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Unlike most preparations of its class, SANGUIFERRIN does not irritate the stomach, but, on the contrary, strengthens and improves digestion and assimilation, causing an increase in the weight of the patient almost from the very beginning of treatment,

Extracts from a letter received from E. LEE STANDLEE, M. D., President State Board of Health of Missouri; Professor of Anatomy in American Medical College of St. Louis, Mo.:

"I have used SANGUIFERRIN in several cases of chlorosis, leukemia, neurasthenia, etc., in which the blood was insufficient in nutritive and appropriative power, and have been rewarded by the happiest results in all cases so tar.

"Miss B., aged seventeen years, had resisted for some time the various treatments ordinarily applied for chlorosis, with extreme anemia, from which she has suffered since childhood. I gave her SANGUIFERRIN, withdrawing all other treatment. She promptly responded to this, and seems to be quite well in the way of a permanent convalescence."

Sanguiferrin in Dysmenorrhea.

Report of case by Dr. W. V. KINGSBURY, 1301 Chemical Building, St. Louis, Mo.:

"Mrs. G., age twenty-seven, married three years. Diagnosis, retroversion of uterus, Dysmenorrheaacanty flow; has been complaining of backache and pain during menstruation for two years. Had steno, sis of cervical canal and constipation. On July 5th, after having replaced uterus and dilated canal, I prescribed SANGUIFERRIN. Patient's weight at this time was between 113 aud 115 pounds. On August 3d, weigned 123 pounds; on August 6th. 125 pounds. The constipation was corrected by the use of salines, and no other medicine except SANGUIFERRIN was ued by her. During her menstruation, which occurred about July 18th to arst, she suffered no pain and the flow was about normal in quantity.

"I consider SANGUIFFRRIN to be the best preparation of its kind on the market today, and the results that I have obtained from its use have been most satisfactory to myself and patients."

Post-partum Hemorrhage.

DR. H. R. WEBER, 78 State Street, Chicago, Ill.,

says: "I am indebted to your preparation, SANGUIFERRIN, for a very satisfactory result in a recent case, and feel that I cannot better discharge the obligation than by briefly detailing the facts of the case, so that you may use the information, if you care to do so. Case is as follows:

"Mrs. M. S., cared for in her confinement by a midwife, had a very severe post-parturi hemorrhage, losing so much blood that she appeared moribund when I was called into the case. I at once applied the necessary stimulants, to which she ressonded fairly well, and then bagan to administer SANGUIFERRIN, It is not too much to say that the results exceeded my most 'sanguine' expectations, the collapsed arteries almost visibly filling with rich, warm blood, and dissipating, in a day, the deathly pallor that marked the alarming extent of the hrmorrhage.

I have never before encountered a blood builder in anywise comparable with SANGUIFERRIN, and take pleasure in recommending its use to the profession generally. You are to be congratulated on the introduction of so meritorious a preparation."

A full size bottle with descriptive literature will be sent. to any physician for trial, if express charges are guaranteed.




110 Walnut Street


Hard Coughs and Colds

"It is quite common for individuals with incipient pneumonia to visit the physician's office 'on account of a severe cold.

"If the physician be called early, if he recognize the malady promptly, and if he act vigorously and wisely, he may arrest the disease at this point. '

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Both of these quotations are from the writings of Prof. I. N. Danforth, of the Northwestern University Medical College of Chicago. They are found in the last edition of the American Text-book of Applied Therapeutics.

To Abort Pneumonia We Suggest a Trial of


Cherry Pectoral

This is an anodyne-expectorant, the formula of which will be furnished any physician upon request.

For Hard Coughs and Colds, especially when the cough is troublesome and the pain harrassing, a prompt arrest of all threatening symptoms may be expected to follow the use of this anodyne-expectorant.

As a local application for a congested or painful lung, requiring an anodyne and counter-irritant effect, we have

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster

We will gladly send one bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and one Pectoral Plaster to any physician, express charges prepaid, upon request.

J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.

