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Literary Department.

Recreation for June, published by G. O. Shields, 19 W. 24th St., New York, is more than ordinarily interesting to the lover of nature and her enticing wilds. It is especially interesting to those interested in the study of natural history and should find a place in the library of the hunter as well as the student.

Travel for June, edited by Elisha Hollingsworth Talbot and published by the Travel Publishing Co., Monon Block, Chicago, is unusually interesting. Among the many articles we might mention the West Indies as a resort, which is beautifully illustrated by half-tones. Meran Tyrol is a well-written article on an ancient town. Evolution of the Tourist Business furnishes the reader with interesting information, especially so to those who are seeking a trip during the coming season. The anthropologist will find an interesting article under the title of the Mexico Indian, or Pean. Following this is a story of the Rockies, which, no matter how much they may be written upon, can never be overdone. There are many other equally interesting articles, equally well illustrated, and the whole is interspersed with original poems by noted writers, and illustrated with portraits, among which we might mention those of David B. Martin, passenger traffic manager of the B. & O. R. R., formerly an Ohio man, and Mrs. J. Cowell Hough Hatton, the writer of the Capital City.

THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE SAVED BY A WOMAN. -In an interesting article recalling the destruction of our National Capital by the British forces in 1814, Clifford Howard in the July Ladies' Home Journal will show that Dolly Madison, the most beloved and popular woman of her day, was courageous and fearless in the face of grave danger. In the mad stampede from Washington, that preceded the invasion by the British troops, Dolly Madison was the last to seek safety in flight, and her final act before quitting the White House, as the enemy advanced, was to seize the Declaration of Independence and carry it with her to a place of safety. As the White House was immediately afterward looted and burned by the British, Mr. Howard declares that but for brave Dolly Madison the priceless parchment would have been destroyed.

Prof. Barrett Wendell, of Harvard, recently was invited to produce at Sanders Theatre, as an official University performance, a one-act play in the Elizabethan manner, entitled “Raleigh in Guiana." It is printed for the first time in the June Scribners, and contains some remarkably fine blank verse.

Publishers' Department.

IMPERIAL GRANUM.-This Standard prepared food for Invalids and Children has won the enviable distinction of having successfully stood the crucial test of years of actual clinical experience in private practice, sanitariums and hospitals, while numerous competing preparations have appeared and disappeared,— often so completely that even their names are forgotten. The Imperial Granum, however, enjoys so universally the confidence of physicians that its merits are beyond dispute. Moreover, the decision of its manufacturers not to publicly advertise it has secured for it the endorsement of even the most ethical members of the medical profession, who dislike to prescribe any article advertised broadcast to the people and profession alike. Physicians can obtain sample packages free, charges prepaid, on application to the Imperial Granum Co., New Haven, Ct., or-John Carle & Sons, New York City.

At the meeting of the American Medical Association, recently held in Philadelphia, Antitoxin and its use in Diphtheria was the subject of animated discussion in the section of pediatrics and the interest in this topic was also shown by the large number of physicians who availed themselves of the opportunity to visit. the laboratory of H. K. Mulford Company and study the preparation of the Antitoxin.

This enterprising firm ran a gorgeous tally-ho several times a day from the place of meeting, and the courtesy shown the profession, as well as the exhilarating ride, excited much favorable comment. (An abstract from letter of Philadelphia correspondent to the Atlantic Medical Weekly, June 5, 1897.)

SANMETTO IN BRIGHT'S DISEASE.-Charles F. Reiff, M. D., of Fremont, O., writing, says: "I prescribed Sanmetto in a case of advanced Bright's disease. The patient became more comfortable, and since then has used several bottles of Sanmetto. In my opinion Sanmetto is the most efficient remedy for diseases of the genito-urinary organs, and I shall continue to prescribe the remedy."

