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SERM. principle, to detract from the merits of

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But far too many aim at the accomplishment of their wishes by what they suppose a nearer and an easier way; conscious that they are either unequal, or too indolent to exalt themselves to the same situation with those whose praises they hear, they endea vour to degrade these distinguished per

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sonages to their own obscurity, that they may in some measure exchange places with them; for they erroneously suppose, that as the deserving are depressed, the worthless are exalted, and therefore, when they are calumniating another, or detracting from his merits, his depression is but a secondary motive with them, their own elevation is the first. nov 10

A second root of scandal and detraction is envy this i

this is yery similar in its nature to the species of pride above-mentioned, but yet it is not quite the same; it is even


still more hateful. The first motive of SERM. the proud man, I have just observed, is to raise himself, and the depression of others is but the means by which he persuades himself that he shall compass his end; but the envious man has not even this palliation, ignoble as it is; an impatience of excellence, an indignation at merit, is all which he feels, and if he can but degrade and disgrace the distinguished, it is all for which he cares.


A third origin of this vice is malice; we have received from our neighbour some real or imaginary injury; some opposition of interests has arisen between us; or some other circumstance has happened, be it what it may, which has provoked our dislike of him; perhaps it is not in our power to avenge ourselves any other way, or not in our idea to an adeMor quate degree, we therefore commence an attack on his character, vilify and abuse.



SERM. him on all occasions, disparaging his meX. rits, and aggravating his failings, whenever we have opportunity.

The wicked, hateful, despicable nature of these passions is sufficiently obvious, and these are the usual springs, from which speaking evil of others may be deduced: the bare enumeration of them is alone sufficient to bring a disgrace and odium on whatever flows from them; but we should be still more on our guard against falling into this vice of slander, when we hear the great impediment to our interest and happiness, which it must prove both in this world and the next.

But, first, I will just mention one other ground of scandal, and that is vanity. There are many who repeat and aggravate stories to the disgrace of their neighbours, who are said to be influenced by no other motive than the desire of hearing themselves talk, and contributing to the entertainment



tainment of their companions: but it may SERM. be questioned whether vanity be ever the sole motive, and whether, in a greater or less degree, pride, envy, or malice do not mingle with it; or at the best, supposing the vain man entirely free from any vice in his defamatory practices, and instigated merely by folly, he is yet a pander to the vices and bad passions of others: he does an infinity of mischief, and that perhaps to the most deserving, and is guilty of the greatest cruelty and injustice. He, who uttereth slander, is a fool; he is a great enemy to his own interest and happiness, both in this world and the next. This assertion is true, not only of a flanderer, properly so called-of one who invents and propagates falsehoods to the damage of another's reputation-but of him likewise, who on slight suspicions and weak grounds and goes about repeating ruwhich may possibly in some de

takes up,




SERM. gree be true. If the esteem of his fellowcreatures be of any value in his eyes, let him remember, that he of all others stands. the least chance of possessing it; the inventor of slander, the propagator of calumny, the retailer of scandal and detraction, is the object of universal contempt and abhorrence: to those who are imme

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diately injured by him he is particularly odious, nor is there any other kind of robber, whom they would not more readily pardon, than the robber of their good


But it is not the injured person alone who pursues the calumniator with his hatred; all men make common cause against him; the virtuous and noble cannot bear the thought of being deprived of a wellearned reputation, and of being subjected to the pestilential breath of obloquy: they of course hold him in detestation, from whom, knowing how he behaves to


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