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THE regular meeting of the State Board of Medical Examiners was held August 5, 1903. The following officers were named for the ensuing year: Dr. Dudley Tate, President; Dr. L. A. Perce, Vice-President; Dr. C. L. Tisdale, Treasurer; Dr. Geo. G. Gere, Secretary, and William M. Maguire and William C. Tait, Attorneys. On the complaint of J. M. Nevin, the certificate of S. R. Chamley, 25 Third Street, was revoked for unprofessional conduct.

It is with deep regret that we announce the death of our old friend, Dr. I. N. Love, of the Medical Mirror, of New York. Dr. Love for many years lived in St. Louis, where he acquired an enviable reputation as a medical practitioner, and latterly he lived in New York, where he became one of the foremost men of the metropolis. Dr. Love had a charming personality and was a prince of good fellows, and the medical profession will mourn his loss as a genial, high minded, big hearted, lovable man.


DR. THOMAS has located at Placerville.

DR. JOSEPH REGLI will locate in San Jose.

PROFESSOR CARL GUSSENBAUER, of Vienna, is dead. DR. MARY T. BUTIN is the Health Officer of Madera. POMONA is to have a new hospital, the gift of Miss Bradbury.

DR. A. G. BENNETT, of San Jose, has been visiting Pacific Grove.

MARIPOSA COUNTY is to buy DR. CONRAD RICHTER's sanatorium.

DR. A. B. COWAN, of Fresno, has been made city railway surgeon.

DR. J. D. DAVIDSON, of Fresno, is visiting relatives in the East.

DR. FRANK L. ADAMS, of Oakland, has returned after his Eastern trip.

DR. J. E. HUFFMAN, formerly of Healdsburg, will locate in San Francisco.

DR. W. S. FOWLER has been appointed County Health Officer at Bakersfield.

DR. W. F. BURNETT has been appointed physician of Eureka County, Nevada.

DR. WALTER D. ANDERSON, a pioneer physician of Vallejo, died July 31, 1903.

SIR FREDERICK TREVES is about to retire from the active practice of his profession.

DR. D. D. CROWLEY, of Oakland, has returned home after an extended Eastern trip.

DR. T. C. EDWARDS, of Salinas, has been appointed on the local Board of Health.

DR. A. O. WRIGHT, of Stockton, has returned from his outing trip in the Yosemite.

DR. GEBHARDT, County Health Officer of Fresno, has returned after his Eastern trip.

DR. D. H. TROWBRIDGE has been appointed a member of the Board of Health of Fresno.

DR. G. A. HARE, of Fresno, has been spending his vacation in the Santa Cruz mountains.

DR. F. A. COOMBS, of Visalia, sustained a severe injury recently. It is hoped the doctor will recover.

DR. E. F. PERRAN, of San Jose, and Miss BERTHA BACHA, a graduate of Stanford, were married recently.

DR. R. J. SMITH has become the Attending Physician and Surgeon to the Mentone Sanatorium, at Redlands, Cal.

DR. J. H. MALLERY, of San Francisco, who has been absent in St. Paul Island for a year, has returned to Stockton.

DR. P. F. BULLINGTON has been engaged by the Bay counties Power Co., to look after their men at French Creek.

SAN BERNARDINO has a lady by the name of Mrs. Jessie Archibald, who has fasted 23 days. She is treating herself for rheumatism.

DR. W. J. GALBRAITH, lately of Honolulu, has been selected Chief Surgeon for the copper company at Cananea, Sonora, Mexico.

DR. J. H. MCLEOD, of Santa Rosa, was thrown from a buggy recently and severely shaken up. We are glad to see the doctor is now recovering.

DR. HOWARD A. KELLY, of Johns Hopkins, is honored. Dr. Kelly was recently elected honorary president of the Glasgow Obstetrical and Gynecological Society.

DR. DONALD MCLEAN, of Detroit, late Professor of Surgery in the University of Michigan, and late President of the American Medical Association, is dead.

Dr. C. D. BRIGHAM, one of the most prominent surgeons in California, was stricken with apoplexy at his country home near Lake Tahoe. It is hoped by his many friends that his life may be spared and his usefulness restored.

DR. ETHAN H. SMITH, who has been attending Ann Arbor, Michigan, University, for the past year, goes to Europe shortly, where he expects to pursue advanced studies in his profession. The doctor contemplates returning to California in about a year.

DR. NICHOLAS SENN is visiting Yosemite Valley. Dr. Senn is one of the finest surgeons in the world. He is Professor of Surgery of Rush Medical College, Chicago University, has written many valuable works on surgery and allied subjects and has traveled around the world many times. Dr. Senn is Surgeon-General of the State of Illinois, and we are glad to welcome him to the Golden Shores of California. He is a royal good fellow, and we hope that he will come out here to live permanently to enjoy our glorious climate.

