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ART. 2°. Para la administración é inspección de los trabajos se nombra una Junta de Fomento compuesta de los ciudadanos Doctor R. GARBIRAS GUZMÁN, General CELESTINO CASTRO y Doctor LUIS VELEZ, Ingeniero, quedando á cargo de este último la dirección científica de aquéllos.

ART. 3°. La cantidad acordada para la obra se pondrá á la disposición de la mencionada Junta en la Agencia del Banco de Venezuela en San Cristóbal, la cual entregará á aquélla las sumas que vaya necesitando para los trabajos.

ART. 4°. El Ministro de Obras Públicas queda encargado de la ejecución del presente Decreto.

Dado, firmado, sellado con el Sello del Ejecutivo Nacional y refrendado por el Ministro de Obras Públicas, en el Palacio Federal, en Caracas, á veintiocho de setiembre de mil novecientos cuatro. Año 94° de la Independencia y 46° de la Federación.

[L. S.]


El Ministro de Obras Públicas,


[L. S.]




[De la “Gaceta Oficial" de septiembre 28 de 1904.]

CIPRIANO CASTRO, presidente provisional de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, decreto:

ARTÍCULO 1o. Procédase á levantar un puente de hierro sobre el río Boconó del Estado Trujillo, bajo el nombre oficial de "Puente Zumbador."

ART. 2o. El Presidente Provisional del referido Estado queda autorizado para nombrar el Ingeniero que ha de encargarse de la dirección científica de la obra, quedando á cargo de aquél la vigilancia y administración de los trabajos.

ART. 3. Los gastos que éstos ocasionen se erogarán por la Agencia del Banco de Venezuela en Maracaibo, á la orden del Presidente Provisional del Estado Trujillo.

ART. 4. El Ministro de Obras Públicas queda encargado de la ejecución del presente Decreto.

Dado, firmado, sellado con el Sello del Ejecutivo Nacional y refrendado por el Ministro de Obras Públicas en el Palacio Federal, en Caracas, á veintiocho de setiembre de mil novecientos cuatro. Año 94° de la Independencia y 46° de la Federación.

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Washington, December 1, 1904.

The Secretary of State, Chairman, and Members of the Governing
Board of the International Union of American Republics.

GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to submit the following report on the operations of the International Bureau of the American Republics during the past year:


The accounts of the Bureau for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904, are as follows:

Receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904.


Annual appropriation of the United States, 1904


Balance from receipts from sales, rents, etc., July 1, 1903


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From annual appropriation of the United States, 1904...
From receipts from sales, rents, etc...

Balance July 1, 1904..

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The credit balance at the end of this fiscal year is unusually large, but it can not be expected again; it has been occasioned by a balance brought over from 1903 and by the payment of quotas which had been in arrears for several years.

Detailed statement of expenditures for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904.

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Account of the Public Printer for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904.

Total amount of bills rendered for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904... $10, 709. 54
Paid from receipts from sales, rents, etc., during fiscal year 1904. $7,009.54
Paid from annual appropriation, 1904.


10, 709. 54

This amount covers the cost of the regular issue of the MONTHLY BULLETIN, the Bibliography of Chile, the Handbook of the Argentine Republic, and the Bibliography of Paraguay.

The following estimate of receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1905, is herewith submitted:

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The Bureau has published during the past year, besides the MONTHLY BULLETIN, the following works:

Bibliography of Paraguay.
Handbook of Venezuela.
Handbook of Honduras.

Handbook of Mexico.

Leyes y Reglamentos sobre Privilegios de Invención y Marcas de Fábrica en los Países Hispano-Americanos, El Brasil y la República de Haití.

Patent and Trade-mark Laws of the Spanish-American Republics, Brazil, and the Republic of Haiti. (English translation of the above.)

Handbook of Bolivia.

A compilation of the political constitutions of the independent States of Spanish America, Brazil, and Haiti, in the original text, with English translations and proper explanatory introductions, and an appendix giving in English and Spanish the constitution of the United States of America, is now in press and will be issued early in the coming year.

Handbooks of Chile, Nicaragua, and Haiti are also in course of preparation.

The manuscript of the Comparative Study of the Spanish Code of Commerce and the Commercial Laws of America, as far as the compiler has completed it, is in the hands of the Committee appointed by the Governing Board to supervise the preparation of the work. The compiler hopes to be able to submit the completed work to the Committee by January 1 next.

The BULLETIN continues to be issued monthly in an edition of 10,500 copies, 10,200 of which are mailed regularly to the various countries of the International Union, and the balance held for distribution among the general public on special application.

There continues to be a steady, though not very large, demand for all the publications of the Bureau, but it does not correctly indicate the amount of interest taken by the American public in the work of the Bureau, as large numbers of persons interested in some specific question connected with the Latin-American Republics secure their information from the Bureau by direct correspondence.


The following report of accessions to the Columbus Memorial Library, covering the period from December 1, 1903, to December 1, 1904, compared with the record for the same period of previous years, shows an increase of 301 in the number of volumes and pamphlets received by gift and exchange, and of 150 in the number purchased. A considerable increase to the files of official newspapers-the chief

reference source for laws, decrees, and commercial contracts-has improved the library file, although there are still deplorable gaps, which, it is to be hoped, will be filled up by the governments concerned.

Number of volumes and pamphlets in library at date of last report

Additions during the year by gift and exchange:


Additions during the year by purchase:



Total additions by gift, exchange, and purchase, including
official reports (except official newspapers), new and
second-hand books

Number of books and pamphlets now in library..

Additions since 1899..

Number of volumes bound since last report

Number of cards added to the general catalogue:

Book and map cards............
Periodical indexing


...... 10,759




1, 025





11, 983 6, 983 158


2, 664



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Official publications received since last report, according to countries.

Volumes. Pamphlets.

Number of atlases added during the year.

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Mr. T. C. Dawson increased his loan collection of Americana in the library by the addition of 179 volumes, 45 pamphlets, 17 sheets, 2 atlases, and 3 maps.

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