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der the charge of Mr. Smithurst, is sometimes two hours, before the time of full of interest; but we must refer service could find no admittance.” our readers to the volume itself, contenting ourselves with a specimen of

Some interesting embellishments the manner in which the writer has

add to the attractiveness of a volume interspersed her volume with notices

to which we heartily wish increased of scenery, and of manners and cus

success. toms, in subordinaiton to the main design:

Sixteen SERMONS. By W. B. Mac

KENZIE, M. A., Incumbent of St. “We might here introduce details from Mr. Smithurst's journal, which would

James', Holloway. 12mo. pp. 340. enable our readers to realize somewhat J. H. Jackson. of every-day lite on the banks of the Red River. We could tell of the candles

Were all the pulpits of our land for his use being made on the premises,

occupied one Sabbath after another of his corn being threshed on the frozen

by an earnest, faithful, and prayerful river, of the store of provisions laid in in

ministry, what a far richer blessing autumn for himself, his farm-servants, might we not expect to descend in and the passing stranger; no less a quan- our midst. How many thousands of tity than 2,000 pounds of dried buffalo sermon falls upon the ears of our counmeat, and a still larger proportion of beef trymen ; yet how scanty the amount of and mutton, which had to be frozen be- fruit they produce. We know that a Paul fore it was stored up, as it would be eight mav plant and an Apollos water, but months before fresh meat could be again that both will alike labour in vain if procured.

God withhold the increase. But the “Or we might describe our missionary's early rides on Sunday mornings to

Divine blessing does evidently follow take the service at the Rapids, while Mr.

the faithful preaching of the Gospel, Cockran undertook the Upper and Mid

and the promise of the presence of dle Churches; sometimes through storin

Christ is still connected with His and snow, his shoes freezing to the stir command to preach the Gospel to rup, and icicles of frozen breath hanging every creature. But why is the pulpit round his horse's mouth; or sometimes, so ineffective as it too manifestly is ? on a brighter winter morning, filled with There are several reasons. One is, admiration as he rode through woods of that it is often made the vehicle of aspen, birch, and poplar, whose stems and positive error; and where this is the larger branches, catching the rays of the case, what good result can we hope rising sun, shone like burnished gold,

for? Sometimes truth and error are while the icicles on the smaller twigs

so artfully blended, that the one neusparkled like diamonds.

tralizes the other; or if the influence “In summer it was a different scene that met his view; the trees were clothed with

of either preponderate, we fear it is their varied foliage, and adorned with a generally that of the latter. But vast profusion of wild roses; while here again, truth may be preached, yet so and there, between their stems, the river coldly and feebly that it falls powerwas seen pursuing its onward course. less on the mind of the hearer. What And for ihe last five miles the open coun- is called a sermon is often a mere try was covered with flowers of every essay, delivered without feeling, and form and hue, among which the brilliant but little adapted to awaken the sym yellow lady's slipper was the most con- pathy of the audience to which it is spicuous.

delivered. It may have polish, but " There was one feature in the prospect it has not power ;-it may show the that never varied. In all seasons, and in

man of education and of taste, but it all weathers, no sooner did our Sunday

does not fall upon the ear as a mestraveller come out upon the plains than he saw persons gathering from all quar

sage from God, and is unworthy of an ters, some on foot. sonie in their carioles,

ambassador for Christ. Can we wonder hastening even at this early hour to the

that men remain unmoved by such church; for the congregation had so out- unimpassioned and heartless appeals ? grown the place for its assembling that Surely where such is the case, it exthose who did not reach it in an hour, or cites at least an apprehension that

there is wanting in the minister a due The style of these sermons is plairi; appreciation of the importance of the fresh, and forcible. At polished great Gospel ordinance of preaching, eloquence and well rounded periods, and of the required character of the our author does not profess to aim; servant of Christ.

nor is it needful. Such deficiencies But our object is to notice another are more than compensated by the volume of sermons which has just vigorous delineation of Gospel truth issued from the press. We learn from presented to us; and we are not sure the preface that it is published in com- whether oftentimes a scrupulous atpliance with the expressed desire of tention to the composition of a sersome members of the author's own con- mon does not detract much from its gregation ; but its claims to publica- real power. The great end of preachtion rest, we think, on a wider basis,- ing is something infinitely higher than the excellence of the discourses them- elegance of diction, although it is selves, and the good their circulation allowed that such adjuncts are not is likely to effect beyond the minis without their use, but where nothing ter's own sphere of labour. These less than the glory of God in the salsermons are characterized by their vation of souls is the object, it is far accordance with Scripture truth, their better to “use great plainness of striking energy, and a fulness of ex- speech,” coupled with a earnest and perimental teaching, unhappily some- warm-hearted delivery. what rare among us. Their author is not content with dwelling upon the surface, he goes deeper, and seeks to find his way to the heart, whether it The Leisure Hour: A Family Jourbe in the way of warning, instruction, nal of Instruction and Recreation. or consolation. The reader will discover in these

pp. 80, roy. 8vo. Religious Tract discourses a broad distinction made Society. between the real and merely professing Christian; there is no confusion,