Information Wanted

The satisfactory results obtained by the Profession from the use of Neurosine and Dioviburnia is daily increasing the demand, consequently it is the “harvest time” for Substitutors and, whereas, we manufacture products exclusively for the physician to prescribe, it is to his interest, as well as ours, not to allow his prescriptions to be substituted, reporting to us the names of Druggists attempting this nefarious business. Such information strictly confidential. When prescribing Dioviburnia or Neurosine please signify (Dios).

DIOS CHEMICAL CO., St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A


Do You Cure Your
Goitre Patients?

I cure all of mine and receive from $25 to $50 from each of them. The cost of treating a case will not exceed $1.00. Enclose a 2-cent stamp for particulars.

Lock Box 604.

F. E. MAY, M. D., Bloomington, Ill.

The Medical Summary Physician's Call-Book and Ledger Combined


It accommodates daily charges for 400 families, each account for the entire year on a single page by itself. Has obstetrical record, record of deaths, nurses' addresses, vaccination engagements, cash record, general memoranda, silicate pencil tablet, etc., etc.

Its Special Advantages.-No posting or transferring, no indexing. One writing of patient's or family name for entire year. Sufficiently small and compact for the pocket, yet spaces large enough to make all charges in figures, if so desired; no auxiliary books required; can be commenced at any time in the year. Amount due can be told any time at a glance The most convenient and labor-saving physician's account book ever devised. It will put many a dollar in the physician's pocket, as he will always be ready to present a bill at a moment's notice at any time and place, so long as he carries this book with him. Buy no other until you have seen this.

Bound handsomely in Russia leather with pocket an d flap. Price $1 50. Your name, town and State on the side in gold leaf, $2.00. Mailed post paid. See Order Blank.


Dr. Drake's Chart of the Muscular System.

This Chart is a list of the muscles of the human body, so arranged as to give the region, origin, insertion and action of each, and is nerve supply. When hung upon tne wall of the study or office it is always ready for original memorizing, or for review or reference. It has the warmest commendation of highest medical authorities.

Size of Chart-32 inches from left to right, by 44 inches high. Price, mounted on cloth, neat rollers. $1.50; including one year's subscription to THE MEDICAL SUMMARY, only $2.00. See Order Blank. Address

Address Medical Summary, 2321 PARK AVE.,


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t this season of the year we have many values in broken lines of Overcoats that we desire to close out. They were made as special values at the original prices. With such substantial reductions as we have made, they present an opportunity of obtaining desirable clothing at an unusual saving. They are suitable in every way for your wear, being cut in the latest style, trimmed and lined tastefully and in the very best manner. The quantity is limited.

136 Finest Grade Winter-weight Patent Beavers, Black and Blue-lined throughout with first grade Italian body lining, Silk Sleeve Lining, were $25.00...

. $15.00

145 Super Blue and Black English Kerseys, lined with heavy Italian Cloth or Check Worsted, Satin Shoulders and Sleeves, were $15.00, now...

. $10.00

If you want one of these overcoats, send your order at once, enclosing the amount, your heighth, weight and size around chest. We will send it express prepaid with the understanding that you are to return it if you don't like it, in which case we immediately return the money. E. O. THOMPSON'S SONS,

1338 Chestnut Street




BASY, PAINLESS, PERMANENT HOME CUBE. We will send to any physician, Free of Charge a Trial Treatment of the most remarkable remedy ever discovered for the cure of OPIUM, MORPHINE, LAUDANUM or kindred Drug Habits, containing a new principle in the treatment of these diseases Refractory Cases solicited. Confidential correspondence invited. ST. JAMES SOCIETY, 1181 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK CITY.


Foolish people pay so-called professors from $10.00 to $100.00 to be taught Hypnotism. We give you the full course of instruction by the BEST AUTHOR


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Times-Herald Building, Chicago. Your money returned on demand if your are not satisfied.


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Name and address in gold-leaf on Call-Book 50 cts. extra. -The Practical Application of Electricity in Medicine and Surgery, by Dr. St. Clair, price $2.00, including subscription to the SUMMARY, as above.... 4-Dr. Drake's CHART OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM, price formerly $3.00, including subscription to the SUMMARY, as above

Special $4 Offer!



For this amount we will send ALL of the above, and have your name and address put in gold. leaf on the Call-Book free of Charge.


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2321 Park Avenue, Philadelphia

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