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Reports of committees: Committee on the Source-Book of Ohio History, Prof. H. C. Hockett, Ohio State University; Board of Editors of the Ohio History Teachers' Journal; Treasurer of the Ohio History Teachers' Association, Dr. Wilmer C. Harris, Ohio State University; Committee on Nominations.

The Executive Committee in charge of the session was as follows: Wilbur H. Siebert, president, Columbus; Augusta P. Dickson, secretary, Dayton; Wilmer C. Harris, treasurer, Columbus; Clarence P. Gould, Wooster; and Joseph M. Lewis, Cincinnati.

The Wisconsin History Teachers' Association will meet at Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee, on Thursday, November 2, at 2 p. m. The following papers will be presented: "The Place of Economics in the High School Course," by Prof. D. O. Kinsman, of Lawrence College; "Dramatization in the Teaching of History," by Miss S. M. Porter, of Racine High School; "Methods of Teaching History," by Miss Aleida J. Peters, of Oshkosh Normal School; "The Content of the High School Course in History and Civil Government," by Prof. W. J. Chase, of University of Wisconsin; and "Some Aspects of War History," by Prof. C. R. Fish, of University of Wisconsin.

Prof. J. M. Callahan, head of the Department of History and Political Science at West Virginia University since 1902, has been chosen Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of that institution. He will continue his lectures in two advanced history courses.

President A. Lawrence Lowell, of Harvard University, addressed the Freshman Class of Yale University on October 15, 1915, on the topic, "Liberty and Discipline." The address has recently been published in pamphlet form by the Yale University Press (25 cents).

"A Handbook for Latin Clubs" (Boston: D. C. Heath & Co.) is edited by Susan Paxson, teacher of Latin in the Central High School, Omaha. It contains a series of valuable bibliographical aids and source selections not only for teachers of Latin, but also for teachers of ancient history. Page references are given to many works bearing upon such topics as the following: “The Value of Latin," "The Roman Forum," "The Roman House," "The Roman Slaves," "The Roman Children," "Education Among the Romans," "Some Common Professions and Trades Among the Romans," "The Roman Soldier," "Some Famous Women of Ancient Rome," "The Roman Holidays,” “Funeral Customs and Burial Places," "Some Famous Buildings of Ancient Rome," "Some Famous Roman Letters," "A Roman Banquet," "Some Famous Pictures and Sculpture." Many translations from the classics are given as the basis for programs of exhibition work in Latin.

Prof. Louis B. Schmidt, of the Iowa State Agricultural College, contributed to the "Mississippi Valley Historical Review," Vol. 3, No. 1, a paper upon "The Economic History of American Agriculture as a Field for Study." Students of the industrial and economic history of the United States will read with interest the many topics proposed for advance study in American agriculture.

Dr. Samuel P. Capen, of the United States Bureau of Education, has prepared a new list of "Accredited Secondary Schools in the United States" (Bulletin No. 20, 1916). The list of such high schools is rapidly growing. In 191011 there were 12,213 and in 1913-14 there were 13,714.

The Association of Colleges and Normal and Secondary Schools of the Upper Ohio Valley will hold its seventh an

nual meeting at the University of Pittsburgh, Friday and Saturday, December 1 and 2. The association meetings will be addressed by Prof. James T. Shotwell, of Columbia University, and President J. Campbell White, of Wooster College. Sectional meetings will also be held for the discussion of problems in connection with the teaching of various subjects in school and college curriculum.

The annual fall meeting of the New England History Teachers' Association was held at Brown University, Providence, R. I., on Saturday, October 21. The meeting was arranged in co-operation with the Rhode Island History Teachers' Association. The annual business meeting and election of officers was held, and this was followed by a preliminary report of the committee appointed to prepare an outline of topics for emphasis in ancient history. This committee is co-operating with similar committees of the American Historical Association and with other regional associations in defining a series of topics for each of the periods of high school history. Luncheon was served at Brown University, and addresses were made at the luncheon by President W. H. Faunce, of Brown University, and the Rev. Dr. G. G. Atkins, of the Central Congregational Church, of Providence. In connection with the meeting an exhibit was made of "Authentic Pictorial Material for the Study of European History," which has been published by the association.

