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tion to assessors are a strong evidence of the growing confidence in the merit system as the proper method for the selection of all classes of public employes.

The New Jersey Association takes pride in the record of the civil service in the State of New Jersey. Having been in force in the state only since April 10, 1908, it has advanced within this short period of time to a point where it governs not only all positions in the state service, but those in the two largest and the fourth largest cities of the state, the two largest and the sixth largest counties in the state, and two other municipalities of considerable size, the employes of these municipalities representing more than a majority of all municipal employes in the state, and aggregating together with the employes in the state service probably in the neighborhood of 15,000 persons. In addition the provisions of the law apply to 7,156 election officers, making a grand total of more than 20,000 in all.



Houston Hall, University of Pennsylvania,

Thursday afternoon, December 14.

AT 3.00 p.m. the League reconvened at Houston Hall, University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Moorfield Storey, Vice-President of the League, presided.

Dr. Edgar Fahs Smith, Provost of the University, delivered an address of welcome.

Hon. William Dudley Foulke, of Richmond, Ind., delivered an address.'

Hon. Winfred T. Denison, of Washington, delivered. an address."

Mr. Richard H. Dana moved that a vote of thanks be extended to the University for its hospitality. The motion was unanimously adopted.



Auditorium, Central Y. M. C. A.,

Thursday evening, December 14.

T 8.00 p. m. the League reconvened. Mr. Moorfield Storey, Vice-President of the League, presided. Mr. Moorfield Storey, of Boston, delivered an address.3

Hon. Rudolph Blankenburgh, Mayor of Philadelphia, delivered an address.*

Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte, of Baltimore, delivered an address."

Hon. Andrew J. Peters, Member of Congress from the Eleventh District, Massachusetts, delivered an address."

Mr. Richard H. Dana moved that the League send to President Eliot its sympathy and best wishes for his rapid recovery. The motion was unanimously carried.

Mr. Richard H. Dana read the annual address of the President, Charles W. Eliot.'



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Printed in full at page 78; at page 87; at page 96; 100: at page 103; at page 112; at page 71.


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City Club,

Friday morning, December 15.

THE League reconvened at 11.00 a. m.

Mr. Moorfield Storey, Vice-President of the League, presided.

Mr. Robert Catherwood presented the report of the Committee on Nominations, as follows:


Charles W. Eliot......


Edwin A. Alderman.

Charles J. Bonaparte.
Joseph H. Choate.
Harry A. Garfield.
George Gray
Arthur T. Hadley.
Seth Low

Franklin MacVeagh

George A. Pope..

Moorfield Storey

Thomas N. Strong.

Herbert Welsh

Woodrow Wilson


William A. Aiken.

Frederic Almy

Charles J. Bonaparte.
Arthur H. Brooks.
Charles C. Burlingham.
George Burnham, Jr..
Silas W. Burt..
John A. Butler..
Edward Cary

Robert Catherwood

Leander T. Chamberlain.
William C. Coffin....
Everett Colby
Charles Collins

Joseph P. Cotton, Jr..
William E. Cushing.
Richard Henry Dana.
Horace E. Deming..
Albert de Roode..
John Joy Edson.
John A. Fairlie.
Henry W. Farnam.

Cyrus D. Foss, Jr.

Cambridge, Mass.

. Charlottesville, Va.
Baltimore, Md.
.New York, N. Y.

. Williamstown, Mass.
Wilmington, Del.
.Yale University.
New York, N. Y.
Washington, D. C.
Baltimore, Md.
Boston, Mass.
. Portland, Ore.
Philadelphia, Pa.
. Trenton, N. J.

Norwich, Conn.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Baltimore, Md.
Boston, Mass.
New York, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.
New York, N. Y.
Milwaukee, Wis.
New York, N. Y.
Chicago, Ill.

New York, N. Y.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Newark, N. J.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
. Cleveland, Ohio.
Boston, Mass.

New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Washington, D. C.
Urbana, Ill.

New Haven, Conn.
Philadelphia, Pa.

William Dudley Foulke.
Charles Noble Gregory.
H. R. Guild...
Henry W. Hardon.
Robert D. Jenks.
Stiles P. Jones.
William V. Kellen.
Francis B. Kellogg.
John F. Lee..
William G. Low.
George McAneny
Henry L. McCune.
Harry J. Milligan.
William B. Moulton.
Samuel Y. Nash..
Samuel H. Ordway.
Elliott H. Pendleton.
John Read

H. O. Reik..
Charles Richardson
Henry A. Richmond.
Nelson S. Spencer.
Henry W. Sprague.
Lucius B. Swift..
Frank J. Symmes.
William J. Trembath.
Henry Van Kleeck.
William W. Vaughan.
Everett P. Wheeler.
Charles B. Wilby..
Ansley Wilcox

Charles D. Willard.
Frederick C. Winkler.
R. Francis Wood..

Clinton Rogers Woodruff.
Morrill Wyman, Jr.....

Richmond, Ind.
Washington, D. C.
Boston, Mass.
New York, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles, Cal.
St. Louis, Mo.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Kansas City, Mo.
.Indianapolis, Ind.
Chicago, Ill.
Boston, Mass.
New York, N. Y.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cambridge,, Mass.
Baltimore, Md.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Buffalo, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Indianapolis, Ind.
San Francisco, Cal.
Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Denver, Colo.
Boston, Mass.
New York, N. Y.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Los Angeles, Cal.
Milwaukee, Wis.
Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Cambridge,, Mass.

It was moved and seconded that the Secretary be directed to cast one ballot for the election of the gentlemen named. The motion was unanimously carried. The Secretary cast the ballot and announced the election of the ticket as read.

Upon motion of Mr. Ansley Wilcox, unanimously adopted, Hon. Henry A. Richmond, of Buffalo, was transferred from the list of members of the Council of the League to the list of Vice-Presidents.

In the absence of Mr. A. S. Frissell, the Treasurer of the League, the Secretary read the Annual Report of the

Treasurer for the year ended November 30, 1911, which was, upon motion, received and ordered to be submitted to an Auditing Committee to report to the Council at the first meeting after the Annual Meeting.'

Mr. Horace E. Deming, Chairman of the Special Committee on Superannuation,, presented the report of that committee.*

Discussion of this report followed. Mr. William T. Morgan, of the United States Civil Service Retirement Association, argued for a pension system supported entirely by contributions from the Government treasury, as opposed to the contributory system advocated by the Committee on Superannuation. Mr. Albert de Roode opposed the exaction of contributions from Federal employees under the present salary scale. Others who participated in the discussion were Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte, Hon. Everett P. Wheeler, Mr. Moorfield Storey and Mr. Richard H. Dana.

Upon motion of Mr. Ansley Wilcox, the report of the Committee was ordered received and placed on file.

Hon. Clinton Rogers Woodruff presented the report of the Committee on Civil Service in Dependencies."

Some discussion of this report followed, participated in by Mr. Moorfield Storey, Hon. Everett P. Wheeler, Mr. Elliot H. Goodwin and others.

Upon motion of Mr. Charles J. Bonaparte, the report was received and placed on file.

Upon motion of Mr. Richard H. Dana, the Committee was requested to report what changes had been made in the civil service law in the Philippine Islands and by what authority, and what had been the action of the Insular Bureau of the War Department in respect to the appointment of Mr. Warren T. Allen to the position of superintendent of public works in Porto Rico.

Mr. Ansley Wilcox presented the report of the Committee on Consular Reform.'

He stated that he had received a letter from Hon. Philander C. Knox, Secretary of State, in regard to the operation of the executive orders providing for a system Printed in full at page 55; at page 119; at page 128; at page 134.





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