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XIV. 114, 193, 227, 236; XV. 147. |
Obligations of, to France and Ger-
many, XIV. 151 et seq. Its treat-
ment of Hayti and Dominica a vi-
olation of the Constitution, XIV.
228, 242; XV. 88, 147. Duty of,
in regard to San Domingo, XIV.
245, 249, 283. Sale of arms by,
to France in war of 1870, XV. 5.
Testimony to its observance of
neutral duties, XV. 22-24.
Unity, selfish efforts for, II. 223.

True, defined, II. 225. Leagues to
attain, II. 226. Tendency of man- !
kind towards, II. 229-232, 249.
For freedom, VII. 316.
Universal Suffrage, X. 220.


VAN BUREN, MARTIN, nominated for
President in 1848, II. 143. Elec-
tion of, advocated, II. 144.
Vattel, his definition of war, I. 15.
On law of nature, II. 187. On the
Swiss republic, II. 227. On free-
ing slaves in war, VII. 43. On the
object of war, VII. 73. On refusal
of recognition to nations, VII. 439
et seq. On duty of States to satisfy
private claims, VIII. 301. On re-
prisals on persons, IX. 211; XII.
489. On rights of conquerors, X.

Calhoun's opinion on same, XII.

Vico, Giambattista, discovers law of
progress, II. 102.

On destruction of property
in war, XIII. 14. On meaning of
"domicile," XIII. 343. On disre-
garding treaties, XIII. 364. On
alienation of territory, XIV. 54.
On equality of nations, XIV.
Vermont, personal gratitude for sym-
pathy of people of, IV. 398.
Vessels, relief of distressed, on the
coast, IV. 93.
Vice-President, abolition of office of,
XI. 99. Succession of, to the Pre-
sidency, XI. 100. Powers of, as
President of the Senate, XII. 305;

Vincent de Paul, St., enslaved in Bar-
bary States, I. 394, 477. Sale of,
I. 469. Good works of, II. 47.
Virginia, Declaration of Rights of,
III. 264; X. 192, 298. Early
social life of, V. 279; IX. 98.
Early opposition of, to common
schools, V. 279; XI. 157. Paper
money in, VI. 327. Character of
first settlers of, IX. 99; testimony
to same, IX. 102-108. Representa-
tion of, in the Senate, IX. 266.
Prohibition of colored suffrage in,
X. 192. Admission of, to repre-
sentation in Congress, XIII. 204.
Speech of Gov. Walker of, quoted,
XIII. 215. Fraudulent election in,
XIII. 231.
Virginius, case of the, XV. 284.
Voltaire, on war, II. 202.
slave-master, V. 54.
with Franklin, VIII. 18.
equal rights of all, VIII. 393 et seq.
On republican government, X. 199.
Volunteers, not militia, I. 357. Laws
on term of enlistment of, in United
States, quoted, I. 367; Justice
Johnson on same, I. 367.
Votes, importance of. II. 421. Au-
thorities on disallowance of, in
legislative assemblies, X. 397 et
seq.; striking out, from journal
of same, X. 399-402.


On a
His meeting

WADE, BENJAMIN F., Senator from
Ohio, reply to, in debate on ad-
mission of Nebraska, X. 507-509,
511 et seq.
On one term for the
President, XIV. 324; XV. 159, 221.
Walker, George W., letter to, XIV.


Waller, Edmund, on English cap-


tives in Algiers, I. 410. On true
glory, II. 33 et seq.
Walpole, Horace, XII. 51.
prophecies concerning America,
XII. 53-56.

