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lems to solve, and the experience of each should be readily available for all.. Practical students of municipal affairs, as represented by the city officials who form the League of American Municipalities and by the New York Senate committee on cities in the so-called Fassett Report, have urged as a matter of the greatest importance for good government in cities a uniform system of accounting. Foreign countries in which municipal government has been most successful have invariably provided some means to secure uniformity of accounting and a general interchange of information. The commissions on second and third class cities in 1896, recommended for this State an advisory board for cities of the second and third classes, and I venture to urge upon you the consideration of the establishment of an unsalaried State municipal board which shall have no coercive power in shaping the policy of any city, but which shall have for its duties the securing of uniformity of accounting systems in the cities of the second and third classes, the publishing of information regarding the work and conditions of these cities, besides also the duty of examining bills regarding them which are presented to the Legislature, and of making recommendations concerning legislative action upon them. Probably no other measure could be of so great assistance to these cities in the way of stimulating local pride and securing active local self-government.


In the Secretary of State's office eight thousand corporation papers have been filed during the past year, including certificates of incorporation, of which four hundred and fourteen, exclusive of real estate corporations,

are stock corporations. This increase in the volume of business transacted, necessarily means a corresponding increase of the sums turned into the State Treasury, for the organization tax on corporations. It is a curious fact that during the last fiscal year a large number of claims have been filed for gold and silver mines in this State.


The report of the Comptroller shows a very large increase in the revenue from indirect taxes during the last fiscal year. The amounts received from the organization and corporation tax for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1898, exceeded the amount received during the preceding fiscal year by the sum of $84,934.22. The amounts received from the tax on inheritances during the fiscal year ending September 30, 1898, exceeded the amount received during the preceding fiscal year by $167,268.41. The amounts received from the sale of liquors, under the Excise Law, exceeded the amount received during the preceding fiscal year by $212,922.71. These figures are of peculiar interest, because the amounts received represent a decrease in the burden of taxation upon those least able to contribute to the necessary revenues of the State.


Notwithstanding the extraordinary expenditures, necessarily incurred by reason of the recent war with Spain, a large balance, to wit: the sum of $3,973,804.45, still remained in the State Treasury at the end of the last fiscal year.


The report of the Attorney-General shows the increased business conducted through his department. It is gratifying to note that claims against the State have been reduced by reason of judicious management.


During the past year the sum of $29,515,935 has been expended for public schools under the jurisdiction of this department. Of this amount $4,027,615 was appropriated by the Legislature and the $25,488,320 was raised by local taxation. These large expenditures for public education show that the people of the State fully appreciate the importance of their public school system and do not hesitate to make liberal provision for its support.

The results of the Compulsory Attendance Law are surprising. The aggregate days attendance for the school year was fifty-six millions, or a gain of nearly two millions over the previous year, which, I am informed, can be almost directly shown to be the result of this law. It is suggested that, inasmuch as many of the statutes relating to public schools are conflicting and confusing, "The School Law" should be revised and simplified.


The report of the Superintendent of Banks shows an apparently healthy condition among our banks, savings banks, trust companies and other kindred institutions. which are within the peculiar province of the Banking Department. The Legislature will note with pleasure that there has been a very large increase during the last fiscal year in the number of depositors and in the amounts de


posited in our savings institutions. This shows that business has revived throughout the State and that thrift has correspondingly increased among our people.


Satisfactory results appear to have succeeded the enactment of the law, relating to the products of prison industries, which went into effect January 1, 1897.

During the past year the health of the convicts has been generally good and the death rate small; it would appear, however, that the condition of the cells in the several prisons, is a matter to which the attention of the Legislature should be directed. Auburn prison was built in 1817. Sing Sing, in 1825, and Clinton, although of later date, was built upon the same general plans as the other two, in relation to its cells. It would almost seem that the time had come when these cells should be renovated and placed in a more sanitary and healthful condition. This work could be done by the convicts, at small expense to the State for material.


The work of the Board of Railroad Commissioners has more than doubled during the past year. The Legislature of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight appropriated the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of defraying the State's share of the expense for the abolition of those crossings at which steam railroads cross⚫ public highways at grade. The importance of protecting the traveling public against accident at grade crossings, is shown by the fact that during the year ending June 30, 1898, one hundred and two persons were killed and one hundred and thirteen injured at such crossings. It would

seem that an amount equal to that appropriated last year should be again appropriated this year.


The work done by the Commissioner of Agriculture, in the matter of adulteration, shows that the enforcement of the provisions of law, relating to farm and dairy products, has greatly increased the volume and size of plants, and the aggregate value of productions. The beneficent result to the farmer of these laws is shown by the largely increased production of milk, and particularly of cheese, during the last year, an increase which is certainly in part due to wise legislation, although of course the chief credit must be given to the industry, energy and shrewd foresight of the farmers themselves.

Upwards of twenty-five per cent. of our population till the soil as a means of livelihood; and they form the foundation and mainstay of the commonwealth. They pay a large percentage of the taxes, in proportion to their means. Few of their number are found in penal or charitable institutions. They are intelligent, hard-working and deeply patriotic. They do not look for aid from the State to carry on their ordinary avocations. Indeed, it is doubtful if they would approve any special legislation in their favor; all they ask is protection against improper competition and improper legislation. It is within the province of the Legislature to see that the cost of transportation of farm and garden products is not excessive; that vitiated compounds and adulterations be not permitted; and that those public servants especially charged with caring for the health of the State be provided with all necessary appliances to prevent the spread of disease among cattle, or

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