The Association of History Teachers of the Middle States and Maryland will hold a conference in Goucher College, Baltimore, Md., on Saturday, December 2. The meeting will be in connection with the annual session of the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland. The main topic for discussion will be "The Teaching of Current History, Current Civics, and Current Economics." Sub-topics for discussion will be "The Use of Periodicals in the Class Room" and "The Place of Current Topics in the School Program."



BULLARD, ARTHUR. The Diplomacy of the Great War. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1916. Pp. xii, 344. $1.50.

In preparing this volume the author has tried to present the main facts in an elementary and clear fashion for the general reader. For the most part he has been very successful. He has divided his book into four parts. Part I (160 pages) is a survey of the diplomatic history of Europe since 1878. Occasionally, as in dealing with the Treaty of Berlin, the author presupposes more knowledge of the facts than the average reader is likely to have; but as a whole this survey is excellent. The author expresses himself clearly, uses excellent human illustrative material which is easily understood, and is careful to show the points of view not merely of various nations, but rather of different parties within each of the great nations. He leans slightly toward the Allies, especially the French, but shows up their weak points very frankly. Part II (56 pages) deals with new problems with which diplomacy now has to do more than ever before, such as "the principle of nationality," the economic struggles of nations, colonial rivalries, and the growth of keener public opinion. Part III (62 pages) is pure hypothesis, the author says. In it he suggests solutions that may possibly come as results of the war. Part IV (46 pages) "deals with the diplomatic relations be

tween the United States and Europe." Here the author tells how the war has affected our diplomacy already, and is likely further to affect it. A select bibliography with a description of each book follows the text.

Mr. Bullard has written an excellent book which should fill a real demand for clear statements of facts and suggestive ideas. It seems to the reviewer to be the most impartial and the best brief book of its kind. It will be very useful for reading references in high school courses on modern European history and for the information of the average American. CLARENCE PERKINS.

Ohio State University.

ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY. Writings of. Edited by W. C. Ford. Vol. VI, 1816-1819. New York: Macmillan Co., 1916. Pp. xxvii, 573. $3.50.

This volume falls easily into two parts. The first 184 pages contain correspondence while Adams was Minister in London, the remainder of the book, letters written while he was Secretary of State, most of them from Washington. The diplomatic interest of the first part is slight, as Adams had before this period concluded the convention of 1815, and secured no more important results while he was Minister. Of more interest, and indeed of some present timeliness, are his observations on the state of Europe, and particularly of England, after the great wars. While discounting as exaggerated much of the talk of distress, he nevertheless thought that England would be forced to some form of debt repudiation (98, 146). He was impressed with the political unity of Europe, and alarmed at the special characteristics of that union (247-248). His own views, as regards the United States, intensified in their sturdy nationalism (138). Of passing interest are suggestions made to him that we purchase certain Danish islands in the East Indies and the rumor that we were negotiating for a Neapolitan island (100-101).

The chief contribution of the second portion is to the South American question. Although the letters add nothing definite to our knowledge, they demand the attention of students of that field. The letters relating to other diplomatic issues are of no particular importance. Not so those relating to Adams' administration of his office. Where Adams, for the first time in his life found himself driven by work, one wonders, and others expressed wonder at the time, how Monroe managed, or later Clay. He can only suggest that they must have had a greater degree of facilité de travail, which does not seem likely. He was still opposed, as he had been, to long residences abroad, particularly in the case of "young Americans," but he had abandoned his view of the desirability of missions to small countries, and supported the Republican policy of a service as much restricted as possible, though he favored large salaries. His letters of admonition to young men in the service are quite as candid as those to his sons at school. It must have required talent to love him. The last eight pages contain a discussion of the question of "first calls" between department heads and members of Congress-and their wives. If one were not under the necessity of taking what Adams says absolutely at its face value, it would seem that he side-stepped prettily.

The editing, while continuing to be irreproachable within the limits which the editor placed upon himself, still leaves something to be desired. On page 28, Adams is allowed in one paragraph to refer to the number of slaves mentioned in a certain deposition as "seventy-one" and "twenty-one," and the reader is left in doubt as to which is correct. While cross-reference is made in the case of letters previously printed in the "American State Papers," no mention is made of a previous printing in the "American Historical Review"

(ΧΙ, 88-116) of certain letters to Alexander Everett. This is the more curious as the printing of the letters is not precisely identical ("Am. Hist. Review," XI, 106, “was," "Writings," VI, 200, “were”), and the letters are given in full in the "Review," whereas they are cut (omission indicated) in the "Writings." CARL RUSSELL FISH.

