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JANUARY 1, 1859.


THERE is reason to believe that this matter will not rest where it now is. Other Societies and influential Bodies have taken up the question, and the "London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews" are setting vigorously to work in order to obtain the liberation of Edgar Mortara.

The Memorial of the Committee of the Protestant Association to Lord Malmesbury appeared in many of the London and Provincial journals; and to indicate the wide-extended interest taken in the case of this Jewish family, we may mention that the address has appeared in Continental journals, and one copy even from a Portuguese newspaper has been sent us, though it might have been supposed that such language as was contained in the Memorial would not have found favour amongst those who have the control or censorship of the press in Portugal.

The reply from the Foreign Office to the Memorial of the Committee of the Protestant Association was as follows:

"Sir,-In reply to your letter of the 4th instant, enclosing a Memorial addressed to the Earl of Malmesbury by the Committee of the Protestant Association, praying that the influence of the British Government may be exerted for the restoration of the Jewish child, Edgar Mortara, to his parents at Bologna, I am directed by his Lordship to state to you that he apprehends the interference of the Protestant Government of Great Britain would be entirely unavailing after the earnest efforts of Catholic States have failed.

"I am, Sir,

"Your most obedient, humble servant,

"J. Lord, Esq."


This disinclination to interfere seems shared in by the Prussian Government, according to the following paragraph from the "Standard," Dec. 28:


"A letter from Berlin, of the 23d, says: 'The Jewish communities in Prussia, who had applied to the Government to interfere in the Mortara affair, have just received a reply in the negative."" VOL. XXI., January, 1859. B New Series, No. 229.

Another journal, however, indicates the activity of the French Government in the matter, and states that "the French Ambassador has visited young Mortara, to ascertain if what the 'Civilta' had asserted be true.”

The "Times" of 28th December gives an interesting correspondence between Sir Moses Montefiore and Sir Culling Eardley, which concludes with the following:

"At a Meeting of the Board held at the Spanish and Portuguese Vestry Chambers, on Wednesday evening, the 22d of December, 5619 (1858), Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., President, in the chair, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted :

"That in the opinion of this Board it is desirable to memorialize the head of the Pontifical Government on the subject of the Mortara


"That Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., President, be requested to present the same personally, if and when his health and engagements, and the health of Lady Montefiore, enable him to undertake the journey.

"That the Committee on the Mortara case be empowered to prepare the Memorial, and to make such arrangements as they may deem expedient for a deputation from this Board, and other public Jewish bodies, to accompany Sir Moses Montefiore on his mission; and to adopt such other measures on the subject as they may consider necessary.""


Do those who find fault with their fellow-Protestants for protesting against the State endowment of Popery consider well what is the nature of the Papal system? Are they alive to its enormities? Do they regard the denunciations pronounced against it in Scripture? It is much to be feared that they do not. Indeed, there is reason to apprehend that the vast majority of Protestants are but little aware of, or alive to, the inherent wickedness of Popery. Viewing it in the light of Scripture, that system must be regarded as amongst the greatest antagonists which have ever appeared to the pure and undefiled religion of Christ Jesus; as an antichristian organization or confederacy, which assumes the attributes of Deity, and calls upon mankind, under threat of being visited with the gravest consequences of Papal wrath, to acknowledge and bow down before the self-assumed authority of the Papal See. With ominous significancy, it has been styled "the Mystery of Iniquity," as if in direct contradistinction to "the mystery of godliness." The one is God manifest in the flesh; what is the other but Antichrist manifested in the flesh, opposing and exalting himself against Scripture and scriptural Christianity, ensnaring and enslaving the nations of the earth, and

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