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Episcopal Church, according to the true intent and meaning of the following form of a deed of settlement: anything in the said form to the contrary notwithstanding.


day of

one thousand


State of

in the year of our Lord hundred and

[blocks in formation]

ried, insert the name of his wife) of the one

part, and for the use and purposes herein after men

tioned, all of the


trustees, in trust

in the State

aforesaid, of the other part, WITNESSETH, that the said


married, insert the name of his wife,) for and in consideration of the sum of specie, to in hand paid, at and upon the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath (or have) given, granted, bargained, sold, released, confirmed, and conveyed, and by these presents doth (or do) give, grant, bargain, sell, release, confirm, and convey unto them the said

and their successors, (trustees, in trust for the uses and purposes herein after mentioned and declared,) all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand whatsoever, either in law or equity, which he the



married, here insert the name of his wife) hath (or have) in, to, or upon all and singular a certain lot, or piece of land, situate, lying, and being in the and State

aforesaid, bounded and butted as follows, to wit, (here insert the several courses and distances of the land to the place of beginning,) containing and laid out for


acres of land, together with all and singular the houses, woods, waters, ways, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise pertaining: TO HAVE AND HOLD all and singular, the above-mentioned and described lot or piece of land, situate, lying, and being as aforesaid, together with all and singular the houses, woods, waters, ways, and privileges thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining unto them the said

and their successors in office

forever in trust, that they shall erect and build, or cause to be erected and built thereon, a house or place of worship for the use of the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America, according to the rules and discipline which from time to time may be agreed upon and adopted by the ministers and preachers of the said Church at their General Conferences in the United States of America; and in further trust and confidence that they shall at all times, forever hereafter, permit such ministers and preachers belonging to the said Church, as shall from time to time be duly authorized by the General Conferences of the ministers and preachers of the said Methodist Episcopal Church, or by the Annual Conferences authorized by the said General Conference, to preach and expound God's holy word

doth by

therein; And the said these presents warrant, and forever defend, all and singular the before-mentioned and described lot or piece of land with the appurtenances thereto belonging unto them the said and their successors, chosen and appointed as aforesaid, from the claim or claims of him the said

his heirs and assigns, and from the claim or claims of all persons whatever. In testimony whereof, the said

insert the name of his wife) their hands and seals, the aforesaid.

Sealed and delivered in

(if married, have hereto set day and year

[blocks in formation]

in the year of our Lord

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the

day of

one thousand

personally appeared before me, one of the justices of the peace, in and for the county of


the within-named

and State


grantor (if married, insert the name of his wife) acknowledged the within deed of trust to be their act and deed, for the

uses and purposes therein mentioned and declared; and she the said

of the said

wife being separate and apart from her said husband, by me examined, declared that she had made the same acknowledgment, freely and with her own consent, without being induced thereto through fear or threats of her said husband. In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal, the day and year first above written.

Here the justice's name.


Of Trustees.

(L. S.)

1. Let nine trustees be appointed for holding church property, where proper persons can be procured; otherwise seven or five.

2. When a new board of trustees is to be created, it shall be done (except in those States and Territories where the statutes provide differently) by the appointment of the preacher in charge, or the Presiding Elder of the district.

3. When any one or more of the trustees shall die, or cease to be a member or members of the said Church according to the rules of the discipline as aforesaid, then and in such case it shall be the duty of the stationed minister or preacher (authorized as aforesaid) who shall have the pastoral charge of the members of the said Church, (except in those States and Territories where

the statutes provide differently,) to call a meeting of the remaining trustees as soon as conveniently may be: and when so met, the said minister or preacher shall proceed to nominate one or more persons to fill the place or places of him or them whose office [or offices] has [or have] been vacated as aforesaid. Provided, the person or persons so nominated shall have been one year a member or members of the said Church immediately preceding such nomination, and be at least twenty-one years of age; and the said trustees, so assembled, shall proceed to elect, and by a majority of votes appoint, the person or persons so nominated to fill such vacancy or vacancies, in order to keep up the number of nine trustees forever; and in case of an equal number of votes for and against the said nomination, the stationed minister or preacher shall have the casting


Provided nevertheless, That if the said trustees, or any of them, or their successors, have advanced, or shall advance, any sum or sums of money, or are or shall be responsible for any sum or sums of money, on account of the said premises, and they the said trustees, or their successors, be obliged to pay the said sums of money, they, or a majority of them, shall be authorized to raise the said sum or sums of money by a mortgage on the said premises, or by selling the said premises, after notice given to the pas tor or preacher who has the oversight of the congregation attending divine service on the

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