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Lands, national, origin and nature of
their immunity from taxation, III.
14-18. Judicial decision on, III.
15, 322. Extent and value of
above immunity, III. 19-26, 34.
Lane, James H., of Kansas, remarks
on title of, to his seat in the Senate,
VI. 243.

Law, of right, the same for nations
as for individuals, I. 46, 291, 340,
380; VII. 436; XIV. 74. Hooker
on, I. 47. Equality before the, II.
327; VIII. 391. No law final, III.
100. God's law above human, III.

191; VIII. 381. St. Augustine
and Cicero on unjust laws, III. 192;
VIII. 381. Cicero's definition of,
VII. 435. See Common Law and
International Law.

Law School of Harvard University,
I. 142, 262. Character and history!
of the, II. 377. A Story professor-
ship of commercial law in, recom-
mended, II. 390-392.

Law School of Howard University,
address at Commencement exer-
cises of, XIV. 146.

Lawyer, position of the American,
II. 442. Admission of a colored,
to the bar of the Supreme Court,
IX. 229. Duty of the young col-
ored, XIV. 146.
Lawyers, defence of prerogative by,
XII. 400.

Lecompton Constitution for Kansas,
adoption of, V. 198, 221.
Lee, Robert E., Gen., denies hostility

of Southerners to freed negroes,
XII. 535 et seq. A traitor, XIV.

Leibnitz, announces law of progress,

II. 103. On Saint-Pierre's "Pro-
ject of Perpetual Peace," II. 237;
XIV. 65.

Letters, debate in Parliament on
opening of, by Government, XIV.

Letters of Marque and Reprisal, in-

expediency of, VII. 278, 313. Must

be specially issued by Congress,
VII. 285. Regulation of, in Eng-
land, VII. 285. Should not be
issued indefinitely, VII. 293–295.
Power of the President over, VII.

296-298. See Privateers.
Liberia, independence of Hayti and,
VI. 445. Entitled to recognition,
VI. 449. Description of, VI. 452.
Commercial relations of, with
United States in 1860, VI. 454,
461. Clay on recognition of, VI.
461. Consequences of recognizing,
VI. 462. Consuls not sufficient
for, VI. 463-465, 468-470. Merits
of citizens of, VI. 467.
Liberty, jubilee of, IX. 137. See

Libraries, public, XI. 84 et seq.
Lieber, Francis, on war, I. 15.



retaliation, IX. 212-214, 220.
a publicist, IX. 220. His defini-
tion of "nation," XII. 196; and
of a "state," XIII. 138.
Lincoln, Abraham, Republican can-
didate for President in 1860, V.
225. Reasons for selection of, V.
243, 334; IX. 389. Character of,
V. 347; IX. 409-421. Opinions of,
on emancipation, VI. 31 (Appendix),
152; VII. 117 et seq.; IX. 414. His
plan for reorganizing rebel States,
IX. 13 et seq.; XI. 16, 114. Letter
of, on terms of peace, IX. 79, 127.
Effect of a vote for, in 1864, IX.
82. And the Nasby letters, IX. 360 ;
XV. 65-67. Respect for memory
of, IX. 361. Eulogy on, IX. 367.
Compared to Washington, IX. 370.
His career, IX. 374-409. Extracts
from his speeches against Douglas,
IX 379-387, 411; XIII. 495-497;
XIV. 454. His fidelity to the
Declaration of Independence, IX.
380-389, 392; XIII. 495-498; XIV.
376-378, 454. His moderation, IX. ■
393-395, 416. Compared to other
historical characters, IX. 419-421.
On surplus of Chinese indemnity

fund, XIII. 451. See Proclama- | Mackintosh, Sir James, on mediation,

tion of Emancipation.
Literature, and art, national academy

of, IX. 51. A curiosity of, IX.
503; moral of same, IX. 537.
Livermore, George, obituary notice
of, IX. 433.

Locke, John, on equality, II. 334.
On slavery, V. 52; IX. 291. On
taxation without representation, X.
156, 300; comments on same, X.

London, industrial exhibition at, VI.


Louis, St., King of France, character

of. I. 40-42. Suppresses trial by
battle, I. 41; II. 195; XIV. 74.
Compared to Lincoln, IX. 421.
Louis Napoleon, unfriendly actions of,
to U. S. during Rebellion, VII. 367
-373; VIII. 36; XIV. 43. Perfidy
and wickedness of his career, XIV.
40-44. Retribution upon, XIV. 44.
See Franco-German War.
Louisiana, remarks on the recogni-

tion of her new State government,
IX. 311.

