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DON'T YOU KNOW-That every progressive physician is using prescription envelopes in dispensing in place of boxes? They are much neater and cheaper. Send for sample forms and prices. William Koehl, Jamestown, N. Y.



recent practical book published on the sub ject; treating of every phase of Hypnotism, Mind Reading, Telepathy and Spiritism. For sale by the author, Rev. L. F. Schlathoelter, Moberly, Mo. Price, in fancy cloth, $1.00, postpaid.

FOR SALE. Sajou's Annuals, 'go to '95; the six sets, 30 vol's, all new, for only $40; any single set $8 per set. Address "Medicus," care MEDICAL SUMMARY, 2321 Park ave, Philadelphia.

TYPEWRITERS.-All kinds; some special bargains. Address A. E. Wilbur, Binghamton, N.Y.

GALL-STONE COLIC.-The ideal treatment; always reliable; sample free. W. Davis, M. D., Lansing, Iowa.

FOR SALE to physician registered in Pennsyl

vania, thoroughly posted in refraction, treatment of chronic diseases and compounding of drugs, half interest in $40co cash office business; eastern Penna. Address "Pensyl care MEDICAL SUMMARY, P. O. Box 1217, Philadelphia.

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WANTED.-Desire position in sanitarium; have had 12 years' such exprience, treating chronic diseases, chiefly of a nervous type, and the milder forms of insanity; can influence business and show past satisfactory labor. Address Irving D. Wiltrout, M. D.. Eau Claire, Wis.

DOCTORS who wish to cure Morphine, Whiskey

and all Drug Habits. for a reasonable fee can secure full instructions on a harmless and painless treatment that positively cures in a to 6 days, by addressing Box 1009, La Porte, Ind.

FOR SALE. Good village practice, $2,500, with residence, barn, etc.; for price of property, $650. Lock Box 15, Corunna, Ind.

DO YOU want to sell your Practice, or do you wish to buy one? In either case try this column; the result will surprise you.

PHYSICIANS who have found the systems of their patients so clogged with poisonous matter as to defeat every medical prescription, should investigate the efficacy of Anidrosis Fuming and Bathing in dis solving all curdy effete matter for prompt secretion and excretion, without which health and magnetic power can never return. Sweat-box imitators of my apparatus, without these supplies, are finding them like a gun without ammunition. Correspondence solicited. Book mailed from Anidrosis Sanitarium. Skowhegan, Me.

Therapeutic Notes.

Parke, Davis & Co. have announced that they will protect and defend from legal proceedings all those who use their antitoxic serum.

Iodia is prepared by Battle & Co., St. Louis, and contains extracts from the green roots of stillingia, helonia, saxifraga and menispermum. Each fluid drachm also contains five grains of iodide potassium and three grains of phosphate of iron.

The Kansas Med. Index publishes the following formula for acute cystitis: Bromide of potash, 3 ss; fld. ext. gelsemin, mx; fld. ext. hyoscyam., 3ij: lithiated hydrangea (Lambert), q. s. ad. iv. M. Sig. A dessertspoonful every four hours. Milk and flaxseed tea as drinks.

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In the treatment of endometritis Micajah's Medicated Uterine Wafers combine all the advantages of the medicated tampon with a number of special properties. They are much more readily applied than the tampon, so that part of the treatment can be intrusted to the patient, and their application is therefore to be preferred both on the score of cleanliness and convenience.

Dr. J. P. Hawkins, of Avondale, Ala., writes: "I have been using Sanmetto for the past three years in my practice. Have prescribed it in chronic cases of irritable bladder, urethral canal, irritable and enlarged prostate gland, sexual perversion, dropsy dropsy and cystitis. Have found it to be an excellent remedy and am more than pleased with Sanmetto.

Neurosine is presented in a most permanent and palatable form, and elegant and efficient combination of wellknown and long tried remedies concerning whose virtues in the diseases and conditions indicated there is absolute unanimity of expression among all observers and authors upon the subject. In hysteria, epilepsy and neurasthenia it is unexcelled.


Dr. W. Irving Hyslop, 4408 Chestnut St., West Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have used Celerina quite largely both in private and hospital practice, and with gratifying It is void of repugnant taste and is readily retained by the stomach. My experience with Celerina has been confined chiefly to its use in nervous diseases, particularly in loss of nerve power and opium habit, in which conditions it has served me well, and I shall continue its use."

The advertising pages in the SUMMARY are interesting and you should not fail to read them.

Ordered and Prescribed---Merrell.





Syrup Albuminate of Iron.




