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after which the growth extended into and filled the anterior nares, and when placed in my charge the nasal cavity was completely filled.

Removed by electrolysis, and a similar treatment used as in Case I., except that

Fig. 2.

the astringents used were in greater quantity, to prevent hemorrhage, and the lactic acid left entirely out for fear of extensive sloughing.

The peculiar part of the treatment was necrosis and disarticulation of the lachrymal bone, by two sittings of electrolysis, after which medicine could be applied, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

By the above method a successful removal has been effected, and, unless the disease has extended to the antrum or sphenoid sinuses, I expect a complete

cure; and, in case it has, the treatment will materially prolong life.

In the treatment of this class of cases, fatal hemorrhage, where electrolysis is not employed, frequently occurs, despite all precautions, and that danger need not be looked for in thorough electrolysis even of an aneurism.

803 Pine Street, St. Louis.



As the warm season is approaching, and gastric and intestinal disturbances will be the prevalent diseases we will have to deal with, I desire to say a few words in favor of the therapeutic virtues of Lactopeptine, which I have extensively used in the preceding years, in diseases of this nature with the most gratifying results. In disorders of digestion, depending on deficient action of the gastric juice, the preparations of Lactopeptine are exceedingly useful. In cases of children, at the period of weaning, when farinaceous food is offered to them, it often happens that for want of power to digest these foods, gastric disorders will be the consequence. In such cases I invariably found this preparation of great value to aid digestion. In the constipation of infants, often so difficult to manage, there is no better and safer remedy than the simple Elixir Lactopeptine preparation. I have used this remedy in combination with other drugs in cholera infantum and other gastro-intestinal derangements, and have obtained such good results from its use, that I would really feel at a loss to do without it. On account of its pleasant taste it is easily administered to children, and well borne by the most delicate stomach. I could recite many cases in which Lactopeptine was a great aid to me, in restoring the health of patients suffering with deranged digestion, but this would make my article unnecessarily long. Therefore, I will merely state, that, as the Lactopeptine preparations of the New York Pharmacal Association, which I principally used, has always given me satisfaction, I can conscientiously recommend them to those physicians who are not already acquainted with their therapeutical properties.

Dittmer's Store, Mo. A. CRULL, M. D.


Strumous Diseases as Treated by

Syrup Hydriodic Acid.

In strumous diseases of the bones we generally find it of a chronic character, with the symptoms varying according to location and the condition of the disease.

The patient often complains of pain, dull in its nature, and buried deeply. This may be increased by sudden exertion of the parts affected. When the weather is clear and sun shining the pain is less during the daytime, but increases at night. When the air is damp with clouded sky it is aggravated. The joints and bones throughout his body may ache and this miserable condition may exhaust all the nervo-vital force, causing sleeplessness, etc., from a badly deranged condition of the nervous centres. There is a white glistening appearance of the skin, and the bones may become enlarged. The whole train of inflammatory symptoms show themselves in the determination of blood, breaking down of tissues, and increased pain of a pulsating nature indicating the formation of pus; the skin softens and breaks, and the discharge contains small particles of a bony debris.

These cases are often annoying to practitioners, as they seldom remain in the hands of one physician a sufficient length of time to be benefited by him. I have used many so-called alteratives, but the syrup of hydriodic acid has proven the most successful. I commence by using it in teaspoonful doses (in water) after meals and at bedtime. After one week, increase the dose to a dessertspoonful.

Hydriodic Acid is also useful in spinal sclerosis, giving results which are more lasting than by the iodide of potass. or iodide of sodium.

In diseases of the joints, where there is stiffness, soreness, or a tearing pain when the joints are moved, the symptoms may be ushered in by a chill, followed by fever, a high pulse, skin hot and dry, tongue coated, loss of appetite, bowels constipated, and the joint is found to be highly inflamed, with skin hot and red. In these cases you may use the syrup of hydriodic acid, in one-drachm doses (in water) every three hours. I have often known it to relieve the pain without resorting to opiates. Increase the dose after

the patient has used it a few days, and decrease when he is found to be improving.

I have used this preparation in glandular enlargements, as goitre, enlargements of the axillary glands, bubo, and such, which follow from specific causes.

I have one case: Phoeba, colored, age thirty-eight, had syphilis five years ago; suffered from chancres, bubo, eruption, loss of hair, ulceration of the throat, etc. She went to Philadelphia and was placed in a hospital. She returned to her home, considered herself cured, and cast all medicine aside.

About three years ago she had an attack of bronchitis, and although her physician pronounced her cured, she was still suffering from attacks of a catarrhal nature. After trying several physicians and receiving only temporary relief, she gave up all hope and became very much depressed, mentally and physically. I took her under my care and gave syrup of hydriodic acid, in half-teaspoonful doses, every three hours. At the end of a week I increased to one drachm (in water), and in two weeks she took a dessertspoonful. She also had ulceration of the os uteri, and dragging weak sensations in lumbo-sacral region of spine, loins, etc. She has now been under my care six weeks, and I find her in a very satisfactory condition. The ulceration of os uteri has healed, discharge ceased, appetite improving, the bronchial catarrh she speaks of as being cured, but I shall gradually decrease the dose and keep her under its influence for several months, so as to eradicate all the specific poison I can from her system.

