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Kelly, Thomas. The Big Tree Treaty; or the last council on the Genesee. Geneseo, N. Y.: Mt. Pleasant Farm. 407 pp. $1.00.

Langdon, William C. The pageant of Corydon [Indiana], 1816-1916. New Albany, Ind.: Baker's Pr. Ho. 42 pp. 15 cents.

Law, John, and Corbitt, W. Address on Old Vincennes (1839) by J. Law; French Arrogance (1798) by W. Corbitt. Tarrytown, N. Y.: W. Abbott; Mag. of Hist. Extra No. 44. $4.00.

Massachusetts [Colony], General Court, 1660. Governor John Endicott's Humble petition [etc.]. N. Y.: C. F. Heartman. 10 pp. $1.50.

Mereness, Newton D., editor. Travels in the American Colonies. N. Y.: Macmillan. 693 pp. $3.00, net. Morton, Oren F. History of Monroe County, West Virginia. Dayton, Va.: Ruebush-Elkins Co. 510 pp. $4.00, net. New York [City] Public Library. American History; a few suggestions for reading. N. Y.: The Library. 8 pp. O'Shaugnessy, Edith C. A diplomat's wife in Mexico.

Albany, N. Y.: 30 cents.

N. Y.: Harper. 355 pp. $2.00, net. Parker, Arthur C. The constitution of the Five Nations. Univ. of the State of N. Y. 158 pp. Parker, William T. Annals of old Fort Cummings, New Mexico, 1867-8. Northampton, Mass.: The author. 56 pp. $1.50.

Ride (A) to Niagara in 1809 by T. C. Rochester, N. Y.: J. G. Humphrey. 49 pp. $1.50.

Rogers, Lindsay. The postal power of Congress. Balt.: Johns Hopkins Press. 189 pp. $1.00.

Schuller, Rudolf. The Ordaz and Dortal expeditions in search of El Dorado. Wash., D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. 15 pp. 5 cents.

Shoemaker, Floyd C. Missouri's struggle for statehood, 1804-1821. Jefferson City, Mo.: Stephens Pr. Co. 383 pp. $5.00.

Skinner, Hubert M. Centennial history of Indiana. Chicago: Atkinson, Mentzer & Co. 101 pp. 20 cents. Smith, Mary S. Union sentiment in North Carolina during the Civil War. Raleigh, N. C.: Meredith Coll. 21


Stephens, Frank F. The Monroe Doctrine. Columbia, Mo.: Univ. of Mo. 26 pp.

U. S. Dept. of State. Papers relating to the torpedoing of the S. S. "Sussex." Wash., D. C.: Gov. Pr. Off. 66 pp.

U. S. President, Woodrow Wilson, Relations with the German government. [Address delivered at a joint session], April 1, 116. 9Wash., D. C.: Gov. Pr. Off. 6 pp. Urquhart, Frank J. A short history of Newark. Newark, N. J.: Baker Pr. [251 Market St.]. 182 pp. 75 cents. Vespucci, Amerigo. The Soderine letter, 1504, in fac-simile. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Univ. Press. 36 pls. 75 cents, net.

Wisconsin Com. on Civil War Records. Wisconsin losses in the Civil War. Madison, Wis.: State of Wis. 343 pp. Wise, Jennings C. The long arm of Lee. [History of the artillery of the Army of Northern Va.] In 2 vols. Lynchburg, Va.: J. P. Bell Co. $4.50.

Wood, Maj. Gen. Leonard. Our military history. Chicago: Reilly & Britton. 240 pp. $1.00, net.

Woodburn, J. A., and Moran, T. F. Introduction to American History. N. Y.: Longmans. 308 pp. 72 cents. Wright, Theo. L., and Hedges, M. H. The Beloit [Wisconsin] pageant. Beloit, Wis.: Beloit Daily News Pr. 46 pp. 15 cents.

Boyd, Clarence E. ancient Rome.


Ancient History.

Public libraries and literary culture in
Chicago: Univ. of Chic. 77 pp. $1.00,

Gray, Lewis H., editor. The mythology of all races. In 13 vols. Vol. 1, Greek and Roman, by W. S. Fox. Boston: M. Jones Co. 354 pp. (18 pp. bibls.). $6.00.

Hoffman, Samuel A. A handbook of Greek and Roman history. Chicago: Curtis Johnson Pr. Co. [1640 S. Wabash Ave.]. 112 pp. 75 cents.

Kuhn, Albert. Roma. In 18 pts. Pts. 14, 16. N. Y.: Benziger. Each 35 cents.

