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Summary Gleanings.

Cimicifuga, in small doses, often arrests the sweats of rheumatism.

Enonymin is claimed to be an excellent remedy for prostration with irritation of nerve centers.

Arsenic should be administered in dry dermatoses only, moist skin diseases are made worse by it.

In ligating vessels the fine ligature is best so long as it is strong, for the knot is less liable to slip.

In the treatment of abscess free drainage is far more important than the use of chemical antiseptics.

Among the pathologic conditions produced by excessive libations of beer, foremost is subacute gastritis.

Equal parts of tincture of Jamaica dogwood and tincture of black haw will be found valuable in neuralgia.

Dr. Parvin advised the use of a half per cent. of an aqueous solution of creolin for uterine lavage in septicemia.

Glycerin, lemon juice, rose water and chlorate of potash solution, in equal proproportions, is a good mouth wash in fevers.

Do not drain a healing cavity for too long a time. Your drain may be acting as a seton, actually keeping up the suppuration.

If pepsin is habitually kept in the stomach the stomach will not take the trouble to make it and may lose its power to do so.

The carbonate of lithium, with or without the bicarbonate of sodium, internally, is advised as a specific in the treatment of general pruritis.

A tumor which having existed for a long time and suddenly begins to grow should be regarded with the gravest suspicion. It is probably malignant.

Cannabis indica is a most excellent anodyne in the treatment of pain in such cases as dysmenorrhea, ovaritis, neuralgia and headache of anemic women.

It is claimed that in some chronic cardiac diseases with very low arterial tension, no drug gives better results than digitalis in doses of five drops four times a day.

Dr. Searle says veratrum viride is of more value in croup than all other drugs combined. When it assumes a membraneous form it can still be given with kalibichromate.

Dr. Searle recommends for tape-worm a light diet of milk and fruit for one day. The next morning a mixture, croton oil, mij; glycerin or mucilages, 3j; chloroform and acacia, 3 j.

Obstinate cases of epididymitis and orchitis may be treated by the application of bromide or chloride ethyl, which speedily produces a cure and does not interfere with the patient's work.

Dermoid cysts at the outer angle of the brow are often taken for lipomata or for wens. These dermoid cysts are not easy to remove, for they are very firmly attached to the bone, often, too, by a wide base.

Dr. Charles E. Page says give the stomach rest in the vomiting of pregnancy, simply sipping a few swallows of hot water occasionally during the day. Before taking food wait till the stomach is tranquil.

Dr. Hale, of Chicago, says that camphoric acid, in doses of five to 10 grains, is the most generally useful remedy he ever used in night sweats. He only gives one dose in the evening, rarely two. The sweats often cease at once under its use.

When sweats are the result of debility from exhausting diseases as typhoid fever, la grippe or extreme exhaustion from overwork, Dr. Hale claims hydrastis, in doses of five to 20 drops of the tincture, is valuable given several times during the day.

If you are about to examine a septic case or one where you suspect syphilis, wash your hands in vinegar or dilute acetic acid, and you will soon discover by the smarting and little scratches or abrasions in your skin which might become the starting points of infection.



"Human beings for the first year


are carnivorous and should rely Albumenized

upon animal food, for upon it fewest die. The long continued use of the foods largely composed of vegetable materials results in a general condition of mal-nutrition."

Extract from address made by Dr. W. J. Maybury, Saco, Me., before the 24th Stated Meeting of the Maine Academy of Medicine and Science, April 11th, 1898, Section XI Paediatrics.





Vegetable Matter: Cereals.
Animal Matter: Egg-albumen.
Butter Fat.

Why give baby a Purely Vegetable

The clinical experience of the medical profession substantiates the correctness of the statement made in address above and our claims that ESKAY'S FOOD meets exactly the needs of the physician when desiring to prescribe a perfect Infant Food.

food when its natural nourish

ment is an Animal Food?

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is indicated in all cases of DYSPEPSIA, INDIGES


SIMILATION OF FOOD. Physicians tell us that

"Ingluvin is More Reliable Than Pepsin."

A Specific for Nausea from any cause.

PROF. BARTHOLOW, in Materta Medica and Therapeutics, writes:"Ingluvin is a stomachic tonic and relieves Indigestion, Flatulence and Dyspepsia. It has the remarkable property of arresting vomiting, notably the vomiting in pregnancy."

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W. R. WARNER & COMPANY, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago.

Business Ghances.

NOTICES will be placed under this head at the rate of Three Cents per word for one insertion; Five Cents per word for two insertions, or in other words, Two Cents per word for each insertion after the first. It answers are to be sent in care of this office, Twenty-Five Cents extra for each insertion must accompany the order.

