USSR Facts & Figures Annual, Volumes 1-10; Volume 16Academic International Press, 1991 |
Oil Consumption | 38 |
Estimated Crude | 52 |
Petroleum Refineries | 73 |
Soviet Embassy Consulates | 77 |
Composition of Primary Party | 82 |
Soviet Trade with Nicaragua | 84 |
Local Party Committees 1 | 86 |
Nuclear Power Plants | 113 |
13 | 231 |
Value of Arms Transfers Cumulative | 232 |
TheaterNuclear Weapons Summaries 79 | 239 |
VOLUME 1 1977 | 252 |
Comparison of Soviet and American | 265 |
Communist International Front | 276 |
USSR | 116 |
Strategic Forces Developments | 118 |
Union of Composers of the USSR | 141 |
Aircraft Industries | 147 |
SURVEY | 158 |
Young Communist League YCL | 163 |
Administrative Territorial Units | 167 |
Aircraft Industry Plants | 173 |
Soviet and American Production | 174 |
Cumulative 197983 | 178 |
Chairmen First General | 196 |
Introduction of Strategic Systems | 198 |
Comintern Congresses | 202 |
Soviet IronOre Exports 196083 | 204 |
CPSU Politburo | 206 |
Soviet Friendship Treaties | 211 |
Soviet Military Deliveries to Cuba | 217 |
40 | 219 |
Diplomatic Representatives | 223 |
Economic Indicators | 289 |
Members and Candidates | 296 |
Secretaries by Education 1 | 309 |
Naval Developments | 312 |
Communist Employees | 317 |
24 | 323 |
Personal Disposable Income | 326 |
Soviet Warship Port Visits 1984 | 333 |
Soviet Weapons Production Rates | 342 |
Candidates and Members | 359 |
Naval Ship Construction USSR | 360 |
Communist Youth International | 366 |
Growth in Per Capita Consumption | 372 |
USSR Council of Ministers | 387 |
Capabilities USUSSR | 400 |
Deputies of Local Soviets | 403 |
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