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disposition of surplus of Chinese
indemnity fund, XIII. 452, 453.
Burns, Anthony, surrender of, III.
457; IV. 189.

passengers in steamships for, IV.


Campbell, Lewis D., letter to, IV.


Africans, IV. 17; V. 109-111;
XIII. 146.

Burns, Robert, prediction by, con- Canaan, curse of, not applicable to
cerning America, XII. 154.
Butler, Andrew P., Senator from
South Carolina, attacks of, an-
swered, III. 371-408; IV. 145-149.
Compared to Don Quixote, IV.
144. His hostility to Kansas de-
nounced, IV. 239-242. On the
fugitive clause in the Constitu-
tion, VIII. 151.

Butler, Benj. F., Gen., care of, for

fugitive slaves, VI. 16.

Buxton, Thomas F., course of, in
moving emancipation, XIII. 479 et
Bynkershoek, his definition of war,
I. 15. On confiscation of property
in war, VII. 36; XIII. 13. On
seizures in neutral waters, IX. 145.
On reprisals, XII. 485.


CABINET, the President's, character
of the, in United States, XV. 127.
Cabral, José Maria, policy of, in San
Domingo, XIV. 107. Career of,
XIV. 185, 187 et seq.
Calhoun, John C., on equality, as
proclaimed in Declaration of Inde-
pendence, II. 331; X. 234: XIV.
452. Opposes irregular admission
of Michigan, IV. 228. Influence
of, V. 193. His opinions on slavery,
V. 194. Opposes a single national
name, XII. 231; and a national
government, XII. 242. His opin-
ion on powers of Vice-President, as
President of Senate, XII. 306–308.
California, extension of slavery into,
threatened, II. 300. Testimony to
transportation of slaves to. II. 301.
Admission of, II. 400. Safety of

Canada, termination of reciprocity
treaty with, IX. 178. Trade of,
with United States, IX. 182-184.
Cobden on annexation of, to United
States, XII. 173 et seq.; XIII. 129.
Invited by Continental Congress
to join United Colonies, XIII. 128.
Future union of, with United States
predicted, XIII. 129.

Canal, ship-, at Niagara, X. 475.
Through the Isthmus of Darien,
X. 500.

Canning, George, on fitting out of
privateers by neutrals, VII. 357.
On recognition of new govern-
ments, VII. 413. On belligerency,
VII. 453. On untrustworthiness of
slave-masters to legislate for slaves,
XI. 32. Author of Monroe doc-
trine, XII. 165. On Spanish Amer-
ica, XII. 167.

Cape Cod Association of Massachu-
setts, letter to, III. 433.
Capital Punishment, Rantoul's efforts
for abolition of, III. 79. Letter
against, III. 527.
Capitol, the national, no picture at,
of victory over fellow-citizens, IX.
333. Art in the, X. 540.
Caroline, case of the, IX. 158; XIII.


Carpenter, Matthew H., Senator from
Wisconsin, reply to his criticisms
on the supplementary civil-rights
bill. XIV. 440-461. On the Dec-
laration of Independence, XIV.
455. Reply to his imputations on
Mr. Sumner's fidelity to the Con-
stitution, XIV. 461-465.
Carpet-baggers, XII. 537.
Cars, street, opening of, to colored
persons, VIII. 103; XI. 402.


Charles V., sends expedition against

Tunis, I. 404. Sanctions slave-
trade in West Indies, I. 406.
Chatham, Lord, on the American
war, I. 346 et seq. On withdraw-
ing British troops from Boston, I.
375. On the Stamp Act, III. 175,
365. On authority of judicial de-
cisions, VIII. 382. His instruc-
tions on violation of Portuguese
territory, IX. 160-162.
Chesapeake, case of the, IX. 154;
XIII. 74.

Caste, and prejudice of color, I. 161; | Charity, in slave and free States, V.
VIII. 402; XIV. 398. In United
States, II. 350, 357; VIII. 203; X.
210; XIII. 37, 133, 145; XIV. 382,
449. Defined, II. 350; X. 211;
XIII. 140; XIV. 449. Negroes
described as a, by foreign writers,
II. 351; VIII. 203; XIV. 382.
Testimony to, in India, II. 352-
356; VIII. 203; XIII. 144 et seq.;
XIV. 449 et seq. Powers of Con-
gress to prohibit, XIII. 34. The
successor of slavery, XIII. 37, 133.
The question of, XIII. 131. Faith
in its disappearance, XIII. 135. In
Europe and the East, XIII. 140,
141. In India, XIII. 141-145.
Apology for, in United States,
XIII. 146. Forbidden by a com-
mon humanity, XIII. 162. Im-
portance of question of, XIII. 181.
Cato the Censor, on disposal of
slaves, I. 399.