Louisiana Convention of 1803, claims
on France for spoliations not in-
cluded in, VIII. 315-320.
Lovejoy, Owen, Representative from
Illinois, speech on death of, VIII.


Lowndes, William, of South Carolina,
III. 310.

Loyal Citizens, rights of, and a repub-
lican government, X. 35.
Luther, on occupation, I. 207.


VII. 379. On recognition of new
States, VII. 438.

McLane, Louis, suggests Missouri
Compromise in House of Represen-
tatives, III. 300, 312; V. 297.
Madison, James, opposes admission
of idea of slavery into the Consti-
tution, II. 293; III. 108; V. 115;
VIII. 138; X. 120. On represen-
tation, III. 242; X. 320. On British
impressment of American seamen,
VI. 186, 188. On seizure of am-
bassadors and others in neutral
ships, VI. 195-197. On necessity
of guaranty of republican govern-
ment for States, VII. 538; X. 139.
On republican government, X.
179-182. On power of Congress to
correct inequality of suffrage, X.
215; XII. 435; XIII. 45. His
desire for nationality, XII. 219.
On suspension of the President,
XII. 275, 277. On reasons for im-
peaching the President, XII. 331.
On the pretension that offices are
spoils of victory, XV. 116.
Magicienne, case of the, X. 472.
Mails, removal of disqualification of
color in carrying the, VI. 385.
Male Suffrage, an educational test

of, XI. 48; XII. 532 et seq.
Man, no property in, V. 19, 106, 207;

VI. 399; VIII. 347. Equal rights
of, XIII. 134; XIV. 401. The
Bible on unity of, XIII. 147;
Humboldt on same, XIII. 156 et
seq. True unity of, XIII. 157-162;
XIV. 82,-
same recognized by
scientific men, XIII. 159-161. See



MACAULAY on Slavery: article IV. Manilius, "Astronomicon" of, VIII.


Macaulay, Zachary, the abolitionist, Mann, Horace, letters on statue of,
IV. 422.
McClellan, George B., Gen., letter of,
as Democratic candidate for Presi-
dency in 1864, IX. 78, 128. Effect
of a vote for, IX. 81 et seq.

IV. 424; V. 288.
Mansfield, Lord, on popularity, I.
283; II. 28. On the authority
necessary for slavery, III. 105; V.
111; VI. 412; VIII. 123. His

decree annulling slavery in Eng-
land, III. 132, 506-509; VI. 417;
VIII. 410; IX. 290. His decision
in the Lewis kidnapping case, III.
499. Character of, III. 505. On
levying war, VI. 263. On repri-
sals, XII. 486.
Manufactures, in slave and free
States, V. 35.

Maritime Rights. See Trent Case
and Neutral Rights.
Marque and Reprisal, letters of. See
Letters of Marque an 1 Reprisal.
Marshall, Chief-Justice, compared to
Judge Story, I. 143. On authority
for infringement of rights, V. 112;
VIII. 123. On British impress-
ment of American seamen, VI. 185.
On bills of credit, VI. 322. On
confiscation in war, VII. 69. On
power of Congress over Territories,
VII. 535; IX. 18. On claims for
French spoliations, VIII. 262, 302.
His decision on State taxation of
national banks, VIII. 423. On
power of Congress over inter-State
intercourse by railway, IX. 245
et seq. On powers of Congress
under the Constitution, X. 216, 273,
278; XIII. 359; XIV. 429.
an attempt to evade neutral obliga-
tions, XV. 18.
Maryland, laws of, on slavery, III.
50; VI. 410. Its laws adopted in
District of Columbia, III. 51; VI.
409. Statutes of, on pardoning
power, III. 55 et seq. Necessity
of colored suffrage in, XI. 380.
Mason, James M., Senator from Vir-
ginia, attacks of, answered, III.
371-373, 408; IV. 255. Author of
Fugitive-Slave Bill, III. 409; VIII.
172,-challenged to defend same,
III. 409-412. His enmity to Kan-
sas, IV. 243 et seq. On slavery,
V. 11. His treasonable actions,
VI. 170. Seizure of, on the Trent,
VI. 171. On the fugitive clause in
the Constitution, VIII. 151. On