Green Root only is used. The menstruum is pure, inodorous spirit, whereby the peculiar, rich aroma and characteristic virtues of the fresh drug are extracted and retained unim. paired. It is a perfect representative of the drug, and to avoid the danger of over doses in some cases, and the uncertainty of attending the use of inert and imperfect remedies in others, Tinct. Gelsemium-Merrell, only should be dispensed. It is an agent of wonderfully active therapeutic power, possessing a well defined and uniform standard of medicinal strength.

An organic compound of Iron representing in a purified and soluble form the albuminate and salts (phosphates) present in the blood. It contains o 7 per cent metallic iron in a form that is readily absorbed and highly active.

This combination of Iron may be regarded as approximating the natural forms in which the metal is present in the animal system and possesses a marked value in anæmia and chlorosis neurasthenia where prolonged administration of iron is indicated. It is not only free from any tendency to cause digestive disturbances, but is of positive value in these condi tions during convalescence, etc. One part of this syrup represents about fifteen parts of fresh bullock's blood.

This preparation consists of Carbonol, a perfectly pure and bland medicinal hydro-carbon product in combination with Thymol, Eucalyptol, Menthol, Camphor and Oil Gaultheria.

A valuable bland and soothing antiseptic and deodorant, exerting a decidedly beneficial influence on the mucous membranes. Successfully employed as an inhalant in the form of spray in Catarrhal affections of the Nose and Throat.

In this preparation the Chlorides of Aluminum, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are present with the white alkaloid of Hydrastis. This addition is favored by some physicians, and the solution is somewhat more astringent than our regular Colorless Hydrastis.

Recommended for external use only in Gonorrhoea, Leucorrhoea, Nasal Catarrh and all diseases of the mucous surfaces.

As an injection or wash-One part to four or six of water. As a spray-One part to six or eight of water. As an eye wash-One part to twelve of water. As a cleansing agent for the ear-One part to six of water, to which has been added a few drops of creosote. May be added to water or Glycerine without precipitation.

Merrell Co.'s "Green Drug" Fluid Extracts, Boro-Glyceride, Salts of Hydrastis, Fluid Hydrastis and all other specialties may be obtained of wholesale druggists throughout the United States, at the Home Office at Cincinnati, New York Office, 96 Maiden Lane, New York City, or San Francisco Office, 45 Stevenson St., San Francisco, Cal.

Prices Current and Printed Matter Cheerfully Furnished.


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Special CASH Offer.

On Receipt of One Dollar

We will send. postpaid, 2,000 Heart Stimulant Tablets. each containig Tr. Digitalis, 2 mins.; Tr. Stropanthus, 2 mins.; Tr. Belladonna, 4 min.; NitroGlycerine, 1-100 grain.

On Receipt of One Dollar

We will send 3,000 Calomel, Ipecac and Soda Bicarb. Tablets, each containing Calomel, 1-5 grain; Powd. Ipecac, 1 10 grain; Soda Bicarbonate, I grain. On Receipt of One Dollar

We will send, postpaid, 2 000 Aloin and Strych. Comp. Tablets, each containing Aloin, 1-5 grain; Ext Belladonna, 1-8 grain; Strychnine Sulph, 1-60 grain; Ipecac, 1-16 grain.

On Receipt of One Dollar

We will send, postpaid, 3,000 Calomel and Bismuth Tablets, each containing Calomel, 1-10 grain: Bismuth, 1-10 grain.

On Receipt of One Dollar

We will send, postpaid, 2,000 Diarrhoea Tablets No. 2, each containing Powd.Opium, grain; lpecac, % grain; Camphor, grain; Lead Acetate, 1-6 grain. On Receipt of One Dollar

We will send, postpaid, 1,000 Morphine Sulphate Tablets, each containing Morphine Sulphate, grain. On Receipt of FIVE DOLLARS

We will send. postpaid, 1,000 each of all of the above tablets.

If you use tablets, write us for special prices before ordering elsewhere.

Therapeutic Notes.

The Pharmaceutical Specialty Co., 145 N. Sixth St., Philadelphia. introduced Mentholyptine to the attention of the medical profession but a short time ago, but it already has a wonderful reputation. Send for sample; it will undoubtedly please.

No thoughtful reader can fail to admire the clear cut tone, and high ethical character in the production of the advertising matter brought out in medical journals by that wide-awake, progressive firm, the Chas. Roome Parmele Co., of New York City. Do not fail to read what this firm has to say on our title page this month. It shows a new departure and the ethical character of their work.