War, dishonorable now, I. 9; II. 37,
277. Always popular, I. 10; II.
33. Napier on, I. 12, 34. Joseph
de Maistre on, I. 12. Sanctioned
by international law as arbiter be-
tween nations, I. 13, 15, 293; II.
188; XIV. 14. Definitions of, I.
14; II. 42, 189; VII. 21.
At pres-
ent a trial of right, I. 16. Men
resemble beasts in, I. 18. Delight
of historians in, I. 21. Horrors of,
I. 22-29; II. 198-200. Ineffectual,
I. 31. Often decided by chance, I.
33. Napoleon on, I. 33, 34; II. 201.
Organized murder and robbery, I.
48. Belief in necessity of, un-
founded, I. 50. Substitutes for, I.
51; II. 262-264; XV. 80. Can and
should be abolished by nations, I.
51; II. 260; XIV. 137. Commou-
ness of, no argument in its favor,
I. 52. Contrary to Christianity,
but upheld by the Church, I. 54,
58. Rev. A. H. Vinton and Earl

of Abingdon on, I. 55. Cicero on,
I. 56 (see note). Tacitus and
Frederick of Prussia on invoking
God in, I. 56. Early testimony of
the Church against, I. 59. Not re-
quired by honor, I. 62. Demanded
by exaggerated patriotism, I. 67.
Cause of public debts, I. 72. Long-
fellow on, I. 83. Encouraged by
mottoes and emblems, I. 93.
Auguries for cessation of, I. 111.
Changes in, I. 113; II. 260. Con-
demned by Marshal Bugeaud, I.
116; and by Penn, I. 117. In-
consistent with true greatness, I.
122. Its virtues those of peace,
I. 125. Should not be extolled
in literature or art, I. 281. Chan-
ning's efforts against, I. 293, 295;
II. 248. Not necessary except in

self-defence, I. 294, 378; VII. 410.
The duel of nations, I. 294; II.
201; XIV. 9. Milton on, II. 33.
All war fratricidal, II. 39, 276.
Satirized by Rabelais, II. 41. Vol-
taire on, II. 202. Worse than all
natural ills, II. 202. La Bruyère
on, II. 238. Franklin on, II. 246;
his labors against, II. 246. Jef-
ferson on,
II. 247. Worcester's and
Ladd's efforts against, II. 247, 248.
S. Adams's letter against, II. 252.
Substitutes for, discussed by Amer-
ican and foreign governments, II.
254-257. J. Q. Adams on abolish-
ing, II. 260. Powers of Congress
against slavery, VI. 18; VII. 45,
128; VIII. 365. Rights of, VII.
1, 34, 536; X. 325 et seq.,
- espe-
cially against enemy property,
VII. 35-44. Abolition of, desired
by working-men of Europe, XIV.
68. Unnatural, XIV. 80. Duke
of Wellington on, XIV. 193. Allot-
ment of powers of, according to
the Constitution, XIV. 228; Judge
Story on same, XIV. 229. See
Civil War, Private Wars, Rights
of War, War Preparations, and
War System.


War of the Rebellion, speech at be-
ginning of the, V. 492. Object of,
V. 499; VII. 11, 206; IX. 89 et seq.,
Abolitionists not authors of,
102-104. Applicability of
international law to, VII. 13-24;
XIII. 16,-judicial decisions and
other authorities proving same,
VII. 18-22; XIII. 17, 18. Char-
acter and importance of, VII. 234–
236, 349; VIII. 75: IX. 95, 110-
112, 129 et seq. Issues of the,
VII. 322; XIV. 375, 414. Con-
trasted with Revolutionary War,
VII. 350; VIII. 36-38; IX. 370;
XIII. 301. The greatest victory of
the, X. 219; XIII. 221, 335; XIV.
378, 424, 460; XV. 289. Cost of,
XIII. 241. See Rebellion.

War Preparations, in time of peace,
I. 74. Expenses of, in Europe and
United States, I. 75-85; II. 215-
217. Useless and harmful, I. 85,
98; II. 218. Promote war, I. 99-
101; II. 217; XIV. 58. Protested
against by St. Augustine, I. 107.
Unchristian, I. 108; II. 207.
Should be abandoned, I. 115, 119.
Condemned by Louis Philippe, I.
116; and by Penn, I. 118. Substi-
tute for, II. 219. See Disarma-
ment and War System.
War System of the commonwealth
of nations, II. 171. Condemned,
II. 209, 261. Influences opposed
to, XIV. 64, 74. Precedents for
abolition of, XIV. 74. Peril from,
XIV. 78 et seq.