trial by jury for fugitive slaves,
VIII. 160.
Massachusetts, seal of, I. 94. Exer-
tions of, against slavery, I. 308; V.
281-284; VI. 24. Should demand
abolition of slavery, I. 309. Argu-
ments before Supreme Court of,
I. 352; II. 327. Laws of, on mili-
tia, I. 359 et seq., 368. Governor
of, grants petition for ransoming
slaves in Barbary States, I. 434.
Aids Gen. Taylor's nomination, II.
81. Address previous to the State
election of 1848, II. 164. Vote of,
in Presidential election, II. 164.
Resolutions of Legislature of, on
substitutes for war, II. 254. In-
fluence of corporations in, II. 318.
Need of reform in its representative
system, II. 319; III. 231. Consti-
tution of, on equality, II. 340. Al-
lows no color-distinction in her
schools, II. 342, 361; nor her courts,
II. 345. Favors national grants to
Land States, III. 37, 38. Opposition
of, to Stamp Act, III. 170, 362.
History of its representative sys-
tem, III. 235–240. Influence of
towns in, III. 246. Origin and
character of Bill of Rights of, III.
259-267. Account of slavery in,
III. 383-386; V. 279-283; IX. 98,
277. Number of troops furnished
by, in Revolutionary War, III. 394;
IV. 206. James Otis an example
to, III. 433. Duties of, at the pres-
ent crisis (1854), III. 451. Colonial
law of, against witchcraft, III.
472. Influence of, IV. 205, 380-
382; V. 276, 284; IX. 447. Her
desire for freedom in Kansas, IV.
206. Should help Kansas, IV.
343, 390. Appeal to young men of,
IV. 353. Unworthy conduct of
some citizens of, in regard to Kan-
sas, IV. 382. Mr. Sumner's letter
to people of, previous to his sailing
for Europe in 1858, IV. 408. Ex-
ample of, against slavery, V. 273.

Duties of citizens of, V. 275. Early
history of, V. 276–284. First set-
tlers of, V. 276; IX. 98. Paper
money in, VI. 325 et seq. Favors
justice to all, XIII. 488.
Mayflower, the, and the slave-ship,

V. 276; VIII. 40; IX. 96. Carlyle
on, IX. 97.

Mechanics in the Civil War, justice
to, X. 419.

Mediation, a substitute for war, I. 51.
Uninvited, not allowable in civil
war, VII. 375, 411. Mackintosh
on, VII. 379.

Memphis and Shreveport, aid to

sufferers by yellow fever at,
XV. 281.

Mercantile Library Association of
Boston, address before, III. 479.
Merchant, position and duties of the,

illustrated by the life of Granville
Sharp, III. 479.
Merchants, American, in Paris, letter
to, IV. 402. Unjust arrest and
prosecution of two Boston, IX.

Metric System of weights and meas-
ures, X. 524. Invention of, X. 532.
Explained, X. 534-536. Advan-
tages of, X. 536-539.
Mexican War. injustice of, I. 307,
319, 322, 335, 377. Caused by
slavery, I. 307, 322, 335, 377.
Beginning of, I. 318. Bill and
amendment to raise supplies for,
I. 319 et seq.; arguments against
same, I. 321.
Slavery and the:
speech, I. 333. Denounced by
Whig Convention, I. 336. Mr.
Winthrop's actions in regard to,
I. 338. Whigs should oppose, I.
339. United States should aban-
don, I. 340. Invalidity of enlist-
ments in Massachusetts regiment
of volunteers for the, I. 352. A
war of aggression, I. 379. Expen-
ses of, I. 379. Compared to Rev-
olutionary War, I. 382.

against, I. 317. Withdrawal of
American troops from, I. 374.
Help for, against foreign interven-
tion, VI. 365. Debt of, to allied
powers, VI. 370. Securities for
loan to, VI. 372. Remarks on reso-
lutions against French interference
in, VII. 257. French expedition
to, VII. 368. Mediation between
contending parties in, XI. 354.
Alaman's prophecy concerning,
XII. 176-178. See Mexican War.
Michigan, account of irregular admis-
sion of, into the Union, IV. 222-
232; debates in Congress on same
quoted, IV. 223–225, 227–229.
Military Government, of rebel States,
VII. 119, 494-501; IX. 15; XI. 146.
Subordinate to civil, in the United
States, VII. 496, 520; XI. 146;
XIII. 381. Jefferson on, VII. 496;
XI. 162; XIII. 381. Under Crom-
well, VII. 497 et seq. Congres-
sional government preferable to,
for rebel States, VII. 499–501, 520;
XI. 146 et seq.

