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Tuskegee Institute.-"
—-*‘Tuskegee, Rah, Rah! Tuskegee, Rah, Rah! Who Rah, You Rah! 'uskegee, Rah'
University of Alabama. -- Hulla ba loo, ray! ray! Hulla ba loo, ray! ray! Hooray! Hooray! Varsity,
Varsity, U. of A. U. of A. Rah, rah! U. of Ă. Rah, rah! Hoorah, hoorah, Old Alabama!"
University of Arkansas, —“* Boom-alacka, Boom-alacka, wah who ray, Razzle-dazzle, Hobble-gobble.
U. of A., Hi-ip, Ti-ip, rah-rah-rah, Ozark, Ozark, Sis, Boom, Bah, Varsity, Varsity, Room-a-la,
Ra, Cardinal, Cardina, U. of A "'!*
University of California, Oski! Wow! Wow! Wiskee! Wee' Wee! Oleo-mucky-ei'Oley-Berkeley-el'
California. Wow!!

University of Chattanooga - "Rah. rah, rah; Rah, rah, rah; Rah, rah, rah; Chattanooga, Chattanooga,


University of Chicago.-Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, go: Go Chica-go. Chica-go"

Univ. of Cincinnati-Heila, Heila, Heilagan Heila, Heila, Ha: Cincinnati Varsity, Rah! Rah! Rah!'' University of Colorado. — Colorado Ran! Colorado Rah! Rah, Rah, Colorado'

University of Denver. - U, U, U. of D, Den-ver, Ver-si-ty! Kai Gar Wa-hoo Zip boom-D. U. !"' Univ. of Georgia. Hoo-ran, Rih, Hoo, Rah, Rah. Ran, Rah, Georgia!!!

University of Idaho. Rah! Rah: Rah! (twice) Idaho: Id a-ho! Boom Bay! Bah!''

University of Illinois. -Hol-a-ba-100! rah! rah: Hol-a-ba-loo! rahi rah! Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah Illinois! Wah! Wah!"

University of Kansas. - Rock-Chalk, Jay-Hawk: K. U.!"

University of Maine.-"Rah, rah, rah: Rah rah, rah; Rah, rah, rah, Maine !''

Univ. of Mich.-U. of M. rah! rah! (repeat) Michigan, Michigan! rah! rah! rah!''

Univ. of Minnesota, Rah, rah, rah, Ski- U-mah-hoorah! hoorah! Varsity-Varsity! Minne-so-ta!" University of Mississippi. —"Oxford Rah! Oxford Rah! 'Varsity, Varsity, Rah! Rah Rah! Oxford Rah! Oxford Rah!Varsity, 'Varsity, Rah! Rah! Rah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Rah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Rah! Mississippi!??

University of Missouri, Rah Rah Rah Missouree M. U-ni-ver-si-ty, Hurrah! Hirah yes, siree!'' University of Montana.-Montana, Montana Zip boom bah, State University, Rah. Rah, Rah.''' University of Nashville. Rah! Rah' (repeat) Rah! Rah! Hurrah! Rah! Ran! Nashville' University of Nebraska.-U-U-Uni Ver Ver Ver-si-ty, N-E-Bras-Ki Oh, oh My!!

University of North Carolina, -Yackety vack Hooray hooray! (twice) Carolina Varsity Boom Rah, Boom Rah, Car-o-li-na!''

Univ. of North Dakota, Odz-dzo-dzi! Ri-ri-ri' Hy-ah! Hy-ah! North Dakota!" (and Sioux war cry.) University of Notre Dame.-Rah! (9 times) Notre Dame!"

University of Oklahoma. Hi Rickety Whoop-te do boomer, sooner, Okla. U. ".

University of Oregon, Rah Rah Rah' Rah Rah Rah! Rah Rali Oregon! (Repeat.) "

Univ. of Pennsylvania. -Ray, Ray, Ray, Penn-Penn, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania! (3 times).

University of Rochester. -"Hoi, Hoi, Hoi, Rah, Rah, Rah' (3 times) Rochester! Rochester! Rochester!"' University of Southern California. - *Rackety! Hackety Wah! Who! wah! (repeat) zip! Boom! Bah! (repeat) US. C. Rah! Rah! Rah!

University of South Dakota. — Da-ko-tá, Da-ko-tá, U-ni-vi of Da-ko-tá!"