Warren, George W., letter to, XV.


Washington, George, small sum ex-
pended for an army during his ad-
ministration, I. 86, 109, 110. On
abolition of slavery, I. 312; II. 78,
293, 325 et seq.; III. 116; IV. 96; V.
397; VI. 419. Frees his slaves by
will, I. 312; II. 326; III. 179; IV.
96. Advice of, to Braddock, I.
319. On treaty with Algiers,' I.
451; VI. 432 et seq. Forbids sale
of his slaves, II. 85. An aboli-
tionist, II. 322 (see annexed opin-
ions of W., II. 324–326). Exam-
ple of, II. 440; IV. 372. His inau-
guration, III. 114. His attempt to
recover a fugitive slave, III. 177;
VIII. 142,-letter of, in regard to
same, quoted, III. 178; VIII. 142.
Example of, against slavery, IV.
95. Two lessons from his life, IV.
416. Anecdote of, V. 184. Friend-
ship of, for Lafayette, V. 384, 395.
On State rights, VII. 505; IX. 258;
XII. 219. His desire for national-
ity, VII. 506: IX. 373; XII. 216,
219, 224. Letter of, on treatment
of prisoners of war, IX. 208 et seq.
Compared to Lincoln, IX. 370.

[blocks in formation]

to appoint relations to office, XV.
111 et seq., 214. His refusal of
gifts, XV. 119-121, 215. His in-
augural address quoted, XV. 125.
Washington, D. C., no surrender of
fugitive slaves in, VII. 78. Open-
ing of street-cars in, to colored per-
sons, VIII. 103. Colored suffrage
in, VIII. 458. Necessity of equal
rights in common schools of, XIII.
351; XIV. 154. Colored schools
in, XIV. 153; reports of trustees
of same quoted, XIV. 157–162,
414. Preservation of the park
at, XV. 72. Letter to colored citi-
zens of, XV. 275.
Washingtons, the, memorial stones
of, in England, V. 357.
Wayland, Francis, letter of, on Bos-
ton Prison-Discipline Society, I.
491. On parties, II. 161.
Webster, Daniel, on duty of abol-
ishing all evil practices, I. 309.
Appeal to, to oppose slavery, I.
314 (see annexed letter, I. 316).
Appeal to, to oppose the Mexican
War, I. 382. On parties, II. 152.
On Ordinance of 1787, III. 84; XII.
416. On British impressment of
American seamen, VI. 191. On
admission of new slave States, VII.
124 et seq. On necessity of pro-
ceeding constitutionally in organ-
izing governments, VII. 531 et seq.
On Fugitive-Slave Bill, VIII. 150.
On monopolies in States, IX. 259
et seq. On guaranty of republican
government, X. 143. On prin-
ciples of republican government,
X. 187 et seq. On future govern-
ment of Pacific coast, XI. 232; XII.
163. On reprisals on persons, XII.
490. On conversation, XIII. 439.
Webster, Edward, legality of his ap-
pointment as an officer in Massa-

chusetts regiment of volunteers for
the Mexican War, I. 362-364.
Weights and Measures, metric sys-
tem of, X. 524. Uniformity in,
early desired by United States
Government, X. 525-527. Neces-
sity of uniformity in, X. 527-531.
See Metric System.
Wesley, John, on slavery, I. 445;
III. 120; IX. 281.

West Indies, emancipation of slaves
in, by England, I. 127; IV. 28-
30, →same a blessing, not a fail-
V. 231. Brougham on appren-
ticeship in, VIII. 491; X. 286.
West Point, cost of academy at, I. 87.
West Virginia, admission of, as a
State, VII. 122; IX. 15. Abolition
of slavery in, VII. 122.
Whately, Richard, on weakness of
slave States, III. 406. On conces-
sions to intimidation, VI. 92. On
rights of slave-masters, VIII. 383.
Wheaton, Henry, obituary notice of,
II. 63. English authorities on
works of, II. 64, 70. On consuls,
VI. 464. On reprisals, XII. 488.
On ratification of treaties, XIV.
113. On belligerent intervention,
XIV. 226.