BOOK FREE How to be Cured of Morphine or Liquor Habit, Address, with stamp, Patterson Home, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Excellent Bargains in Type

NOTICE writers. Write for particu

lars. Short Talk on Typewriters" now issued. Ask for it. Address A. E. Wilbur. General Salesman, Binghamton, N. Y.

Medical Practices for sale. Lists mailed tree.

200 Practices and drug stores bought and sold.

Assistants and partners provided. Address, THE MEDICAL ECHO, Lynn, Mass.

PHYSICIAN'S Office Operating Chair, best make and entirely new, for sale at a bargain. Address Doctor, care MEDICAL SUMMARY, P. O. Box 1217, Philadelphia, Pa

WANTED-Physician; fine location; good business; near city. Address, P. O. Box 54, Darien

Centre, N. Y.

SPECIFIC TREATMENT for Gonorrhea; write for free literature. Dr. Shankle, Millspring, N. C.

DON'T YOU KNOW-That every progressive physician is using prescription envelopes in dispensing in place of boxes? They are much neater and cheaper. Send for sample forms and prices. William Koehl, Jamestown, N. Y.

WANTED-To know of a good location, or posi

tion as assistant to some one (or in a sanitarium. Address R. C. H., M. D., Greenock, Pa.


Is no longer considered incurable. We can refer to some of the most eminent men in the medical protession who write us they are curing their cases with our Lacto-Lithiated Strontium Compound (Van Ness formula). These salts, when combined, in the treatment of Bright's Disease, and in conditions associated with albuminuria, give results which are so rapid that in 24 hours after dispensing the albumen excreted will be diminished one-half, and in ten days almost entirely disappears. Put up in pint bottles only; price $2.00. Catalogue on application. Made only by Van Ness-Cooper Co., 203 W. 14th Street, New York City.

The Franklin Electro-Therapeutic Institute For Post Graduates, Philadelphia, Pa. Correspondence Course This course, indorsed by scores of physicians, offers instruction in electrotherapeutics in a plain and highly practical form. Terms: Only $15 for the entire course. May commence at any time. Address all communications to W. H. Walling, A. M., M. D., Principal, 1606 Green Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Therapeutic Notes.

The action of senna combined with figs is to slowly but effectively evacuate the lower bowels and rectum. This it does without undue liquefaction of the stools, leaving them in a formed condition; thus daily exercising the muscular activity of the lower intestinal tract, ultimately enabling it to do its own work. California Fig Syrup is pre-eminently a laxative and not a cathartic. Abundant clinical experience has shown that it does not become progressively inefficient and will not enslave the condition of the bowels so that chronic constipation supervenes. This is an objectionable feature to many other laxatives and cathartics. The purpose of California Fig Syrup is to coax and not to coerce nature, and it is the opinion of practitioners generally that it admirably fiulfills this function.

Dr. Claude Dundore, of Philadelphia; writes: "In those diseases of the nose and throat in which a blind alkaline antiseptic solution is desired for topical application, Glyco-Thymoline answers every requirement in a more efficient manner than any other preparation that has come to my notice.

Dr. J. L. Ridley, of Huntsville, Ala., says: "I have used S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis, both white and dark. I can frequently cure gonorrhea without any other remedy. I use either as an injection and prescribe the dark internally where there is irritability about the mouth of the bladder. I have learned to regard it as a specific. In chronic cystitis I have derived great benefit from it, and in leucorrhea it relieves when many other remedies fail. It is a valuable remedy and I have had marked success with it."

Dr. J. Homer Coulter, of Chicago, writes: "I have used Garofen constantly and in a variety of cases during the past

DEAFNESS year, I have never found any analgesic

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equal to it for promptness, safety and certainty of action. It does not produce any cardiac depression and it seems to possess none of the objectionable features of the opiates. I consider it the most valuable addition to our therapeutic resources."

The M. J. Breitenbach Company, dealers in Gude's Pepto-Mangan, have been much annoyed by a sign-advertising firm by name of Gude. The Breitenbach Company advertise only to physicians though the name of the other firm on sign boards, etc., has led to some misunderstanding as to their policy.

Ordered and Prescribed---Merrell.





Syrup Albuminate of Iron.




Green Root only is used. The menstruum is pure, inodorous spirit, whereby the peculiar, rich aroma and characteristic virtues of the fresh drug are extracted and retained unim. paired. It is a perfect representative of the drug, and to avoid the danger of over doses in some cases, and the uncertainty of attending the use of inert and imperfect remedies in others, Tinct. Gelsemium-Merrell, only should be dispensed. It is an agent of wonderfully active therapeutic power, possessing a well defined and uniform standard of medicinal strength.