Cattle-plague, power of Congress to
counteract the, X. 425.
Centralism, true, distinguished from
false, XI. 37; XII. 244; XIV. 281.
Cerisier, Antoine Marie, XII. 136.
John Adams on, XII. 137. His
writings and predictions concern-
ing America, XII. 137-141.
Cervantes, a slave in Algiers, I. 391,
416, 420, 421, 476. Efforts of,
against slavery, I. 391. On slay-

ery, I. 421. His "Life in Algiers"
quoted, I. 470-472.
Chambrun, Marquis de, defended,
XV. 9-11.

Champagne, Philippe de, engraved
portrait of, XIV. 344; authorities
on same, XIV. 344.
Channing, William Ellery, tribute
to, as philanthropist, in Phi Beta
Kappa oration, I. 284-298. His
labors for liberty compared to Mil-
ton's, I. 292. On the true object
of life, II. 29. On Whig and
Democratic parties, II. 160.
Chaplains, military, II. 209.

Cheyenne Indians, massacre of, IX.

Chicago, the great fire at, and our
duty, XIV. 313.
Chief-Justice, the, reasons for requir-
ing him to preside at impeachment
of the President, XII. 273-279.
Presiding in the Senate, cannot
rule or vote, XII. 282.

Child, Sir Josiah, XII. 20. Disraeli
on his prediction concerning Amer-
ica, XII. 21. On New England,
XII. 22 et seq.

China, our relations with, XII. 502.
Return of Marco Polo from, XII.
505-507. Results of his travels in,
XII. 507 et seq. Convention of
1858 with, and payment of claims
on, XIII. 445-450. Religion of,

XIII. 487.

Chinese, advantages of their immi-
gration to United States, XIII. 183.
Naturalization of, defended, XIII.

Chinese Embassy, the, XII. 502.
Chinese Indemnity Fund, XIII. 445.

Propositions with regard to surplus
of, XIII. 450-457; same not de-
clined by China, XIII. 457-459;
duty of United States as to same,
XIII. 460-463.

Chivalry, pretension of slave-masters
to, refuted, IX. 99-110. Defined
by Kenelm Digby, IX. 110.

Choate, Rufus, on Whig views of
slavery, II. 159. On the Declara-
tion of Independence, XIV. 453.
Choiseul, Claude, Duc de, career of,
XII. 71-76. His predictions con-
cerning America, XII. 73-75.
Cholera from abroad, power of Con-
gress to provide against, X. 435.
Christianity, opposed to war, I. 54,
58. The religion of progress, II.
99; and of equality, II. 333. Does
not sanction slavery, IV. 19.
Church, the, its attitude in relation
to war, I. 54, 58. Its early testi-
mony against war, I. 59. Doctrine
of millennium in the, II. 98. Con-
demns trial by battle, II. 194. In
America, early opposed to slavery,
III. 119-121; V. 201; IX. 283-286.
Testimony of, against slavery,
VIII. 376; IX. 308.


Cicero, on war, I. 56 (see note).
patriotism, I. 68 (see note). His
opinions on glory, II. 13. 18-22.
On unjust laws, III. 192; VIII. 381.
On a commonwealth, VII. 432 et
seq. His definition of law, VII.
435. On government, X. 145.
Cities, evil influence of commercial
spirit in, III. 247.
Civil Rights, protection of, X. 271.
Johnson's veto of bill for, X. 276-
279. The same as political rights,
XI. 35. Sufferings from denial of
equality in, XIV. 374. Sources of
Congressional power to grant,
XIV. 384-386. 424-436, 438.
Civil Rights Bill, supplementary,
speeches on, XIV. 355. Necessity
of, XIV. 383, 387, 418; XV. 203,
267, 305. Immediate action on,
urged, XV. 286, 304-307. Not de-
clared unconstitutional by Supreme
Court, XV. 287, 289. Last appeal
for, XV. 301. History of, XV.
301-304. Jury provision of, dis-
cussed, XV. 307–310.

Civil Service, reform in the, VIII.

