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The reputation of a physician depends upon his ability to properly manage his cases, and in no one class, of diseases is the result of his treatment so manifest as in menstrual disorders

Viburnum Compound, as represented by the formula of Dr. HAYDEN, or




is recognized as a standard remedy in these cases, and is so prescribed and endorsed by the most eminent men in the profession.

H.V. C is a pronounced antispasmodic and can be administered in conditions manifested by painful menstruation with an assurance of positive relief. H.V. C is also indicated in Amenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Threatened Abortion, and Nervous Disorders not dependent upon organic lesions.

All successful preparations are imitated and H.V.C. is no exception. Beware of substitution. Literature on request. If administered in hot water its NEW YORK PHARMACEUTICAL CO. absorption is facilitated and its ecBEDFORD SPRINGS, MASS. tion is more promptly manifested.

Rheumatic Conditions, so prevalent at this season, promptly relieved by Hayden's Uric Acid Solvent.

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Antikamnia & Salol Tablets Antikamnia & Quinine Tablets No physician can afford to be indifferent

| AK |

Antikamnia & Codeine Tablets AK

Antikamnia & Heroin Tablets

regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.

the safest and most efficient urinary antiseptic, uric acid solvent, and prophylactic in genito-urinary instrumentation and typhoid. Its literature comprises more than 200 reports from eminent practitioners on both continents.


READILY ASSIMILABLE NERVE NUTRIENTS, indicated in all cases of nervous impairment. They promote albumin and phosphate absorption, increase blood formation and improve metabolism.

Schering's Formalin Lamp


A powerful auxiliary in the treatment of catarrhs, whooping cough, influenza, diphtheria, measles, scarlatina, small-pox, etc. It renders the infection shorter and milder and lessens the danger of contagion. Evolves 100% of pure formaldehyde gas, while wood alcohol lamps produce less than 5% formaldehyde, the rest being wasted as CO and CO,.

The vaporization of the Formalin Pastils can be regulated at will and perfect deodorization may be effected without discomfort to the patient.

FORMALIN-SCHERING (the standard 40% formaldehyde solution) should be specified when the liquid is to be used, to prevent the substitution of inferior brands of varying strengths.

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by increasing the leucocytes.


is the true nuclein derived from the lymphoid glands of healthy animals without the use of chemicals, and contains the unaltered vital princi, les which cannot be made artificially from plants nor extracted from chemicals.

Indicated in all infectious and toxic conditions, debility and tissue waste, and locally in the treatment of Ulcers and Surface Lesions; in fact in any case where a true physiological leucocytosis 13 required. SAMPLES AND LITERATURE ON REQUEST. Send for fee-table of our PATHOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES.

REED & CARNRICK, 42-46 Germania Ave., JERSEY CITY, N. J.

There are more Autocars in use in Chicago than
all other makes of tonneau cars combined.

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'Phone Central 351

There is a private office at the institute at your disposal for consulting with your patients.

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6th Floor, 156 Wabash Avenue

Corner Monroe Street

Treats Spinal Curvature and other deformities by SWEDISH MOVEMENTS and MASSAGE, both Manual and Mechanical

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