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during attempts at compromise in
1861, V. 444-452. Interview of,
with President Buchanan in 1861,
V. 448 et seq. Defence of his career
in the Senate, VII. 200-205; XII.
520-523. Reëlection of, to Senate
in 1863, VII. 237 (Appendix). His
first motion for repeal of Fugitive-
Slave Bill, IX. 33. His sentiments
towards Rebels, IX. 471; XI. 133,
408; XIII. 115; XIV. 410, 470;
XV. 192-194, 213, 229-240. Presi-
dent Johnson's attack on, X. 266-
269 (Appendix). The city of Boston
and, X. 280. Relations of, with
President Johnson, XI. 19-25. His
bill for Reconstruction, XI. 148-154.
Denies indifference to foreigners,
XII. 499-501. His personal record
on Reconstruction with colored suf-
frage, XIII. 303. Defence of his
conduct in the Committee on For-
eign Relations, respecting San Do-
mingo treaties, XIV. 125-127; and
of his language in speech on an-
nexion of San Domingo, XIV.
127-130. His response to a toast,
XIV. 142. Reason for his interest
in San Domingo question, XIV.
172-174; XV. 180, 218 et seq. His
interviews with Baez, XIV. 187.
Personal relations of, with President
Grant, XIV. 251, 256-258; XV.
155, 200,- and with Secretary Fish,
XIV. 251, 258-276. His influence
on Mr. Motley's nomination, XIV.
269; and on negotiations with Eng-
land concerning Alabama claims,
XIV. 272–274. Declines the Hay-
tian medal, XIV. 306. Origin of
his interest in engraving, XIV.
327. His loyalty to the Declaration
of Independence, XIV. 469. His
interest in civil-service reform, XV.
8. His relations with the Marquis de
Chambrun, XV. 9 et seq. Protests
against competency of Senate com-
mittee to investigate sale of arms
to France, XV. 45, 56. His devo-

tion to the Republican Party, XV.
85. His reasons for voting for
Greeley, XV. 188-190, 199 et seq.,
211-213, 241. His desire for recon-
ciliation between North and South,
XV. 192-194, 197, 228 et seq., 253
et seq. His feelings towards Pres-
ton Brooks, XV. 197. Personal
misrepresentations of, XV. 218-
220. Testimony to his desire for
reconciliation with the South, XV.
229-240. Defence of his conduct
as to supplementary civil-rights
bill, XV. 312 et seq.
Supreme Court of the United States,
decision of, on Fugitive-Slave Act
of 1793, III. 145; VIII. 407. Jack-
son on authority of, III. 146, 375;
IV. 253; XII. 391. Its power of
interpreting the Constitution, III.
466-468. Decision of, in Dred
Scott case, V. 179; VII. 154; VIII.
237-239; X. 276; XIII. 337. Ad-
mission of a colored lawyer to the
bar of, IX. 229. Remodelling of,
X. 406. Cannot sit in judgment
on Acts of Congress, except inci-
dentally, XII. 384.

Sweden and Norway, navy of, in

1845, I. 76. Adopt separate system
in prisons, I. 518. Book on prisons
by Oscar, King of, I. 518.
Switzerland, preservation of peace in,
II. 227. Intervention of France in
affairs of, VII. 389.


TALLEYRAND, on result of his life,
II. 135.

Tappan, Lewis, letter to, III. 215.
Tariff, the, speech of R. C. Winthrop
on, I. 323, 338. Not a party ques-
tion, II. 84, 287. Clay and Polk
on, II. 287. Additional ten per
cent duty in, opposed, V. 503.
Means for the war, the true object
of, IX. 26.

Taxation, annual, of Great Britain | Territories, organization of new, in

in 1842, I. 73. Origin and nature
of freedom of United States nation-
al lands from, III. 14-18. Judicial
decisions on right of, in States, III.
16, 323. Necessity of increased,
IX. 59-61. Should be simplified
and diminished, XI. 89; XII. 451,
462; XIII. 238, 261-264, 279, 371.
Taxation without Representation, tes-
timony against, X. 155-158,- espe-
cially of fathers of American Re-
public, X. 158-172. Not a claim
for communities only, X. 294; evi-
dence proving same, X. 295–301.
Not a claim for women, X. 302;
Chief-Justice Parsons on above
conclusion, X. 302.

Taxes, on cotton, VII. 84. On
slave-masters, VII. 93. On knowl-
edge, VII. 166; VIII. 471; IX.
337-339; XI. 84-90; XIII. 472 et
seq. Sydney Smith on English,
VIII. 473. On education, IX. 28.
On coal, XI. 91. On income, XIII.

