Page Agricultural products and provisions- -Schedule G..... 227 227 Articles manufactured, nonenumerated-Paragraph 385. 250 Articles unmanufactured, nonenumerated-Paragraph 385.. 250 Bounty-Section IV, Paragraph E. 300 Breadstuffs and farinaceous substances- -Schedule G. 227 212 Discriminating duty-Section IV, Paragraph J, Sub Sec. 1. 303 Internal Revenue-Section IV, Paragraphs C, D, M, O, P. Machinery for repair-Section IV, Paragraph J, Sub. Sec. 4. 303 Marking, branding and stamping-Section IV, Paragraph F. 301 227 Smelting and refining- -Section IV, Paragraph N, Sub. Sec. 1 306 Soap-Schedule A.. 205 Soda-Schedule A. 205 Spirits, wines and other beverages-Schedule H. Vessels, materials for Section IV, Paragraph J, Sub. Sec. 6. 304 Wire Schedule C.. 216 Wood, and manufactures of-Schedule D 225 Wool, and manufactures of-Schedule K 238 Par. B INDEX TO CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATIVE ACT OF JUNE 10, 1890, AS AMENDED BY SECTION III AND IV, ACT OF OCTOBER 3, 1913 Sec. III Page. X Abandoned goods, underwriters as consignees. 285 296 Abatement of duties on abandoned goods.. 296 310 296 310 EERERE III V 295 296 289 296 296 289 310-313 Application for review by U. S. Courts of Cus- 310-313 Appraiser to ascertain market value of goods. 291 Act Aug. 5, 1909.) compensation of .310-317 duties of .310-317 Baggage of passengers in transit to foreign countries 298 Court of Customs Appeals, U. S., application Consignors, indorsement of bill of lading by.. 285 297 Cost of production, appraisement by means of. 291 statement of to accompany entries of goods consigned by manufacturer... 290 Coverings, and containers unusual.. 295 usual, contents subject to ad valorem or 295 Currency of invoices. 285 G, H E Customs officers not liable to importers. Declarations in place of oaths.. penalties for making false statements in.. 298 294 310 288 286 D to invoices 286 F to entry by owner, importer, consignee, or agent 287 Sec. IV (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 30, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) III R Y III I Duties on unusual coverings or containers.... 295 297 eral rule 289 III I at more than market value pending re appraisements 289 III G, H penalties for false. 288 III J of goods consigned by manufacturer, state- 290 of goods consigned but not by manufac- 290 286 T ex 289 297 of goods valued at over $100.. Errors, clerical, correction of manifest. of books, records and accounts of im- of importers as to importations. of importers, penalty for refusal to answer. False declarations, penalties for making. entries, penalties for. Fees for protests. reappraisement 295 296 294 294 288 288 293 291 other than above and consular, prohibited. 310 Forfeiture cannot be remitted by Secretary of of goods for false invoice or fraud. 289 288 of goods for perjury of owner, importer or consignee 294 I of goods for undervaluation. 289 and liabilities incurred under prior acts 310 I to apply to entire package containing un- 289 T suits, burden of proof on claimant. 295 X Fruit or other perishable articles, allowance for 296 S General appraisers, appointment of. ..310-312 (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 12, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) IV S (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 12, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 12, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) S IV (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 12, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) S IV (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 12, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) S IV (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 12, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) S IV (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 12, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) not to be engaged in business.......310-312 number of politics of .310-312 310-312 possess powers of a Circuit Court, in .310-312 .310-312 under general direction of the Secretary .310-312 how appointed, etc. 310-312 III in warehouse, time they may remain in.. 295 Imported goods, ownership of.. Importers, examination of, as to value of goods. declarations on 285 294 289 286 G, H to be made out in currency of country of 285 to be made out in currency paid if goods are purchased or agreed to be pur- 285 to have original bills attached when goods to state market value if goods consigned. Ꭰ D Lading, bills of K 296 286 286 285 Market value, additions or deductions to make. 289 ascertainment of (Sec. 28, Sub Sec. 12, Act Aug. 5, 1909.) Merchandise, ownership of New York, permanent board of general ap Non liability of customs officers to importers.. 298 285 Ꮓ See "Protest.' S Oaths, abolishment of 310 general appraisers and collectors, author- 294 to be stated in invoices of goods purchased or agreed to be purchased. 286 Protest, contingent fees for filing, etc., prohibited or notice of dissatisfaction as to rate of 293 293 than or notice of dissatisfaction as to fees, deemed abandoned unless fee of $1 is Page. 293 291 paid within 30 days after filing. 293 on each entry is paid within 2 days must be called for by importer within 10 291 291 days collector may call for, within sixty days. 291 by board of general appraisers must be called for by importer within 5 days. 291 collector may call for, within 10 days. by board of general appraisers final.. notice of hearing required. 291 291 291 samples or merchandise need not be ex amined 291 Refund of duties improperly collected. 297 Repeal sections 310 T Secretary of the Treasury to report to Congress 297 suits in cases of, burden of proof on 289 claimant 295 III J Statement on entry of goods consigned for sale. 290 under previous acts not affected by this act 310 Undervaluation of goods, penalties for.. 289 III B Underwriters recognized as consignees.. 285 IV III Unrepealed sections Act August 5, 1909..310-312 295 Usual coverings and containers, contents sub- U. S. Court of Customs Appeals. 295 310-313 application for review of decision of board appointment of judges... decisions of, final duties of judges.. establishment of 310-313 |