University of Tennessee "U of T.! Rah! rah! (twice) Hur-rah! Hur-rah! Tennessee! rah! rah!'
University of Texas.Long horn, Cactus thorn! Texas Texas! Texas! Moo-0-0-0! Texas!"
University of the Pacific. -Boom Chick Boom, Boom Chick Boom, Boom-jig-a-rig-a-rig-a-jig-a-boom!
Rah! Rah! Sis, Boom, Ah! Pacific, Pacific, Rah! Rah! Rah!??
University of the South. Rah! Rah: Ree! Var-Si-Teé, Hey, up! Hey, up! Sé-Wá-Née! Sewanee,
Rah! Se-Wa-Nee, Rah! Sewanee, TIGER, S-s-s-s, Boom! Ah!''

University of Utah, Rab, Rah, Rah! (three times) Utah!"

University of Vermont. - Kah, rah, rah! Rah, rah, rah! Vermont, Vermont: Rah, rah!'
University of Virginia. - Wah! hoo! wah! Wah! hoo! wah U-n-i-v. Virgin-i-a!'''

Univ. of Wush-Oskey, Wow, Wow! Wiskey, Wee, Wee! Holy Varseti! Washingtonei! Washington"
University of Wisconsin. — U-Rah-Rah Wis-con-sin!" (repeated three times with a tiger.)
Thuversity of Wooster.-Te Deke; Te Deke! Rah, Rah, Hoorah Wooster Varsity !"

Univ. of Wyoming. - Rah Rah Rah! Zip boom Zee! Let 'er go, let 'er go Varsity! Wy-o-ming!!!''
U. S. Military Academy. - Ran! Rab' Ray! Rah! Ral Ray! West Point! West Point! Ar-may!''
U. S. Naval Academy. Rah! Rab Rah! Hi! Ho! Hal! U. S. N. A. Room! sis: Ban! Navy!'
Upper Iowa University.-Hawkeye! Hawkeye! U. ! I. ! U. !!' '

Vanderbilt Univ. -Vanderbilt, Rah, Rah! (twice) Hoo Rah Hoo Rah Varsity Varsity Rah, Rah, Rah!''
Virginia Polytechnic Inst. - Hoki, Hoki, Hoki, Hi! Tech! Techs! V. P. I. Sola-Rex, Sola Rah
Polytechs, Vir-gin-1-a!! Rae! Ri! V. P. I.

Wake Forest.-Rah (nine times) Wake Forest."

Walden University. -' Ray, Ray, Walden, Ray, Ray. Ray"

Wash, and Jefferson. Wich-i-Koax, Koáx, Koúx! (Repeat) W. and J. W. and J. ! Boom!'' Washington and Lee University - Chic-a-go-runk' Go-runk! Go-ree! Heigh, no! Hi, ho! Washingtou and Lee! Washington and Lee! Washington and Lee! Tiger!"

Washington University. Sizzle, Sazzle, Razzle Dazzle U-ni-v! Washington Washington Var-si-ty?'
Wamesburg. - Hic, Haec, Hoc, Ille, Illa, Illum, Sumnius, Optime, Omnium-Waynesburg!'
Wesleyan University. Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Wes-ley-an-a! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Western Reserve University. -O Sketlion! pompal! Foo foo apolusai Atai! Aiai! Rah! Rah! Reserve!"'
Western University of Pennsylvania. —“Alle-ga-ne-ga-noc-ga-noc! (twice) Hurrah! Hurrah! Wup!'
West Virginia University Rah! Rah! Rhu! W. V. U.! Sis Boom haw! Tiger!!"
Whitman. Breke-Ke-Kex, Koax, Koax (Repeat), 0, wop, O. wop, parbleu, Whitman!''

Willamette University.-Wah-Hoo! Wan-Hoo! Rip! Zip! Bazoo! I yell I yell for W. U. Wah-Hoo,
Wab-Hoo, Wah-hoo!''

William Jewell College, - Yah Yah, Wow, Wow, Wee; Yaka, Zu Zi Zee; Vivela, Vivela, W. J. C. Williams - Williains: Williams! Williams! (Rah! nine times) Williams!''

Wittenberg. - Rah (eight times), Wittenberg, Bang, Boom, Ah!"

Woman's (Baltimore).-"B-A-L-T-I-M-O-R-E, Baltimore!

Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Rah, Rah, Rah! Worcester Polyteck! Polly, Wolly, Olley, Molly, Worcester Polyteck!"

Yale University. Rah, Rah, Rah' Rah. Rah. Rah! Rah, Rah, Rah! Yale!"

Yankton.-O! Y! Hah! Hah! Hah! Yankton! Yankton! Rah! Rah! Rah! Hah! Wah! Bish! Boom! Bah! Yankton! Yankton! I-Lank-ton-wah!''

York Yor, Yor, Yell, Yell, Yell, Yor! Ye, York-1'1, U UB! Col-le-ge!"

The difference between the cheers of Harvard and Yale lies in the length of time it takes to give them. Harvard's cheer is long and deep; Yale's quick and sharp.

American College Fraternities.



Alpha Chi tho..

Alpha Delta Pai.
Alpha Sigma Phi †.

Delta Upsilon

Kappa Alpha (North).

Kappa Alpha (South).

Kappa Sigma...

[blocks in formation]

111 Trinity, 1895

Yale, 1845..

National Secretary.

James L. Robinson, New York City.
Shepard A. Morgan, New York City.
W. M. Musgrave, New York City.
Francis W. Shepardson, Chicage, Ul.
Theo. B.Appel, M.D., Lancaster Pa.
Geo. P. Richardson, Newark, N.J.

45 Va, Military Inst., 1865. L. W. Glazebrook, M.D.,Wash., D. C.

David B. Simpson, New York City. Arthur G. Freeland, New York City. (No National Secretary.)

4 Coll. City of N. Y., 1901. Meyer Boskey, New York City.

500 11

7,872 1,152

24 Hamilton, 1882.

[ocr errors]

Alpha Tau Omega.


59 92

Beta Theta Pi....

16,395 73 23

67 Miami, 1839.

Chi Phi...

[blocks in formation]

Chi Psl..

4.920 17


17 Union, 1841....

[blocks in formation]

Henry T. Bruck, Mt. Savage, Md. H. S. Smalley, Ann Arbor, Mich. Theo. Gilman, Jr., New York City. 31 Wash'ton and Lee, 1865 V. Otis Robertson, Jackson, Miss. 55 University Va., 1869... Herbert M. Martin, Danville, Va. 43 Miami, 1818. Fred. J. Coxe, Wadesboro, N. C. 47 Wash. & Jefferson, 1848 Thomas L. Pogue, Cincinnati, O. 25 Wash, & Jefferson, 1852 Henry H. McCorkle, New York City. 22 University Penn., 1850. Wm. F. Norris, Philadelphia, Pa. 23 Mass. Agr'1 Coll., 1873.. Henry H. Dyersen, New York City, University Va., 1868... Chas. W. Underwood, Atlanta, Ga. 121 Union, 1833... 29 50 Univ. Alabama, 1856. 53 Miami, 1855. 45 Va. Military Inst., 1869. 8 Union, 1827...


[ocr errors]

5 2 26

5,500 23 9

George S. Coleman, New York City.
Clar. W.Stowell, Providence. R.I.
Wm. A. Trimpe, Chicago, Ill.
C. E. Woods, Richmond, Ky.
Alex. Duane, M. D., New York City.
Wm. L. Phillips, Washington, D. Č.
M. A. Ermold, Haddon Hei'ts, N.J.
E. Wesson Clark, Boston, Mass.
Edward J. Cook, Geneva, N. Y.
12 Rensselaer P. Inst.. 1861 Russell de C. Greene, Nichols, Ga.
15 N. Y. University, 1847.. Robert B. Austin, New York City.

