The Family Expositor: Or, A Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament ...G. Virtue, 1755 |
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Page 87
... living GOD ; who living for ever , can for ever punish , in what degree he pleases , the wretched creatures , who have made themselves the objects of his final displeasure . Heb . 10. 32. - But call to remembrance the former days , in ...
... living GOD ; who living for ever , can for ever punish , in what degree he pleases , the wretched creatures , who have made themselves the objects of his final displeasure . Heb . 10. 32. - But call to remembrance the former days , in ...
Page 208
... living stone , who is capable of diffusing spiritual life into those who are united to him , though disallowed indeed and rejected of men , yet chosen of God , [ and ] inexpressibly precious and valuable ; ye also as living stones ...
... living stone , who is capable of diffusing spiritual life into those who are united to him , though disallowed indeed and rejected of men , yet chosen of God , [ and ] inexpressibly precious and valuable ; ye also as living stones ...
Page 415
... living creatures , which said , as with a voice of thunder , Come and see the wonders which are now presenting themselves . And I saw , and behold a white horse appeared ; and he who sat thereon had a bow in his hand , and a quiver of ...
... living creatures , which said , as with a voice of thunder , Come and see the wonders which are now presenting themselves . And I saw , and behold a white horse appeared ; and he who sat thereon had a bow in his hand , and a quiver of ...
Common terms and phrases
angel Antichrist apostacy apostle appear awful Babylon beast behold beloved blessed blood brethren called Canaan chap character children of God Christian church command covenant creatures dead death divine grace earth enemies epistle eternal everlasting evil exalted exhorting faith Father favour fear fire flesh give glorious glory gospel hand happy hath heard hearts heaven heavenly high priest holy honour hope important IMPROVEMENT Jesus Christ Jewish Christians John judgment kingdom kings Lamb living Lord Jesus Christ manner mercy Mosaic law Moses ness order of Melchisedec ourselves patience perfect profession promise prophets racter receive rejoice religion righteousness sacred sacrifice saints saith salvation Saviour sealed servants seven sins Sodom and Gomorrha Son of God souls speak Spirit suffer tabernacle temple testimony thee things thou art thou hast throne tion truth unto vengeance vial voice word worship worthy