We have recently received a can of Pulvola. a new candidate for public favor in the shape of a dusting powder for infants, and, after carefully watching the use of all the contents of this can, we are inclined to believe, in the language of another, that every one who tries this powder will use it forever. Pulvola possesses the following characteristics: It is a very light powder, from eight to 10 times the covering power of starch or talcum, adheres closely to the skin, is impermeable to moisture and is absolutely impalpable. It is a soft, light powder, which, when applied, sticks closely and sheds water like oil. For a sample can, address Pulvola Chemical Co, 100 Williams St., New York.

Dr. G. W. Brown writes: "I have used Pineoline in many cases of skin diseases, and in every instance with immediate relief or permanent cure. I do not stop to classify the ailments. Whenever I found an eruption or irritation of any kind, I applied the Pineoline to the affected part and in every instance gained the desired results. I have long since determined I will not be without so valvable a preparation, for it is one the physician can always depend upon to give the desired resultsprompt relief.”

Eskay's Albuminized Food is particularly commended to the attention of the medical profession as being a food which produces more satisfactory results as a diet for both infants and invalids, in a larger proportion of cases than any food at present upon the market. This is very largely owing to its peculiar composition, which is a combination of both cereals and egg albumen. It has the additional advantage of being the chsapest food at present upon the market, the cost of feed

Weeks Drug & Chemical Co., ing a three-months-old child on it, includ


ing milk, etc., being 8 to 9 cents a day.



A Monthly Journal of

Practical Medicine, New Preparations, etc.

R. H. ANDREWS, M. D., Editor, 2321 Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa





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No. 9

ments of every well-ordered mind, and whatever such mind may suggest or do is the best and most effective in its way to accomplish the contemplated end.

Successful surgery is only the common sense application of accurate anatomical and mechanical knowledge to the treatment of injured or disorganized living organism. The former can only be acquired by patient study and observation, the latter may be largely a natural gift or an acquisition easily attained.

So much for philosophy; now to the points of practical interest.

All the books describe how to proceed, and if this would help the operator to proceed rightly nothing further could be desired.

For instance, they direct one to employ the taxis, which is accomplished by seizing the parts containing the protruded viscus with one hand, making gentle, uniform pressure, while the fingers of the other hand are placed at the inguinal ring to assist.

As a preparation for this the thighs are

approximated and flexed on abdomen, and legs on the thighs. This performance is to be repeated at intervals until the object is accomplished or efforts fail.

This is very good practice. Often the inexperienced operator will repeat this over and over, and finally become entirely disheartened by his failures.

Taxis is the best when it succeeds at the first or second trial.

After the taxis, or before, another device may be tried which experience has shown often succeeds, perhaps in a large majority of cases. It possesses the merit of being gentle and absolutely free from pain or danger. It consists in nothing more than the application of cloths wrung out of hot water and applied as warm as can be well tolerated.

These cloths should be large enough to retain the heated moisture and cover parts entirely and comfortably. Their application must be repeated frequently enough to maintain uniform warmth, which soothes and relaxes all the tissues involved. In many stubborn cases that have resisted every effort at taxis, at each removal of application the swelling will be found to have diminished, at last to entirely disappear.

Therefore, it is believed that this method, or device, commends itself for its simplicity and effectiveness. Other devices are the application of cold and the ether spray.

However, where pain is a prominent. symptom, opium or its alkaloid can be given with advantage; indeed, it is often indispensable, taking the place and affording the same result that would be attained by chloroform inhalation.

Nothing at all can be accomplished in many of these cases without the anodyne and relaxing influence of the medicine.

But position is all important, therefore the patient may be placed with hips

resting on the back of a chair, so that the legs hang over the rounds and the thighs approximated; this, after a dose of opium or not, to be followed by the described application of hot cloths.


Almost the first resort in cases of croup is the administration of emetics, either hive syrup or ipecac. We are inclined to believe that few physicians appreciate the value of morphine in ordinary croup, and that claiming for it a curative agent in most cases may appear paradoxical to many, but nevertheless true.

In nearly all cases a full dose of morphine or opium will relieve the spasm and cough and, producing sleep, the next morning our little sufferer will awake hardly conscious of his nocturnal attack, while emetics disorder the stomach more or less and frequently pave the way for a spell of sickness, such as pneumonia, etc., by the succeeding nausea, depression and excessive perspiration that is sure to follow.

A neighboring doctor who gave us this pointer, some that years ago, stated he had treated ordinary cases for a long time in this way satisfactorily, only occasionally finding a case that would not yield—as, for instance, in a case where the cough was so incessant and hoarse as to be alarming, where he used ice in addition, well packed around the larynx, giving relief in a short time.


Attention is directed to our special combination offer and blank form for subscription in another part of this number. In addition all new subscribers will receive the December number free. Our combination offer is open for new and old subscribers alike.

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