18 Richmond College, 1901
3 William and Mary.1752
5 Norwich Univ., 1856...
22 Union, 1848.

216,544 1080 331 816


1,270 14 1
500 12
1,800 14


800 15 0
606! 10 6
1,500 24
3.500 27

13 13
1,633 13 0
4.078 82 9
850 14


34 10 1,500) 9 1 5,401 391 142

8 De Pauw Univ. 185...[Helen Wright, Toulon, Ill.

3 Barnard College, 1897..Elizabeth Toms, New York City.

7 Syracuse, Univ., 1872.. Mrs. S. V. Balderston, Evanston, III. 9 Lombard College, 1893.. Lena G. Baldwin, Elmira, N. Y.

3 Mo, State Univ., 1888.. Bernice Stall, Richmond, Va.
11 Univ. Arkausas, 1895.. Jessie A. Parker, Olathe, Kan.

8 Boston University, 1888 Mrs. J. E. Rhodes, St. Paul, Minn.
13 Warren Femalet.,1873 Agnes Burton, Detroit, Mich.
7 Syracuse Univ., 1874...Mamie D. Denn, Newtonville, Mass.
15 De Pauw Univ., 1870... L. Pearle Green, Ithaca, N. Y.
0 Va. State Normai, 1897. Mary S. Thomas, Columbia, S. C.
Monmouth Col, 1870... Mrs. A. H. Roth, Erie, Pa.

1 Wesleyan College, 1852 Bonito Hinton, New Orleans, La.
16 Monmouth Col., 1867.. Elda L. Smith, Springfield, Ill.
5 Colby College, 1874. Emma Kinge, Syracuse, N. Y.
Va. State Normal, 1898. Emma H. Moffett, Lebanon, Ky.
Va. State Normal, 1898. Mrs. J. L. Bugg, Farmville, Va.

600 8
810 6 3
7251 8 0
31.653 298 60 106



3,000 34 0 @ Dartmouth, 1858...
1,000 6 1
1,150 10 0
984 19

Chi Zeta Chi..

Delta Mu..

Kappa P

Nu Sigma Nu

Omega Upsilon P’ht.

Phi Alpha Gamma
Phi Alpha Sigm....
Phi Beta Pi....


Phi Delta Chi

Phi Rho Sigma.

Phi Theta Chi....

Pi Mn....

Zeta Beta Tau


3.800 30 1,450 17 2,400 13 800 5 3,000 29

Edw. L. Heintz, Chicago, Il. 3 Univ. of Penn., 1891... J. Gurney Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa. 8 N.Y. Hom. MedCol,1893 William H. Price, Brooklyn, N. Y. 7 Univ. Georgia, 1903. J. Calhoun McDougall, Atlanta, Ga. ..Univ. Vermont, 1884...E. H. Libby, Burlington, Vt.

4 Cheshire Mil. Ac., 1879 Press Eldridge, Jr., Yonkers, N. Y. 11. Univ. Michigan, 1852.. Thaddeus Walker, Detroit, Mich. 3 11 Univ. Bufalo, 1825.. Maurice B. Uoff, Chicago, Ill. 7N.Y. Hom. MedCol,1894 T. J. Yeomans, Ann Arbor, Mich. 4 Bellevue Med. Col 1888 James H. Potter, New York Cny. ..West'n Uv. of Pa., 1891 George M. Kline, Ann Arbor, Mich. 10 Louisville Med. C., 1594 Dunning S. Wilson, Louisville, Ky. 7 Univ. Michigan, 1885.. Edward Spease, Columbus, O. 14 N'thwest U. Med S., 1891 Clifford G. Grulee, Chicago, Ill. 1 Tufts Cl. Med. Sch. 1902 2 Univ. Virginia. 1883 40. C. N. Y.. 1898... Univ. California, 1896.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Zeta Omicron..

* Collegiate since 1898.

600 7 0
400 11 8

83 1 0

99.087 273 25 101

Brace I. Lawley, Boston, Mass.
P. W. Howle, Richmon i, Va.
Simon J. Junnetsky, New York City.
Allan R. Powers, Berkeley, Cal.

+ Became a University Society in 1907,

Alpha Kappa Phi..
Delta Chi.

Gamma Eta Gamma...

Phi Alpha Delta.......
Phi Delta Phi..



3 University, Miss., 1858 Olaf A. Olson, Chicago, Ill. 16 Cornell University,1890 W. W. Bride, Washington, D, C. 4 Univ. Me. Law S., 1901 Thomas R. P. Gibb, Boston, Mass. 15 N'thwest. U. L. S., 1898 Saml. H. Roberts, Chicago, Ill. 016 University, Mich., 1869 Geo. A. Katzenberger, Greenville, O. 1 Law D'tN.U.Mich., 1902 W.W. Lemmond, Washington, D. C. 5 Dick'son S. of Law,1901 J. Ward Follette, New York City.

[blocks in formation]




Sigma Nu Phi..........
Theta Lambda Phi......

