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a peculiarly favored class, their ignorance being a greater blessing than any amount of wisdom could be.

Faith cure is delusion cure.

This is indisputable.

But the cure is

a fact, not a delusion, whence it follows that like causes do not always produce like effects. Truth may therefore develop out of untruth, so that there is a point between them where the true and the false are identical. If any particular truth and particular untruth are identical, all truths and untruths are one and the same. If the false is true and the true, false, then by plus minus conjunction both are eliminated from the universe. If neither of these exist, nothing exists, and that gives emphasis to the enquiry, "where are we at?" C.

THE RAPID CURE OF GONORRHEA.- Recently there is much written in medical journals about the cure of gonorrhea in six or eight weeks. Seemingly such work is entirely too slow for the average doctor and patient. Three day cures are in demand. Valentine in the International Journal of Surgery writes positively concerning the aborting of the disease by large urethral irrigations of permanganate of potash, of the strength of from 1 to 500 to 1 to 4,000 once or twice daily. This is in acute cases. In chronic cases he uses it alone, or with corrosive sublimate. It is used as soon as gonococci are present, and the ardor urinæ is overcome by the first injection, and the flow is at once stopped. There are no strictures or bad effects due to its rise. No medicines are given internally except a laxative, when needed.

[We doubt much whether this treatment is more successful as well as as harmless as injections of Lloyd's hydrastis, distilled hamamelis, hot water, and the internal use of the indicated specific medicine—apis, cannabis indica, gelsemium, belladonna, eryngium, rhus aromatica, pulsatilla, staphysagria, thuja, etc. Be careful about exchanging the true and tried for the experimental.]


WE CALL the particular attention of the readers of this issue of the GLEANER to Dr. Cooper's editorials, and particularly to his Hypo dermic Medical Philosophy. There are barrels of truth in its every word. For originality, strength--truth--Dr. Ccoper and the GLEANER have no peers among the journals of the day.


IF GLEANER readers will send twenty-five cents to Moody's Magazine of Medicine, Gould Building, Atlanta, Ga., for the November issue of one of the brightest and best medical publications of the country, they will not only verify what we have said; but in it, they will get a pen picture and an auto biography of our running mate, Dr. W. C. Cooper, as well as a number of his poetical productions, that will stir to its depths, the darkest soul, as well as a picture and much poetry of Walt

Whitman. This is, in fact, the Whitman number of this peerless publication, which so honors Dr. Cooper. We add (in a whisper), that this picture of Dr. C. does not do him justice! He is by no means a beautiful man; but some one might think from this engraving that he is really horrid, when he is not.

"Handsome is that handsome does," and we do not chide Moody's for circulating such "base fabrications" as long as "Irene," and "Stellaline," etc., appear in the same issue.


By MARQUIS E. DANIEL, M. D., Honey Grove, Texas.


Many will remember reading an exhaustive paper from me on the above subject in the August number of the GLEANER in 1892, the same being reproduced in the Georgia Eclectic Medical Journal a month later. All I stated there is true to day, and before making the point which induced me to write this paper, I will briefly mention the main points contained in my former paper.

As stated then, there is a conflict in our state constitution, civil and penal statutes. The constitution provides that no preference shall ever be given any one school of medicine.

The civil statute provides that the several district judges of the state shall appoint a medical examining board for each district, said appointees to be qualified physicians of known ability, and recognized by the American Medical Association, and that all applicants for the practice of medicine, whether non-graduates or graduates must appear before and be examined by and receive a certificate from this board, said certificate to be registered with the district clerk before the applicant proceeds to practice.

The penal statute provides that all physicians possessing diplomas from such colleges as are recognized as being in good standing, in the states in which they are located, may register the same, with the district clerk, and proceed to practice without undergoing the examination indicated in the civil statute.

Now it will be seen that the conflict stand the constitution and civil statute lies in the discrimination of the latter against all the schools except the allopathic, as it is the only school recognized by the American Medical Association. The conflict in the civil and peral statutes is in the requirement of the former, of non-graduates, and graduates to be examined, while the latter requires only non-graduates to be examined. Both statutes provide that non-graduates be examined and procure certificates, said certificates to be registered with the district clerk, the same as those registering diplomas. I trust I have made the

above clear, and that it will serve the purpose of correctly informing all who may be in any way concerned.

Texas is filling in so fast with well educated and competent eclectics and homeopaths, that the conceited regulars are becoming alarmed and were it not for our blessed civil statute which gives them the only advantage ground, and upon which they are corralled, I think, 'ere long they would become stampeded, and thus loose their distinctiveness, as it has been proved time and again that honest competition puts terror in their hearts.

They are continuously heralding this blessed civil statute to the world, for no other purpose than to "bluff" other schools and prevent them coming into the state.

The point I desire to make, as already intimated, is this: As the result of some shrewd engineering or reasons known to but a few, this blessed civil statute is, again presented to the medical world in all its beauty (?) grandeur (?) and glory (?) through the medium of R. L. Polk & Co's new Medical and Surgical Register of the United States, just issued, as being the correct and complete law of the state, by which all "newcomers" are to abide, not one word being mentioned as to the constitution or penal statute requirements.

The allopathic school seems to be too ignorant to know that when the civil statute is violated that no punishment can be assessed unless there is a conformity of the penal statute, which always fixes the penalty.

It is to be regretted that this Register, purporting as it does, to convey accurate and reliable information for all the schools alike, is placed in the attitude of favoring the allopathic school, especially when it solicits the patronage of, and is aided by all the schools.

I am disposed to believe that the managers of this great Register acted in good faith and that they were influenced by others who they thought, ought to know; still they should have investigated for themselves and found out the true medical statutes of this state as well of as all the states.

