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It is the best

M. E. Deniel, our worthy president, was there. His annual address is full to overflowing, of good practical eclectic sense. thing of the kind that Texas has ever produced.

M. B. Ketchum, our gingerly and erudite, all around oculist, responded to the president's address, in behalf of the eclectics of Dallas. He said nice things about Texas eclectics. It is with regret we see him leave our State, for his new field in Lincoln, Neb., where he takes the chair on the eye and ear. Dr. G. W. Johnson, of San Antonio, in his usual happy way, responded to Dr. Ketchum, in behalf of the Associa tion. As usual, he said many good things, and culminated his remarks in a eulogy to the ladies.

The president-elect, W. J. Bell, one of the Texas pioneers and one of the wheels that turns the eclectic machinery in the Lone Star State, was there.

T. J. Wells, our "Tommy," was with us. T. J. is one of our youngest men with an unusually bright future. J. M. Baker, the phrenologist and physiognomist, was with us from start to finish.

G. A. Helbing, M. D., the man with a tomahawk and machette, stood guard over eclectic liberties and our inalienable rights. Long may his weapons wave.

G. T. Allison, one of our youngest and most promising men, dropped in at the ninth hour, and in his modest way gave ample evidence of a a brilliant future

T. C. Cheatham, a reticent but ever ready theuputist, and all-around good eclectic was with us once more to the benefit and pleasure of us all. J. Grode, Old Arkansaw in a nut-shell, turned in his credentials and was received with pleasure, as a future "maveric" of the Texas herd. J. C. Leaman, a sedate, but ever ready eclectic, was at his post as rear guard, both early and late.

W. R. Carlisle, the tall sycamore of the plains, towered above us all in his eclectic majesty.

D. J. Thomas, one of our pioneers of the west, renews his plights. and vows that he will return again another year.

R. T. Shumate came in at the eleventh hour. Although we have as yet had nothing from his ready pen, we can expect great things from him in the near future.

J. W. Richie, a Texas veteran, of theuputical contests in which he came off victorious, was most cordially welcomed by members of the association.

Chas. Dowdell, a quiet, unassuming brother, and one of the deep thinkers of our cause, occupied the amen seat from start to finish.

W. J. Farmer, of the E. M. I., has cast his lot with Texas eclectics and he gives plenty of evidence that we will have more of him in the future.

J. H. Mitchell, the old, true and the tried, is always there. He is again the custodian of our finances, and I want to inform you that our treasurer has something to do.

S. D. Donoho slipped in and quietly took a seat among the brethren about the tenth nour. Donoho is one of our old reliables. He cannot get along without the association and its vivifying influences, he says. T. W. Turner, the agricultural eclectic, occupied a front pew and stayed till the cat died.

D. T. Morgan, a graduate of the old Philadelphia school, and a very worthy man, signed the roll, and will, in the future, be a fullfledged Texas eclectic.

Mrs. S. F. Manow, M. D. an old and tried member of our association, was greeted again with love and good wishes by members of the association.

Wm. Deathrage, a non-assuming man, and one of our most substantial and promising eclectics, was an untiring attendant at our meeting.

J. T. Baker, an old member of the Texas Association, and a man of good parts, came in at a late hour. Misfortunes have fallen to the Doctor's lot, more, it seems, than his share. May the future be more charitable to our worthy triend and brother.

And then, there was Mrs. Daniels, with twinkling eyes; Mrs. Bell, with her pleasant motherly smile; Mrs. Helbing and her lovely daughter, the beautiful Miss Mitchell, Mrs. Deathrage and her two charming little ones, and several other ladies whose names we fail to remember, but they were all nice just the same.

I hope this GLEANER will reach every eclectic in the State, and I specially ask that every eclectic, if he is not already a subscriber for this most excellent journal, that he take it without further delay. Texas items will appear in each issue through the year and we hope to have sufficient Texas news to pay you for your money invested. As secretary of the association, I desire to report all matters of interest to members through this Journal, and if you do not take it, you will be the loser. Texas proceedings will appear as last year in the American Medical Journal.

I am loaded to the guards with good news this month, but we must not impose upon the big-hearted editors of the GLEANER.-L. S. Downs, Galveston.

CLAIMED TEST FOR INSANITY.-Dr. Buxton Ward declares there is one infallible symptom indicating whether one is sane or not. Let a person speak ever so rationally and act ever so sedately, if his or her thumbs remain inactive there is no doubt of insanity. Lunatics seldom make use of their thumbs when writing, drawing, or saluting.


Practical Diagnosis. The use of symptoms in the Diagnosis of Disease. By Hobart Amory Hare, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Laureate of the Medical Society of London, of the Royal Academy in Belgium, etc. In one octavo volume of 566 pages, with 191 engravings and 13 full-page colored plates. Cloth, $4.73. Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia and New York. 1896.

The author of this work, Prof. Hare, is one of the most widely known physicians of America, and consequently much is expected of him as a writer of a book. We will warrant that in Practical Diagnosis there will be no disappointment, because it will fulfill all expectations. It is a work that is altogether out of the ordinary; it is original and practical as can be.

It is divided into two parts,-The Manifestation of Diseases in Organs, and the Manifestation of Disease by Symptoms. It is in a manner a Specific diagnosis of the diseased condition, but not a diagnosis as to the remedy to be prescribed, as is set forth in our eclectic Specific Diagnosis. In part I, under each chapter, is considered the special manifestations or symptoms of diseased organs, or regions of the body relative to the diseases affecting them, as the face and head; the hand and arm; the feet and legs; hemiplegia; the tongue, mouth and pharynx; the eye; the skin; the thorax and its viscera; the abdomen and its viscera; the blood vessels and the pulse; the blood; the urinary bladder and the urine; the bowels and the feces, etc., etc.

