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Some years ago, when the value of Creosote became fully demonstrated, we began the publication of a formula for the administration of Creosote in Maltine. This formula has been employed sucessfully by thousands of physicians, and we have been urged to place such a combination upon the market in order that a uniform and properly prepared product should be available unde all circumstances.


is the most eligible and palatable form in which Creosote can be administered The vehicle-Maltine Plain-is particularly indicated, by reason of its great food and digestive value, in all conditions in which Creosote is so universally employed.

It will give us pleasure to send sample of this preparation to any physician who wishes to atisfy himself of its therapeutic value.

THE MALTINE CO. 88 Wellington St. West,


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In corresponding with Advertisers please mention THE CANADA MEDICAL RECORD.





The Glycero-Phosphates with Lecithin. A True Nerve Food and Tonic.

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On request we will promptly and gladly send to physicians or druggists literature giving a more detailed description of this, one of the most interesting of the recent additions to our list of Specialities.

Made by




Main Offices and Laboratories PHILADELPHIA, U.S.A.
Canadian Branch Office & Laboratory, TORONTO, CANADA.

In corresponding with Advertisers please mention THE CANADA MEDICAL RECORD.



BOVININE overcomes Anemia logically, rationally and

radically, for several substantial reasons:

I. Because it supplies the starving organism with the requisites for immediate reparation.

2. Because it needs no preparation or transformation at the hands of the vital machinery before it can be assimilated and converted into living force.

3. Because Anamia results from a form of malnutrition caused by the absolute inertia of the digestive function.

BOVININE comes to the rescue by supplying a vitalized and perfectly compounded pabulum that calls for no chemico-vital effort whatever.

Apply the crucial test-clinical use-at our expense, and convince yourself that our claims are neither extravagant nor exaggerated, but are strictly based on science.

The Bovinine Company

75 West Houston Street, NEW YORK

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LEEMING, MILES & CO., MONTREAL. Sole Agents for the Dominion of Canada,

For literature apply direct to The Bovinine Co., New York.


In corresponding hvertisers please mention THE CANADA MEDICAL RECORD.



C. Ashford Medica, Montreal,



LARGE stock of Medical and Surgical Books, including Students
Text Books, used both in the MCGILL and BISHOP'S COLLEGES.

[blocks in formation]

In corresponding with Advertisers please mention THE CANADA MEDICAL RECORD

For Summer Practice


Applied warm and thick over the entire abdomen, covered with a liberal supply of absorbent cotton and a suitable compress, is strongly recommended as an external application in all fermental diseases of the intestinal tract common to infant and adult.

Acting reflexly it tends to promptly relieve the pain and gives rise to a feeling of comfort and drowsiness, resulting in a natural sleep in cases of

Summer Complaint


Applied liberally over the affected part covered with cotton and a suitable bandage is the ideal dressing for ivy and oak poisoning, sunburn and those skin diseases which are irritated by excessive perspiration.

For bruises, sprains, abrasions and infected wounds generally, Antiphlogistine gives prompt and satisfactory results.

Prove the authenticity of these Statements on your

Summer Cases

The Denver Chemical Mfg. Co.,



New York.

In corresponding with Advertisers please mention THE CANADA MEDICAL RECORD.

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