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P. S. REINSCH, World Politics. An analysis of the forces underlying world relations to-day. ALBERT SHAW, Political Problems of American Development. 1907. Takes up such questions as immigration, national domain, party politics, railways and trusts, tariff, money, and foreign policy.

J. ALLEN SMITH, The Spirit of American Government. 1907. A suggestive study of the fundamental principles of American government.

F. J. STIMSON, Federal and State Constitutions. A comparative study of American constitutional principles.

JOSEPH STORY, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 2 vols. Many editions. Valuable for federal constitutional law; slight reference to actual practice.

F. N. THORPE, The Federal and State Constitutions. 1909. Contains all the charters and constitutions of each state; arranged chronologically by


C. G. TIEDEMAN, The Unwritten Constitution of the United States. 1890. A discussion of the historical development of our constitutional system, particularly those points not described in the written document. W. W. WILLOUGHBY, The American Constitutional System. 1904. A valuable survey of the general principles of American constitutional law. Professor Willoughby has a larger work in preparation.

WOODROW WILSON, Constitutional Government in the United States.


Devoted largely to a consideration of the salient features of the national government.

JAMES A. WOODBURN, The American Republic and its Government. 1903. Principally a description of the national government.


H. V. AMES, State Documents on Federal Relations. 1906. A collection of documents illustrating conflicts between the federal and state govern


D. R. DEWEY, Financial History of the United States. 1903. A clear and valuable general survey.

J. HAMPTON DOUGHERTY. The Electoral System of the United States. 1906. A history of the electoral college and a study of its defects, with suggested remedies.

J. A. FAIRLIE, The National Administration of the United States of America. 1905. A detailed description of the executive department.

MAX FARRAND, The Legislation of Congress for the Government of the Organized Territories of the United States, 1789-1895. 1896.

C. R. FISH. The Civil Service and the Patronage. 1905. A history of the patronage system and civil service reform.

M. P. FOLLETT, The Speaker of the House of Representatives. 1904. A history of the speakership and a full description of the elements of the Speaker's power.

C. H. FORBES-LINDSAY, The Philippines under Spanish and American Rules. 1906.

JOHN W. FOSTER. The Practice of Diplomacy. The forms, methods, and functions of diplomatic and consular representation.

H. B. FULLER, Speakers of the House. 1909. A general historical sketch of the development of the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives. W. H. GLASSON, History of Military Pension Legislation in the United States. 1900. (Columbia Studies.)

E. C. GRIFFITH, The Rise and Development of the Gerrymander. 1907. A brief history of the gerrymander to about 1850.

L. H. HANEY, A Congressional History of Railways. 1910. University of Wisconsin Studies.

G. H. HAYNES, The Election of Senators. 1906. A study of the present system and of the arguments for and against popular election.

J. W. JENKS, The Trust Problem. A study of the economic forces making for industrial combinations.

CLARA H. KERR, United States Senate. 1895. Deals principally with the procedure in the Senate in the exercise of its various functions.

L. G. MCCONACHIE, Congressional Committees. 1898. A detailed study of the procedure and work of committees in Congress and their influence on legislation.

E. C. MASON, The Velo Power. 1891. A historical discussion of the presidential vetoes; description of the procedure; and the political significance of the power.

B. H. MEYER, Railway Legislation in the United States. 1903. Contains a good account of the early state railroad commissions, and the leading decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

JOHN BASSETT MOORE A Digest of International Law. 8 vols. 1906. A monumental collection and digest of materials on every phase of international law.

E. P. PRENTICE, The Federal Power over Carriers and Corporations. 1907. A historical development of the power of Congress over interstate com


J. D. RICHARDSON, A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Io vols. Contains inaugural addresses, annual and


special messages, proclamations, and executive orders of the Presidents. L. S. Rowe, The United States and Porto Rico. D. Y. THOMAS, A History of Military Government in Newly Acquired Territory of the United States. (Columbia Studies.)

F. VAN DYNE, A Treatise on the Law of Naturalization in the United States. Citizenship of the United States.

W. F. WILLOUGHBY, Territories and Dependencies of the United States. 1905. An excellent brief survey.

W. W. WILLOUGHBY, The Supreme Court of the United States. 1890. A history of the Supreme Court and its relations to the other departments of the government.

WOODROW WILSON, Congressional Government. A suggestive study of Congress at work.


S. W. ABBOTT, The Past and Present Condition of Public Hygiene and State Medicine in the United States. 1900.

E. E. AGGER, The Budget in the American Commonwealths. 1907. (Columbia Studies.)

W. F. CLARK, Elementary Law. 1909. A very useful book for beginning students of law.

F. A. CLEVELAND, Chapters on Municipal Administration and Accounting. 1909. Studies in technical problems of municipal government.

J. Q. DEALEY, Our State Constitutions. 1907. A brief but valuable survey of the principal features of state constitutions.

HORACE E. DEMING, The Government of American Cities. 1909. Points out

that the defects of our city governments are largely due to their complexity and to legislative interference.

