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and many have tested it in scores of cases. It may be unfailingly depended upon. Think of it in every tedious case of labor.

I do not know of an indication for ipecac that is not as well, if not better, filled by lobelia. After years of careful experiment with the two drugs I have practically discarded ipecac.

Its sedative influence upon the motor nerves of respiration is unequalled. Who has not seen spasmodic bronchial contraction. (asthma) promptly relieved by lobelia ?

In its specific field as a relaxant, through its sedative influence upon the motor nerves, not all the resources of modern therapeutics have been able to supersede it. Don't neglect this grand old remedy.

WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE ECLECTICS?-The Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic.-The recent action of the Rush Medical College in conferring the medical degree upon two eminent eclectic doctors of Chicago brings to mind the question which heads this article. Doubtless there was a time in the history of the regular profession in this country when such a question would not have been considered for a moment. Eclectics were branded as quacks and were not thought worthy of being mentioned in the same breath with the regulars. Fortunately the times are changing and no one doubts that there are many educated gentlemen who are called eclectics and possess as much conscience, as much knowledge, and as much of this world's goods as falls to the lot of the average medical man. The eclectic colleges of medicine enjoyed in many localities a mushroom growth, just as all have witnessed among regular schools. Many of each kind have justly died, for which we are all thankful. The better ones survive. That the eclectic schools of the present day are doing good work cannot be doubted. The fact that regular colleges will accept attendance upon an eclectic institution as a course of medical instruction certainly is creditable to the eclecticism of to-day. And between them and us there is not the great difference which some suppose. Of course, some persons, with all the zeal of apostates, believe no good exists outside their own fold, but among the thinking, broad minded men of all schools there is a feeling that the dividing line is an arbitrary one. Listen to what eclecticism believes


"1. That every physician has a right to exercise his own judg ment, and that no society or college has a right to prescribe and enforce. a medical creed.

"2. That the physician is bound to preserve, with the utmost care, the vital powers of his patient; to aid nature in the cure of disease; and to avoid every measure in practice, which experience proves to be deleterious or dangerous to the constitution.

"3. That the practice of blood-letting and the use of mercurial remedies has been proved, by ample experience, to be generally injurious, and often dangerous to life, and ought, therefore, to be discarded from a system of medical practice.

"4. That the new remedies, which have been introduced by American eclectic practitioners, are entirely sufficient to accomplish all the purposes which have heretofore been aimed at by these methods and in a much safer and more efficient manner.

"5. That all new truths should be received and investigated in a spirit of candor, so that the errors and deficiencies in medical science may be corrected as soon as possible."

As the venerable Dr. I. J. M. Goss, of Marietta, Ga., has said: "All the schools teach the same truths in regard to anatomy, physiology, chemistry, surgery (materia medica, as far as they know the materia medica) and the science or practice of medicine, as they have learned it. They differ in regard to some new remedies."

However, we have not answered the question. What shall we do with the eclectics? Our answer is: Make good doctors out of them if they are not already such. Extend the hand of friendship. Ask them to omit the name "Eclectic" and simply call themselves physicians. Follow this policy for ten years and there will be no pathies in medicine.-Tri-State Med. Journal.

[We might with equal propriety ask, What shall we do with the "regulars." We could as well say, make good doctors out of them, if they are not already such. Extend the hand of friendship. Ask them to omit the name "regular" from their college announcements and society by-laws. If there is anything narrow or despicable or to be ashamed of, it is not with the eclectics we assure you. Our colleges, our societies, our journals, our books, our physicians, all stand to-day upon the broadest platform known to medical schools. In the face of a half century of persecution eclectic principles, eclectic physicians, eclectic schools, eclectic books, eclectic journals, eclectic remedies, eclectic patronage, eclectic influence have grown wider and wider, and stronger and stronger and deeper, and greater and grander until now they not only deserve, but command the respect of any man or set of men who are not wholly heartless, and inhuman. Our reply to the question, what shall we do with the regular, is, Go on as we have begun, keep on improving eclectic means and methods, developing eclectic remedies, increasing eclectic patronage, filling eclectic colleges, supporting eclectic journals, buying eclectic books and medicines, practicing eclectic principles, letting the world and allopathy know who we are, and what we are and what we have-that we are distinctively a school, and not hangers on; and we are sure that the pulverization will be on the other side. "There'll be no pathies in medicine." We do not write

this to keep up broil and strife and differences between schools, but to encourage eclectics to more and better work, and to express to others that we are not the only school that should make concessions over the destruction of differences.]

THE following was adopted at the quarterly meeting of the Missouri State Board of Health, October 28, 1895, and was ordered sent to the medical colleges: Resolved, That as a further condition of the recognition as in good standing the college shall furnish the secretary of the State Board of Health on or before January 1, of each year, a complete list of all matriculates, together with the basis upon which each applicant matriculated, giving the name of the institution from which the degree or certificate of graduation was obtained, or the name of the state official conducting the examination, or the college previously attended, together with the date when the degree or certificate was issued. This list to be sworn to by the executive officers of the college and attested by the secretary under the seal of the college, The General Practitioner.

[This is a right move. There is too much stuffing of lists of matriculants, and too many loose matriculations not only in Missouri but in Ohio. Have rules to govern colleges and make every one live up to them to the letter.]