Whewell, William, on the object of
war, I. 15.

Whig Conventions, speeches at, I.
303: II. 55. Resolutions of, in
1846, I. 335. On slavery and the
Mexican War, I. 336.
Whig Party, antislavery duties of
the, I. 303. Defined, I. 305. Should
oppose slavery, I. 313. And the
Mexican War, I. 339. Not party
of humanity, II. 76. Renounced
by Mr. Sumner, II. 76. Influenced
by Slave Power, II. 141; V. 216.
Rejects Wilmot Proviso in 1848, II.
141, 158. Late origin of, II. 154.
Not opposed to extension of slavery,
II. 155. Same proved by its his-
tory, II. 156-159. Compromise its
essential element, III. 462. Dead

in 1855, IV. 73. Favored one term
for the President, XIV. 323 et seq.
Whipple, William, letter of, to Wash-
ington, on recovery of his fugitive
slave, III. 178.

White, no more States with that word
in their Constitutions, X. 346, 504:
same should be struck out of natu-
ralization laws, XI. 418; XIII.
475, 482, 490, and of all other
legislation, XV. 310.

White, Andrew D., Mr. Sumner's
letter to, concerning Frederick
Douglass and President Grant,
XV. 205-208.
Wide-Awakes, the, V. 340. Speech-
es to, after election of 1860, V. 344,
350, 354. Letter to, after same,
V. 348.

Wilkes, Charles, Capt., seizure of
Rebel commissioners by, VI. 171,
209-211; VII. 341. See Trent

Willey, Waitman T., Senator from
West Virginia, threatens reënslave-
ment of negroes, VII. 543 et seq.
William I., King of Prussia, XIV. 61
et seq.

Williams, George H., Senator from
Oregon, reply to his objections to
allowing Chinese to be naturalized,
XIII. 484-489.

Williamson, Passmore, letter to, IV.
52. Case of, IV. 71.
Wilmot Proviso, rejected by Whig

and Democratic parties in 1848,
II. 141, 158. Origin of, II. 157.
Clayton and Choate on, II. 159.
Advocated by Free-Soil Party, II.
302. Character of, VIII. 114.
Wilson, Henry, Senator from Massa-
chusetts, IV. 380; XIV. 3.
Winthrop, John, on civil liberty, II.


Winthrop, Robert C., letter to, I. 317.
Vote of, on Mexican War Bill, I.
317,323; reasons in defence of same
considered, I. 323-326. His speech
on the tariff, I. 323, 338. Admis-

of, for universal emancipation,
VIII. 80.

Worcester, Noah, labors of, against
war, II. 247.

Worcester, Massachusetts, a Repub-
lican stronghold, V. 241.
Working-men of Europe, desire abo-
lition of war, XIV. 68. Addres-
ses of, quoted, XIV. 69–73.

sion of Texas favored by, I. 327, | Women's National League, petition
337. Appeal to, to oppose Mexican
War, I. 327. His actions in regard
to slavery, I. 337; and the Mexi-
can War, I. 338.
Witnesses, powers of the Senate over
recusant, IV. 428 et seq., 435 et
seq.; XIV. 284. Answers of, crim-
inating themselves, VI. 290. Ex-
clusion of, on account of color,
VIII. 176: IX. 39, consequences
of same, VIII. 198-200; IX. 43.
Historical examples of exclusion
of, VIII. 201–208. Opening of
United States courts to colored,
IX. 39. Authorities on exclusion
of colored, IX. 40-43.



YELLOW FEVER at Memphis and
Shreveport, aid to sufferers by,
XV. 281.


University Press: John Wilson & Son, Cambridge.

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