An organic compound of Iron representing in a purified and soluble form the albuminate and salts (phosphates) present in the blood. It contains 0.7 per cent. metallic iron in a form that is readily absorbed and highly active.

This combination of Iron may be regarded as approximating the natural forms in which the metal is present in the animal system and possesses a marked value in anæmia and chlorosis neurasthenia where prolonged administration of iron is indicated. It is not only free from any tendency to cause digestive disturbances, but is of positive value in these condi tions during convalescence, etc. One part of this syrup represents about fifteen parts of fresh bullock's blood.

This preparation consists of Carbonol, a perfectly pure and bland medicinal hydro-carbon product in combination with Thymol, Eucalyptol, Menthol, Camphor and Oil Gaultheria.

A valuable bland and soothing antiseptic and deodorant, exerting a decidedly beneficial influence on the mucous membranes. Successfully employed as an inhalant in the form of spray in Catarrhal affections of the Nose and Throat.

In this preparation the Chlorides of Aluminum, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are present with the white alkaloid of Hydrastis. This addition is favored by some physicians, and the solution is somewhat more astringent than our regular Colorless Hydrastis.

Recommended for external use only in Gonorrhoea, Leucorrhoea, Nasal Catarrh and all diseases of the mucous surfaces.

As an injection or wash-One part to four or six of water. As a spray-One part to six or eight of water. As an eye wash-One part to twelve of water. As a cleansing agent for the ear-One part to six of water, to which has been added a few drops of creosote. May be added to water or Glycerine without precipitation.

Merrell Co.'s "Green Drug" Fluid Extracts, Boro-Glyceride, Salts of Hydrastis, Fluid Hydrastis and all other specialties may be obtained of wholesale druggists throughout the United States, at the Home Office at Cincinnati, New York Office, 96 Maiden Lane, New York City, or San Francisco Office, 45 Stevenson St., San Francisco, Cal.

Prices Current and Printed Matter Cheerfully Furnished.


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Think of subjecting an Arm, Leg, Hip, Shoulder, Kidneys or Abdomen to heat so degrees F. hotter than boiling water. You can do it with our bath Nothing like it as a money maker. Over 24,00 of our different baths sold to physicians.

Send for circulars to-day.


78 State St., Chicago, Ill.


ANNUAL OF THE UNIVERSAL MEDICAL SCIENCES; new; years of 1890 to 1894; best offer per set gets them. Address MEDICUS," care MEDICAL SUMMARY, Philadelphia.

Therapeutic Notes.

Irisol is recommended as a dressing in the treatment of stubborn ulcers.

G. W. Flavell & Bro., manufacturers, Philadelphia, are reliable and always glad to send their catalogue free to those who may want anything in their line.

Dr. D. Leon Sanders, Denson Spring, Texas, writes: "I find Kryofine an invaluable remedy as an analgesic in sciatica, migraine malarial fevers and to allay the head symptoms of quinine."

Dr. J. C. Roberts, of Pulaski, Tenn., writes: "From the experience that I have had with Peacock's Bromides I believe it to far excell any of the bromide preparations I have ever prescribed. It is a pure preparation, pleasing to take and, with all, a very reliable sedative."

Dr. R. A. Jamieson, professor clinical medicine, Detroit College of Medicine, writes: "I prescribe Uterotonic (Nelson, Baker & Co.) almost daily in my practice. It has proved a valuable remedy in dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia, and in many other conditions of uterine and ovarian irritation.

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On September 10, 1897, a well-known New York physician, the surgeon of the Third Avenue Cable Railroad Company, returned to the New York office of the Norwich Pharmacal Co., 94 one-pound empty Unguentine jars. In a letter accompanying the jars the doctor says: "The jars I return to you to-day represent the number of pounds of Unguentine I have used since December 1st last. I have from 12 to 15 cases a day, motormen, conductors and stablemen, suffering from slight wounds, abrasions, cuts, bruises and burns, and about the only treatment I make is to give them a small box of Unguentine. I is certainly my sheet anchor in practice, as in every instance it heals all the above cases quicker than

HYPNOTISM! anything I have ever used."

DOCTOR! Are you aware that your Profession is incomplete without a knowledge of this Suggestive Power? I am now making a special offer, and you will do well to write at once to

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Dr. E. M. Epstain, of West Liberty, W. Va., writes: "I have used Seng and found it to be a most valuable stomachal tonic. It is a pleasure to recommend a remedy that truly deserves commendation.

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