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Such conduct is on a par with the acceptance by a physician of a percentage from an apothecary to whom he directs his prescriptions to be taken. So patent did this appear toth ose who framed the code o fethics that they did not deem it necessary to insert any clause in regard to it."

By all means let this omission be repaired at the Philadelphia meeting. A bill is before the Kansas Legislature to enact the ten commandments into law, with severe penalties for any breach of them; and certainly the morals of the members of the American Medical Association ought to be safeguardede as carefully as those of the citizens of Kansas. For the sake of brevity, perhaps the golden rule would answer.-Medical Record.


FIRST THINGS.-First Atlantic cable operated, 1858.
The first steel pen was made in 1830.

The first lucifer match was made in 1829.

The largest island in the world is Australia.

First musical notes used, 1338: printed 1502,
Kerosene was first used for illuminating in 1826.
National banks first established in the United States, in 1816.
Slavery in the United States was begun at Jamestown in

First post-office established, between Vienna and Brussels, 1516.

Moscow, Russia, has the largest bell in the world, 432,000


Columbus discovered America Oct. 12, 1492; the Northmen A. D. 985.

The first theatre in the United States was at Williamsburg, Va., 1752.

The first complete sewing machine was patented by Elias Howe, Jr., in 1846.

The first Medical University organized on the Recitation Method was the Ohio Medical University, Columbus, Ohio, which was incorporated in 1890 and was opened for students in 1892.



A Bi-Weekly Journal Devoted to the Advancement of the
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Pineoline is applied two or three times daily on linen or in any other desirable way.

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Protonuclein as a tissue builder is without an equal. It stimulates the nutritive functions, increases resistance to disease, promotes glandular secretion, restores tone to the system; cell life throughout the organism is stimulated and health augmented.




Disintegrates, Breaks Down and Eliminates Stone of the

Kidneys or Bladder, Both Uric Acid and Phosphatic For-
mations. Its Value in Bright's Disease, Gout, Etc.


Professor of Pharmacology and Materia Medica of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Director of the Laboratory of the Consulting Committee of Public Hygiene of France.

PARIS, February 12, 1897.

"The collections of disintegrated or broken down vesical or renal calculi which forms the subject of the following analysis and researches, were sent me by Doctor Edward Chambers Laird, resident physician Buffalo Lithia Springs, Virginia, U. S. A. They were discharged by different patients after the use of the mineral water of Buffalo Lithia Spring No. 2 for a variable time. "I advise here from the experience of Doctor Laird the use of this mineral water, which has had with him a happy influence on the disintegration of the calculi and their elimination. It is to demonstrate this that he has requested me to make this analysis.

"The collections of the disintegrated calculi submitted to my examination were cight in number.

SPECIMEN OF CALCULI "A."-These disintegrated renal calculi are very numerous, and present themselves in the forms of grains of various sizes (from that of the size of a pin to that of a pea) of reddish yellow color, very hard and nucleus in the center. They are thus composed: Urate of ammonia-for the greater part; free uric acid-small quantity; carbonate of ammonia and magnesia-small quantity.

CALCULUS "B."-This disintegrated vesical calculus presents itself in the form of many fragments of a granular aspect of a greyish white color. They are easily broken, and the contexture of the fragments show that they are porous throughout. Chemical composi tion: Urate of ammonia-for the greater part; carbonate of ammonia and magnesia-in small quantity.

CALCULUS "C."-Vesical calculus reduced to crystalline powder, granular, of a greyish white color, rather friable. Chemical composition: Phosphate of ammonia and magnesia-for the greater part. Carbonate of lime-small quantity. Oxalate of lime-very small quantity.

CALCULUS "D."-Vesical calculus thoroughly disintegrated, fragments many and angular, granular aspect, of a rather fragile consistence of a greyish white color. Chemical composition: Bicalcic phosphate-for the greater part (fusible directly to the blow pipe). Oxalate of lime-small quantity. Carbonate of ammonia and magnesia-small quantity. Xanthine-very small quantity.

CALCULUS "E."-Disintegrated renal calculi, many polyhedral fragments, rounded at the angles, consistence hard, color yellowish red. These calculi are hard and appear formed of concentric layers. Chemical composition: Uric acid-nearly the whole part. Uric pigment-(acide rosacique.)

A portion of report omitted for lack of space.


Water in Cases of One Dozen Half-Gallon Bottles, $5.00. F. O. B. Here.


THOS. F. GOODE, Proprietor,

Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va.

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