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Medical Books.—The Denver Medical Book Co. is one of the oldest and most reliable book concerns in the west. Their many years' experience and extensive agencies reduce the cost and time. in securing publications to the minimum.

"It gives me pleasure at all times to render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's. Although I am opposed to giving certificates relative to proprietary medicines, in this case I overlook my objections as I consider Sanmetto one of the greatest vitalizers of the reproductive organs now in use."-P. C. Jones, M. D., Kansas City, Mo.

Cholera Infantum. --David Coleman, M.D., Tottenville, S. I., reports the following case: "On July 1, last, was called to attend a baby suffering from cholera infantum in advanced stage. I had little hope of saving the child; at once put it on teaspoonful doses of Glyco-Thymoline (Kress). It stopped the vomiting and corrected the bowelsa rapid recovery resulted."

"Coca" has maintained its reputation as a powerful nerve stimulant, being used with good results in nervous debility, opium and alcohol habit, etc. The highly variable character of the commercial drug makes it uncertain however. Robinson's Wine Coca (see page 3) we believe to be a uniformly active article, it being prepared from assayed leaves, the percentage of Cocaine being always determined by careful assay.

W. Irving Hyslop, M.D., 4408 Chestnut St., West Philadelphia, Pa., says: “I have used Celerina quite largely both in private and hospital practice, and with gratifying results. It is void of repugnant taste and is readily retained by the stomach. My experience with Celerina has been confined chiefly to its use in nervous diseases, particularly loss of nerve power, and the opium habit, in which conditions it has served me well, and I shall continue to prescribe it both in private and hospital practice."

Artificial Limbs.-It has long been the study of inventors to construct a limb so as to save the wearer suffering from the constant chafing of the stump. The inventor of the Winkley Artificial Limb, who for years was a sufferer from wearing one of the old-fashioned kind, happily solved the problem by inventing the close-fitting socket contained in an outer one in such a manner as to allow of friction between the two sockets, instead of between the socket and stump, thus saving all chafing, irritation and pulling on the end of

the limb.

Treatment of Hypertrophic Rhinitis.-Dr. E. J. Bermingham (New York Medical Times) says that the compound stearates recently introduced to the profession provide a very efficient method of thoroughly applying aristol, europhen, and iodoform to the nasal mucous membrane. The objection to insufflation heretofore existing, that the powder was almost immediately washed away by the movement of the parts, is to a large extent done away with by combining it with the compound stearate of zinc, which adheres evenly and firmly to the mucous membrane for a considerable length of time. After insufflation of the nasal cavities and pharyngeal vault with this preparation, the membrane is frequently seen partially covered with the powder twenty-four hours after its application.

F. A. Rew, M. D., Imboden, Ark., says: "My experience with S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis was so decidedly satisfactory and gratifying that I prescribed it with a positive assurance that benefit will follow its use. On the principle that all astringents are tonics,' I use the Pinus Canadensis, in small doses, in pneumonia, bronchitis, typhoid fever; indeed, where the mucous membranes need a tonic, and recognizing the similarity between mucous membranes and the external skin, I use it in erysipelas, nervous forms of eczema, and whenever the skin needs a tonic. It is all I need in many cases of ophthalmia and gonorrhea. Its special therapeutics would fill many pages, and I am satisfied that we will yet find new uses for it."

Sight-Seer's Headache.--There are, no doubt, very many important uses for Antikamnia, of which physicians as a rule may be uninformed. A 5-grain Antikamnia tablet prescribed for patients before starting on an outing, and this includes tourists, picknickers, bicyclers, and in fact, anybody who is out in the sun and air all day, will entirely prevent that demoralizing headache which frequently mars the pleasure of such an occasion. This applies equally to women on shopping tours, and especially to those who invariably come home cross and out of sorts, with a wretched "sight-seer's headache." The nervous headache and irritable condition of the busy business man is prevented by the timely use of a 10-grain dose. Every bicycle rider, after a hard run, should take two 5-grain tablets on going to bed. In the morning he will awake minus the usual. muscular pains, aches and soreness. As a cure and preventive of the pains peculiar to women at time of period, Antikamnia is unequalled and unaccompanied by habit or unpleasant after-effect. If the pain is over the lower border of the liver, or lower part of the stomach, or, in short, be it headache, sideache, backache or pain of any other description caused by suppressed or irregular menstruation, it will yield to two 5-grain tablets. This dose may be repeated in an hour or two if needed.


Economic Value of Pigeons.-Carrier pigeons are serving a rather unique purpose in McCook, Neb., for Dr. F. S. Morris. He is using them among his patients to save him long rides, and finds them of much practical advantage. His practice covers a large country territory. When he has one or two patients ill in widely separated localities he finds it difficult to call on them in one day. such circumstances he leaves with the family of the sick person. several carrier pigeons, to be released daily with a message as to the patient's condition. These pigeons reach home in a few minutes and much time is saved. The doctor at first used but a pair of the birds, but of late has found them of such great use that he has purchased a dozen. He is receiving a large number of communications from physicians in the country districts of other states. asking as to the details and success he has met with in the new plan. Dr. Morris claims that he at first used the birds as a matter of pleasure, and later found the idea a very practical one. Now on all visits made into the country he carries two of the birds in his saddlebags especially arranged for the purpose.—California Poultry Tribune.

Acute Dysentery. In an editorial article on dysentery, Dr. St. J. V. Graham (Georgia Journal of Medicine and Surgery, July, 1899) states that the drug treatment of this disease resolves itself into five or six drugs-calomel, opium, ipecac, tannopine, salines and quinine. If the case is seen early, when diarrhea is present, with a lead colored or brown tongue, much benefit may be derived from giving calomel, 4 grain every fifteen minutes, until six, eight or ten doses are taken. An acid saline is then administered, after which bile usually begins to flow. This is nature's antiseptic, and no chemical compound or so-called intestinal antiseptic can be compared with it. After this has been kept up for a sufficient time for the exigencies of the case, tannopine should be administered, combined with ipecac and opium, in the form of Dover's powder, or of each drug in simple powder combination. Tannopine should be given in 10 or 15-grain doses every two and a half or three hours. An ice bag over the belly is preferred by the writer to any form of poultice. If necessary the bowels are irrigated with a bisulphate of quinine solution-one teaspoonful to a quart of cold water. Very little quinine will be absorbed, for it will not stay in long enough. The diet should be carefully adjusted to suit individual pecularities and the stomach digestion. Stimulants should be used as indicated. The above treatment, which is indicated in acute cases, has proved very successful. In chronic cases, however, an essentially different drug treatment should be resorted to.


J. Ellwood Lee Co.,


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Aristol, Creosote-Carbonate (Creosotal), Europhen, Ferro-Somatose, Guaiacol-Carbonate (Duotal). Hemicranin. Heroin, Heroin. Hydrochloric., lodothyrine, Lacto-Somatose. Losophan. Lycetol. Phenacetin, Piperazine-Bayer. Protargol, Quinalgen, Salicylic Acid, Salophen, Somatose, Sulfonal, Tannigen. Tannopine, Trional."

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