Taylor, Zachary, Gen., election of,
to the Presidency opposed, II. 81.
Nomination of, II. 81, 141. Ber-
rien on, II. 158. Character of his
administration, II. 306-308.
Telegraph, the electric, honor to its
inventor, IV. 410. Ocean, between
Europe and America, XI. 40, 121.
Power of the Senate to break into
its offices, XIV. 301.
Ten-Forties, new bonds, to be issued,
XIII. 247-249.

Tennessee, rights of, in the Union,

VII. 521; IX. 1. Not sufficiently
reconstructed, X. 490.
Tenure-of-Office Act, speeches on an
amendment to the, XI. 59. Vio-
lated by President Johnson, XII.
356. Object of, and questions as
to, XII. 359-361. Its application
to Secretary Stanton, XII. 361-
371. Grant's attempt to repeal,

XV. 141.

1850, II. 403. Prohibition of
slavery in, all-important, III. 294;
V. 266, - and legal, III. 321; V.
121, 269: same does not infringe
popular sovereignty, III. 323.
Slave-masters cannot carry slaves
into, III. 324 et seq.; V. 105–123.
Polygamy in, may be suppressed
by Congress, III. 325; V. 269. No
popular sovereignty in, can estab-
lish slavery, IV. 156; V. 118, 252,
309. Slavery in, not authorized
by the Constitution, IV. 156; V.
118, 226; VII. 540; VIII. 369.
Lincoln's defence of prohibition of
slavery in, V. 243 et seq., IX. 389.
Extent and predicted population
of, V. 315 et seq. Slavery in, pro-
hibited by United States Govern-
ment from beginning, V. 326. Ne-
cessity of above prohibition in,
V. 327, 335; advantages of same,
V. 328. Bill for establishing, in
rebel States, VI. 507. Decision of
Supreme Court on power of Con-
gress over, VII. 535; IX. 18.
Territory, acquisition of, XI. 219–
221, 233. Necessity of fairness in
cession of, XIV. 174 et seq. Au-
thorities on cession of, XIV. 191.
Texas, speech against admission of,
I. 149. Constitution of, I. 154.
Letter of Channing against annex-
ation of, I. 291. Boundaries of,
I. 318. Admission of, favored by
R. C. Winthrop, I. 327, 337. An-
nexation of, II. 156; XIV. 234.
Admission of, as a State, II. 157.
Additions to, II. 403. Recognition
of independence of, VII. 420. Ben-
ton on Calhoun's attempt to give
military support to, before ratifica-
tion of treaty, XIV. 235 et seq.

Polk on protection of, XIV. 236.
Thayer, Eli. letter to, V. 309. Up-
holds popular sovereignty. V. 313;
disturbing influence of same on
his career, V. 330–334.

Theatres, must be open to all, XIV.


Thomas, Lorenzo, appointment of,
by President Johnson, as Secre-
tary of War ad interim, XII. 371-
374, 379.

Thomas, Philip F., remarks on ad-
mission of, as Senator, XII. 257.
Facts in case of, XII. 261-263.
Time, the employment of, I. 184.
Authorities on arrangement of, I.
200, 201.

Tintoretto, "Miracle of the Slave"
by, II. 410 (see note).
Tocqueville, Alexis de, letter of, on
prison discipline, I. 530 (note). On
slave laws, V. 56. On employ-
ment of brute force, VII. 231. On
equality, X. 202. His character
and writings, XII. 168. His predic-
tions concerning America, XII. 169

On reëlection of President

of U. S., XIV. 325; XV. 222.
Toussaint l'Ouverture, XIII. 172.
Treason, definition of, in the Consti-
tution, VI. 266; interpretation of
clause in same, forbidding forfeit-
ure for, VII. 27-30. Definitions
of misprision of, XII. 264.
Treasury Department, duties of, in
regard to rebel States, VIII. 481-

Treasury Notes, a legal tender, VI.

319. Congress can make them
such, VI. 321-330; evils of SO
doing. VI. 331-334, 344. See
Paper Money.

Treaties, the abrogation of, IV. 98.
Under the Constitution, IV. 101;
XIV. 231. Judicial decisions on, IV.
102 et seq. Abrogation of, between
France and United States, in 1798,
IV. 104; and between Great Britain
and United States in 1846, IV. 106.
Termination of, by notice, IV. 110,
114; IX. 201. Mode of abrogating,
in Europe, IV. 112. Obligation of,
IV. 115; VIII. 324. List of, with
provisions for termination, IV.


