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X. 200. His seizure of English
travellers, XII. 491; Alison's ac-
count of same, XII. 491; same
condemned by Napoleon himself
and Junot, XII. 492.
Nasby Letters, quotation from, XIV.

448. Introduction to, XV. 65.
Nation, are we a? XII. 187. Mean-
ing of, XII. 193 et seq.; authorities
on same, XII. 195-197. Suprem-
acy of the, XII. 244.

National Banks, the, and the cur-
rency, VIII. 419. Exemption of,
from State taxation, VIII. 420-
428, 434-436; judgment of Chief-
Justice Marshall on same, VIII.
423. Purpose of, VIII. 431. Ex-
tension of, XIII. 113, 249; re-
marks on introducing bill for
same, XIII. 184. Advantages
of, XIII. 249. Propositions con-
cerning, XIII. 249-251, 261, 295-
298. Power of Congress over,
XIII. 293-296.
National Debt, obligation of the, IX.
450, 458; X. 99; XII. 452-461,
539. Denounced by Rebels, IX.
456; X. 68 et seq. Diminution of
interest on, XII. 463; XIII. 238,
262, 288 et seq. Time of its pay-
ment, XII. 464; XIII. 111, 238-241,
291 et seq. Amount of, in 1868 and
1869, XII. 466; XIII. 108. Pos-
terity should bear the burden of,
XIII. 239. Interest on, where
payable, XIII. 243.

Nations, equality of, VII. 374; XIV.

219, 308,-authorities stating same,
XIV. 220-223. Bound to good
faith, as neutrals, XV. 14. Neut-
ral, cannot furnish arms to bellig-
erents directly, XV. 15; or indi-
rectly, XV. 16,-authorities de-
claring same, XV. 18-20, 41-44

Naturalization, without distinction of
race or color, XI. 418; XIII. 474:
conformity of same with Declara-
tion of Independence, XIII. 481 et

seq., 490; and with the Constitu-
tion, XIII. 490.

Naval Academy, appointments to
the, VII 301.

Navies of Europe, before 1845, I. 76.
Navy, cost of vessels in United

States, I. 81 et seq., 88. Not need-
ed except as police, 1. 89; II. 222.
Names of ships in British, II. 208.
Flogging abolished in United
States, II. 402. British criticism
on United States, in our Civil War,
VII. 347. Of United States, sup-
ports Baez in San Domingo, XIV.
103, 135; XV. 148, and menaces
Hayti, XIV. 109, 135, 201; XV.
151: testimony to same, XIV.
179, 194-197, 200-218, 240.
Navy Department, testimony of, to
intervention of United States ships
at San Domingo and Hayti, XIV.

Nebraska, objections to admission
of, as a State, X. 504–522.
Nebraska and Kansas Bill, denounced,
III. 282, 290, 343. Importance of
question of, III. 286. Object of,
III. 288. Arguments in support of,
refuted, III. 293-235; IV. 153 et
seq. A breach of public faith, III.
296; and a departure from origi-
nal policy of the country, III. 317.
Not demanded by Northern senti-
ment, III. 327, 342. Mr. Sumner's
final protest against, for himself and
the clergy of N. E. III. 336.
cause war, III. 342. Passage of the,
III. 456; IV. 154. A swindle, IV.
155. Despoils people of Kansas
of sovereignty, IV. 155; V. 255.
Its repeal of Missouri Compromise,
IV. 157; V. 254. Squatter Sover-
eignty in, a trick, V. 254.
Negotiation, substitute for war, I. 51.
Nepotism, origin and history of, XV.

103-110. American authorities on,
XV. 111-114. Presidential apolo-
gies for, XV. 115-117. Improper
in a republic, XV. 214.


Neutral Duties, XV. 5. Authorities |
declaring, XV. 15, 18-20, 41-44
(Appendix). Testimony to observ-
ance of, by United States, XV. 22-


Neutral Rights, testimony to British
policy in regard to, VI. 180-194,
201, 202, 205; IX. 148-164, 170-
173, and to American policy on,
VI. 183-192. 195-200, 202 et seq.,
206-209; IX. 146. Testimony of
Continental Europe to, VI. 201,
204, especially of France, VI.
201, 208. French violations of,
VIII. 256, 284. The Abbé Gal-
iani's work on, XII. 110. See
Right of Search.
Neutral Waters, British seizures in,
IX. 144, 148-164, 170-173. Au-
thorities respecting seizures in,
IX. 145 et seq.; policy of United
States as to same, IX. 146.
New England Society at New York,
letter to, VIII. 40. Speech at din-
ner of, XV. 291.