THE DIAGNOSTIC VALUE OF FLUID DISCHARGES FROM THE EAR IN HEAD INJURIES.-From a variety of considerations, Miles (Edinburgh Medical Journal, Fo. 485, p. 442) arrives at the conclusion that, while in the majority of cases in which bleeding and welling-up of cerebro spinal fluid from the ear are present, a fracture of the middle fossa of the skull exists, these signs are not pathogonomic. The fracture is in many cases, perhaps in most, simply a coincidence. The great bulk of the hemorrhage comes from the vessels of the arachno-pial membrane and of the temporo-sphenoidal lobe of the brain and not from the fractured bone. The path of the discharges is along the sheath of the auditory nerve, through the lamina cribrosa to the vestibule, thence through the middle ear and the ruptured membrane to the external meatus. Excluding the extra risk of sepsis, the prognosis is on the whole better when these signs exist than when they do not.-Med. News.

HICCOUGH.-Dr. Jno. L. Jelks, of Memphis, Tenn.. reports the relief and cure of an obstinate case of hiccough by the administration internally of chloroform in doses from fifteen to twenty drops, and by the local application of a roller bandage closely applied around the ribs over the diaphragm. Chief credit is given to the bandage.

ASEPSIN AND SODA BICARB.-John Fearn, M. D., Oakland, Cal.Many an Eclectic has made success and friends, by the use of sulphite of soda. The indications are plain for the use of this (when specifi. cally indicated) invaluable drug; the dirty white tongue; it may be heavily coated or not, but the tongue and mucous membrane are pale and dirty-indicating acidity, plus sepsis or dirt in the blood. The combination of soda and sulphur meets both indications, and thus removes both wrongs.

But many times we have pale mucous membranes, and what we might term a clean white tongue, at least there is an absence of dirtiness. These conditions we often see after acute sicknesses. I have many times seen it in typhoid conditions after the fever is broken, and the patient begins to look towards convalescence. For a good while now I have been using to meet this condition, a combination, which I have given the students in the California Medical College, but from the success which I have met with, it deserves a larger field, hence these lines.

The combination is soda bicarb. and asepsin, it may be prepared as follows:

[blocks in formation]

grs. x to xv.

This powder may be added to water, say 20 grains to a glass of water which can be used during the twenty-four hours, or it may be given in two or three grain doses every few hours as indicated. In all these cases there is atony and flatulence to a greater or less extent and while the soda meets the call for alkali, the asepsin being an aromatic stimulant, overcomes the flatulent distension of the intestinal tract, and at same time by its antiseptic properties overcomes septic conditions and sweetens the whole intestinal tract. When there is no contra indications present, spec. nux. vom. may be added with the greatest advantage, relieving atony and provoking or bringing about a normal desire for food.

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To the practitioners, combinations will at once suggest themselves, where the digestive ferments are lacking. For the relief of acidity, flatulence, sepsis and atony you may take:

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M. Sig. One teaspoonful repeated at discretion of physician.

I would advise the Journal readers to try this medication. For several years past I have used it in such conditions as above indicated, and it has given me such good results that for a good while now I have carried it in my buggy case.-California Medical Journal.

APIS MELLIFICA.-- A tincture of the honey bee is strictly a homeopathic medicine of direct and specific properties which should be utilized by every liberal minded physician. The characteristic indications for the use of this remedy are acute or sudden swelling or edematous condition of the cellular tissue. This condition is common in certain forms of erysipelas. In this case apis is a more excellent remedy, specifically, than rhus, unless there is a tendency for visicles to form. In the swollen and edematous condition apis is a specific. In edemaglottis, in diphtheria and scarlatina with edema of the throat or nasal passages the remedy gives excellent results.

In general and local dropsies, the homeopaths have unbounded confidence in this remedy. In the dropsy following scarlatina, the dropsies of Bright's disease, and of the latter months of pregnancy, except after pleurisy and peritonitis, it relieves irritation of the kidneys and bladder. It is valuable as a diuretic in the treatment of suppression of urine in children and in irritable urination in these cases.

I prescribed it in one case where an old lady had incontinence of urine, with excessive irritability in its passage. I had used a variety of other remedies before I used this, but with this remedy the condition was relieved in forty-eight hours, after having been present for many months. Ten or fifteen drops of the specific tincture may be put into a two-ounce bottle of water, and a teaspoonful given frequently. The Chicago Medical Times.

PASSIFLORA INCARNATA.-There has been a great deal written on this agent lately and it will prove to fill an hitherto unfilled place in the materia medica-that of a perfectly safe hypnotic for children under all circumstances. All the specific indications for its use are not yet determined. They will be in the line of its certain antispasmodic and hypnotic action. The agent has not been known to exhibit toxic properties and must be given in full doses-ten drops for a child and from half to one drachm for an adult, repeated every half hour or hour.

Its anti-spasmodic properties are most marked, especially in tetanic or tonic spasm. It has cured several undoubted cases of tetanus, and produces mental tranquility and rest at the same time. In the tonic spasm of meningitis it has produced admirable results. In one case the head was drawn far backward, the arms and legs were rigid, the hands were turned with palms outward and the eyes were set and immovable. All these symptoms were overcome by the agent.

It has warded off many attacks of epilepsy and has promoted a cure. It has prevented many approaching spasms in children and has relieved all irritation of the nervous system attendant. It has a delightful, calming influence upon the entire system.

In neuralgia, in nervous headache and in neuralgic dysmenorrhea,

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