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3. ADAMS' (MRS.) Letters, with a Memoir by her Grandson, C. F.

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5. ADAMS' (JOHN QUINCY) Letters on the Masonic Institution.

12mo. Boston, 1840.

12mo. Boston, 1848.

8vo. Boston, 1847.

6. AIKIN'S (J.) Letters from a Father to a Son.

8vo. Philadelphia, 1794.

7. BALDWINIANE (RELIQUIE). Selections from the Correspondence of William Baldwin, by William Darlington.

12mo. Philadelphia, 1843.

8. BENNETT'S (REV. JOHN) Letters to a Young Lady.

of History, 2 vols.

24mo. Philadelphia, 1844.

9. BOLINGBROKE'S (LORD VISCOUNT) Letters on the Study and Use 8vo. London, 1752. 10. BOLTON'S Letters and Tracts on the Choice of Company, and 8vo. London, 1762. 11. BYRON (LORD), Correspondence of, in 1809, 1810, and 1811.

other Subjects.

12mo. Philadelphia, 1825. 12. CARTER'S (N. H.) Letters from Europe, comprising the Journal of a Tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy, and Switzerland, 2 vols.

8vo. New York.

13. CHATHAM (WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF). Correspondence, 4 vols.

8vo. London, 1838.

14. CHESTERFIELD (PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF). Letters to his Son, Philip Stanhope, 2 vols.

15. CHILD'S (L. MARIA) Letters from New York.

8vo. Dublin, 1774.

12mo. New York, 1844.

16. CICERO (MARCUS TULLIUS), Letters of, to his Friends, with Remarks, by William Melmoth, 3 vols.

8vo. London, 1803.

17. COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) Letters, Conversations, and Recollections.

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20. D'ARBLAY'S (MADAME) Diary and Letters, Edited by her Niece,

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R. Southey, 2 vols.

8vo. Philadelphia, 1842.

8vo. Philadelphia, 1842.

12mo. New York, 1834.

12mo. Boston, 1834.

24. ESPRIELLA'S (DON MANUEL ALVAREZ) Letters from England, by 24mo. New York, 1808. 25. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of 12mo. Boston, 1833. 26. GREGORY'S (GEORGE) Letters on Literature, Taste, and Compo12mo. London, 1808. 27. HALLIWELL'S (JAMES O.) Letters of the Kings of England, 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1846.

sition, 2 vols.

28. JOHNSON'S (SAMUEL) Letters and Poems, 2 vols.

31. do.

8vo. Dublin, 1788. 12mo. New York, 1821.

29. JUNIUS' Letters, 2 vols. 30. do. do. (Woodfall's), 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1813. Posthumous Works, with an Inquiry respecting the Author, also a Sketch of the Life of John Horne Tooke. 8vo. New York, 1829.

27. Kings of England (Letters of), J. O. Halliwell, editor, 2 vols.

12mo. London, 1846.

32. LAMB'S (CHARLES) Literary Sketches and Letters.

33. do.

12mo. New York, 1848. do. Letters, with a Sketch of his Life, by Thomas N. Talfourd, 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1837.

34. LIEBER'S (FRANCIS) Letters to Gentlemen in Germany.




8vo. Philadelphia, 1834.

do do. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834.

36. LOUIS THE SIXTEENTH (Political and Confidential Correspondence

of), by Helen Maria Williams, 3 vols.

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