New Jersey, railroad usurpation in, |
IX. 237; testimony to same, IX.

New Year's Day, 1871, XIV. 132.
New York City, letters to Republi-
cans of, in 1860, V. 190, 234. Re-
form of abuses in its government,
XV. 6.

New York Tribune, the, XV. 251 et

Niagara, a ship-canal at, X. 475.
Noell, John W., Representative from
Missouri, remarks on death of,
VIII. 73.

Norfolk Agricultural Society, letter
to, III. 476.

Normal Schools, equal rights of col-

ored fellow-citizens in, XV. 268.
North, the, when will it be aroused?
III. 333. Duties of, concerning
slavery, IV. 38-48; V. 205. Must
unite against Slave Power, IV. 50.
Outrages on citizens of, in slave
States, V. 75-77, 79-84. Must

stand firm against all compromise,
V. 473.

North and South, hope of their union,
III. 332. Their respective contri-
butions to the Revolutionary War,
III. 392-407. Desire for reconcili-
ation between, XV. 192-194, 197,
227-229, 253 et seq.

North Carolina, colored suffrage in,
V. 180; VIII. 461-463; X. 191.
Closing of colored schools in, VII.
112. Laws of, on slavery, quoted,
VII. 162-164.
Nullification, Jackson's letter on ob-
ject of, V. 434; VI. 80. Described,
XII. 242.


OATH to support the Constitution,
requirements of, III. 373-379, 465-
467; VI. 359; XIV. 464, -author-
ities on same, III. 373-377, 465 et
seq. See Custom-house Oaths and
Iron-clad Oath.

Ocean Telegraph, the, between Eu-
rope and America, XI. 40, 121.
Offices, protection for incumbents of,

XI. 61, 74-78. Locality in appoint-
ment to, XIII. 94. Presidential
prerogative as to, XV. 115 et seq.
See Tenure-of-Office Act.

One-cent Postage, XIII. 387. Rea-
sons for, XIII. 415, 428-437, 443
et seq.

One-man Power, the, rs. Congress,
XI. 1.

Ordinance of Freedom in the North-
west Territory, authorship of, III.
83. Adoption of, V.326; XII. 414.
Validity of, defended by Webster
and Chase, XII. 415-418. Opposi-
tion to, XII. 418. Does not author-
ize unlimited equality of States,
XII. 426.

Oregon, establishment of a branch
mint in, VIII. 437.

Otis, James, an example to Massa-
chusetts, III. 433. On slavery,

IX. 282; X. 164. His exertions
against taxation without represen-
tation, X. 158-165, 295-298. As-
serts equality of all men, X. 295.
Overstone, Lord, on paper money,
VI. 338-340. On need of postal
reform, XIII. 403, 429–431.


PACIFIC COAST, advantages to, of
cession of Russian America, XI.
216-219. Jefferson and Webster on
future government of, XI. 232;
XII. 162 et seq. See California.
Pacific Railroad, III. 228; VII. 318.
Paley, William, on right of revolu-
tion, II. 184. On law of nations,
II. 188, 189. His works, XII. 152.
His prediction concerning America,
XII. 152. His exertions against
the slave-trade, XII. 153.

Palfrey, John G., liberation of slaves
by, I. 151, 292, 457.

Palmerston, Lord, on armed interven-
tion in Italy, VII. 395. Exertions
of, against slavery, VII. 403-409.
Paper Money, debates in National
Convention on empowering Con-
gress to issue, VI. 323. In Ameri-
can history, VI. 325-328. Policy
of issuing, VI. 330, 343-345; XII.
469; XIII. 110. Evils of, in United
States, VI. 331; XII. 469-473, 543,
--and in France, VI. 332; XII. 543.
Testimony of English Parliamen-
tary Report of 1857 on, VI. 335-
340. In English history, VI. 341
et seq.; and in French, VI. 342.
See Treasury Notes.
Parchment, use of, in legislative pro-
ceedings, VI. 510. Proceedings
for discontinuing use of, in Parlia-
ment, VI. 514-517.
Pardoning Power, of the President,
III. 49 In common law, III. 54.
Under Maryland statutes, III. 55.
Under the Constitution, III. 56-60.