The above can be relied law I will see to it that due

upon, and when a change is made in our notice is given through all of our journals. Preparations are being made to do battle this winter in the legislature, when the eclectic and homeopathic schools will again measure arms with the common enemy, allopathy. It is useless to say, that the latter will go down in defeat, unless the necessary concessions are made to enable all to agree upon a bill. Our school will be represented by our strong men--Downs, Johnson and Helbing, of Galveston, San Antonio and Bonham.

I hope this paper will be reproduced by every Eclectic Journal in the country, that our school may be correctly informed as to the requirements of the medical laws of Texas.

THE ECLECTIC MEDICAL GLEANER.-Gentlemen:-I received the sample copy of your Journal. Thanks for the same.

What on earth could have prompted "C." to vent himself on me in that style? Has he examined the merits of the little departure I suggested in the treatment of so called "malaqua?" Why should he stamp me as a "breezy old relic of antiquity who salivates and bleeds?"

Does he know these to be facts, any one of the three? I will achnowledge, first, that I am old, 65. Second, that once or twice a year I bleed a pneumonia patient with hard bounding pulse and delirium, because it instantly arrests the two things dreaded in that disease, overheat and heart failure. Third, salivation in my practice of several hundred cases occurs perhaps once in a season. Can my brother "C." show any better treatment in his cases? It is a very easy matter to find fault and make fun of anything even the bible or of Christ himself; much more so of other things and persons less perfect.

Prejudice is a common fault and habit another. And both Brother Monroe (as quoted) and Brother C., seem to curse this "sheet anchor" for the same reasons, yet still keep on using it. The one unpleasant effect charged on acetanilid is that it produces "depression." Now compare the one with the list of evils quoted from Brother Monroe's article (in the last eight or ten lines), acetanilid has none of these-does not produce hematuria, from which 65 per cent. die if the quinine is persisted in after the bleeding comes on, and fifteen per cent. if it is dropped and other means (sedatives) resorted to.

I don't find any fault with any one for having his own opinions of a subject. There are usually two sides to nearly every question, but prejudice often blinds the sight to any change from an old habit.

I send you two "Summaries," October and November issues. In them you will see that Dr. S. Herbert Britton is out of the quinine treatment (as well as one by Dr. Blackwood otherwise). I could show you a dozen more letters from different doctors of similar sentiment. Some in the northwest, north, and some south. Now on page 305 you have done me the honor of copying a prescription for "Burns treated with pure carbolic acid."

Now there is no "cyanosis" in this, no "depression, no "powerful effect on the nervous system" and on "the stomach," and "has no bad effects otherwise," as quoted from "Bro. M's article on quinine." Try it once and see. Now I say, ("breezily" brother "C." may call it), acetanilid works for me, in my practice, just as surely, quickly and safely in chills as does the carbolic acid in burns and scalds. Very truly, your ("breezy old relic"), BEN. H. BRODNAX. BRODNAX, LA., Nov., 11, '91.

[I owe an apology to Dr. Brodnax. It was not in conformity with the spirit of the Golden Rule, even if it was controversially venial, for me to characterize Brother Brodnax as a "breezy old relic of antiquity."

I don't often trip on a miserable prejudice, or confirmed habit of thought, but I did that time. I can only ask the pardon of Dr. Brodnax, which I do. I know him to be a public-spirited and large-hearted man, and one who has devoted his life to the alleviation of human suffering. Perhaps he errs medically, but who of us does not?

I made the mistake of visiting on the champion the anathema which I felt was fitted to the thing championed. Depletion seems to me so directly antithetical to lifeward movement that I have come to regard it professionally unpardonable. But may not Dr. Brodnax feel toward liberal methods as the liberal feel toward his? How cramped we all are and "Alas for the rarity of Christian charity under the sun."

It all goes to show what a wide gulf there still is between modern eclecticism and allopathy. Not till the ethical bars between them are let down, can we hope to secure the greatest medical good to the greatest number. If they were all as free from prejudice as Dr. Brodnax, we would all soon be one brotherhood.


MALARIA:-Dear Gleaner:-In your November issue I read a very interesting article about malaria; it just suits me to perfection. The anticipatory sweat will bust the chills and the wet sheet pack will cure the cause!. Now rationally considered what is malaria? Two brothers, who have the same environment, eat same kind of food, sleep in same bed, have same temperaments, same likes and dislikes, etc.-Suppose they travel in a buggy through miasmatic air; both inhale the spores or plasmodium from the miasmatic air. In a few days one of them has a chill, hot fever, and the sweating stage follows; the other brother is perfectly well and is enjoying life as formerly. What has taken place in the one person? The miasmatic germ found a feeding ground ready for its development and growth, and the innate power of self preservation of life, the true medicatrix naturæ instituted as its first wholesome and necessary effort to get rid of this poisonous intruder, (who threw the equ il balance of all functions of the organism out of harmony), the chill, so as to say, I will kick you out, this commotion and heathy vital action also issued the congestive fever and sweat. This sweat is also a tangible proof-by its odor and stickiness, that it really carried the poison out of the body through exosmosis. This chill should be kept up until all poison was shaken out. But the unwise doctor is called, quinine is the stereotyped sheet anchor to knock the chills-which were instituted by nature as a wholesome action, and this drug being an enemy of the functions of the liver, stomach and kidneys-a new dis ease-allos pathos (allopathic doctrine) a cachexia, a dyscrasia, marasmus has been produced and for a time, generally twenty-one days, the power of self preservation of life is dormant. The proof of quinine being an enemy of the liver secretion is proven by the yellow, sallow


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