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of all schools will have its beginning and its end. The remedies dis. carded by King's Dispeneatory are still obsolete and are being forgotten as time goes on. The remedies recommended and described in it are be ing brightened daily by their efficiency and by halos of new light that is breaking in upon them through the workings of modern chemistry. The book in its line has never had an equal; and we doubt much whether it ever will have an equal. We have the utmost confidence in its assertions, and we had, in its author, and as we have in Prof. Lloyd who helped bring the book up to its present state. Upon this confidence we recommend the book to every physician in the land.


Anatomy, Descriptive ank Surgical. By Henry Gray, F. R. S., Lecturer on Anatomy at St. George's Hospital, London. New and thoroughly revised American edition, much enlarged in text, and in engravings both colored and black. In one imperial octavo volume of 1239 pages, with 772 large and elaborate engravings on wood. Price of edition with illustrations in colors: Cloth, $7.00; leather $80.0. Price of edition with illustations in black: Cloth, $6.00; leather, $7.00› Lea Brothers & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia, New York.

For the first time in its long history Gray's Anatomy has been revised exclusively by American anatomists, and their aim to adapt it. thoroughly to the most modern teaching methods and the requirements of American students has been no less strenuous than that it should reflect the latest knowledge of the day. That they have been successful in accomplishing the desired end is easily proven by an examination of this volume.

Every page has received most careful scrutiny: the sections on the Brain, the Teeth, and the Abdominal Viscera, exclusive of the GenitoUrinary Tract have been re-written and the subjects of Histology and Development remodeled and rewritten the new matters increasing the work by over one hundred pages.

The splendid series of illustrations which have always distinguished Gray have been enriched in this edition by no less than one hundred and thirty-five additional engravings. These illustrations have long been known as the most effective and intelligible presentations of anatomical structures and in the present issue this supremacy is fully maintained Most marked changes and additions have been made in the subject matter and illustrations relative to the description of the abdominal viscera, and especially of the teeth and of the intestinal tract, and particularly of the peritoneum. The description of the development and multiple foldings of the latter will now be more easily comprehended by the student. In former editions the description of the peritoneum was most complex and complicated.

The same affirmations will apply to the revision of the section on the brain. It shows on every page that the author is not only familiar with the subject but that he is a practiced teacher and able to arrange the facts in hand that they may easily be grasped by the student. A large part of the so called "dry detail" of former descriptions seems to have been largely dissipated by the intensely interesting style of the writer of this revision, New verbiage, and new facts, and new histology, and new illustrations and new descriptions bring the chapters upon the teeth, the abdominal viscera and upon the brain, and the development of the human embryo thoroughly up to date.

The practical application in medicine and in surgery as found in "Surface Form" and in "Surgical Anatomy" has always been a prominent feature of this work, and this distinctive characteristic has again received the special care of the editors. So that the land marks following each chapter are a very meritorious and salient feature of the new Gray. In no respect is the work partially done in this revised form. It is the epitome of completeness and the favorite text book of the American student of anatomy.

This edition is presented to the medical public with the confident expectation that it will be found worthy in every respect to maintain the exalted position which the work for so many years enjoyed on the most convenient and intelligible expositions of the subject.

Our judgment is that there is no disappointment lurking in the new Gray. It is now, as it always has been, without a peer. There are others; but only one Gray. B.

WHEREAS it has pleased God in his all wise providence to remove from our midst, our beloved class-mate, Harley M. Baldridge, whose upright character and nobleness of purpose led him to be loved and admired by all who knew him,

Be it Resolved -That the class of '98 of the Eclectic Medical Institute has, in his death, lost one of our best and most worthy members.

Resolved-That we extend our deepest sympathy to his bereaved parents in this sad hour of deepest affliction.

Be it also Resolved-That a copy of these resolutions be sent to his parents, ani a copy to be published in the Eclectic Medical Journal and Eclectic Medical Gleaner.

Be it Resolved-That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the class of '98. Signed by Committee, WILL C. SHRINER, E. E. SMITH, THOS. BOWLES.

"TAU ALPHA EPSILON" FRATERNITY.- Oct. 22, '96, there was organized in the Eclectic Medical Inititute a professional Greek fraternity, the charter members of which are the Greek fraternity men of different literary colleges. There are eleven charter members, viz:

W. M. Young, X-Ill. Wesleyan Univ.; W. A. Latimore, Pari Fee, Westminster Coll.; W. C. Shriner, A Miami Univ.; H. D. Todd. A Wittenberg Coll.; B. B. Morrow, KY Ohio Weslyan Univ; H. E. Sloan, A T 2 Marietta Coll.; Gus McLeod, A E Cumberland Univ., Tenn.; E. E. Smith, A T A Iowa State Coll.; D. Hughes, A T 2 Marietta Coll.; C. A. Lanier, Σ A E Cumberland Univ., Tenn.; W. J. Latimore, K State Normal Coll., Pa.

The fraternity will be known as "Tau, Alpha, Epsilon," and chapters will be established in all the other Eclectic colleges in a short time.

Good Things-Old and New.

Pain RelievED WITH UTMOST SAFETY.-Albert M. Wiiliams, A. M., M. D., of Bradford, Pa., says: "I have used antikamnia in my practice ever since its first introduction and used it extensively. At first I was a little cautious and a little apprehensive, and rarely ventured on larger doses than five grains; but for several years I have given it in ten and fifteen-grain doses to adults and when needed, repeating every hour or two hours. I have rarely been disappointed in controlling pain, if the pain was of a character to be controlled by medicine. In severe neuralgias or any severe form of pain, my method is to prescribe ten grains to be given every hour till the pain ceases. I seldom use morphia or opium in any form. I have seen so many unfortunate victims of the opium habit that I shun its use, and antikamnia is my sheet anchor. The effects of opium and its alkaloids too, are most disagreeable to many people. I always suffered untold misery when I had taken even a small dose of morphia; itching and nausea especially continuing for about two days. There is none of this following the use of antikamnia, and I have never heard of a victim of the antikamnia habit. I have yet to see the case where any alarming symptoms have followed its administration. I have for a long time been in the habit of prescribing it in a little larger doses than are recommended and any bad results from its use must be due to some idiosyncrasy on the part of the patient."