In part II, special symptoms with their bearing on diseased conditions, and their relative value in diagnosis are duly considered, as for example, fever and subnormal temperature; headache and vertigo; coma and unconsciousness; convulsions and general spasms; vomiting, regurgitation and the character of the vomit; cough and expectoration; pain; tendon reflexes and muscle tone; speech, etc., etc., are each taken up and their diagnostic value carefully considered. The book is written upon a plan quite the reverse of that commonly followed in the ordinary treatise on diagnosis. In these the disease is named, and then the symptoms usually observed in the disease are recounted.

Prof. Hare, however, has happily made a digression and not a little. progression. In this work, the subject of medical diagnosis is placed. before the student as it is seen at the bedside, and he follows out the line usually adopted in clinical teaching by discussing first the symptoms, then by exclusion, etc., arriving by natural steps at the positive conditions presenting, and the diagnosis of the disease itself. The work is based upon the wide experience Prof. Hare has had in both didactic and clinical teaching, and will greatly lighten the labors of the student and

the general practitioner, and relieve the all-important subject of diagnosis of some of the difficulties which surround it.

The value of the work is greatly enhanced by having two indexesone of diseases referring to the various symptoms which constitute the clinical picture; the other an index of symptoms, organs, and terms, furnishes a ready reference list of the various diseases in which any given symptoms may appear as a feature.

The work is beautifully illustrated, and nothing known to recent investigation that can be an aid to diagnosis, is left untouched or urexplained. It will also serve as an aid to the rational use of the author's Text Book of Practical Therapeutics. These two books are to old school medicine what Specific Medication and Specific Diagnosis are to eclectic medicine. We do not hesitate in recommending Practical Diagnosis to GLEANER readers. It is more than worth its cost, and Prof. Hare deserves, and will receive unstinted praise for its production, from the wide-awake physicians of all schools.


Veterinary Homepathy in its Application to the Horse, Including a Code of Common Suggestive Symptoms. By John Sutcliffe Hurndall, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, England. Price, by mail, net; $2.18. Boerick & Tafel, Philadelphia. 1896.

The author, in this instance, makes no claim for the production of a scientific work. His aim is to present in concise, conventional language a book that will be of practical benefit to those who have charge of horses in discovering their ailments, and how to treat them intelligently. He is writing for the people and the common language of the stable is used in his descriptions.

To render the recognition of the diseases, and the prescription of the proper remedy a comparatively easy matter, a list of "suggestive symptoms" is carefully prepared. The remedies prescribed are homeopathic in their nature and in the sized dose. But, nevertheless, they are certainly efficient. The work is prepared with marked intelligence and will prove of great value to every horse owner. Its counsels are safe. We are positive that we cannot make this declaration conscientiously of all veterinary surgeons, nor even of all other surgeons. We recommend the book as one of absolute value to any owner or keeper of a horse.


We cannot recommend a monthly magazine better suited to the exact and absolute needs of the busy physician than the Review of Feviews. The doctor should keep in touch with the important passing events; but his time is so completely occupied that he cannot read the general literature of the day. In the Review of Reviews he will get the solid meat of everything and much of the spice of life.

The issue for October continues its admirable record of the Presidential campaign. In the July, August and September numbers the Republican, Democratic, and Populist conventions were reviewed, together with the careers of the nominees. In the October number the movement of the "sound-money" Democrats, culminating in the Indianapolis convention, receives similar attention. No other publication in the country offers in a single number such a wealth of political portraiture, or so wide a range of cartoon illustrations. Every noteworthy phase of the canvass is fully and impartially presented. Material is gathered from every source and carefully digested.

The American Dispensatory. By John King, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, in the Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, etc., etc. Revised and enlarged with supplement by Prof. John King, M. D., and John U. Lloyd, Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy in the E. M. Institute. Seventeenth Edition. Cincinnati. The Ohio Valley Company, 141-143 Race St. 1895. Pp. 1500; Supplement pp. 200. Sheep, $900.

The fact that seventeen editions of the American Dispensatory have been published, is of itself a sufficient testimonial of its relative worth. When a book meets with such approbation from the medical profession -the judges of its intrinsic value, there is certainly something about it that gives its such stability and prominence, The fact is that for nearly fifty years King's Dispensatory has been recognized the world over by medical men of all schools, and by pharmacists and others as the standard work upon the American eclectic materia medica and pharmacology. Every one conversant with the publications in this line will agree with us that from that time to the present this Dispensatory was rich with matters pertaining to eclectic remedies that could not be found in any other book. The several full revisions that the work has received, and through the addition of the supplement in which Prof. Lloyd, with his inexhaustible source of personal knowledge of eclectic plants and remedies, his fertility of unapproachable methods and manipulations, had full part and share, have kept the work up to the times. Eclectic materia medica has not stood still by any means. To day it occupies a more enviable place than ever before, and this Dispensatory has been no mean factor in maintaining this prestige and in obtaining the exalted position now occupied. By resolution at its meeting in June, 1879, this book was made the "standard of authority of the National Eclectic Medical Association." When Prof. King wrote the first edition he little realized that he was building for himself and for his school a monument that would outlast and outshine a shaft of marble. We declare, because we realize the truthfulness of the assertion, that no medical library, eclectic or otherwise, is properly founded that does not contain this work. In it and through it the great materia medica of the future

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