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]



16,755 105 6 60


The Phi Beta Kappa Society was founded at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va., December 5, 1776, and now consists of 71 chapters located in as many of the leading colleges and universities in the land. The total living membership is nearly 17,000. Until 1883 the growth of the Society was comparatively slow, but since the organization of the United Chapters the development has been rapid, 47 chapters having been organized. At the ninth triennial council, held September 12, 1907, at William and Mary College, eight charters were granted, as follows: Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wesleyan and Virginia Universities, and Oberlin, Iowa and Franklin and Marshall Colleges. Women were first admitted in 1875, and the first charter to a woman's college, Illinois, Vassar, was granted in 1898. Since then Smith, Wellesley, Mt. Holyoke and the Woman's College of Baltimore have received charters. At the recent Council President Mary E. Woolley, of Mt. Holyoke, was chosen to the Senate, the first woman to be thus honored. The officers for the term, 1907-1910 are: President, Prof. Edwin A. Grosvenor, LL.D., Amherst, Mass.; Vice-President, Hon. John J. McCook, LL. D.. New York, N. Y.; Secretary and Treasurer, Rev. Oscar M. Voorhees, A.M., 350 East 146th Street, New York, N. Y.

Tau Beta Pi Fraternity.-An engineering honorary society founded at Lehigh University in 1885. It now has 22 chapters. R. C. Mathews, University of Tennessee, at Knoxville, is the national secretary.

Alpha Omega Alpha--An honorary medical society in which scholarship is the membership qualification, and which admits women on the same basis as men. Root at College of Physicians and Surgeons at Chicago in 1902. members. William W. Root, of Detroit, Mich., is the national secretary. It was founded by William W. It now has 14 chapters and 000

Acacia Fraternity.-An intercollegiate organization for Master Masons founded at the University of Michigan in 1904, now has a membership of 1,217 and 22 active chapters. The National Secretary is Harry E. Kilmer, 728 Rialto Building, St. Louis, Mo.

The Professional Fraternities now number 52, with a membership exceeding 38.000. They are located in both technical and professional schools. With the exception of Theta Xi (Engineering Scientific), members of professional fraternities may also belong to the general college fraternities.

Local or "One-College" Fraternities exist in nearly all colleges, and some date back as early as 1825. There are about 75, with a membership approximating 8,000. The women's local fraternities number about 50, with a total membership of about 3,000.


Alpha Chi Rho.-Joseph F. Johnson, Dean of New York University: William R. Shepherd, Professor of History, fessor of Mathematics. University of Pennsylvania; Howard Long. Admiralty lawyer. Columbia University; Isaac Joachin Alpha Delta Phi.-Theodore Roosevelt, ex-President of the United States; Joseph Schwatt. ProH. Choate, ex-Ambassador to England: Hamilton W. Mable, author: Charles W. Eliot. ex-President of Haryard University; Benjamin Ide Wheeler. President of the University of California; Francis Lynde Stetson, railroad magnate; Oliver Wendell Holmes, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Alpha Sigma Phi.-Gen. Stewart L. Woodford, Chairman Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission: Thomas Platt ex-United States Senator from New York; Charles Taft, capitalist; Prof. William G. Sumner; Hon. Charles B. Elliott, Chief Justice of the Philippines.

Alpha Tau Omega.-Robert L. Owen, United States Senator from Oklahoma; Duncan C. Heyward, ex-Governor of South Carolina; Walter H. Page, editor and publisher; F. M. Simmons, United States Senator from North Carolina; Clifton R. Breckinridge, ex-Ambassador to Court Judge, California; A. I. Bacheller, author; Thomas F. Gailor, Russia; Erskine M. Ross, Bishop of Tennessee; Theodore DuB. Bratton, Episcopal Bishop of Mississippi. United States Circuit Beta Theta Pi.-David J. Brewer, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Episcopal Court: William E. Borah. United States Senator from Idaho; Boles Penrose, United States Senator from Pennsylvania: Townsend Scudder, Justice of the New York Supreme Court: Edward John Governor of New C. Stokes, ex-Governor of New Jersey: Benjamin B. Odell, exFrancis, ex-Secretary of the Interior Department: Rev. David H. Moore of Cincinnati, L. Bates, ex-Governor Methodist Episcopal Bishop: Earl Cranston of Washington, D. C., Methodist Episcopal of Massachusetts; David R. Bishop.