E. G. DEXTER, A History of Education in the United States. 1904.

J. A. FAIRLIE, Municipal Administration. 1901. A study of municipal functions and the organization of the administration of American and European cities.

J. A. FAIRLIE, Essays on Municipal Administration. A collection of papers on special topics relative to American and foreign city government.

J. A. FAIRLIE, Local Government in Counties, Towns, and Villages. 1906. A full description of the organization of local government and its relation to the state government.

First National Conference on State and Local Taxation. 1907. Valuable papers on many problems of taxation.

F. J. GOODNOW, City Government in the United States. 1904. Deals with the relation between the city and the state, the organization of city government, and municipal functions.

F. J. GOODNOW, Municipal Government. 1909. A comparative study of American and European methods.

A. R. HATTON, Digest of City Charters. 1906. Prepared under the direction of the Chicago Charter Convention. Contains the frame of government of the principal cities of the United States, and a few Canadian and European cities, arranged according to topics.

F. C. HOWE, The City the Hope of Democracy. Municipal ownership and the land problem. Inheritance Tax Laws. Government Printing Office, 1907. Digest of the principal features of the laws of Great Britain, France, and Germany, together with an outline of inheritance taxation in the United States and a collection of judicial decisions relating thereto.

IVINS AND MASON, The Control of Public Utilities. 1908. Though in form an annotation of the public service commissions law of New York, this is a thorough investigation of the general topic.

Municipal and Private Operation of Public Utilities. 1907. Report of the Commission on Public Ownership and Operation of the National Civic Federation. An extensive study of the advantages and disadvantages of municipal ownership.

E. G. MURPHY, Problems of the Present South. An important study of the question of the suffrage in the South.

E. P. OBERHOLTZER, The Referendum in America. 1900. A history of popular legislation in the United States, in both state and local matters. F. PARSONS, The City for the People. A study of municipal utilities from the standpoint of municipal ownership.

J. B. PHILLIPS, Recent State Constitution Making. The University of Colorado Studies. 1904. Principally an analysis of constitutional changes from 1895 to 1903.

J. B. PHILLIPS, Educational Qualifications of Voters. University of Colorado Studies. 1906. A summary of educational qualifications for voters in the various states at that date.

Proceedings of the National Conference for Good City Government. Published annually, beginning in 1894. Invaluable for municipal development in the United States.

Proceedings of the National Civil Service League. Published annually. P. S. REINSCH, American Legislatures and Legislative Methods. 1907. The greater part of the book is devoted to a description of the organization

and workings of state legislatures. There are, however, valuable chapters on Congress.

E. C. ROBBINS, Selected Articles on the Commission Plan of Municipal Government. Minneapolis, 1909. A collection of papers on commission government.

C. M. ROBINSON, Improvement of Towns and Cities. 1901. Suggestions on practical ways of making public improvements.

L. S. Rowe, Problems of City Government. 1908. Principally a discussion of municipal functions.

H. R. SEAGER, A Program of Social Reform. 1910. A study of modern labor problems, employers' liability, workmen's compensation, unemployment, and old age pensions.

LINCOLN STEFFENS, The Shame of the Cities. 1904. An exposé of political corruption in some of our principal cities. Told with great detail. LINCOLN STEFFENS, The Struggle for Self-government. 1906. An exposé of political corruption in some of the state governments.

L. VEILLER, Housing Reform. 1910. A study of practical methods. D. F. WILCOX, The American City: A Problem in Democracy. 1904. A discussion of some of the newer activities undertaken by the cities. CHARLES ZUEBLIN, American Municipal Progress. 1902. A description of what our city governments are doing in the way of parks, libraries, schools, recreation, etc.


J. B. BISHOP, Our Political Drama: Conventions, Campaigns, Candidates. 1904. Lively descriptions of national conventions and campaigns, with illustrations and reproductions of cartoons.

F. W. DALLINGER, Nominations for Elective Office in the United States. 1897. After a brief survey of the historical development of nominating systems, gives a detailed description of current methods.

HENRY J. FORD, The Rise and Growth of American Politics. 1898. A suggestive work on the origin of parties in the United States, and their place in our system of government.

F. J. GOODNOW, Politics and Administration. 1900. Deals with the influence of party politics on the conduct of the government.

JESSE MACY, Party Organization and Machinery (The American State Series). 1904. A description of national and state party committees.

C. E. MERRIAM, Primary Elections. 1908. Historical survey and summary of principles.

E. C. MEYER, Nominating Systems: Direct Primaries versus Conventions in the United States. 1902. Gives an account of the caucus and convention system, and the movement for the direct primary.

M. OSTROGORSKI, Democracy and the Organization of Political Parties. 1902. 2 vols. The second volume is devoted to the history of party organization in the United States and a description of existing party machinery and methods.

E. STANWOOD, History of the Presidency. 1898. An account of each presidential campaign.

J. A. WOODBURN, Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States. Contains a full description of party machinery and the conduct of campaigns.

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