Legge, Francis. Forerunners and rivals of Christianity. [Religious history from 330 B. C. to 330 A. D.] In 2 vols. N. Y.: Putnam. 426 pp. 21 pp. bibls.). $7.50,


Newell, E. T. The dated Alexander coinage of Sidon and Ake. New Haven, Ct.: Yale Univ. Press. 72 pp. $2.50, net.

Plutarch's Lives. With an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin. In 10 vols. Vol. 3, Pericles and Fabius Maximus; Nicias and Crassus. (Loeb. Class. Lib.) N. Y.: Putnam. 442 pp. $1.50, net.

Thomson, James A. K. The Greek tradition; essays in the reconstruction of ancient thought. N. Y.: Macmillan. 248 pp. $1.50, net.

English History.

Bose, Sudhindra. Some aspects of British rule in India. Iowa City, Ia.: Univ. of Ia. 149 pp. (611⁄2 pp. bibls.).

80 cents.

Dodds, Madeleine H., and Dodds, Ruth. The pilgrimage of Grace, 1536-1537, and the Exeter conspiracy, 1538. In 2 vols. N. Y.: Putnam. 388, 382 pp. (5 pp. bibls.). $9.00, net.

Fordham, Montague. A short history of English rural life. N. Y.: Scribner. 183 pp. $1.25, net.

Johnston, James B. Place names of England and Wales.
N. Y.: Dutton. 532 pp. $5.00, net.

Taylor, Thomas. The Celtic Christianity of Cornwall.
N. Y.: Longmans. 184 pp. $1.25, net.
Turner, Cuthbert H. Early Worcester Mss. N. Y.: Ox.
ford Univ. 71 + 32 pp. $11.75, net.
European History.

Alexander, Philip F., editor. The north-west and northeast passages, 1576-1611. N. Y.: Putnam. 212 pp. 75 cents, net.

Browning, Oscar. History of the modern world. N. Y.: Funk & Wagnalls. 1003 pp. $3.00, net.

Carlyle, R. W., and Carlyle, A. J. A history of medieval political theory in the West. Vol. 3, Political theory from the tenth century to the thirteenth. N. Y.: Put nam. 201 pp. $5.50, net.

Fife, Robert H. The German empire between two wars. N. Y.: Macmillan. 400 pp. $1.50, net.

Forbes, Neville, and others. The Balkans. N. Y.: Oxford

Univ. 407 pp. $1.75, net.

Ford, Maj. Clyde S. The Balkan Wars. Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.: Army Service School. 150 pp. 25 cents. Gardner, Monica M. Poland. N. Y.: Scribner. 224 pp.

$1.25, net.

Henderson, Ernest F. A short history of Germany. In 2 vols. [New edition with additional chapters.] N. Y.: Macmillan. 517,604 pp. $3.50, net.

Herbert, Sydney. Modern Europe, 1789-1914. N. Y.: Мас

millan. 256 pp. $1.00, net..

Howe, Sonia B. A thousand years of Russian history.
Phila.: Lippincott. 432 pp. $2.50, net.
Phillips, Walter A. Poland. N. Y.: Holt. 256 pp. 50

cents, net.

Robinson, James H. Medieval and modern times [Rev. Ed. to the opening of the war of 1914]. Boston: Ginn. 477 pp. (1611⁄2 pp. bibls.). $1.60.

Smith, G. Burrell. Outlines of European history, 18141914. N. Y.: Longmans. 267 pp. 75 cents, net. Wright, Charles H. C. A history of the Third French Republic. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 197 pp. $1.50,

[blocks in formation]

Davis, Richard Harding. With the French in France and
Salonika. N. Y.: Scribner. 275 pp. $1.00, net.

12. Dupont, Marcel. In the field, 1914-1915. Phila.: Lippincott. 307 pp. $1.00, net.

Emerson, Edwin, Jr. The destruction of Louvain. Chicago: Germanistic Soc. of Chic. 23 pp.

Grondys, L. H. Germans in Belgium. N. Y.: Appleton.
95 pp. 50 cents, net.

Hall, James N. Kitchener's Mob. Boston: Houghton,
Mifflin. 200 pp. $1.25, net.

Hamilton, Lord Ernest W. The first seven divisions
[Mons to Ypres]. N. Y.: Dutton. 338 pp. $1.50, net.
Holst, Bernhart P. My experience with spies in the great
European War. Boone, Ia.: Holt Pub. Co. 222 pp.
Oct. 17-Nov. 10, 1914.

Le Goffic, Charles. Dixmude


Phila.: Lippincott. 164 pp. $1.00, net. MacDonagh, Michael. The Irish at the front. N. Y.:

Doran. 158 pp. 75 cents, net.