Chi Phi.-Lee S. Overman, United States Senator from North Carolina; Franklin K. Lane. Interstate Commerce Commissioner; John B. Deaver, M. D.; Hugh H. Young, M. D.; Emory Speer, United States District Judge: Peter W. Meldim, of Savannah, Ga.; W. D. Jelks, ex-Governor of Alabama; W. K. Brooks, naturalist; F. R. Graves, Episcopal Bishop of Shanghai.

Chi Psi.-Elbridge T. Gerry; Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice of the United


States Supreme Court; Francis M. Scott, Justice New York Supreme Court; Clyde Fitch, playwright; Clinton Scollard, author; Don M. Dickinson, jurist; Frederick W. Whitridge, lawyer.

Delta Kappa Epsilon.-Robert E. Peary, Polar explorer: Julian Hawthorne, author: Whitelaw Reid. Ambassador to Great Britain; Theodore Roosevelt, ex-President of the United States; Arthur T. Hadley, President of Yale University; Charles Waldstern, archaeologist: A. Barton Hepburn. President Chase National Bank, New York; Harry P. Judson, President of University of Chicago.

Delta Phi.-W. H. S. Demarest, President of Rutgers College; Robert Fulton Cutting, lawyer: John Jacob Astor, capitalist; J. Pierpont Morgan jr., financier: Ulysses S. Grant III.. United States Army: Charles Scribner, publisher; John W. and Joseph Harper, publishers.

Delta Psi.-H. D. Money, United States Senator from Mississippi; W. C. Doane. Episcopal Bishop of Albany; C. B. Galloway, Bishop of Methodist Episcopal Church: Thomas Nelson Page, author: Luke E. Wright, ex-United States Secretary of War; Stuyvesant Fish, ex-President Illinois Central Railroad; Willard Bartlett, Justice of the New York Supreme Court: J. Cleveland Cady, architect.

Delta Sigma Phi.-Arvid D. Anderson, Registrar of the College of the City of New York; William E. Waters, Professor of Greek, New York University.

Delta Tau Delta. -Francis J. McConnell, President DePauw University; Champ Clark, Representative in Congress from Missouri; James A. Mann, Representative in Congress from Illinois; A. C. Humphreys, President of Stevens Institute of Technology; K. C. Babcock, President of University of Arizona; William Kent, M. E.: James E. Denton, M. E.; Will Carleton, writer; Frederick Palmer, war correspondent; Bion J. Arnold, electrical expert; William A. Lieb, Vice-President and General Manager Edison Electric Company; Rev. W. T. Manning, Rector of Trinity Church, New York City; Rev. C. E. Jefferson, Pastor Broadway Tabernacle, New York City: George Horton, Consul-General to Greece: Stewart Fuller. Vice-Consul at Hong Kong, Delta Upsilon.-Charles E. Hughes, Governor of New York; William T. Jerome, District-Attorney of New York City; Fletcher D. Proctor, ex-Governor of Vermont; Frank H. Hitchcock, Postmaster-General; Sereno E. Payne, Representative in Congress from New York: M. Linn Bruce, ex-Justice of the Supreme Court of New York: Edward M. Bassett, Public Service Commissioner of New York; David Starr Jordan, President Leland Stanford University; Flavel S. Luther. President of Trinity College. Hartford: William H. P. Faunce. President of Brown University. Kappa Alpha (Northern)Laurenus C. Seelye, President of Smith College; Edward H. Griffin, Dean of Johns Hopkins University; Francis E. Leupp, Commissioner of Indian Affairs; Frank H. Hiscock, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York; Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor, author; Silas B. Brownell, Director of Princeton Theological Seminary; Horace White, Lieutenant-Governor of New York.

Kappa Alpha (Southern).-Joseph W. Folk, ex-Governor of Missouri; Morris Sheppard, Representative in Congress from Texas; John Temple Graves, editor; Thomas Dixon, author; John S. Candler, of Georgia, jurist; Edward Chambers Smith. lawver: John S. Wise, lawyer; Richmond P. Hobson, Representative in Congress from


Kappa Sigma.-Lyon G. Tyler, President of William and Mary College; William G. McAdoo, President of the Hudson Tunnels Company; Dr. John Covert Boyd,, United States Navy; Rev. N. M. Waters, preacher; P. P. Campbell, Representative in Congress from Kansas; J. Harry Covington, Representative in Congress from Maryland; William B. Craig, Representative in Congress from Alabama.

