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A roe or a young hart-Swiftly leaping from mountain to mountain; preparing the world for His coming Reign.

Behold He standeth-"There standeth One among you whom ye know not."

Behind our wall.-The wall of our earthly house, unseen by the eye of flesh.

He looketh forth-He looketh in.

At the windows-The windows of the soul, the eyes of the understanding.

Showing Himself-Revealing the fact of His Second Pre


Through the lattice-Parallels and cross references of Holy Writ.

2:10. My Beloved spake-"Thine ears shall hear a voice behind thee."

And said unto me-Through the words of the Prophets and the Apostles.

Rise up, My love-"Awake, awake! put on thy strength.” My fair one-"Put on thy beautiful garments."

And come away-From earthly to Heavenly conditions. 2:11. For lo, the winter-The time of the burning of the tares; "pray ye that your flight be not in the winter." Is past-Will shortly be past.

The rain-The deluge of Truth.

Is over and gone.-The Harvest work is all accomplished: will have been finished at the time here indicated. 2:12. The flowers-Promise of a new fruitage.

Appear on the earth-Among the restitution class.
The time of the singing-The harmonious mating.

Of birds is come-Of Heaven-sent prophecies and their fulfilments. "Search ye out and see; not one of these shall want her mate"; i. e., every word of every prophecy will be fulfilled.

The voice of the turtle-The turtle-dove; "the congregation of Thy poor" is thus described by the Psalmist.

Is heard in our land-The poor begin to take hope; the harbingers of the New Era are about us on every hand. 2:13. The fig tree-The Jewish nation.

Putteth forth-"Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; when they now shoot forth know ye that the

Kingdom of God is nigh."

Her green figs-Plans for re-establishment in Palestine. And the vines-Of the Father's right hand planting. With the tender grape-Bearing the precious fruitage of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control.

Give a good smell-Yield a sweet perfume to the husbandman. "My Father is the Husbandman."

Arise My Love-"Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead."

My fair one-The queen in gold of Ophir, Daughter of the Great King.

And come away.-"Forget also thine own people and thy father's house."

2:14. O my Dove-The Bride addresses her unseen Lord.

That art in-Directly in, fully in, guiding, controlling. The clefts-The apparent fractures or injuries.

Of the rock-The Kingdom; the Stone cut out without hands.

In the secret places-The dark corners of life's experi ences, where we halt trembling and afraid.

Of the stairs-The stepping stones by which we ascend to the Heavenly City.

Let me see Thy countenance—“I shall be satisfied when I awake in Thy likeness."

Let me hear Thy voice-"The sheep follow Him; for they know His voice."

For sweet is Thy voice-"Grace is poured into Thy lips." And Thy countenance is comely-"I will that they may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory." 2:15. Take us the foxes-Take away from us the sly faults, originating in the deceitful mind of the flesh.

The little foxes-Secret beginnings of sin in the mind. That spoil the vines-That prevent us from yielding the fruitage of love so precious in Thy sight.

For our vines-"I am the Vine; ye are the branches." Have tender grapes-Have begun a fruitage, which is ripening beautifully in the Father's sight.

2:16. My Beloved is mine-"The Head can not say to the feet, I have no need of you."

And I am His-"If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body, is it not of the body?" He feedeth-Bestows His spiritual favors upon.

The lilies "The meek will He guide in judgment; the meek will He teach His way."

2:17. Until the day break-Until the Messianic Morn ing has fully dawned.

And the shadows-Of the reign of sin and death.
Flee away-Depart forever.

Turn my Beloved-Continue to hide Thyself from earthly eyes.

And be Thou like-In Thy swiftness of movement. A roe or a young hart-Leaping from mountain to moun. tain-kingdom to kingdom.

Upon the mountains-Gentile dominions.

Of Bether-Of divisions, which separate us from Thee and separate Thee from Thy long-promised Reign.

3:1. By night-While I was still in the dark in regard to God's great Plan.

On my bed-My creed bed, the one from which I have now been taken, but in which many others are still left. I sought Him-Sought intimate fellowship with Him. Whom my soul loveth-"He that loveth father or mother son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me." I sought Him-Christ, the Heavenly Bridegroom. But I found Him not-Certainly not; how absurd of me to expect to greet the Bridegroom when I was in bed, sound asleep!


I will rise now-This creed bed is uncomfortable; it is "shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it." And go about the city-Interest myself in the activities of Christendom.

In the streets-Enter into the affairs of its governments. And in the broad ways-Plunge into its pleasures-“gay white ways," etc.

I will seek Him-Try to find the place of rest.

Whom my soul loveth-For which my soul longs. "We who have believed do enter into rest."