We have received the first monthly no shrinking from a plain avowal that part of this new undertaking of the whatever the outward profession or Religious Tract Society, at too late a privileges may be, the state of the period to examine it with care, or to heart is the alone criterion of a man's speak of its literary character with condition before God. We think it any confidence. From the glance needful to draw attention to this fea- we have had of its contents, it seems ture, because we are painfully con- to promise well in supplying those vinced that there is in the preaching who have a leisure hour with attracof many an absence of such broad tive, and we hope instructive, matter distinction. Whether it be some bap for its occupation. tismal theory that prevents their recog That this publication,—whether in nition of a distinction, (the existence its weekly or, perhaps, more usethey can hardly help allowing in prac- ful monthly form, - is cheap and tice,) we say not, but the fact is evi- interesting, a cursory perusal of dent; and we would earnestly press one or two of its contents has conupon such to consider whether their vinced us. Of its generally sustained teaching accords with their knowledge character, we must reserve our judgof the actual condition of their people ment until its present promise shall on the one hand, or Scripture on the receive the test of another month other.

or so.

Passing Events. Louis NAPOLEON AND FRANCE.

most respectable members of his own France at this moment presents a Cabinet resigned, before they could most humilating spectacle to the lend their names to such a pitiful proworld. The "grande nation” submits to cedure. To confiscate, or as it is the tyranny of a single individual, an termed, “ to resume," the donation that individual the wretched imitator of Louis Philippe to his children upon of a great man, but without a particle his assuming the throne of France; of his genius, and only resembling and to force a sale of the rest of the him in his love of despotic power. Orlean's property ;--the one is an Since our last number, the events audacious robbery and the other a which have succeeded each other with mockery. Who would buy property startling rapidity, are clearly mani- now, in France ?-or who would give festing that the aim of Louis Napo- more than a song for property which leon is the empire ; and to attain that Louis Napoleon may any day, and end he is altogether unscrupulous as under any pretext, “ the means he employs. As for the The second circumstance is of a liberties of France, they are absolutely graver character, and concerns the crushed beneath the iron hoof of this peace of Europe. It is a meditated modern despot. All speech and ac- and a possible invasion of England. tion contrary to the opinions and de- There are reports, not founded upon crees of the President are utterly for- the usual basis of surmises, but gabidden; the journals are either gagged thered from the character of the man, or annihilated; men may think po- and the ties which bind him to the litically, but expression to that thought army that holds him in his seat, which is forbidden in the salons of the render such an attempt not unlikely: wealthy, the café, the wine shop. For Without exciting needless fears it is the present the whole will and power well to be prepared for such an event; of entire France must bow, without and we doubt not but that our Governdaring to question, to the mad career ment are and will be fully alive to the of its elected President. Seven mil- slightest movement which may melions of votes have entitled Louis Na- nace danger. We have heard that poleon to ride rough-shod over the the fearless comments of our unfettered necks of prostrate T'renchmen; and English press sting Louis Napoleon as they have chosen him to be their to the quick ; and he may revenge ruler, he is making them feel the tre- his quarrel with our opinions by an mendous power with which they have attempt at bloodshed and rapine. We invested him.

have been at peace for so many years Were his acts, his power, or his that our security has made us careless, influence confined, or likely to be and we have much to do to place our confined to France, Englishmen might coast in an attitude of defence, and to pity such a nation, but there they recall our scattered fleet, and place must stop. They might wait with it where it may best prevent the landpatience for the next act in that great ing of any hostile body. drama which the French are playing While it is our duty to be forewith the realities of government. They warned and forearmed, with the rehave got their new idol,-how long solute determination of Englishmen, will he occupy his pedestal? Since not to suffer our soil to be trampled December, however, two circumstan- under the foot of the invader, it is the ces change the character of our peculiar duty of Christians to be thoughts with regard to the elect of earnest in supplications at the throne the French people. The first is the of grace, that God would avert from promulgation of the decrees relative our country every danger; but that if to the property of the Orleans Family. Lous Napoleon should make the atThis step has disgusted, we may safely tempt, the nerves and arms of Engsay, the whole of Europe. Even the land's sons may be strengthened for the combăt, and that we may be ena- from the horrors of a death by fire, bled to drive back the foe to their own but still exposed to the fury of a dominions.