Phi Delta Theta.-Duncan U. Fletcher, United States Senator from Florida; Adlai E. Stevenson, ex-Vice-President of the United States; William Allen White, author; Ray Stannard Baker, author: Brigadier-General Fred Funston, United States Army; John W. Foster, diplomatist: Malcolm R. Patterson, Governor of Tennessee: S. H. Elrod. Governor of South Dakota: Addison C. Harris, ex-Minister to Austria.

Phi Gamma Delta.-Charles W. Fairbanks, ex-Vice-President of the United States: John W. Thomas, railroad president; Rev. James D. Moffat, President of Washington and Jefferson College; Charles W. Dabney, President of the University of Cincinnati; Joseph C. Hartzell and William F. McDowell, Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Phi Kappa Psi. Woodrow Wilson. President of Princeton University: Joseph B. Foraker. ex-United States Senator from Ohio; Arthur L. Bates, Representative in Congress from Pennsylvania: H. S. Hadley. Governor of Missouri; P. H. Dugro, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York: David H. Greer. Bishop of New York; Frank S. Monnett, ex-Attorney-General of Ohio; George E. Chamberlain, United States Senator from Oregon.

Phi Kappa Sigma.-Henry A. Du Pont, United States Senator from Delaware; E. A. Alderman, President of University of Virginia: Samuel D. McEnery, United States Senator from Louisiana: Claude A. Swanson. Governor of Virginia: Horatio C. King, lawyer and author: Charles I. Wilson, Brigadier-General United States Army: Colonel William Jay. of New York; Daniel S. Tuttle, Episcopal Bishop of Missouri; Robert Strange, Episcopal Bishop of North Carolina; Frank M. Bristol, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Phi Sigma Kappa.-Charles S. Howe, President of the Case School of Applied Science: George B. Cortelvou, ex-Secretary of the Treasury; Charles W. Needham, President of George Washington University; Charles S. Norton, Rear Admiral United States Navy.

Pi Kappa Alpha.-William Alexander, Secretary of Equitable Life Assurance Sosiety: Floyd Hughes, Collector at Port of Norfolk, Va.; St George Tucker, President of St. Paul's College. Tokio, Japan; Dr. D. Asa Blackburn, Pastor of the Church of the Strangers. New York City: Dr. H. A. Arbuckle, educator: James Alston Cabell, lawyer and author: O. W. Underwood. Representative in Congress from Alabama.

Psi Upsilon.-William H. Taft. President of the United States; Franklin MacVeagh,

Beginnings of Famous Universities.


Secretary of the Treasury: Andrew D. White, ex-Ambassador to England; Chauncey M.
Depew. United States Senator from New York; John C. Spooner, ex-United Fiates
Senator from Wisconsin; William P. Frye, United States Senator from Maine: Nicholas
Murray Butler, President Columbia University; Herbert L. Bridgman, journalist.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.-Philander C. Knox, Secretary of State: J. M. Dickinson,
Secretary of War: John C. W. Beckham, ex-Governor of Kentucky: John G. Capers,
I'nited States Commissioner of Internal Revenue; James F. O'Neill, actor; Charles
B. Howry, Justice United States Court of Claims; Thomas Watson, ex-Representa-
tive in Congress from Georgia; John G. Carlisle, ex-Secretary of Treasury.

Sigma Chi.-J. Taylor Ellyson, Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia; J. M. Hamilton. ex-Governor of Illinois; A. H. Lougino, ex-Governor of Mississippi; Robert S. McCormick, ex-Ambassador to France; James Deering, President of the International Harvester Company; George Ade, journalist and author; John M. Harris, President of Bucknell College; George H. Denny, President of Washington and Lee University: Booth Tarkington, author: Dan M. Ransdell, Sergeant-at-Arms United States Senate: Burr W McIntosh.

Sigma Nu.-H. D. Clayton, Representative in Congress from Alabama; Harvey Helm, Representative in Congress from Kentucky; Dr. Isadore Dyer, of New Orleans, leprosy expert; Rev. J. R. Sampey. D. D., theologian; Wade H. Ellis, Assistant Attorney-General of the United States.