University of Wisconsin.

ANDERSON, DICE ROBINS. William Branch Giles: A Study in the Politics of Virginia and the Nation from 1790 to 1830. Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Co., 1914. Pp. xv, 271. $1.50.

This book serves two purposes: It recites on many of its pages the development of political ideas and parties in national politics at an interesting period of our history. And, it gives an adequate appraisal of one of the public men of Virginia whose career the author believes others have not been able fully to appreciate, and may have in a measure misrepresented. That Dr. Anderson has not succeeded in provoking admiration of his subject is a tribute to his faithful presentation of Giles' life. The real service that Giles, who for a quarter of a century was a member of Congress, was the assistance he gave to the organization of the Republican party and its maintenance in power. The success that Jefferson had in making of Giles a political supporter is another evidence of his greatness as a leader. But at first a friend of Madison, he broke with the administration and for the rest of his political life he was in a measure a free lance. After retiring from active politics for a decade, he became governor of the State, and later a member of the constitutional convention of 1829, with nothing especially striking to mark his return to politics. At best he can be rated as an interesting politician who was locally important.

But this biography serves perhaps a still better purpose than the telling of Giles' life. The local situation in Virginia in its relation to national politics is illustrated again and again in an interesting and instructive way. Jefferson's political organization, the effect of Jay's treaty on Virginia, an account of the hostility of the judiciary to Jefferson, effect of the embargo on the South, cause of opposition to the re-charter of the bank in 1811-the discussion of these throws a stimulating light on already well known facts.

Reference to Ritchie on page 181 as "One, Thomas Ritchie" is hardly up to the dignity of the rest of the narrative. A few misspelled words (pages 173, 176) escaped the proofreader. Similar studies of the lives of other public men who may not have been original in politics or leaders in their party will serve to correct and broaden impressions which our general histories have made. H. M. HENBY.

Emory and Henry College.

HENDERSON, ERNEST F. A Short History of Germany. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1916. Two volumes. Pp. xi, 517; vii, 604. $3.50 per set.

In this revised edition the author presents three new chapters full of vital, timely material exceedingly illuminative of the characteristics of this nation. The first of these is entitled, "Political Developments from 1871 to 1914," and recounts the hostilities between Church and State in the Kulturkampf, the rise of the Social Democracy and the government's relation to this group, the beginnings of colonial interests, the formation of the Dreibund, the fall of Bismarck, the imperial administration of AlsaceLorraine, and the government's solutions of the Danish and Polish problems. The chapter, "Economic Progress between 1871 and 1914," reveals the manifold ways in which the German people have been organized to achieve the commercial and industrial efficiency which has caused wonder in some sections of the world and apprehension in others. "Social Progress between 1871 and 1914" is the last of the new chapters, and here Germany's watchful care over her citizens from the cradle to the grave is plainly set forth.

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This work has long been considered by most competent judges the best in this field for the high school library, and the author's extension of its scope to 1914 has greatly enhanced its value for the history teacher and his pupils.

SANFORD, ALBERT H. The Story of Agriculture in the United States. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1916. Pp. iv, 394. $1.00.

This is a history of the American farmer as well as of farming in America, telling how he lived as well as how he made his living, and presenting a series of descriptions of rural society in colonial New England, the Middle States, the South, the "back country," and along the frontier. Not only does the narrative make clear to how great a degree the American farmer has made his country's history, but also many of our leading statesmen are shown to its readers as farmers and earnest students of agriculture. Thus Washington, Jefferson, Livingston and Webster are seen, and Franklin appears as the advocate of agricultural education for young men. Following the descriptions of social conditions comes a series of short chapters describing the development of agricultural machinery, life on the range and the ranch, the growth of animal husbandry and dairying, the forms of agriculture peculiar to different sections, the hard times prevailing among farmers in the eighties and nineties of the last century, agriculture in our island possessions, together with similar aspects of the subject. The narrative is clear, the author's selection of material is excellent, and the abundant pictures and sketch maps are well chosen and well made. It will make an excellent reader for schools in rural communities, a serviceable book in public libraries, and good supplementary material for pupils in American history.

