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Jan., pp. 1-96. Feb., pp. 97-200. Mar., pp. 201-298. April, pp. 299-392. May, pp. 393-488. June, pp. 489-584.

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Balkan States, etc. (see also Austria, Boshi

Servia, Turkey):

Russia's Policy in the Balkans, 9

Attitude of Italy, 9

Future of the Slav Race, 40

Young Turkey and the Balkans,555

Prolongation of the Truce, 301

The New Europe, 441

Other Articles, 339

Ballooning, Aerial Navigation:

The Conquest of the Air (illustrated), 30

The Conquest of the Air, by Count Zeppelin, 531

Coming of the Aëroplane, 494

Why the Airship will bring Peace, 3, 234

Guns to fight Airships, 250

Can We cross the Atlantic by Aëroplane? 435

to, Bulgaria, Croatia,

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Ballooning, Aerial Navigation-continued
The Coming Airquake, 2

The Ruin a Single Airship could cause, 438
The Scareship Crisis, 497

Wilbur Wright on Aviation, 147
Wilbur Wright at Pau, 207

The Hydro-Aeroplane, 208

What It feels like to fly, 147

Garage for Zeppelin Airships; Illustration, 3

Bates, Miss E. Katherine, 566

Beethoven Play, 541

Belgium and the Congo State, 8, 106, 256, 499

Belloc, Hilaire, on the Press, 232

Beresford, Lord Charles, 207, 321

Besant, Mrs. Annie, 163, 258, 540

Bewick, Thomas, 54t

Bibby's Annual reviewed, 535, 577

Bible: A Gospel written before the Crucifixion, 449

Birds: The Plumage Bill, 449

Birrell, Augustine, on Life after Death, 308

Blackwood's Magazine reviewed, 51, 54, 74, 111, 177, 236, 243, 258, 333, 336,

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Nitro-Bacterine, 191, 192, 297
Seed-Testing, 440

Otter fostered by a Cat, 557
Slave Madonna and Child, 566
Man and Woman by St. Sinding, 566
Harpy of "Voluptuous Sterility," 566
The London Scottish, 220
Onlookers at Football Match, 221
King Edward in Berlin, 208, 209, 292
The King and the Kaiser, 209
The Kaiser at Corfu, 500

The Queen of Holland and Child, 500
Messina, etc., 96, 142, 143

Opening of Turkish Parliament, 10
Abdul Hamid's Last Selamlik, 408
Constantinople, etc., 411, 412

Salonica, 418

Dolma Baghcheh Palace, 419

Sultan Mahmoud, 524, 580

Volunteers in Servia, 302

End of Post Office Strike in France, 306

Grindelwald in Winter, I

Tobogganing in Switzerland, 5

Admiral Lambton and the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 495

Trial of Dinizulu in Natal, 8

Dinizulu's Witnesses, 141

Basuto Chiefs in London, 293

Lieut. Shackleton and Petty Officer Joyce, 307

Immortality, 282, 308, 548

India :

The Crisis in India, 162

The New Era, 10

Heroes of the New Era; Character Sketches by S. N. Singh (with
Portraits), 13, and Letter, 384

Lord Morley's Reforms, 51, 105, 233, 249

The Indian Councils Bill, 205, 451

S. P. Sinha, Native Member of Viceroy's Council, 309

The Deported Indian Leaders, 52

Have We impoverished India? 50

A Good Word for England, 526
Indian" Home Charges," 59

Labour in India, 482

Indians in South Africa, 105

The Arya Somaj, 162

Advance of Women, 354

Caste, 361

Princess Zeb-un-Nissa, Daughter of Aurungzebe, 451

Indian Magazine reviewed, 354, 451

Indian Review reviewed, 162, 233, 241, 451

Indian World reviewed, 354

Inge, Rev. W. R., on Eugenics, 447

Plea for Universal Insurance, 155
Labour Insurance, see under Labour
Insurance, National-Old Age Pensions;
Old Age Pensions in England, 146
First Payment of Pensions, 4
German Insurance Laws, 64
International reviewed, 433.