Sigma Phi.-James S. Sherman, Vice-President of the United States: Elihu Root, United States Senator from New York; M. W. Stryker. President of Hamilton College; Andrew D. White, ex-President of Cornell University; M. H. Buckham, President of the University of Vermont: W. A. Shanklin, President of Wesleyan University: Gerritt Smith, composer; Chester S. Lord, managing editor of the New York Sun; Bradley Martin, capitalist: Montgomery Schuyler. journalist; John E. Parsons, lawyer: John Bigelow, author, ex-Minister to France: Robert W. Patterson, editor Chicago Tribune. Sigma Pi.-William Jennings Bryan, editor; Richard Yates, ex-Governor of Illinois. Theta Chi-Charles F. Sayles, mechanical engineer; William R. Cutler, author and historian; General Edward B. Williston, Governor of Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C.; George A. Converse, Rear-Admiral United States Navy; Major H. B. Hersey, Arctic explorer; Charles H. Spooner, President of Norwich University; De Witt C. Webb, mechanical engineer: William R. Mead, architect.

Theta Delta Chi.-William D. Bloxham, ex-Governor of Florida; John W. Griggs, ex-Attorney-General of the United States: F. W. Hamilton, President of Tufts College: B. P. Lamberton, Rear Admiral United States Navy: Willis S. Paine, ex-Superintendent of Banks, New York State; Cameron Mann, Eniscopal Bishop of North Dakota: Charles R. Miller, editor of the New York Times; John B. McPherson, United States District Court Judge: A. M. Randolph, Episcopal Bishop of Southern Virginia; Gonzalo de Quesada. Minister from Cuba.

Theta Xi-David L. Hough, engineer: William H. Wiley. Chief United States Bureau of Chemistry: Frederick H. Howland, Ricketts. President Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: George Gibbs, electrical engineer: Samuel Higgins, railroad manager; Henry Hodge, consulting bridge engineer; Rear editor Providence Tribune: Palmer C. Admiral Mordecal T. Endicott, United States Navy. Zeta Psi. Rev. Almon Gunnison, President Goodsell,


H. McElroy, journalists; George M. Rose, ex-Speaker of the North Carolina House of Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church; Rodney Welch and William of St. Lawrence University: Daniel Representatives.

Beginnings of Famous Universities.

THE University of Oxford has the reputation of having been founded by King Alfred in 872.
The first college of the University of Cambridge was founded by Hugo, Bishop of Ely, in 1257.

The University of Paris was founded by Klug Philip II. about 1200.

The first university in the German Empire was at Prague, Bohemia, 1348.

The Czar Alexander I. founded the Universities of St. Petersburg and Moscow in 1802

The oldest Spanish University is that of Salamanca, founded in 1240.

The University of Copenhagen, Denmark. was founded in 1479.

The University of Upsala, Sweden, was founded in 1477.

The oldest Italian universities are Bologna, founded 1200: Padua, 1222; Naples, 1224; Genoa, 1243; Perugia, 1276; Macerata, 1290. There were nine more founded between 1300 and 1550, Italy was the greatest resort of students for the higher education in the Middle Ages. Trinity College, Dublin, was incorporated by royal charter in 1591.

The University of Edinburgh was founded in 1582 by a charter granted by King James VI., Scotland.

Harvard University had its beginning at Newtown, afterward Cambridge, Mass., in 1636.


Yale University had its beginning at Saybrook, Ct., in 1700, and was removed to New Haven in 1716.

Columbia University was chartered as King's College in 1754. The name was changed to Columbia College in 1784 and Columbia University in 1896,

Princeton University, founded in 1746, was chartered as the College of New Jersey, and did not assume its present name officially until its one hundred and fiftieth anniversary in 1898,"

William and Mary College (rst steps taken toward establishing it in 1617) erected at Williamsburg, Va., and charter granted in 1693.

The first common schools established by legislation in America were in Massachusetts, 1645; but the first town school was opened at Hartford, Ct., prior to 1642.

The University of Pennsylvania had its beginning at Philadelphia, Pa., in 1740. It was chartered in 1753 as the Academy and Charitable School in the Province of Pennsylvania, and received a further charter as a college in 1755. Its present title dates from 1791.

The University of Jagielle, of Cracow, Poland, where Copernicus received his education, was founded in 1364 by the Polish King Kazimiers the Great, and endowed by a later Polish King, Jagielle, in 1400,

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