raging element, no less terrible than We have done much, nationally, to the one from which they had escaped. deserve national chastisement. We This has been an awful catashave had the pestilence and the fa- trophe :-a new and mighty ship mine. May we humble ourselves be going forth, for the first time, freighted fore the God of our mercies, that we with gold and precious things, and may be spared the third of God's above all, with that which outweighs judgments—the horrors of the sword. all merchandise, as eternity does time,

the lives of 163 souls. In a few brief hours, and the burning vessel sank

like lead, with all its load, into the The Loss of The Amazon.

mighty deep, leaving no trace of its The daily journals have been re- existence but the few struggling boats, cently filled with the heart-rending containing the fifty-six sole survivors particulars of the destruction by fire of her once gay and happy crew. of the steam ship, “ Amazon," one of What a lesson the sudden transition the largest and most elegantly appoin- from security to danger—from danger ted vessels belonging to the West In- to destruction — to the mass of the

a noble vessel, just launched, and An enquiry has been instituted into started on her first voyage on Friday; the circumstances of this terrible cathe 2nd of January. Her cargo was lamity, which has not yet terminated fully equal, or more than equal to the its enquiries, so that no proper convalue of the ship, and the passengers clusion can be arrived at with respect and crew amounted to 163 souls. Her to the cause of the fire. Whether the course was somewhat retarded by the ship was too new, and hastily finished, friction of the new machinery so heat so as to earn money without loss of ing the adjacent parts, as to render it time, or whether her decks were built necessary to stop the engines, for the of the proper materials, has yet to be purpose of applying cold water. In discovered. Whatever may have been the language of one of the engineers, the secondary causes; for which man “all seemed going on comfortably” so may be accountable, we can see far late as past twelve on Saturday night, above all, the hand and voice of the passengers and the crew, with the God; whose elements do but perexception of the watch on deck, were form his bidding, turning to destrucburied in slumber, when suddenly Mr. tion the mightiest and noblest of Vincent, a young midshipman, disco the works of men, and crying to us; vered fire bursting forth from one of with an utterance of overpowering the hatchways, and in a few instants energy, “ Be ye also ready, for in such the alarm spread through the vessel, an hour as ye think not, the Son of and the scene of a ship on fire in the Man cometh.” midst of the ocean, and the awful It were unpardonable to conclude anxieties of its large and terrified the notice of this appalling event, withcrew, commenced. Boat after boat, out remarking upon the admirable beof the nine on board was lowered, haviour of the heroic captain, unforsome to be immediately swamped, and tunately among the lost, all the crew; their precious cargo of human souls and especially the valour and admiraswept into eternity. Only four boats ble management displayed by the safely reached the bosom of the sea, young midshipman, Vincent. His and with great difficulty got away from conduct deserves to be noticed and the burning vessel, saving their crews rewarded in the highest quarter.






THE MEETING OF CONVOCATION. It is a painful thing to hear a gather- “to resign yourselves, and the entire ing of the clergy spoken of as a so- affairs of the Church, into the hands lemn farce; yet such is the case at of the Crown, the Government, and every fresh opening of Parliament. the Legislature of the country.” That There can be but one opinion on this we are no Tractarians, and have not point, and the sooner the whole mat- the remotest sympathy with them in ter receives the earnest attention of any of their plans or practices, our those qualified to think and act, the foregoing articles may sufficiently better will it be for the character of testify; but who can help sympathe Church of England. If there be thizing with the little scene of reone thing more than another which is sistance, “the animated discussion,” calculated to pour contempt upon our which was got up both by the right ecclesiastical constitution, it is the reverend bishops and the lower regular summoning of a legally or- clergy, in the brief span allotted ganized body, to meet annually to for their legislative existence. We spend an hour or so in forms, another cannot marvel, that they who had hour in an attempt to fulfil its seem- been summoned, should wish to do ing mission, and then to meet the something more than hear Latin prayconstant fate of an archiepiscopal ex- ers and a Latin sermon, and then hand tinguisher. Upper and lower house over themselves and the Church of archbishop and bishops, prolocutors England to the care and custody of and proctors, all assemble in solemn the Imperial Parliament. What, if the conclave, just to be told to go about representatives of the country, the their business. There is an air of re- Peers and Commoners of England, ligious gravity thrown around the were to be as formally summoned to opening ceremony that but ill accords meet in February, were to go through with the abrupt and burlesque termi- the like routine ceremony, to hear the nation of the whole business. “I order royal speech, and then, upon attemptyou to meet," is the royal language, ing to discuss the condition of the to do what, is the burden of the song, country and provide for its ever


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