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Baltimore Specialist Says Baldness Is Un. necessary and Proves It.

The intense intercst in the wonderful work that has been accomplished in Baltimore and other cities by William Charles Keene, president of the Lorrimer Institute, is rapidly spreading. Many cases of baldness and faded hair of years' standing have been remedied by the remarkable preparation being distributed from Mr. Keene's laboratory, and its fame is spreading far and wide.

What makes this treatment extremely popular is the fact that trial outfits are sent free by prepaid mail. Those who wish to try it are strongly advised to write to Mr. Keene at the Lorrimer Institute, Branch 368, Baltimore, Md. They will receive the full trial outfit free of charge and much useful information about the hair which will put them on the road to a rapid and certain improvement.

Trial Package of my Combined Treatment
Mailed Free. Stops K'hawking and
Spitting and Cures Foul, Sickening

Breath. Send Your Name To-Day. Catarrh is not only dangerous, but it causes bad breath, ulceration, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking and reasoning power, kills ambition and energy, often causes loss of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, raw throat. and consumption. It needs attention at once. Cure it with Gauss' Catarrh Cure.

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Pheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain In the Back have been cured, in the real meaning of the word, by a little Stillingia, Iodide of Potassium, Poke Root, Guaiac Resin and Sarsaparilla. Any one, even a young child. can take these remedies in any reasonable amount with perfect safety, and the results have been found to be astonishing. It has been proven that this combination makes up the best rheumatism remedy in existence, having actually cured many stubborn cases of over 30 and 40 years' standing-even in persons of old age.

The five ingredients mentioned above prepared with great accuracy and skill not only in regard to proportion but also in selecting the best material, have been put up in compressed tablet form, and are called

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fifty thousand 50 cent boxes are offered free to introduce it.

If you suffer from any form of uric acid in the blood, and have Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, this is the way to drive it out of your system in quick time. Simply rend your name and address enclosing this advertisement, to JOHN A. SMITH, 5625 Smith Building, Milwaukee, Wis.. and by return mail you will receive the box absolutely free. It is only in "Gloria Tonic" that you can get the above combination ready for use. 786


Sow every known seed-none too large, none too small. Handles all brands of commercial fertilizers, no matter how hard to sow. Accurate, durable, simple, works in any kind of soil. Large variety of styles and sizes. Most Liberal Guarantee. Insist on seeing the Farmers' Favorite. THE AMERICAN SEEDING-MACHINE CO., Incorporated,




For Round Shoulders.

Makes the form erect, expands the chest, strengthens the lungs, and is comfortable to wear.


KNEE CAPS, AND ANKLETS. Also Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Crutches, Rubber Tips, Braces, etc.

Competent lady attendants. Separate parlors. See page 794


Hernia Trusses Scientifically fitted to suit each particular case.

SCHNOTER'S ATHLETIC SUPPORTERS or JOCK-STRAPS are universally used by Professional and Athletic people in general. For Horsemen, Racquet and Tennis Players, Golfers, etc. Ask your dealer for the genuine "SCHNOTER'S" and only those bearing our trade-markJ.C.S.-or we will send direct on receipt of price. Cotton Mesh, 50c.; Linen Mesh, 75c; Silk, 90c.

J. C. SCHNOTER CO., Makers,
523 Sixth Avenue,

Near 31st St., NEW YORK, N. Y., U.S.A.
Tel. 2699 Mad.

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Write for Our Catalog


We maintain an advisory and Surgical Fitting Department, conducted by Specialists, for the benefit of physicians and surgeons and for the general public. The services of this thoroughly practical and experienced department are absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. Correspondence with those who cannot visit our establishment is given the same careful attention.

A. J. DITMAN, 2 Barclay Street, New York

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