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Congressional Record.


Fifty-second and Fifty-third Congress

Official Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention Held in Chicago, Ill., July 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, 1896. Reported for the Convention by Edward P. Dickinson, Official Stenographer.


Bryan, Hon. William Jennings,

"Has the Election Settled

the Money Question," in North American Review, Dec. 1896.

Bryan, W. J. "The Issue in the Presidential Campaign," in
North American Review. June 1900.

The Nation, May 6, 1897 and through the Canvass of 1900.

The Outlook, December 25, 1897.

New York Times, Dec. 21, 1896.

New York Daily Tribune. July 20, 1897, and through the
Canvass of 1900.

New York Sun. Dec. 14, 1898.

Review of Reviews. July 1900.



Di scontent

The quarter century before 1896 was marked by a growth of discontent and restlessness on the part of the small farmers and workingmen of the country. The panic of 1873 had resulted in the bankruptcy and the closing of many small business houses with a resulting acceleration to the movement toward industrial organization. This movement was practically completed by the panic of 1893. In a surprisingly short time big business had recovered itself and the "rush toward integration of industry began." It was a great era of trust building, the director of one corporation was a director in others, and these "generals of finance" were largely interested in financial speculation rather than in the actual management of the plant. Personal contact with labor ceased to be.

At the same time, the panics of 1873 and 1893 forced many unions to disband. Dues paid by the members were low and no adequate system of benefits was provided. Scores of the se organizations collapsed under the stress of hard times. bargaining with its attendant evils became the order of the day.


The workmen of the country turned to those imperfect remedies which their leaders held before them. The remedy which seemed to be on the lips of all was the redistribution of land. To the belief that the great corporations of the country con


1. Frank T. Carlton, History and Problems of Organized Labor (New York 1920) pp. 69,70.

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