Consideration of, in open

Senate, XIII. 339. Authorities on
lawfulness of disregarding, after
changes in government, XIII. 364
et seq. Authorities on ratification
of, in United States, XIV. 113,

Trent Case, the, and maritime rights,
VI. 153. Facts in, VI. 170-172.
Vindicated by British precedent,
but contrary to American prin-
ciples, VI. 172. Ground of Eng-
land's complaint in, VI. 173-
175. A question of law, VI. 176.
Points of controversy in, VI. 177.
Result of, VI. 211-213. Conduct
of England in, VII. 342.
Trial by Battle, I. 36; II. 193; VI.

176; XIV. 11. Montesquieu on, I.
37: II. 197. Once universal, I. 38.
Selden on, I. 38 (note), 42: XIV.
11. Condemned by Liutprand, I.
39; II. 197, and by Pope Martin
IV., I. 39. Suppressed in France
by St. Louis, I. 41; II. 195; XIV.
Restrained by Henry II. of
England, I. 43; II. 195, and by
Elizabeth and Charles I.. I. 43.
Not abolished in England till 1819,
I. 44. Condemned by the Church,
II. 194. Folly of, shown by in-
stances, II. 195 et seq.; XIV. 11.
Blackstone on, II. 197. See


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Trial by Jury, fugitive slaves entitled
to, III. 158, 411; VIII. 153. Au-
thorities proving requirement of,
by the Constitution and common
law, for fugitive slaves, III. 160-
168; VIII. 154-157. Proposed by
Hartley for slaves in America,
XII. 100.

Tripoli, war of, with United States,
I. 453-455; VI. 434. Treatment of
slaves in, I. 479.

Troops. See Colored Troops.
Truce of God, I. 35.

True Grandeur of Nations, oration
on, I. 1. Inconsistent with war, 1.

122. Moral, as for individuals, I.

Trumbull, Lyman, Senator from
Illinois, criticisms of, answered,
VIII. 113-116; XIII. 213–216. An-
swer to his attack on Mr. Sumner's
Reconstruction record, XIII. 231-
233, 304-307.

Tucker, Josiah, Dean of Gloucester,

XII. 88. Writings of, XII. 89. His
predictions concerning America,
XII. 90-95. Ideas resembling his,
advanced by others, XII. 95-97.
Tunis, expedition of Charles V.
against, I. 405. Gen. Eaton on
slavery in, I. 473. Slavery abol-
ished in, I. 484; II. 57.
Turgot, announces universal law of
progress, II. 110. Author of Latin
verse applied to Franklin, VIII. 4.
His character and sympathy for
America, VIII. 11. His prophe-
cies concerning America, VIII. 11.
12; XII. 45-51; XIII. 119. His
friendship for Franklin, VIII. 19.
His career, XII. 42-44. His defini-
tion of a republic, XII. 44.
Turkey, appeal to government of, in
behalf of Crete, XI. 427.
Twichell, Ginery, XIV. 2.



Union, the, Mr. Sumner's sentiments

on, II. 429, 439. Not endangered
by agitation against extension of
slavery, III. 330.

Union College, Phi Beta Kappa ora-
tion at, II. 89.

United States, war of, with Great
Britain in 1812, I. 17, 31 et seq.:
VI. 188-190. Annual expenses of,
for six years before 1840, I. 78.
Cost of war-preparations in, I. 78,
79, 110; II. 215,- and of admin-
istering justice in, I. 84. Standing

army not needed in, I. 86; nor
navy, for war, I. 88. Fortifica-
tions in, of no use, I. 89; nor mili-
tia, I. 91. Escutcheon of, I. 95.
Should disarm, I. 119, 129. Should
abandon Mexican War, I. 340.
Efforts of, to ransom American
slaves in Barbary States, I. 439,
451-453,455; VI. 421-436. Treat-
ies of, with same, I. 452, 455, 456;
VI. 432 et seqq. Wars of, with
same, I. 453-458; VI. 434. Gov-
ernment of, must be emancipated
from power of slavery, II. 304; IV.
42, 395. Must be neutral in Euro-
pean affairs, III. 9. Public lands
of, III. 14, 322. Obligations of, to
Land States, III. 18, 22, 25, 28, 34.
Railroads in, III. 31. Earliest
national acts of, opposed to slavery,
III. 111; V. 114. Its first govern-
ment antislavery, III. 116, 318.
Powers of national government
limited, III. 126, 148, 155, 410.
Military power subordinate to civil
in, III. 210; VII. 496, 520; XI. 146;
XIII. 381. Change of policy in,
as to slavery, III. 318-320. No
proscription for religion in, IV. 77.
Foreign population of, IV. 77-79.
Treaty of, with Denmark, illegally
abrogated in 1855, IV. 100. Mode
of abrogation of its treaties with
France in 1798, IV. 104; and of
treaty with Great Britain in 1846,
IV. 106. Extent of, V. 314. Pre-
dicted increase in population and
resources of, V. 315; XII. 464;
XIII. 239, 240. Government of,
prohibits slavery in Territories
from beginning, V. 326. Visit of
Lafayette to, in 1824, V. 421-423.
Support of government of, V. 473;
emancipation of same from power
of slavery, VI. 8. British outrages
on vessels of, VI. 180-183. Testi-
mony to opposition of government
of, to same, VI. 183–192, and to
its policy on neutral rights, VI. 195-

