![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=NWvmWMRB4DAC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1908 - 710 pages
....failure of any officer, agent or other person acting for or employed by any corporation within the «cope of his employment or office, shall in every case 'be...society, or association, as well as that of the person. REG. 48. PENALTY. PENALTY. Any person convicted of violating any of tihe provisions of the foregoing... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=Qu0bAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1907 - 396 pages
...the! provisions oí this act, the act, omission or failure of any officer, agent or other pf r-, son acting for or employed by any corporation, company,...scope of his employment or office, shall in every сале be also de?med to be the act, i omission or failure of such, corporation, company, society... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=LBEWAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1907 - 796 pages
...acting for or employed by any common carrier, or shipper, acting within the scope of his employment, shall in every case be also deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of such carrier or shipper as well as that of the person. Whenever any carrier files with the Interstate Commerce... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=CJZS28zy9jcC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1915 - 1352 pages
...omission, or failure of any officer, agent, or other person, acting for or employed by any other person or by any corporation, company, society, or association...deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of such other person, or of such company, corporation, society, or association, as well as that of the person... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=Uz0LAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | John Michels (Journalist) - 1922 - 700 pages
...associations. When construing and enforcing the provisions of this Act, the act, omission, or failure of any officer, agent, or other person acting for...employment or office, shall in every case be also deemed to the act, omission, or failure of such corporation, company, society, or association as well as that... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=xlIsAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1898
...omission, or failure of any officer, agent, or other person acting for or employed by any common carrier shall in every case be also deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of such carrier, as well as that of the person. "Whenever any carrier files or publishes a particular rate... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=L75XAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1906 - 760 pages
...associations. When construing and enforcing the provisions of this act, the act, omission, or failure of any officer, agent, or other person acting for...or association as well as that of the person. "Sec. 13. That this act shall be in force and effect from and after the first day of January, nineteen hundred... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=K3kXiTeBRLsC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1908 - 844 pages
...associations. When construing and enforcing the provisions of this Act, the act, omission, or failure of any officer, agent, or other person acting for...or association as well as that of the person. SEC. 13. That this Act shall be in force and effect from and after the first day of January, nineteen hundred... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=2v04AAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | United States - 1903 - 576 pages
...other person acting for or employed by any common carrier acting within the scope of his employment shall in every case be also deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of such carrier as well as that of the person. Whenever any carrier files with the Interstate Commerce Commission... | |
![](https://books.google.com.bd/books/content?id=BrsVAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Balthasar Henry Meyer - 1903 - 356 pages
...other person acting for or employed by any common carrier acting within the scope of his employment shall in every case be also deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of such carrier as well as that of the person. Whenever any carrier files with the Interstate Commerce Commission... | |
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