International Journal of Ethics reviewed, 158, 159, 174, 478, 488
Interpreter reviewed, 449


Arthur, Dr., on Citizens, not Dreadnoughts, 517

Cornelius, Laura, on the North American Indians, 519

Esher, Lord, on the Territorials, 220

Gattie, Mr., on Railway Companies and Goods Traffic, 516

Horspool, J., on the Art of Speech and Song, 427

Lever, W. H., on Town-Planning, 327

Lord, J. Courtney, on the Probation System, 329

Pankhurst, Mrs, on the Success of the Suffragettes, 330

Petavel, Capt. J. W., on the Co-operative Brotherhood Trust, 331

Public Trustee on His Functions, 223

Waechter, Sir Max, on the Federation of Europe, 328

Williams, Mr., on the Sexophone, 221

Anonymous Interviews on-

Open Ocean as Cure for Consumption, 224

The Islanders, 426

Inventors, 238


Dealing with the Congested Districts, 547

Ireland and Scotland contrasted, 247

Irish Produce, 535

A Japanese Garden, 169

Irish Church Quarterly reviewed, 166, 448

Islanders (Association), 426

Isvolsky, Baron A.,

On the Balkans, 9

Other Reference, 301

Italian Reviews reviewed, 74, 142, 183, 266, 373, 466, 559

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Labour in India, 482

Ideal System of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 171

Industrial Slaughter in America, 453

The Working Man as Inventor, 238

Lady's Realm reviewed, 73, 153, 161, 172, 173, 241, 245, 337, 407, 555

Laminasch, Professor H. (with portrait), 307

Land (see also Agriculture):

Taxation of Land Values, 340, 398

Lang's (Andrew) "Joan of Arc," 77

Languages, Study of, 88, 195, 295, 479, 578

Lay Priesthood, Plea for, 431

Lazzaretti, David, 339

Leading Articles, 40-67, 142-172, 231–259, 332-361, 429-456, 521-548

Lesseps, M. and Madaine de, 333

Lever, W. H., on Town-Planning;
Liberal Magazine reviewed, 465

Interview, 327

Libraries: Cardiff and the Children, 251

Library World reviewed, 261

Licensing Question, see Temperance and the Liquor Traffic

Lincoln (Abraham) Centenary, 211

Lippincott's Magazine reviewed, 71

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International Conference on Naval Warfare in London, 11, 305
Nelidoff, M. de, 169

Nero and St. Paul, 348

New Magazine reviewed, 332

New Quarterly reviewed, 166, 168, 538, 539, 542, 548, 556
New York, 543

New Zealand: Sir Robert Stout, 503

Newfoundland: Fisheries Dispute, 307

Nineteenth Century and After reviewed, 48, 51, 52, 54, 73, 144, 176, 256,
265, 332, 333, 335, 369, 445, 458, 525, 527, 528, 546, 547, 550
Nitro-Bacterine, 89, 191, 389, 579

Nobel Prizes, 7

North American Review reviewed, 49, 53, 56, 68, 75, 174, 182, 267, 271, 342,
349, 350, 351, 364, 372, 453, 455, 456, 465, 523, 526, 538, 539, 552, 567
Northcliffe, Lord, and the Dany Mail, 497

Novikoff, Madame-W. T. Stead's "The M.P. for Russia," 272

Obituary, 93, 198, 294, 388, 486, 583

Occult Review reviewed, 46, 167, 245, 257, 261, 270, 361, 462
Occultism, etc., see Psychical Research

Possible Petroleum Famine, 171

The Standard Oil Company, 253

Old Age Pensions, see Insurance (National}

Open Court reviewed, 241, 253

Organiser reviewed, 94, 385

Outing reviewed, 432

Oxford and Cambridge Review reviewed, 47, 62, 68, 69, 172, 339, 351, 352,

360, 363

Oxygen; a New Stimulant, 154, 351

Pageants, 268, 489

Pal, B. C., Character Sketch, by S. N. Singh, 16

Pall Mall Magazine reviewed, 60, 150, 151, 160, 179, 233, 234, 238, 255, 431,

437, 461, 531, 557

Pankhurst, Mrs., on the Success of the Suffragettes; Interview, 330
Parliamentary (see also Electoral):

Diary: for December, 93; for February, 294; for March, 388; for April,
486; for May, 580

Work of Last Session, 6

Opening of Parliament, 204
Debate on the Address, 205
His Majesty's Ministers, 145
Policy of the Liberals, 103-4
Government by Amateurs, 336
The House of Lords, 4, 235, 258
Reform of Parliament, 42
Pauperism and the Poor Law:
Report of the Poor Law Commission:
Book of the Month, 225

Other References, 203, 338
Humanisation of the Workhouse, 289
Poor Relief in Switzerland, 249

Peace Movement:

Proposed Conference in Rome, 246

The Federation of Europe, by Sir Max Waechter, 328

The Real Danger to Peace, 303

Tribute to British Policy, 439

Pledge for World Peace, 439

The New Europe, 441

Arbitration in the Casablanca Incident, 498

Why the Airship will bring Peace, 3, 234

Naval Conference on Laws of Naval Warfare, 11, 305

The Bloch Peace Museum at Lucerne, 428

Pears, Andrew (with portrait), 213

Pearson's Magazine reviewed, 232, 336, 530, 536
Peck, Miss Annie S., Mountaineer, 65

Pelman-Foster Memory System, 196

Persia: Anglo-Russian Control, 10, 211, 306

Peru: Miss Peck's Ascent of Mount Huascaran, 65

Petavel, Capt. J. W., on the Co-operative Brotherhood Trust; Interview,

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Citizens, not Dreadnoughts, by Dr. Arthur, 517
Moral Aspects of Eugenics, 447.

The Social Value of Large Families, 538

The Peril of America, 567

Pordage, John, 434


Ahmed Riza Bey, 110, 413

Aird, Sir John, 453


O., 309

Arnoldson, M. K. P., 7

Asquith, H. H., 392

Azeff, E. P., 204

Bajer, M. Fredrik, 7

Beresford, Lord Charles, 320

Booth, General, 212

Burton, Lord, 212

Carlyle, Thomas, 280

Churchill, Winston, 320

Cook, E. T., 322

Cornelius, Laura, 519
Crawford, Marion, 486

Creagh, Gen. Sir O'Moore, 483
Currie, Sir Donald and Lady, 401
Dalmeny. Lady, 483

Darwin, Charles, 161, 560, 563
Davidson, John, 434
Donald, Robert, 321

Dostoyeffski, F., 279

Dutt, A. K., 52
Edhem Pasha, 414
Ehrlich, Prof. P., 7
Enver Bey, 415

Esher, Viscount, 322
Fisher, Sir John, 319
Froude, J. A., 280
Gamble, Rear-Adm., 112
Gardiner, A. G., 321
Garvin, J. L., 322

George, D. Lloyd, 320, 488
Gordon, Dr. Mary, 164
Gortschakoff, Prince, 276

Grey, Sir Edward, 319

Hilmi Pasha, 413

Haggard, H. Rider, 310

McKenna, P., 319

McKenna, Mrs., 204
Macmillan, F., 569

Mahmud Shefket Pasha, 415
May, Adm. Sir W., 207
Meredith, George, 492
Minto, Earl of, 12

Mitra, K. K., 52

Morley, Lord, 13
Mukhtar Pasha, 413
Nazim Pasha, 414

Novikoff, Madame Olga, 272
Pal, B. Chandra, 16

Pears, Andrew, 213
Pratz, Miss C. de, 468
Rogers, H. H., 583.

Ronner, Madame H., 311

Russia, Tsar Nicholas II. of, 274
Schreiner, Olive, 138
Semo, Santo, 108
Shackleton, Lieut., 307
Sheik-ul-Islam, 416
Simyan, M., 306
Skobeleff, Gen., 276
Spender, Alfied, 322
Spender, Harold, 321
Spicer, Dr. J. E., 198
Stead, W. T., 222, 273
Stout, Sir Robert, 502

Stratford-Andrews, Mr., 102
Suvorin, M., 305
Swinburne, A. Č., 486

Taft, President, 106

Tewfik Pasha, 415

Tosti, F. Paolo, 67
Turgenieff, Ivan, 279

Turkey, Abdul Hamid II. of, 409,


Holland, Queen Wilhelmina of, 236 Turkey, Mohammed V. of, 417

Jackson, Sir John, 453

Jodhpur, Maharajah of, 12

John. Father, of Cronstadt, 134

Kalisky, Philip, 194

Kiamil Pasha, 413

Lammasch, Prof. H., 307

Postal Service:

Turner, Sir A., 222
Wales, Prince of, 300
Ward, Sir John, 304

Whitcombe, Bishop, 212

Wills, Sir F., 213

Penny Postage between Germany and the United States, 8

Women in the Service, 449

Post Office Strike in France, 306

Poultry and the Sexophone, 545

Pratz's (Miss C. de)" Elisabeth Davenay," 468

Prayerlessness, 155

Progress of the World (with Diary and Illustrations): for December 1, 92;

for January, 97, 197: for February, 203, 292; for March, 301, 386; for

April, 393, 483; for May, 489, 580

Protection and Free Trade:

The Protectionist Conspiracy, 41, 104, 332, 494

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