DR. W. R. T. MCLEAN, of Los Angeles, has gone on an extended tour through the United States and Europe. He expects to be gone several months. The doctor is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of San Francisco, and has met with unusual success in the practice of his profession in Los Angeles. A hundred or more of his friends, when it was learned that he was going to leave Los Angeles, gave him a farewell dinner. In his remarks he thanked his many friends for their kind reception tendered to him, and he also spoke feelingly of his Alma Mater in San Francisco. We wish the doctor a very pleasant journey and a safe return to God's own country. We hope his health will be materially benefited by his trip.

Bureau of Information.

THE PACIFIC MEDICAL JOURNAL has established a bureau of information furnishing notices of desirable locations, practices for sale, partners wanted, etc., etc. $5 will entitle a physician to become a member of this bureau for the current year, as well as securing for him the PACIFIC MEDICAL JOURNAL for one year.


WINNEMUCCA, NEV., has a new sanatorium.

THE American Surgery and Gynecology moved into its new quarters at 3870 Del Mar Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. NINETY boys at the State Reform School, at Whittier, suffered from meat ptomaine poisoning. Many of them were seriously ill.

SILVER CITY, Nevada, according to press dispatches, has another fast cure devotee. This time it is Professor Wellington Putman, recently of New York. He is said to have fasted forty days. He is supposed to have some "kidney" affliction.

NEWS reaches us from Mexico, that Mrs. Mattina Rodriguez gave birth to a child which had but one eye, and that in the center of the forehead, and, instead of ears, the offspring had a pair of small horns just above the temples. It was covered with hair all over the body, and its legs were united down to the knees. The child lived six hours. When the news of the birth of this monstrosity reached the people of the neighborhood, they began to assemble, saying that it was God's punishment, that Mrs. Rodriguez was bewitched and that she deserved to be lynched to appease God's wrath. Fortunately this news reached the police in time to have the parish priest explain that there was nothing superhuman about the birth of this unfortunate being, as many other similar births had taken place.


"I have prescribed Dioviburnia and Neurosine alone and in combination, with the very best results, and will continue their use in my practice in the class of cases for which they are indicated." LOUIS A. HARRIS, M. D.

26 West st., Newburgh, N. Y.

Deimel Linen-Mesh Underwear.

We are justly proud of the following endorsement, contained in the Journal of Tuberculosis, by Dr. Karl von Runk, Asheville, N. C.: "My efforts to improve the nutrition and function of the skin in my pthisical patients have been materially aided by the use of Deimel Linen-Mesh Underwear, and in some instances such efforts proved fully effective only after its adoption."



[Let us hope that all who read this communication will help our professional brother who is sorely distressed.]

PINE VALLEY, TEX., July 27, 1903.


Dear Doctor: I herewith enclose you an article from the Surgical Clinic for May, which please do me the great favor to publish in your next issue. The conditions are just the same now as then. I only received $37.00 from the publication of this article in the Clinic, which was certainly a God-send in my unfortunate condition—and most of it from California doctors. This induced me to write to you to give it a place in your next issue, which, if you will, I shall ever be very thankful, and rest assured you will be doing an act of true charity in my case, as I have diabetes and am unable to do anything and only two little girls able to work. I sincerely hope and trust you will do so and I feel assured that God in his infinite mercy will compensate you a hundred fold for your noble generosity.

Fraternally yours,


The following is a clipping from a late number of the Surgical Clinic. The statements therein made are absolutely true in every particular. As only a very few-about thirty-responded, it was sufficient to accomplish but little benefit, perhaps from financial inability on the part of those who read it, or negligence to act at the time of reading, and therefore this appeal is sent to you, hoping you will be able to contribute your mite towards helping an unfortunate brother. We feel assured that those who will assist will be an hundred-fold financially rewarded by our great Creator for their noble generosity.

By W. C. ABBOTT, M. D., Editor Alkaloidal Clinic.

"The surest foot may fall,

And sorrow touches one and all."

The accompanying correspondence tells its own story-a story one would fain not have to relate; still, when the shadows do settle down and eclipse a life, we can at least try to brush away the blackest of them. Some of us have easily walked along life's pathway, and it is hard then, to realize that another can only make the journey with painful effort and bleeding feet; others have found some of the rocks that catch the weak and unwary, and, though now in the sunlight, have known what it is to shiver in the shadows. Those who have known troulle should have a tender heart for those who know it now; and those who have never felt its sting owe a debt of gratitude to the Beneficent Power which has kept them in pleasant places—a debt

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