I sought Him-Sought rest of heart in all these ways. But I found Him not-"All that my soul has tried left but an aching void."

3:3. The watchmen-Of nominal Zion; the clergy. That go about the city-Christendom, Babylon.

Found me-Drew me under their influence.

To whom I said-Having become deeply interested in the subject of the Lord's promised Return.

Saw ye Him-Have you discerned the fact of the Bridegroom's Presence?

Whom my soul loveth-There was no reply, for the reason that "His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant: they are all dumb dogs; they cannot bark."


It was but a little-"He is not far from us." That I passed from them-Became unbound, unfettered. But I found Him-Was made acquainted with the proofs of the Parousia.

Whom my soul loveth-We ought to live for Him who died for us.

I held Him-"Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."

And would not let Him go-"I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me."

Till I had brought Him-Till I had accompanied Him.
Into my mother's house-The antitypical Sarah tent.

And into the chamber-Heaven itself.

Of her that conceived me-The Sarah Covenant; the Oath-bound Covenant.

3:5. I charge you-I must give you this message. O ye daughters-Professed children.

Of Jerusalem-The Kingdom of God.

By the roes-Which you regard as the loveliest things of earth, as illustrated by the statuary on your estates. And by the hinds-The things which you regard as most full of grace; therefore typical of your churches, colleges, hospitals, libraries and charitable institutions.

Of the field-The world, the present order of things.
That ye stir not up-Seek not to arouse.

Nor awake my Love-To take charge of earth's affairs. Till He please-For when He does stand up to assume control, "there will be a Time of Trouble such as never was," in which all these beautiful things upon which you have set your heart will be obliterated.

3:6. Who is this that cometh-The Lord's professed people thus speak of the evidences of the Lord's Second Presence.

Out of the wilderness-The Time of Trouble having come, they recognize that the long-promised Second Coming of the Lord is an accomplished fact.

Like pillars of smoke-Terrible in majesty, definite, personal, intangible. "I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke." Perfumed with myrrh-Anointed with Wisdom. And frankincense-Praise to Jehovah.

With all powders-All ingredients of the holy anointing oil, type of the Holy Spirit.

Of the merchant-The apothecary; the Heavenly Father. "God gave not the Spirit by measure unto Him."

3:7. Behold His bed-The place of His ultimate rest. and ours.

Which is Solomon's-Christ's, in glory.

Threescore valiant men-The sixty centuries during which evil has been permitted.

Are about it-Standing between the people of God and the rest which He has promised.

Of the valiant-Invincible, immovable. Of Israel-Of the people of God. All the centuries belong to God; they are His servants, working out His sover eign will.

3:8. They all hold swords-Since the slaughter of Abel, all the centuries have been filled with bloodshed.

Being expert in war-War has prevailed throughout the earth during all that time.

Every man hath his sword-Every century has its implements of war.

Upon his thigh-Ready for use upon the slightest provocation.

Because of fear-The present world-war is due to mutual fear and distrust.

In the night-The time of the permission of evil; the time for dark motives and dark deeds.

3:9. King Solomon-Christ, in glory.

Made Himself a chariot-Appiryon, palanquin; a magnificent vehicle provided for a queen's reception and her entrance into the royal city, and in which the King goes forth to meet her; typified by the chariot of fire which bore Elijah away from earthly scenes: the magnificent spectacle with which this Age will end.—See page 63.

Of the wood of Lebanon-The saints. The typical temple was built, in part, of cedar and fir timber cut from Mt. Lebanon.

3:10. He made the pillars thereof-The corner posts, Just outside the place of greatest honor.

Of silver-The Great Company.

The bottom thereof-The canopy overhead; "that in all things He might have the preeminence."

Of gold-The Divine nature.

The covering thereof―The seat; the Throne of the Royal Priesthood.

Of purple-Royalty.

The midst thereof-The heart of it.

Being paved with love-Love of the highest order-love for enemies.

For the daughters-The professed children; nominal Spiritual Israel.

Of Jerusalem-The Kingdom of God.

3:11. Go forth—“Come out of her," out of Babylon.
O ye daughters of Zion-My people; God's people.
And behold King Solomon-Get clear views of Christ.
With the crown-The Crown of Life; the Divine nature.
Wherewith His mother-The Sarah Covenant.
Crowned Him-With glory and honor.

In the day-Pentecost.

Of His espousals-When the antitypical Eliezer was received by the antitypical Rebecca.

And in the day-Now at hand, praise the Lord!

Of the gladness of His heart-When the marriage of the Lamb takes place. "Blessed is he that is called to the marriage supper of the Lamb."

4:1. Behold thou art fair-The Lord addresses His Bride anew,

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