to some member of Philadelphia Typographical Union No. 2, who shall be placed under salary at the scale of No. 2, together with a reasonable allowance for expenses.

Second-The expenses of the contest, and the contest as at present conducted, should be materially reduced and modified. It is the opinion of the council that the contest against the Inquirer has become a stern chase, and necessarily a long chase, and that as effective an opposition as can be conducted can be carried on at a moderate expense.

Third-The council is willing to continue financial aid to the extent of $100 per week until further notice, Philadelphia Typographical Union to contribute a like amount; and the council further reserves the right to terminate its connection with the Philadelphia work at any time.

Philadelphia Typographical Union to indicate its acceptance of the foregoing before the plan is made effective.

"Please advise me as early as possible whether or not No. 2 desires to accept the proposition of the council as set forth above. "With kind regards, I am,

"Fraternally yours,


The Philadelphia organization committee declined to accept the council's proposition, the matter again came before the council, the council reaffirmed its position, and thus the matter rests. One hundred dollars a week is at the disposal of No. 2 just as soon as it accepts the above conditions, and dating from that acceptance.

The executive council would, if it was warranted under the law, gladly submit to the referendum the proposition sent out by Philadelphia Typographical Union No. 2. It could then fully explain to the membership the reasons underlying its action in connection with the Philadelphia appropriation, and it has no doubt but that the referendum would sustain its officers in the disposition of International money. But it must be remembered that the executive council is compelled to decline many applications from subordinate unions for financial aid, and if one union is permitted to go to the referendum on a proposition to reverse the council, then all other unions should be permitted to do so. If this were to occur there would be endless propositions of this nature before the referendum, and the membership would be in a continual state of turmoil and unrest, not to mention the expenditures necessary to obtain a referendum vote. Thus would the referendum principle be made farcical and eventually defeat itself.

The movement in Philadelphia, as originated at our Washington convention, was one for organization purposes only, but it has finally developed into a newspaper boycott, and prior to the election it included a boycott on the republican party.

At the date upon which the present movement for the thorough organization of Philadelphia actually began, No. 2 reported 1,300 members for that month-January, 1904; for the month of November, 1904, No. 2 reported 1,300 members. Thus, with an expenditure of $14,800-$7,400 by the International and a like amount by No. 2the membership of Philadelphia Typographical Union has not been increased at all.

The following table, showing the membership reported and the number of per capita tax stamps used, is taken from the reports for the months named, as filed by the secretary-treasurer of Phil. adelphia Union No. 2 with the secretary-treasurer of the International Union:

[blocks in formation]

The executive council sets forth the foregoing so that the members of the International Typographical Union may be familiar with the general aspects of the Philadelphia situation. There is much that might be added, but it is not believed that conditions in Philadelphia will be advanced by going into the details. The executive council is anxious that Philadelphia shall be thoroughly organized, and it believes that on an appropriation of $100 per week-equaling more than $5,000 a year from the International Union, with a like sum to be raised by No. 2-more than $10,000 a year in all-the work can be accomplished. A change in methods may be necessary.

[blocks in formation]

Ar a banquet of employers given in Chicago recently, Ethelbert Stewart is credited with "handing out" the following to the guests: "The 'rabble' will learn how to use or abuse power as he sees it used or abused. The teamsters' union are the same teamsters who have been in the business here for years-abused, mistreated, underpaid, overworked, treated like dogs by their employers, the police, the street car companies, and the public. They were not a 'high-handed lot of brigands,' else why did the respectable gentlemen employ them? The unions unionize the men they find in the industry or the occupation. Mitchell unionizes the men he