Story on, III. 57. Judicial deci-
sions on, III. 57-59.

Paris, Peace Congress at, II. 393.
Letter to American merchants in,
IV. 402.

Parker, Theodore, reminiscence of,
V. 290. On appointment of rela-
tions to office, XV. 114.
Parliament, English authorities on
privileges of, IV. 439 et seq. Quo-
rum of, VII. 169-171. Powers of
presiding officers of, XII. 287-304,
309-311. Usage of, in impeach-
ments, XII. 333-339, 342-344.
Authorities on its powers over its
prisoners, XIV. 286-289. Judicial
decisions denying applicability of
its laws to colonial assemblies, XIV.
294-296. Number of members of,
XV. 2. Cases in its history, illus-
trating rule for appointment of
committees, XV. 49-53.

Parties, and importance of a Free-
Soil organization, II. 147. Object
of, II. 152; III. 202; V. 196.
Changes in, necessary, II. 152;
III. 202. Webster on, II. 152.
Instances of changes in, in France,
England, and United States, II.
153; III. 203. Evils of, II. 154;
IX. 88. Channing and Wayland
on need of new, II. 160. Political,
and our foreign-born popalation,
IV. 62. Strife of, during war, un-
patriotic, VII. 198.

Pascal, on glory, II. 25. On progress,

II. 106.

Patents, in slave and free States, V.
45. Denial of, to colored inventors,
VI. 144.
Patriotism, heathen, exaggerated, I.
68. Cicero on, I. 68. Andrew
Fletcher on, I. 69, 326; IX. 196; X.
123. Natural, I. 70. Higher, de-
fined, I. 71. Josiah Quincy on, I.


Paul, St., his epistle to Philemon not
an argument for slavery, IV. 21-23.
Peabody, George, speech on resolu-

tion giving thanks of Congress to, | Peonage, prohibition of, XI. 52.

XI. 137.

Peace, enjoyed by weak nations, I.
99. Illustrations of, produced by
gentleness, I. 102-107. Victories
of, I. 127. Cause of, II. 178;
sneers at same, II. 179 et seqq.
Individual efforts for, II. 232-248;
XIV. 65-68. Blessings of univer-
sal, II. 265; XIV. 81. Napoleon's
plans for, II. 267. Plea for, II. 268.
Auguries of, II. 270. A victory of,
XI. 121. Inscription in Thibet
declaring, XIV. 82 et seq.
Peace Congress, at Brussels, II. 250;
resolutions of same, II. 251. At
Paris, II. 393; resolutions of same,
II. 394.
Peace Society, American, address
before, II. 171. Object of, II. 179,
186. Its aims not visionary, II.
181, 259. Right of self-defence
and revolution not denied by, II.
185. Founded by W. Ladd, II.


Pen, the, better than the sword, IV. 58.
Penn, William, conduct of, to the
Indians, I. 117. His labors for
peace, II. 235.
Pennsylvania System of prison dis-
cipline, established in Pa., I. 169,
503. Present, not solitary, I. 169.
Explained, I. 170, 499, 504.
promotes reformation, I. 173. Ob-
jections to, refuted, I. 174-176, 526.
Foreign opinions on, I. 176, 514.
Adopted extensively in Europe, I.
177, 515-519, 528. Advocated by
E. Livingston and Miss Dix, I.
178; and by Suringar, I. 180.
Unjustly treated by Boston Prison-
Discipline Society, I. 179, 490, 506
et seqq. Modes of applying, I. 505.
G. Combe on, I. 508-510. Roscoe
quoted on, I. 510. Lafayette

quoted on, I. 512. Compared to
Auburn system, I. 526–528.
Pensions, not granted for civil serv-
ices in United States, III. 429.

Person, in the Constitution, includes
slaves and Indians, III. 128; VI.
415; VIII. 368.
Petition, refusal of right of, to col-
ored persons, V. 176. Right of,
personal, V. 177; and secured by
the Constitution to the people, V.
182. Interruption of right of, X.

Pettigru, James L., of South Caro-
lina, remarks on a resolution for
purchase of his law library, X.

Phi Beta Kappa Oration, at Harvard
University in 1846, I. 241. At
Union College, II. 88.
Phillips, Stephen C., Free-Soil can-
didate for Governor of Massachu-
setts in 1848 and 1849, II. 165,

Philology, comparative, value of, I.