200, 202 et seq., 206–209; IX. 146.
Proposes abolition of privateering,
VI. 215. Representation of, at
industrial exhibition at London, in
1862, VI. 295. Paper money in
history of, VI. 325-328, 331. Its
proposals of pecuniary help to
Mexico, VI. 366. Declines to
join convention of European powers
concerning Mexico, VI. 369. Com-
mercial relations of, with foreign
countries in 1860, VI. 453-457.
Treaties of, with Great Britain
against slave-trade, VI. 475, 479.
Efforts of, against same, VI. 476-
479. Refuses to allow right of
search against same, VI. 479-481.

No names of battles with fellow-
citizens on regimental colors of,
VI. 499: XV. 255. Powers of,
against Rebels, VII. 18, 47, 48,
134, 143; XIII. 16. Possesses all
rights of war, VII. 34, 44. Must
not be separated, VII. 208. Priva-
teering early denounced by, VII.
289-291. Unfriendly actions of
England to, during Rebellion, VII.
338-367, 450; IX. 399; XIII. 58-
73, 84, 124. Policy of, on fitting
out war-ships as a neutral, VII.
358-361. Unfriendly actions of
France to, during Rebellion, VII.
367-373; VIII. 36. Denounced by
English writers for supporting
slavery, VII. 409. Recognition of,
by France, VII. 415; VIII. 271.
Recognition of Spanish America
by, VII. 417. Recognizes claims
for French spoliations before July
31, 1801, VIII. 257, 263, 265.
History of French claims on, VIII.
270-287. Its adjustment of mutual
claims with France, VIII. 287–297.
Liability of, for claims on France,
VIII. 298; authorities proving
same, VIII. 301-306; objections
to above liability refuted, VIII.
306-332. Mints of, VIII. 441-443.
Pledged to maintain freedom of


slaves, IX. 80, 449; X. 56, 288.
Must keep pledged faith, IX. 449;
XII. 452, 460, 479, 546; XIII. 110,
113-116, 237. Declarations of,
testify to equality in rights, X. 173-
176. Early public acts of, on col-
ored suffrage, X. 188-190. Exten-
sion of its dominion and institu-
tions, XI. 220-223, 232-234; XII.
178-183, John Adams on same,
XI. 222; XII. 66. Friendship of
Russia for, XI. 228-230. Name of,
XII. 181, 230-234. Its govern-
ment not federal, but national, XII.
192, 205. Dedication of, to human
rights, XII. 212, 215, 238; XIV.
378. Sovereignty of, belongs to
the people, XII. 212. Early desire
for nationality in, XII. 214-219.
Tokens of nationality of, XII. 226–
236. Powers essential to, as a na-
tion, XII. 239, 244; XIV. 280, -
sources of same, XII. 240; XIV.
Credit of, in Europe in 1868
and 1870, XII. 465; XIII. 247.
Activity of, in protecting American
citizens abroad, XII. 495 et seqq.
Reparation due to, from England
for aid to Rebels, XIII. 76, 125-
127. Extent of losses of, caused
by England, XIII. 77-86; Eng-
lish and American testimony to
same, XIII. 77-83. Rules of law
applicable to damages of, XIII. 86-
89. Affairs of, at home and abroad,
in 1869, XIII. 98. Duty of, to
Spain and Cuba, XIII. 120-124.
Wealth of, in 1870, XIII. 245.
Should promote education, XIII.
379. Expense of outlying postal
routes in, XIII. 422. Possible loss
of revenue to, from one-cent post-
age, XIII. 436. Supports Baez by
ships of war at San Domingo, XIV.
103, 135, 179; and threatens Hayti,
XIV. 109, 135, 201: both these
actions contrary to international
law, XIV. 112, 219, 223, 227, 242;
XV. 88, 147,- and acts of war,

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