Geo. W. Samuel, M. D., Nashville, Tenn., says: I had a case of a man who had been drinking heavily for several days. I prescribed Celerina in tablespoonful doses, every three hours, and in a short time he was in good shape again. I also used it in a case of neuralgia, in the following formula:

R Celerina .
Quinia Sulph

M. Sig. Teaspoonful every four hours.

8 ounces. 60 grains.

It acted like a charm. In a case of impotency, I used calomel in connection with Celerina, and the patient reports everything standing all right.

A REMEDY IN NERVOUS DISORDERS WHEN CHARACTERIZED BY MELANCHOLIA—The "Reference Book of Practical Therapeutics," by Frank P. Foster, M. D., editor of the New York Medical Journal, which has recently been issued by D. Appleton & Co., of New York City, contains an article of which the following is an excerpt, which we feel expresses the consensus of medical opinion as adduced by actual results: "Antikamnia is an American preparation that has come into extensive use as an analgetic and antipyretic. It is a white, crystalline, odorless powder, having a slightly aromatic taste, soluble in hot water, almost insoluble in cold water, but more fully soluble in alcohol.

* * *

"As an antipyretic it acts rather more slowly than antipyrine or acetanilide, but efficiently, and it has the advantage of being free, or almost free from any depressing effect on the heart. Some observers even think that it exerts a sustaining action on the circulation. As an analgetic it is characterized by promptness of action and freedom from the disagreeable effects of the narcotics. It has been much used, and with very favorable results in neuralgia, influenza and various nervous disorders characterized by melancholia. The dose of antikamnia is from three to ten grains, and it is most conveniently given in the form of tablets."



"HE Seventy-third Annual Session will begin October 1st, 1897, and continue eight months.


Four years of attendance is required upon a graded curriculum. Medical students from other colleges and Graduates in Science or Arts are admitted to advance standing. Without extra fee the regular course includes work in the new laboratories recently fitted up at a heavy expense with the latest appliances. All branches are taught practically. Bedside instruction is given in the wards of the College Hospital and in the Maternity.

For catalogue and information, address

J. W. HOLLAND, Dean.


Pennsylvania Medical College.


Eleventh regular Session begins on the third Tuesday of September, 1896, and continues six months. Two or three hours are daily alloted to Clinical Instruction. Attendance upon four regular courses of lectures is requisite for graduation. A four years' graded course is provided. Four years required from October, 1895. The Spring Session begins the second Tuesday in April, 1897, and con tinues ten weeks. Well-equipped laboratories open during the collegiate year. Special importance attaches to "the superior clinical advantages possessed by this College." For particulars, see annual announcement and catalogue, for which address the Secretary of Faculty, Business correspondence should be PROF. T. M. T. MCKENNAN, 810 Penn Ave. addresseed to PROF. W. J. ASDALE Ellsworth Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa.

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New Steel Passenger Steamers

The Greatest Perfection yet attained in Boat Construction-Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Etficient Service, insuring the highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FOUR TRIPS PER WEEK BETWEEN

Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac


LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and Return, including Meals and Berths. From Cleveland, $18; from Toledo, $15; from Detroit, $13.50.


Between Detroit and Cleveland

Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest Trains for all points East, South and South. west and at Detroit for all points North and Northwest.

Sunday Trips June, July, August and Sept. Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN

Cleveland, Put-in-Bay,Toledo

Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address


The Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co.

Wanted-An Idea

Who can thin!. of some simple thing to patent?

Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize offer and list of two hundred inventions wanted.





Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the


beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific journal, weekly, terms $3.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Specimen copies and HAND BOOK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO.,

361 Broadway, New York.

Mulford's Antitoxic Serum is the product of a most complete Bacteriological Laboratory, and is under the direction of one of the foremost American Bacteriologists. Mulford's Antitoxin is recognized as the standard serum and is recommended by the State Boards of Health of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Louisiana, California, Indiana and the Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, etc., etc.