SANMETTO IN BRIGHT'S DISEASE.-Dr. C. R. Stafford, Trigg, Va., writing, says: "I have used sanmetto with the very best results. I succeeded in making a case of Bright's disease much more comfortable by the use of sanmetto, and am satisfied it should be used oftener in this disease. I regard sanmetto as an efficient and elegant remedy for diseases of the genito-urinary organs."

HYPNOTISM. Sixty methods, $ My process $2.00. 100-page book 10C. National Inst., M. G., 116, Chicago.

WE are indebted to the bacteriologists for many things but they have taught us nothing of more practical value than the lesson that a large number of our minor complaints and a thousand and one of our aches and pains, which make life miserable, come from auto-intoxication. The ever present germs in the alimentary tract, manufacture their toxines and these are absorbed much to the distress, if not to the actual danger of the individual. The good old-fashioned theory that you must "keep the bowels open" if you wish to enjoy perfect health thus finds a scientific explanation in these latter days. It is now simply a question of common sense; keep the alimentary canal free from the poisons of germ life. You cannot do this better than by using California Fig Sprup. It is pleasant to the palate, and prompt to give relief.

[blocks in formation]

The GLEANER will not knowingly be sent regularly to anyone who has not subscribed for it, o who does not wish former subscription continued. If anyone is receiving the GLEANER regularly who does not want it, or who does not intend to pay for it, he should at once advise us of the fact, because payment will be expected unless such notice be received.

This has no reference to occasional sample copies that are received at irregular intervals. No pay will be demanded for them.


DOCTOR, carefully digest this number of the GLEANER. Then, ask yourself the question: Should I not in justice to myself, and to my patrons invest a dollar in the GLEANER? We are willing to abide by the decision at which you arrive, if you will act accordingly, and at once.


In addition to its intrinsic helpfulness as a therapeutic facility, the hypodermic syringe has opened a vast field for physiological study. I am not capable of prosecuting such study, even if I had large opportunities for experimentation and observation. However, we have men who are competent to investigate and who have opportunity to do so. In fact, a splendid field comprehending the line of thought I shall suggest, lies fallow, and its wondrous possibilities are beckoning to some coming man. It would add an immense sparkler to our crown of glory if some leading eclectic thinker and worker, such as Webster, Bloyer, Watkins, Goss or one of four or five others, would work this field.

By means of the hypodermic syringe we can discover what drugs. enter the blood, through the stomach or digestive tract, unchanged. Before the invention of the subcutaneous method, it could not be known whether morphia, for instance, underwent a change in the stomach, etc., before appearing in the blood. It is true its characteristic effects could be obtained by injecting solutions of it into the rectum, but there it bad to encounter possibly modifying secretions, etc., the same as in the stomach. Not till we could introduce it directly into the blood, could

we know that it undergoes no change in the stomach before reaching the circulation. What is true of morphine in this respect, I believe to be true of all substances that may be properly classified as drugs. A drug is neither wholly nor partially digested; it is simply dissolved and then absorbed into the circulation. I believe the hypodermic syringe will demonstrate this to be true of all remedial substances. This little instrument is capable of furnishing us the true line of demarcation between foods and drugs. I will touch upon this subject again later on.

The lower animals are protected against the ingestion of toxic substances by instinct. Their olfactory and gustatory apparatuses are endowed with an infallible differentiating function with reference to what should enter their stomachs. It is not so with man. His nose and palate are untrustworthy in this respect. The greedy absorbents of our stomachs and intestines will swallow anything, it seems, that is offered. In man, the differentiation is made at the distal extremity of nutrient possibility. Within that marvelous epoch of lifeward movement where dead becomes living matter, the decision is made with reference to assimilability. Endangial electivity, in relation to the final conservative expression-the nucleins?-finishes the purpose of nutrition. It is true, man is a cosmic epitome, all the simple elements of matter being represented within his body. Notwithstanding this, only particular orders of compounds are capable of supplying elemental waste. These are foods. Food has been beautifully defined as stored sunshine. If the definition is more poetic than philosophic it is because sunshine is not the source of each ultimate form of matter. Anyhow, the various chemical elements of our bodies are derived from our food, never from drugs. This statement, if true, establishes a point at which a radical divarication from the popular therapeutic trend becomes our most solemn medical duty. Any theory of cure based upon the presumed efficacy of food-medicines is opposed to this proposition. No medicine can directly and permanently supply a systemic want. If there is a lack of lime in the bones, feeding lime will not right the wrong. Only such drug as will reach back of this effect to its cause, will be remedial. The same is true with reference to all lacks within the organism. Iron will not cure anemia; cod liver oil will not cure consumption; the hypophosphites will not cure neurasthenia; none of the digestives will cure dyspepsia; the tissue remedies and the animal extracts will cure nothing. Blind enthusiasm and misleading coincidence are responsible for multiplied thousands of therapeutic frauds. The idea of satisfying a systemic want directly-as we would pour slop into a starving pig-is superficially natural, and is, in a generous sense, honorable to human nature; but, gentlemen, it is scientifically wrong.

If a perfect artificial chyle could be prepared and slowly injected into the blood. it would simply amount to another way of feeding.

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