FIFE, ROBERT HERNDON. The German Empire Between Two Wars. A Study of the Political and Social Development of the Nation Between 1871 and 1914. New York: Macmillan Co., 1916. Pp. xiv, 400. $1.50.

At the present time when Germany is either being extravagantly praised or vigorously cursed, a sane, informing and readable account of recent Germany is welcome. Dr. Fife has not written a war book, though he felt it important to start with a survey of German foreign relations and ambitions for expansion. To this he has devoted the first hundred pages, and has given a very clear and fair account. He seems inclined to sympathize with the German point of view, but he does not rave. Perhaps his task was easier because he has not touched the immediate causes of the outbreak of war in 1914.

"Part II. The Empire at Home" deals with government and politics, and economic and social conditions in various sections of Germany. Here Dr. Fife deprecates the vast power of the conservative and feudal land owners, but shows himself optimistic over the growth of industrialism and liberalism. Part III is entitled, "The Empire's Problems." Here the author takes up the growth and influence of the Social Democrats, the power wielded by the Roman Catholic Church in German politics owing to the skilful organization of the Center Party, and the problems of dealing with Alsace-Lorraine and the Poles.

In some respects Part IV is the best section of the book. Here Dr. Fife gives an excellent brief account of German city government and municipal socialistic activities, German schools and the problem of religious teaching in them, and the press and its influence over public opinion. Much of this material is very illuminating. Dr. Fife throughout shows a very thorough grasp of his subject and a very friendly attitude toward Germany and things German, and yet he does not hesitate to criticize what he feels deserves it, specially the undemocratic features of German government and the many phases of individual activity which it controls. The book deserves to be widely read and should be purchased by libraries. It will be very useful as reference reading for the more mature high school students, both of history and German. CLARENCE PERKINS.

Ohio State University.

SLATER, GILBERT. The Making of Modern England. New revised edition. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1915, Pp. xli, 308. $2.00.

This is a book on England during the last hundred years. It is written by the head of Ruskin College, the Oxford College for working-men, and has evidently grown out of a series of lectures on labor conditions, life of the people, and social progress. In consequence it stresses throughout the condition of the working classes, the rise of labor organizations, and problems of labor as such. The revised edition contains two admirable introductory chapters on "England at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century" and "The Transformation of England in the Eighteenth Century," besides an introductory note by Prof. James T. Shotwell.

The book is neither a political history nor an economic history, but a series of studies which give a fairly connected view of the real progress and development of the English people. The best of the studies are probably those on the condition of the common people. The two in the new introductory chapters are supplemented by two others on the rural worker and the urban worker a hundred years ago. Social reforms after 1815, such as the abolition of death penalties, receive far less attention than do the organization of labor unions and the early legalization of combinations of labor. Three chapters are given to the reforms in the poor laws in municipal organization, and in the factory laws, which followed the parliamentary reform in 1832.

Although comparatively little attention is paid to Ireland before 1850, Dr. Slater brings out with startling clearness the fact that after the famines (1845-1848) "the people starved not in consequence of a deficiency in the total quantity of food, but purely because their contracts with the landlords compelled them to send the food out of the country [in order to pay their rents], instead of consuming it themselves." In a later chapter, Dr. Slater considers the Irish question from the standpoint of the Irish people rather than of the parliamentary relief acts.

In discussing changes in British industry, Dr. Slater shows the effect of America and Germany. "The influence of American industrial development upon that of our own country has been direct and powerful," especially in the case of the American trust which has forced English manufacturers to use larger plants. "America has also influenced the business methods of Great Britain by shaking them out of their conservatism." "The influence of Germany on contemporary British industrial development has been less direct, but even more important than that of America." Co-operation among German workmen and German technical and university training are particularly noted. In these days it is a pleasure to have an Englishman acknowledge that "the whole of our movement for technical education is a frank imitation of the German example," even if the words were penned before the opening of the great European war.

Dr. Slater not only devotes a chapter to free trade at the time the corn laws were repealed, but considers the question again in connection with the tariff controversies of recent years. He contends that even under the protectionist argument, conditions in England favor free trade rather than protection, but he does not emphasize the fact that England benefited chiefly from free trade because her industries developed earlier than those of other countries.

There is an interesting chapter on public elementary education during the middle of the last century, but nothing on recent educational controversies. The influence of the education of girls on the demand for something better than the old patriarchal" family laws is brought out. One is disappointed that nothing is said about the important social reforms which the Liberal Ministry has made since 1906.