College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago has withstood all tests for con

School of Medicine of the University of Illinois. [Opposite County Hospital.] Four years graded course. First two years largely laboratory work; last two years largely clinical work. Laboratory and clinical facilities unsurpassed. Six annual scholarships of the value of $100 each. Physicians and students interested in medical education are invited to investigate this College. For information, apply to

103 State St., Chicago, I11.

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Warren's Patent Ideal Coupe, for Summer or Winter, Sunshine or Stor

Manufactured only by the WARREN & SOUTHWICK CARRIAGE CO., Columbus, Ohio. This Vehicle is constructed as follows: With the very best material and workmanship that money can produce, and (owing to the dimensions and shape of the body necessary to make it practical, stylish and comfortable) will not change it under any consideration.

AXLES-We furnish this Vehicle with specially fine Wrought Box Axles, with Spindles 13-16x7 in. Beds 13-16 in. square at the Shoulder and Hand Swaged; or Ball Bearing Axles of the very best and latest improvements, and in our judgment the most simple, practical, and durable Ball-Bearing Axle that has yet been placed upon the market; and (with proper care) is fully guaranteed by the makers for one year to give entire satisfaction. Width of Track, 4 ft. 8 in, or 5 ft. 1 in.

OUR WHEELS-We do not designate as A. or B. Grade (which does not mean anything). They are simply the best to be had. And has Hub 4 in, diameter and 7 in. long; Spoke, 14 in.; Tread, 1% in.; Depth of Rim, 15-16 in.; Height of Front, 3 ft. 6 in.; Hind, 4 ft.; Tire, 1 in. Solid Rubber, or can furnish with 1x5-16 Round-Edge Steel Tire if desired.

THE SPRINGS are 39 in. long. properly graded, and has Open Rubber Head, Brass Bushing, and Mill-fitted Bolts. The combination of these most essential features in a Spring make the Easy-Riding Qualities unsurpassed. TRIMMING-The Seat Trimming is of the very best Green Cloth, Leather, or Morocco. The upper quarters and overhead is of Green Satin, squabed in a small diamond pattern, as is shown on the door in Cut No. 2. But if Green Cloth is desired in the upper quarters and overhead, the upper quarters will be squabed and overhead will be plain. The Cushion and Back is made with nice soft springs, and the best Curled Hair.

PAINTING-The following is regular (but will change to suit the customer if they will allow us time enough to do the work properly): Body, Black, except the narrow Belt Panel, which is Dark Green; Gear Dark Green, with the different prevailing styles of Striping.

DESCRIPTION OF BODY-Cut No. 1 represents the Vehicle open for summer or nice weather. The Front Sash swings to the ceiling and is fastened secure with a well adapted catch which prevents any rattle. The Window in the rear is 12x20 in., and the Sash drops behind the back. The large Upper Doors slide back until they are almost even with the front of the Sidequarters, then the Cushion and Fall is raised and the small Lower doors swing back under the Cushion, and at the same time automatically locks the Upper Doors. But when opening the Lower Doors, always swing the left-hand Door under the Cushion first, and the Lower Doors are locked when under the seat by a very simple device attached to the bottom of the Seat-frame and worked with a half turn of a small handle. The cushion and Fall are then dropped, which secrete the Lower Doors, and when opened in this manner make it very easy of access and egress, very roomy and comfortable, and a most desirable Vehicle for summer use. Cut No. 2 shows the course taken by both Doors and Front Sash when closing or opening the same. By closing the Lower Doors (as shown in Cut No. 3) it automatically unlocks the Upper Doors, which may remain entirely open as shown in Cut No. 1, or closed entirely as shown in Cut No. 3, and if a little ventilation is desirable, the Upper Doors may be slid open one, two, three, or as many inches as is found necessary, and it will remain firm in any desired position. Cut No. 3 shows the Vehicle closed for winter or stormy weather, and it can be thrown entirely open as Cut No. 1 (by any lady) for summer or nice weather in less than onehalf (2) minute without egress, and can be entirely closed again in the same time and manner. [OVER]

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