Mallet, Christian. Impressions and experiences of a French Trooper, 1914-1915. N. Y.: Dutton. 167 pp. $1.00,


Morgan, John H. German atrocities; an official investigation. N. Y.: Dutton. 192 pp. $1.00, net.

di Morse, John. In the Russian ranks. N. Y.: A. A. Knopf. 337 pp. $1.50, net.

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Parès, Bernard. Day by day with the Russian army, 19141915. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 287 pp. $2.50, net. Reed, John. The war in Eastern Europe. N. Y.: Scrib

ner's. 335 pp. $2.00, net.

Reynolds, Francis J., editor. The story of the great war. In 5 vols. Vols. 1, 2, 3. N. Y.: P. F. Collier & Son. 3261 pp.

Robinson, J. P. H. With Botha's army. N. Y.: Dutton. 158 pp. $1.25, net.

Seymour, Charles. The diplomatic background of the war, 1870-1914. New Haven, Ct.: Yale Univ. 311 pp. (7 pp. bibls.). $2.00, net.

Toynbee, Arnold J. Armenian atrocities. N. Y.: Doran.

117 pp. 25 cents, net. Warnod, André. Prisoner of

172 pp. $1.00, net.


Phila.: Lippincott.

Williams, Wythe. Passed by the Censor; the experience of

an American newspaper man in France. N. Y.: Dutton. 270 pp. $1.50, net.

Witoon regiment from the Aisne to La Bassée by "Pla

armies of France, Germany, Austria, Russia, England, Italy, Mexico and Japan. (Showing conditions in July, 1914.) Wash., D. C.: Govt. Pr. Off. 82 pp.

U. S. Library of Congress. Classification; Class D. Universal and Old World History. Wash., D. C.: Gov. Pr. Off. (Supt. of Docs.). 653 pp. 75 cents.

Wilson, Samuel G. Modern movement among Moslems. N. Y. and Chicago: Revell. 305 pp. $1.50, net. Yamada, Nakaba. Ghenko; the Mongol Invasion of Japan. N. Y.: Dutton. 276 pp. $2.50, net.


Boone, Dan. Life and adventures of Col. Daniel Boone; the first white settler of Kentucky, written by himself. N. Y.: C. F. Heartman.


Bradford, Gamaliel. Union portraits. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 330 pp. $1.50, net.

Crow, Martha F. Lafayette. N. Y.: Macmillan. 201 pp. 50 cents, net.

Edwards, Richard, and others. The life and character of Abraham Lincoln [etc., etc.]. Tarrytown, N. Y.: W. Abbott; Mag. of Hist. Extra No. 45. $3.30.

Ford, Henry J. Woodrow Wilson, the man and his work. N. Y.: Appleton. 332 pp. $1.50, net. Granville, Granville L. G., Earl. Lord Granville, private correspondence, 1781-1821. In 2 vols. N. Y. Dutton. 510, 507 pp. $10.00, net.

Grisar, Hartmann. Luther. Vol. 5. St. Louis: Herder. 606 pp. $3.25, net.

Gulliver, Lucile. Daniel Boone. N. Y.: Macmillan. 244 pp. 50 cents, net.

Monypenny, W. F., and Buckle, G. E. The Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. Vol. 4. N. Y.: Macmillan. 600 pp. $3.00, net.

Napoleon I, Emperor of the French. Napoleon in his own words. Chicago: McClurg. 166 pp. $1.00, net.

Olcott, Charles S. The life of William McKinley. In 2 vols. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 400, 418 pp. $5.00,


Shoemaker, Henry W. The last of the war governors.
[Life of William Sprague, Gov. of R. I., 1860-63.] Al-
toona, Pa.: Altoona Tribune Pub. 103 pp. 50 cents.
Thomas, Edward. Life of the Duke of Marlborough.
N. Y.: Brentano's. 294 pp. $3.00, net.

Wallace, Malcolm W. The life of Sir Philip Sydney.
N. Y.: Putnam. 428 pp. $3.25, net.

toon Commander." Phila.: Lippincott. 251 pp. $1.00, Washburne, Elihu, and others. Abraham Lincoln (1860), Goodnow, Frank J. Principles of constitutional govern


Medieval History.

✓ Ashley, Roscoe L. Medieval Civilization. [Chapters XIV to XXIX of author's "Early European Civilization."] N. Y.: Macmillan. 327-703 pp. $1.10, net.

Poole, Reginald Lane. Lectures on the history of the Papal chancery down to the time of Innocent III. N. Y.: Putnam. 211 pp. $2.75, net.