452; XV. 8. No exclusion of re-

[blocks in formation]

opinions of, II. 38 (see illustrations,
51-54), 275. Uninvited mediation
in, not allowable, VII. 375, 411.
Claflin, William, letter to, V. 450.
Candidate for Governor of Massa-
chusetts in 1870, XIV. 2.
Claims, on France for spoliations of
American commerce, VIII. 244;
objections to same answered, VIII.
247-253, 306-332; origin and his-
tory of same, VIII. 255-270; com-
pensation for same, VIII. 332;
value of same, VIII. 336-340.
Authorities on compensation for,
VIII. 341. Of citizens in rebel
States, XIII. 10. For losses by
war, instances of payment of, XIII.
19-22, 25-28. Of loyalists after
Revolution, XIII. 23; motives of
Parliament in allowing same in
part, XIII. 24. On England, XIII.
53, 124; XV. 12. On China, con-
vention for, and payment of, XIII.

Clarkson, Thos., beginning of his ca-
reer, II. 48. His account of Lafay-
ette's opinions of slavery, II. 58.
Classical Studies, I. 253.
Classics, the, I. 253-255.
Clay, Henry, on claims for French
spoliations, VIII. 304.
On one
term for the President, XIV. 323;
XV. 158, 221.

Clemency, to political offenders, III.

11. And common-sense, IX. 503.
To Rebels, limitations on, IX. 537–

Clergy, of New England, protest of,
against Nebraska Bill, III. 336.
Their early influence for liberty,
III. 340. Defence of their right to
protest, III. 347. Exemption of,
from conscription, VII. 303.
Coal, cheap, XI. 91. Tax on, op-
pressive to New England, XI. 92.

Cobbett, William, sketch of, I. 190-
194. On Thos. Paine, I. 195. In-
dustry of, described by himself, I.
195-198. Compared to Scott, I.
198. On amount of sleep required,
I. 202.

Cobden, Richard, advocates arbitra-
tion, II. 257. Letter on, IX. 498.
His character and labors, XII. 172.
His prediction concerning Amer-
ica, XII. 173 et seq.; XIII. 129.
On American losses in Rebellion,
caused by England, XIII. 77, 78,
80. On penny postage, XIII. 403.
Coke, Lord, on arrangement of time,
I. 200. On surrender of fugitives,
VIII. 145. On the laws of Par-
liament, XII. 286.

Coleridge, on Christianity and slay-
ery, IV. 20.

Coles, Edward, letter to, III. 83.
Collamer, Jacob, Senator from Ver-

mont, speech on death of, X. 38.
Colonies, British, of North America,
elements of nationality in, XII. 206
et seq.; efforts for union among
same, XII. 207-211. Tend towards
independence, XIII. 119. Of North
America, postal service in, XIII.

Colonization for freedmen, IX. 466.
Color, caste and prejudice of, I. 161;
VIII. 402; XIV. 398. Prejudice
of, peculiar to America, I. 161; II.
375. Removal of disqualification
of, in carrying mails, VI. 385.
Exclusion of witnesses on account
of, VIII. 176. Not a qualification
for the franchise, X. 214, 307-309;
XII. 430-433; XIII. 40. Distinc-
tion of, not recognized by the Con-
stitution, XII. 431; XIII. 42, 489;
XIV. 401, or by Declaration of
Independence, XII. 431; XIII. 43,
482, 489; XIV. 401: same must
be expressly authorized in order
to exist, XIV. 402. No distinction
of, recognized by common law, as
declared by Chief-Justice Holt,

XIV. 402. Prejudice of, illustrated
by judicial decisions in Ohio, XIV.
404. See Caste.
Colorado, objections to admission of,
as a State, X. 346-373. Require-
ment of enabling Act for, X. 348,
358. Constitution of, quoted, X.
349; evidence of its denial of
rights to colored persons, X. 364
et seq.

Colored Citizens, passports for, V. 497.
Right and duty of, in organization
of government, IX. 363, 430. Hope
and encouragement for, IX. 366;
XI. 42. Advice to, IX. 430; XV.
68, 203 et seq. Eligibility of, to
Congress, XII. 439. Other rights
and duties of, XIV. 316. Letter
to, on Presidential election of 1872,
XV. 173. Equal rights of, in nor-
mal schools. XV. 268.
Colored Persons, refusal to, of right
of petition, V. 176. Free, are citi-
zens of United States, V. 179; pre-
cedents and illustrations proving
same, V. 179-181. Services of, in
American wars, V. 183; VII. 213
et seq., 467; X. 287. Petitions
from, formerly presented, V. 186.
Testimony of, in District of Co-
lumbia, VI. 442; in proceedings
for confiscation and emancipation,
VI. 502, and in U. S. courts, VII.
152; VIII. 176; IX. 39. Should
enlist, VII. 325. Reënslavement
of, threatened, VII. 543-545.
Opening of street-cars to, VIII.
103; XI. 402. Testimony of
American States and European
countries to rights of, before 1789,
IX. 276-309. Impartial jurors for,
X. 10. Equal rights of, to he pro-
tected by national courts, X. 16.
Madison on rights of, X. 181 et seq.
Their rights as freemen not violated
by fathers of the Republic, X. 196
et seq., 328. Opinion of Attorney-
General declaring them citizens of
United States, X. 278, 368. Should