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In its American form the book is intended for college students. It is time that more college men and women understood this side of English history, usually neglected by English historians. For a clear understanding of the story, however, either they will need in addition a better knowledge of English history than college students have or they must use this book side by side with some more formal account of events in England during the last hundred years. To supply these needs the publishers have included a chronological table covering eighteen pages. An exceedingly helpful bibliography of twenty-three pages by Miss Judith B. Williams is also given. There are several charts and a brief index. Students of social and economic history will welcome this volume, and will hope to see soon similar books on earlier phases of English history and on the history of other countries. R. L. ASHLEY. Pasadena High School.

MACE, WILLIAM H., AND TANNER, EDWIN P. The Story of Old Europe and Young America. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., 1915. Pp. 315. 65 cents.

"This little book is an attempt to provide for the sixth grade a suitable text on the European background of American history. The subject matter is, of course, suggested by the Report of the Committee of Eight." The purpose of the authors thus stated in their preface has been admirably carried out. The style is attractive, and the vocabulary, while more difficult than it should be in some places, is on the whole adapted to the sixth grade.

The great problem in the making of a book that covers events ranging from Rameses II to Sir Walter Raleigh is the problem of elimination. This has been well solved; and yet there are almost as many names of different persons in the stories as there are working days in the school year. Of course, not all of these persons are strangers to the pupils. Particularly to be commended, for simplicity and charm, are the accounts of Roman life and life in the Middle Ages.

The book is amply supplied with maps, some being double-paged and colored. Illustrations are particularly abundant and well executed. Each section of the book is followed by "Leading Facts," of whose usefulness we have grave doubts; "Study Questions," many of them thoughtprovoking; and "Suggested Readings," a series of helpful

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Before me, a notary public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Albert E. McKinley, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the managing editor of THE HISTORY TEACHER'S MAGAZINE, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit:

1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are:

Publisher, McKinley Publishing Co.,
Editor, Albert E. McKinley,
Managing Editor, Albert E. McKinley,
Business Manager, Carl Litle,

2. That the owners are: Albert E. McKinley, Charles S. McKinley,

Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding one per cent. or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. (Signed) ALBERT E. MCKINLEY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of September, 1916. JULIA M. O'BRIEN, Notary Public.

HISTORY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATIONS. Additions to and corrections of the following list of associations are requested by the editor of the MAGAZINE.

Alabama History Teachers' Association, T. L. Grove, Tuscaloosa, Ala., member of Executive Council.

American Historical Association-Secretary, Waldo G. Leland, Washington, D. C.

History Teachers' Association of Cincinnati, O.-Secretary, J. W. Ayres, High School, Madisonville, Ohio.

History Section of Colorado State Teachers' Association -Chairman, Mark J. Sweany, Colorado Springs.

History Teachers' Association of Florida-President, Miss Caroline Brevard, Woman's College, Tallahassee; secretary, Miss E. M. Williams, Jacksonville.

Indiana History Teachers' Association-President, Beverley W. Bond, Jr., Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.; secretary, D. H. Eilsenberry, Muncie, Ind.

Iowa Society of Social Science Teachers-President, Prof. L. B. Schmidt, Ames, Ia.; secretary, Miss Mary Kassan, East High School, Des Moines, Ia.

Jasper County, Mo., History Association-Secretary, Miss Elizabeth Peiffer, Carthage, Mo.

Kleio Club of University of Missouri.

Association of History Teachers of Middle States and Maryland-President, Miss Jessie C. Evans, William Penn High School, Philadelphia; secretary, Prof. L. R. Schuyler, City College, New York City.

Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Teachers' Section-Chairman, A. O. Thomas, Lincoln, Neb.; secretary, Howard C. Hill, State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis.

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History Section of Oklahoma Teachers' Association-Miss Mitchell, Central Normal School, Edmond.

South Dakota History Teachers' Association-Secretary, Edwin Ott, Sioux Falls, S. D.

Tennessee History Teachers' Association-Secretarytreasurer, Max Souby, Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Texas History Teachers' Section of the State Teachers' Association-President, Frederic Duncalf, Austin, Texas; secretary, L. F. McKay, Temple, Texas.