Militia, of United States, not needed
for defence or as police, I. 91; II.
211,- not volunteers, I. 357,- cost
of, II. 215,- power of Congress
over, I. 354; III. 217, 222-226,
distinguished from army, I. 355.
Of England, I. 357; III. 225.
C. Turner on, I. 358. Laws of
Massachusetts on, I. 359 et seq.,
368. Testimony to unpopular-
ity of, in Massachusetts, II. 212.
Substitute for, II. 213; Sir W.
Jones's suggestion for same, II.
214. Powers of the State over, III.
216, 221. Exemptions from ser-
vice in, for conscientious scruples,
III. 219. Colored companies in,
III. 221. Volunteer, are not
national, III. 227.

Mills, John, Free-Soil candidate for
Lieut.-Governor of Massachusetts
in 1848 and 1849, II. 166, 320.

Mexico, wrongful declaration of war Milton, on early rising, I. 204. His

labors for liberty compared to
Channing's, I. 292. On virtue in
individuals and States, I. 380.
On slavery, I. 482; VIII. 378.
On war, II. 33. On true glory, II.
47. On settlement of America,
XII. 15.

Mints, branch, and coinage, VIII. 437.
In France, VIII. 438. Dumas' re-
port on French, VIII. 439 et seq.
In United States, VIII. 441–443.
Cost of, VIII. 448 et seq.
Misprision of treason, definitions of,
XII. 264. Penalty for, in United
States, XII. 265.

Mississippi, origin of repudiation in,
XII. 459; XIII. 105,-- Judge Curtis
on same, XIII. 105 et seq. Admis-
sion of, to representation in Con-
gress, XIII. 331.

Mississippi, the, union of, with the
lakes by canal, VII. 320. Recon-
struction of levees of, XI. 178.
Missouri, protests against admission
of, into Union in 1819, I. 152-154;
III. 302. History of its admission,
III. 298-311. Invasions of Kansas
from, IV. 162-167; V. 256. Speech
on aid to emancipation in, VII.
266. Enfranchisement in, XII. 515.
Missouri Compromise, no repeal of
the, III. 277. Adoption of, III. 287,
307-311; V. 207 et seq.; XII. 415.
Not repealed by Slavery Acts of
1850, III. 289. Origin of, and
debates on, in Congress, III. 297-

Carried by the South, III.
309, 312-314; IV. 67, 152; V.
297,- but repudiated by same, III.
314; IV. 67, 153: V. 220. Repeal
of, by Nebraska Bill, IV. 157; V.


Monopolies, unlawful, IX. 259. Web-
ster on, IX. 259, 260.

Montana, colored suffrage in, VIII.

Montcalm, Louis, Marquis de, re-
puted predictions by, concerning
America, XII. 68-71.

Montesquieu, on trial by battle, I.
37; II. 197. On honor, I. 62. On
Africans, V. 54; IX. 303. On
international law, IX. 218. His
definition of a republic, X. 149,
198; XIII. 114. On America, XII.
46. On armies, XIV. 79.
Moral and Political Sciences, national
academy of, IX. 51.

Morrill, Lot M., Senator from Maine,
reply to his criticisms on the sup-
plementary civil-rights bill, XIV.


Morse, Samuel F. B., letter to, IV.


Morton, Oliver P., Senator from

Indiana, answer to his remarks on
annexion of San Domingo, XIV.

Motley, John Lothrop, XIV. 258.
His removal from the English
mission, XIV. 261. Mr. Sumner's
influence on his nomination, XIV.
269 et seq.
His memoir on the
Alabama claims, XIV. 272, 274.
Testimony of English press to,
XIV. 275.

Motto, of Massachusetts, I. 94 (see
note). Of United States, XII. 229;
history of same, XII. 230.


XIV. 89.

Napier, Sir William, on war, I. 12,
34. On storming of Badajoz, I. 23.
Napoleon I., horrors of his wars, I.
22-26. On war, I. 33, 34: II. 201.
On value of time, I. 188. Chan-
ning's essay on, I. 295. On ina-
bility of brute force to create any-
thing durable, II. 224; VII. 231.
His plans for peace, II. 267. Re-
strains confiscation in France, VII.
56. Mediation of, in Switzerland,
VII. 389. On claims for French
spoliations, VIII. 305. On equality,

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