Ashmed ibn Yahya, al Baladuri. The origins of the Islamic state. N. Y.: Longmans. 518 pp. $4.00, net. Archer, R. L., and others. The teaching of history in elementary schools. N. Y.: Macmillan. 357 pp. $1.40,


Chu Ao-hsiang. Le régime des capitulations et la réforme constitutionelle en Chine. N. Y.: Putnam. 230 pp. $2.00, net.

Claridge, W. W. A history of the Gold Coast and Ashanti. In 2 vols. N. Y.: Dutton. 649, 638 pp. $12.00, net. Cressy, Edward. An outline of industrial history. N. Y.: Macmillan. 364 pp. (31⁄2 pp. bibls.). $1.10, net. Howley, James P. The Beothucks, or Red Indians, the original inhabitants of Newfoundland. N. Y.: Putnam. 348 pp. $6.50, net.

Hurgronje, Christian S. Mohammedanism. N. Y.: Put

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by E. Washburne [etc., etc.]. Tarrytown, N. Y.: W. Abbott; Mag. of History. Extra No. 43. $3.40.

Williams, Hugh N. The pearl of princesses. [Life of Margaret of Navarre.] N. Y.: Brentano's. 423 pp. $4.00, net.

Willson, Henry Beckles. The life of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. In 2 vols. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 543, 552 pp. $6.30, net.

Government and Politics.

Alexander, De Alva S. History and procedure of the House of Representatives. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 435 pp. $2.00, net.

American Academy of Soc. and Pol. Science. Preparedness and America's international program. Phila.: The Academy. 283 pp. $1.00.

Bacon, C. W., and Morse, F. S. The American plan of government. N. Y.: Putnam. 474 pp. $2.50, net. Baldwin, James M. American neutrality, its cause and cure. N. Y.: Putnam. 137 pp. 75 cents, net. Beale, Joseph H. A treatise on the conflict of laws, or private international law. [Vol. 1, Pt. 1.] Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. 189 pp. $1.00, net.

Bishop, Joseph B. Presidential nominations and elections. N. Y.: Scribner. 237 pp. $1.50, net.

Butler, Nicholas Murray. Magna Charta, 1215-1915. N. Y.: D. C. McMurtrie. 27 pp.

The preparedness of America. N. Y.: Car

negie Endow. for Internat. Peace. 18 pp. Coulton, G. G. The main illusions of pacificism. N. Y.: Macmillan. 295 pp. $2.00, net.

ment. N. Y.: Harper. 396 pp. $2.00, net.

Gorton, Arthur T. Elementary civics for the fifth and sixth years. N. Y.: C. E. Merrill Co. 185 pp. 50 cents.

Grotius, Hugo. The freedom of the seas, or the right which belongs to the Dutch to take part in the East Indian trade. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. Press. 83 pp. $1.00, net. Krehbiel, E. B. Nationalism, war, and society. N. Y.:

Macmillan. 276 pp. (bibls.). $1.50, net.

Maxim, H., editor. Leading opinions both for and against national defence. N. Y.: Hearst's Internat. Lib. Co. 50 cents, net.

Mez, John R. Peace literature of the war. N. Y.: Ameri-
can Assn. for Internat. Concil. 23 pp.

Morse, Perley. The ABC of the Government of the
United States. N. Y.: P. Morse & Co. 85 pp. 75


Nearing, Scott. The germs of war; a study in prepared-
ness. St. Louis: Nat. Rip-Saw Pub. Co. 32 pp. 10

Phillipson, Coleman. International law and the Great War.
N. Y.: Dutton. 407 pp. $6.00, net.

Rose, J. Holland. Nationality in modern history. N. Y.:
Macmillan. 202 pp. $1.25, net.

Taft, William H. Our chief magistrate and his powers.
N. Y.: Lemcke & Beuchner. 165 pp. $1.50, net.
Taft, William H. The presidency; its duties, its powers,
its opportunities and its limitations. N. Y.: Scribner.
145 pp. $1.00, net.

Toynbee, Arnold J. The new Europe. N. Y.: Dutton. 85
pp. $1.00.

U. S. General Staff. Statement of a proper military policy
for the United States; issued Nov., 1915. Wash., D. C.:
Govt. Pr. Off.

Witte, Emil. Revelations of a German attaché. N. Y.:
Doran. 264 pp. $1.00, net.

Wright, Philip I. The enforcement of international law
through municipal law in the United States. Urbana,
Ill.: Univ. of Ill. 264 pp. (811⁄2 pp. bibls.). $1.25.

The History Teacher's Magazine

Published monthly, except July and August, at 1619-1621 Ranstead Street, Philadelphia, Pa., by McKINLEY PUBLISHING CO.


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