be chosen on boards of registration
in rebel States, XI. 400. Opening
of offices to, in District of Colum-
bia, XI. 414. Entitled to all the
rights of American citizenship,
XIV. 407. Testimony of, to ne-
cessity of national legislation for
equal civil rights, XIV. 414, 417-
424, 431-435, 436-438. Their
rights sacrificed, XIV. 471. Ret-
rospect and promise for, XV. 202.
See Civil Rights, Colored Citizens,
Equal Rights, Freedmen, and


Colored Race, justice to the, IX. 432.
Self-sacrifice for, IX. 493.
Colored Schools, closing of, in North
Carolina, VII. 112. In Washing-
ton, XIV. 153. See Separate


Colored Senators, predicted, XI. 400,
403. Importance of, in settling
question of equal rights, XII. 441;
XIII. 337. The first one, XIII. 336.
Colored Suffrage, at adoption of the
Constitution, V. 179-181; IX. 279.
Judicial decision on, in North Caro-
lina, V. 180; VIII. 461; IX. 279;
X. 191. In Montana, VIII. 236.
In Washington, VIII. 458. No
Reconstruction without, IX. 311.
Necessity of, in Rebel States, IX.
424-428, 430, 457, 459 et seq., 472;
X. 129-136, 219-227; XI. 30, 50;
XII. 531 et seq. In District of
Columbia, X. 5; XI. 49. Sources
of Congressional power to grant, X.
124, 211-213, 215-219, 324-335;
XI. 35 et seq., 358-360, 410 et seq.;
XIII. 43-49, 101, 333. Alexander
Hamilton on, X. 183 et seq., 329;
XII. 435; XIII. 45. Early public
acts of United States on, X. 188-
190; and of individual States, X.
190-194. Testimony to need of, in
rebel States, X. 344; requirement
of, in same, XI. 109. Should be
prescribed throughout U. S. by Act
of Congress, XI. 356, 409; XII.

184; XIII. 51, 101. A constitutional
amendment not proper to secure,
XI. 357; XIII. 49-51. Mr. Sum-
ner's personal record on, XIII. 303.
Colored Troops, employment of, VII.
262; VIII. 385. Equal pay of,
VIII. 84. Gov. Andrew on pay
and enlistment of, VIII. 96 et seq.
Opinion of Attorney-General on
enlistment of, VIII. 101 et seq.
Freedom of wives and children of,
IX. 193.

Colors, regimental, no names of vic-
tories over fellow-citizens on, VI.
499; XV. 255.

Combe, George, opinions of, on Penn-
sylvania system of prison disci-
pline, I. 508-510.

Commerce, in slave and free States,
V. 36 et seq.

Commercial Relations, suspension of,
an act of war, XII. 483.
Committee on Foreign Relations, re-
ports of, on San Juan boundary
question, V. 484; on draught of
convention with Mexico, VI. 365;
on claims on France for spolia-
tions of commerce, VIII. 244; and
on Chinese indemnity fund, XIII.
445. President Grant's endeavor
to change the, XIV. 121.
Common Law, I. 270. Its relation
to enlistments by minors in United
States, I. 371. On the pardoning
power, III. 54. Favors liberty, III.
112, 188 (see note); V. 113; VIII.
123 et seq. In America, III. 162.
May be employed to interpret the
Constitution, III. 162; VII. 171;
X. 383; XII. 284. Requires trial
by jury for recovery of escaped
villeins, III. 163; VIII. 155, -au-
thorities proving same, III. 163-
167; VIII. 156. Recognizes no
distinction of color, according to
Chief-Justice Holt, XIV. 402.
Common Schools, equal rights in, II.
327; XIV. 155, 310, 317, 318, 393-
396, 413; XV. 275. Rights of col-

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