Physicians, colored, XIII. 186.
Pickering, John, biographical sketch
of, I. 214. Letters of Dr. Clarke
to, quoted, I. 215. Compared to
Sir W. Jones, I. 237. Tribute to,
as scholar, in Phi Beta Kappa ora-
tion, I. 249-258.

Pierce, Franklin, President of United
States, his usurpation in abrogat-
ing treaty with Denmark, IV. 101.
Admits illegal actions in Kansas,
IV. 162. Has power to interfere
in Kansas, IV. 187, 191 et seq.
Enforces surrender of Anthony
Burns, IV. 189 et seq. Compared
to George III., IV. 209 et seq.,
Pilgrim Forefathers, our, III. 270-
275; XV. 291.

Pinkney. William, on slavery, III.
119; VI. 400; IX. 287. Suggests
Missouri Compromise in Senate,
III. 306, 313.

Plato, on honor, I. 64. On true
goodness, I. 123. On atoning for
slaughter by prayer, II. 210.

Plymouth, speech at festival of Aug.
1, 1853, III. 269.
Plymouth Rock, finger-point from,
III. 269.

Politics, our, seen from a distance,
IV. 406.

Polk, Trusten, of Missouri, expulsion

of, from the Senate, VI. 150.
Polygamy, in Territories, may be
suppressed by Congress, III. 325;
V. 269. In Utah, V. 331.
Poor, Rear-Admiral, orders of, re-
specting San Domingo and Hayti,
XIV. 209. Interview of, with Presi-
dent of Hayti, XIV. 216-218.
Popular Sovereignty, not infringed

by prohibition of slavery in Terri-
tories, III. 323. Cannot establish
slavery in same, IV. 156; V. 118,
252, 309. The pretended principle
of Douglas party in 1860, V. 250.
Proclaimed by Declaration of In-
dependence, V. 251, 318; XIII. 217,

but limited by same, V. 252,
320; XIII. 218. Origin and de-
velopment of perversion of, V.
253 et seq. True, defined, V. 321.
Disturbing influence of preten-
sion of, V. 330. See Squatter Sov-

Population, amount required for ad-
mission of new States, IV. 218-221.
Of slave and free States, V. 32 et
seq., 216. Predicted increase of,
in United States, V. 315; XII. 464;
XIII. 239.

Portraits, the best, in engraving,

XIV. 327. Collections of, XIV.

Portugal, British violation of terri-

tory of, IX. 159-164. Testimony
of, against slavery, IX. 305-307.
Post-Office, the, originally a source
of revenue in England, XIII.
392-394. In the Colonies, XIII.
396-398. Need of reform in, in
England, XIII. 398; testimony
to same, XIII. 402-405; accom-
plishment of same, XIII. 406.

Unjust burdens on United States,
XIII. 420-425. Expense to, not
caused by distance, XIII. 425-427;
authorities proving same, XIII. 425
et seq. Not a taxing machine, but
a beneficent agency, XIII. 437-
439. Need not support itself,
XIII. 439-442.

Postage, cheap ocean, III. 45; XIII.
1. Amount collected in slave and
free States, V. 37. In Continental
Europe and England, XIII. 391.
Penny, established in England,
XIII. 406; results of same, XIII.
407-410, 417, 434. Need of cheap,
in United States, XIII. 411, 442.
Various rates of United States,
XIII. 412-415. Results of reduc-
tion of, in England and United
States, XIII. 417–420. See One-
cent Postage.

Pownall, Thomas, XII. 121. His
writings and predictions concern-
ing America, XII. 122-135. Pre-
dictions opposed to his, XII. 135
et seq.

President of the United States, par-
doning power of the, III. 49. Can-
not abrogate treaties, IV. 101 et
seq. Had power to interfere in
Kansas, IV. 187, 191 et seq. Does
not possess all war-powers, VII.
138-140. Power of, over letters of
marque, VII. 296-298. His power
of instituting State governments,
IX. 15; XI. 10, Senator Colla-
mer on same, X. 43. Protection
against, XI. 59. A single term
for, and choice by direct vote of the
people, XI. 98. Right of President
of Senate pro tem. to vote on im-
peachment of the, XII. 272. His
powers of removal under the Con-
stitution, XII. 374-380. Cannot, by
his prerogative, refuse to execute
the laws, XII. 388-392. Authorities
on his treaty-making power, XIV.
231-233. One term for, XIV. 320;
XV. 157-161, 220,- testimony in

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