I mention these diseases as a few, only, in which the syrup of hydriodic acid has performed good service.

Where I wish to obtain all the virtues of iodine in causing the absorption of abnormal lesions, I use the syrup of hydriodic acid made by W. H. Hostelley & Co. with satisfactory results, not only to my patients but to myself.

Yardley, Pa.


DR. S. O. BASSETT wants the readers of the BRIEF to give their testimony in regard to the use of alcohol in diphtheria, whether successful or not.

Brief Gleanings.

In corresponding with advertisers please mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.

Peptogenic Milk Powder.-Fairchild Bros. & Foster, 82 Fulton St., New York, have a large and increasing demand for their Peptogenic Milk Powder. Write for samples. See front page cover.

Craving for Liquors.-Celerina, in doses of a fluid drachm three times a day, destroys the craving for alcoholic liquors

Acid Phosphate.-Horsford's is the genuine. Write to "Rumford Chemical Works," Providence, R. I., for sample. See ad. page 16.

Placental Remains.— After the placenta is expelled, pass your fingers gently into the vagina and up to the cervix, and if portions of the membranes are caught in its grasp, gently loosen them and bring them away.

Reliable Thermometers.-Send $1.25 to John Barry, 62 Fulton St., New York, and he will send one of his reliable thermometers, post-paid. He has a new thermometer for taking the temperature under the tongue. See ad. page 41.

Bromidia. I like the preparation of Bromidia (Battle). In the cases in which I have prescribed it, it has had the effect of tranquilizing the nervous system, and inviting calm sleep.

WM. H. Day, M.D.,M.R.C.P.,M.R.C.S., &c. 10 Manchester Square, London, W. Eng.

Gonorrhea.-Dr. C. L. Mitchell, 1016 Cherry St., Philadelphia, will send his pamphlet "On the Treatment of Gonorrhea" to physicians, free, on application by letter. See ad. page 34.

Cracked Nipples.-Cracked nipples are treated by Monti by covering the fissures with india rubber or caoutchouc dissolved in chloroform. This forms a pellicle which protects the fissures against the infantile saliva.

Accurate Thermometers.-Send to H. Weinhagen, 22 William St., New York, for one of his Accurate Thermometers, with indestructible register. See ad. page 7.

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M. et ft. ungt. Sig.: Apply morning and night.

Superior Surgical Instruments, Etc. —I. Phillips, 14 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga., carries a full line of Superior Surgical Instruments, and, in consequence of low rents and cheap facilities for doing business, can afford to sell at bottom prices. Write to him for catalogue and quotations. See new ad. page 38.

Vomiting of Pregnancy.-In the vomiting of early pregnancy, lying with the shoulders low and the hips elevated will give relief.

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A Perfect Vaginal Syringe.-The Lady's Syringe is claimed to be the only perfect vaginal syringe in the world. Write to "Goodyear Rubber Co.," 400 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. See ad. page 25.

Improved Elastic Truss.-Worn with ease day and night. Retains the rupture under the hardest exercise. Address Improved Elastic Truss Co., 822 Broadway, N. Y. See ad. page 36.

Nitro-Glycerine in Headache.-Frequently, headache of the congestive variety, with a band-like feeling around the forehead, may be quickly relieved by drop doses of nitro-glycerine, at intervals of five to ten minutes, until five or six drops are taken.

Tasteless Quinine.-Write to Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn., for samples of their Tasteless Quinine. See ad. page 43.

Asphyxia.-When the asphyxiated newly-born baby is strong and cyanosis. marked, Professor Jacobi has followed the suggestion of Grenser with advantage, viz.: Allowing the cord to bleed before applying the ligature, and, if the bleeding is very scanty, it is invited by placing the infant in a warm bath.

Nestle's Food.-Write to Thos. Leeming & Co., New York City, for samples of Nestle's Food. See ad. page 29.

Consumption.-Consumptive patients who lose flesh and color and appetite, with but little signs of disease in the lungs, are in a worse case than those who have marked local symptoms, but whose appetite and nutrition are good.

Valuable.-Write to Dr. M. F. Linquist in regard to his Abdominal Supporter-it merits attention. See ad. page 43.

A Powerful Regulator.-Dr. J. Zabe, Paris, France, says: After having made due trial, I find that Aletris Cordial (Rio) is a powerful regulator of uterine circulation. It is as efficacious in cases of dysmenorrhoea as in those of metrorrhagia.

Hollow Suppositories.—Made from pure coca butter, with self-sealing stoppers. Write to Hall & Ruckel, 218 Greenwich St., N. Y., for samples. They will be mailed to you free of postage. See ad. page 30.

Sciatica.-One drop of a one per cent solution of the fluid extract of rhus toxicodendron is often an efficient remedy in stubborn attacks of sciatica and other affections of a like character.

Maltine.-Read carefully ad. page 8, and then write to Maltine M'f'g Co., 182 Fulton St., N. Y., for samples, and you will not regret it. Don't forget ad. page 8.

Baths. A cool or a cold bath, after which the feet do not become warm at once, is dangerous.

Antiseptic.-I have used Listerine in diphtheria, foul ulcers, malignant diseases, and in uterine surgery especially, and it has always given satisfaction. NATHAN S. LINCOLN, M. D.

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