Twin City History Teachers' Association-Secretary, Miss Amanda Sundean, 2828 South Girard Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn., teacher in West High School.

Virginia History Teachers' Section of Virginia State Teachers' Association-President, Prof. J. M. Lear, Farmville; secretary, Katherine Wicker, Norfolk, Va.

Teachers' Historical Association of Western Pennsylvania -Secretary, Anna Ankrom, 1108 Franklin Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pa.

West Virginia History Teachers' Association-President, Charles E. Hedrick, Glenville; secretary, Dora Newman, of Fairmont.

Wisconsin History Teachers' Association-Chairman, A. C. Kingsford, Baraboo High School; secretary, A. H. Sanford, La Crosse Normal School.

[blocks in formation]

Clark, Victor S. History of manufactures in the United States, 1607-1860. Wash., D. C.: Carnegie Inst. 675 pp. (274 pp. bibl.). $6.00.

Daughters of the American Revolution, Nebraska. Collection of Nebraska pioneer reminiscences. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Torch Press. 361 pp. $3.00.

Dittenhoefer, Abram J. How we elected Lincoln. N. Y.:

Harper. 94 pp. 50 cents, net. Fidelity Trust Co., Newark, N. J. Historic Newark. Newark, N. J. [The Author]. 55 pp. Gratis. Herdman, Marie L. The history of the United States.

N. Y.: Stokes. 496 pp. $2.50, net.

Historical and biographical records of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania. In 2 vols. Chicago: J. A. Beers & Co. $18.00.

Jones, Chester L. Caribbean interests of the United States. N. Y.: Appleton. 379 pp. (151⁄2 pp. bibl.). $2,50, net. Sabin, Edward L. With Sam Houston in Texas. Phila.: Lippincott. 320 pp. $1.25, net.

Staten Island Antiquarian Soc. History-story-legend of the old King's Highway, now Richmond Road, Staten Island. [N. Y.: Hine Bros.]. 27 pp. 25 cents. Surrey, N. M. M. The commerce of Louisiana during the French regime, 1699-1763. N. Y.: Longmans. ns. 476 pp. 13 pp. bibl.). $3.50.

Van Winkle, Edward. Manhattan, 1624-1639. N. Y. [The Author]. 47 + 18 pp. $10.00, net.

Wentz, Abdel R. The beginnings of the German element in York County, Penna. Lancaster, Pa.: Penna. German Soc. 217 pp. (9 pp. bibl.). $1.00, net.

Wisconsin State Hist. Soc. Library. The Keyes and the Civil War manuscript collections in the library. Madison, Wis.: [The Society]. 20 pp. 10 cents.

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Dubnow. S. M. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Vol. 1. From the earliest times to the death of Alexander I (1825). Phila.: Jewish Pub. Soc. 413 pp. $1.50.

Hayes, Carleton J. H. A political and social history of modern Europe. Vols. 1 and 2. N. Y.: Macmillan. Vol. 1, 582 pp. $2.00, net. Vol. 2, 726 pp. (bibls.). $2.25, net.

Madelin, Louis. The French Revolution. N. Y.: Putnam. 661 pp. $2.50, net.

Stryienski, Casimir. The eighteenth century. N. Y.: Putnam. 344 pp. $2.50, net.

The Great War.

Anzac, pseudonym. On the Anzac trail; extracts from the diary of a New Zealand sapper. Phila. Lippincott. 210 pp. $1.00, net.

Belloc, Hilaire. The elements of the great war; the second phase; the Battle of the Marne. N. Y.: Hearst's Inter. Lib. Co. 382 pp. $1.50, net.

Casualty, pseudonym. "Contemptible." Phila.: Lippincott. 216 pp. $1.00, net.

Dillon, Emile J. England and Germany. N. Y.: Brentano's. 312 pp. $3.00, net.

Guyot, Yoes. Causes and consequences of the war. N. Y.: Brentano's. 360 pp. $3.00, net.

Koester, F. The lies of the Allies. N. Y.: Fatherland Pub. Co. 48 pp.

Somville, Gustav. The road to Liège. N. Y.: Doran.. 296 pp. $1.00, net.

Swinton, Ernest D., and Percy, Alex I. A year ago; eyewitness's narrative of the war from March 30 to July 18, 1915. N. Y.: Longmans. 217 pp. $1.00, net.

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