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[General note.-In this article the subject of teachers' institutes and training classes has been rewritten without substantial change. A few changes, however, are made, which are indicated in the foot notes.]

§ 295. Superintendent to appoint institutes.-The superintendent shall annually provide for teachers' institutes as follows:

1. He shall appoint an institute in each commissioner district, or for two or more commissioner districts, for the benefit and instruction of teachers in the public schools, and of such persons as intend to become teachers, with special reference to the presentation of subjects relating to the principles of education and methods of instruction. He may, after consultation with the commissioner, determine the duration of each institute and designate the time and place of holding the same.

2. He shall establish and maintain three summer institutes, with a course of at least three weeks' duration, at such convenient and accessible points as may be designated by him. Admission to such institutes and all the advantages thereof shall be free to all teachers of the state, and those preparing to teach therein. Persons not intending to teach may also be admitted under such regulations, and upon the payment of such tuition, as the superintendent may prescribe. He may provide for examinations thereat and also for certificates of qualifications to be issued to graduates.

3. He may employ suitable persons, at a compensation to be fixed by him, to supervise and conduct the institutes, and may also provide for additional instruction. He shall establish such regulations for the government of institutes as he may deem best. He shall, whenever practicable, visit the institutes or cause them

to be visited by representatives of his department, for the purpose of examining into the course and character of the instruction given, and of rendering such assistance as he may find expedient.

[Con. School Law, tit. X, § 1,

Con. School Law, tit. X, § 9, as added by L. 1896, ch. 156, rewritten and consolidated. (Pages 86, 89, §§ 1, 9.)]

§ 296. Commissioner to give notice of institutes.-The school commissioner, under the direction of the superintendent, shall notify all teachers, trustees, boards of education and other persons in his district who may desire to become teachers, of the time and place of holding each institute.

[Con. School Law, tit. X, part of § 2, rewritten. (Page 86, § 2.)]

§ 297. Institute, where held.-The commissioner has the right to hold an institute in any school building in any district which receives state school moneys, without expense therefor to the state, beyond a reasonable allowance to the district for lighting, heating and janitor service, and he shall take proper care of the building and see that it is left in good condition.

[Con. School Law, tit. X, § 3, rewritten. (Page 87, § 3.)]

§ 298. Duty of school commissioner.-The school commissioner shall:

1. Make all necessary arrangements for holding the institute. 2. Attend to all the necessary details connected therewith.

3. See that a suitable room is provided.

4. Assist the conductor in the organization.

5. Keep a record of all teachers in attendance.

6. Notify the trustees of the number of days attended by the teachers of the various districts.

[Con. School Law, tit. X, part of § 2 rewritten. (Page 86, § 2.)]

§ 299. Report of institute; expenses, how paid.-The commissioner, or the conductor of a summer institute, shall transmit to the superintendent at the close of each institute:

1. A full report thereof, including a list of all teachers in attendance, the number of days attended by each, and such other statis tical information as may be required.

2. A full verified statement of all expenses incurred by him in carrying on the institute, with vouchers for all expenditures. The expenses incurred in holding an institute shall be paid by the comptroller on the certificate of the superintendent.

[Con. School Law, tit. X, parts of §§ 2, 9 rewritten and consolidated. (Pages 87, 89, §§ 2, 9.)]

§ 300. Schools to be closed during institute.-All schools in a commissioner district where or for which an institute is held, shall be closed while it is in session. This provision does not apply to schools in a city. It is the duty of each teacher to attend the institute, and he is entitled to full wages for the time spent therein. A teacher's contract of employment is not affected by his attendance at an institute.

Con. School Law, tit. X, part of § 4 rewritten and changed so that all schools in a commissioner district over which the commissioner has jurisdiction must be closed during the time an institute is in session in such district. (Page 87, § 4.)]

§ 301. Report of trustee.-Each trustee shall state in his annual report to the commissioner the number of days and the dates thereof on which a teacher's institute was held in the commissioner district during the school year, and whether the schools under his charge were or were not closed during such days. In the apportionment of state school moneys, the schools which are closed while a teacher is in attendance at an institute during the term shall be allowed the same average pupil attendance during such time as the average weekly aggregate during the week next preceding the insti tute; and a school which continues its sessions during an institute shall not be allowed any public money based upon the aggregate attendance for the period during which the institute was held.

[Con. School Law, tit. X, § 5 rewritten. (Page 87, § 5.)]

§ 302. When teacher entitled to wages.-A person who has entered into a contract to teach in a district school, and who afterwards attends an institute in that commissioner district, is entitled to receive from the district wages for such attendance at the con tract rate, even though at that time, the school has not opened or is not in session.

[Con. School Law, tit. X, §§ 4, 6 rewritten. (Pages 87, 88, §§ 4, 6.)]

§ 303. When other person entitled to wages.-A person who at tends an institute during its entire period, and afterwards enters into a contract to teach in the same commissioner district within the current school year, is entitled to receive from the district, wages at the contract rate for the time of such attendance, the same as if such school had been then in session.


§ 304. Teachers' training classes. The superintendent shall provide for a course of instruction in the science and practice of common school teaching, in academies and union schools and high schools which, with their consent, shall be designated by him, among the commissioner districts as equitably as may be, with reference to the number of school districts in each, and the location and character of the institutions selected.

Every academy and school so designated shall instruct a class of not less than ten nor more than twenty-five scholars, and such class is known as a teachers' training class. Each academy and school in which such instruction is given shall be paid by the comptroller on the certificate of the superintendent, at the rate of one dollar for each week's instruction for each scholar who has attended during the time herein required; but the sum allowed a class for such instruction shall in no case be less than five hundred dollars.

[Con. School Law, tit. XI, §§ 1, 2, 3, rewritten and extended so as to include high schools. (Page 89, §§ 1, 2, 3.)]

§ 305. Visitation of classes.-A teachers' training class is subjeet to the visitation of a commissioner, and he shall advise and assist the principals of academies or schools in the organization and management thereof. He shall, at the close of the term of instruction, under the direction of the superintendent, examine the students in such classes, and issue teachers' certificates to those who possess the necessary qualifications.

[Con. School Law, tit. XI, § 7, rewritten. (Page 91, § 7.)]

§ 306. Regulations. The superintendent shall prescribe the conditions of admission to the class, the course of instruction and the rules and regulations under which said institution shall be

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