finds in the mines; the coal operators, not Mitchell, dictate the membership of the miners' union, and fix its character by the character of the men they hire. The waiters in Chicago were represented as 'the very settlin's of hell' when they became unionized; they were the same waiters the restaurants and hotels had been employing for years. Jere Sullivan never selected one of them. But you say that they are all right till they get the power that unionism gives them. The ignorant imitate; they use power as they see it used; abuse it as they see it abused. If you, who claim to be wise, learned and respectable, want to see power used wisely by the 'rabble,' set one-just one-but, for God's sake, set one example. Besides, since it is you, the employers, who dictate the membership of trade unions by your selection of employes, had you not better give a thought to that when you employ? The unions have no connection with steamship companies, no entangling alliances with Ellis Island or New York padrones; no trade union leaders since time began ever sent word to a saloonkeeping employment agency to 'ship us four hundred men to join our local today.' But employers get this shipment installed in an industry, and when it becomes essential to organize this industry all those fellows you had shipped in cattle cars must, in the nature of things, be taken into the union, because you have got them into the industry. The union has no choice in the matter; it simply must. Now, if your employes, your industry, is to be unionized, and the character of that union's membership is ultimately dictated by you as employers, ought you not to have a little thought for the future in this matter of employment? You are building Frankenstein yourselves, gentlemen. You are constructing it bone and blood, and blood and flesh and tissue. The union gives it life, and that the American workingman must do to prevent it from killing him." Mr. Stewart has been investigating labor problems for several years, and knows whereof he speaks.

WITH the issue of December 20, the Lexington (Ky.) Democrat ceased publication, the plant, good-will and subscription list of the paper being absorbed by the Herald, of that city.

Note and Comment

A JOINT Committee of the Boston Typothetæ and Pressmen's Union No. 67 recently framed a new scale of prices. The first provision in the new agreement is for a week of fifty-four hours. The new scale will be in effect until May 1, 1907.

WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN was a recent visitor to the Union Printers' Home, at Colorado Springs, Colo. The distinguished gentleman spent an hour at the institution, in the course of which he made a tour of the buildings and grounds and addressed the inmates on the labor problem, his talk occupying fifteen minutes of the hour.

W. H. GOETZ, after a residence of eight years in Honolulu, T. H., has returned to his former home in Cheyenne, Wyo. Typographical Union No. 37, of which he had been the mainstay for seven years, ordered that its action in extending to him a vote of thanks on his retirement from the office of secretary-treasurer of that body be spread upon the minutes.

"THE SO-called unionist," says the Baltimore Labor Leader, "who, through malice aforethought or evil design, attempts to down an upright brother unionist, should remember the trite saying, 'Truth crushed to earth will rise again.' A good man will always find a way to the top, and you can't keep him down." The ever-present "knocker" should read and digest this thoroughly.

ALEXANDER A. MCCORMICK assumed the duties of editor and publisher of the Chicago Evening Post on November 9 last. Mr. McCormick retired from the general managership of the Chicago Record-Herald some time ago to take a much-needed rest. His return to the newspaper field will be welcomed by his many friends. Mr. McCormick has been a member of the standing committee on arbitration of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association since its inception, and is an ardent advocate of that method of settling disputes.


J. W. Bramwood, Secretary-Treasurer International Typographical Union:

DEAR SIR-At the regular meeting of Omaha Typographical Union, Sunday, December 18, the following was adopted:

"That the secretary be instructed to offer holiday greetings to the International Typographical Union officers on the prosperous year the International is just closing, and especially to commend the policy of THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL during the past year." Fraternally yours,

V. B. KINNEY, Secretary-Treasurer No. 190.

A HANDSOME specimen of the art of printing is The Stick. It is the aim of its publisher, Louis F. Fuchs, a member of St. Louis (Mo.) Typographical Union No. 8, to make it "an acceptable vehicle for the presentation of actual specimens of typeart, practical enough to be used in working out the problems confronting printers every day." If the standard set by the first number is maintained, it can not fail of its purpose. The subscription price is $1 per year, and the publisher promises to transmit each number in such condition as not to impair its value for future reference, and, when desired, preservation in bound form.

IT is learned that officials of the Franklin Union of Press feeders of Chicago have withdrawn its delegates from the Chicago Federation of Labor. The feeders voted not to further jeopardize the standing of the local central body with the American Federation of Labor. There is said to be strong hope of an amicable agreement being reached between the Franklin Union and the pressmen and assistants' union, by which these bodies can adjust their differences.

In its December number the Typographical News, issued monthly by St. Louis (Mo.) Typographical Union No. 8, has this significant paragraph at the head of its edi

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